BOX OF X3D - Web3D Consortium’s Monthly News Brief
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October 2020 Highlights:
X3D Version 4 – Integrating X3D into HTML5.
Web3D 2020 Virtual Conference 9-13 November 2020.
The ability to access 3D graphics hardware from within the Web browser is a true game changer. As Web browsers have improved the speed of JavaScript engines, they have provided everyone access to graphics hardware through WebGL. The result is a performant mix of declarative content, procedural graphics, and event-based logic. As new technologies and features stabilize and standards evolve, 3D graphics developers have the archival stability of well-tested long-lasting specifications to build upon.
Web3D Consortium’s X3D Version 4.0 is leveraging many of the lessons learned from the W3C Declarative 3D Community and open source plugin-free WebGL, to integrate X3D into HTML5. Open source implementation of X3DOM and X_ITE, both JavaScript X3D implementations have demonstrated integration with WebGL, glTF, HTML5 and the DOM.
A high-level view of these leading open formats and how and why they should be used together is detailed in the blog, Integrating X3D and glTF.
Our annual Web3D Conference ” 3D for a Hyperconnected World” will be held virtually from 9-13 November 2020. Registration is free and open. Follow us on twitter and get updates at Web3D News and Events.