Speed and memory improvements such as X3D binary geometry compression, script sharing, geometry instancing, a new BS SDK update and many more features result in the best BS Contact ever.
The fourth international AR standards Meeting (http://www.perey.com/ARStandards/fourth-international-ar-standards-meeting/) was held in Basel, Switzerland on Oct 24-25.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) held their annual Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee (TPAC) meeting in Santa Clara California from 31 Oct through 4 November.
Vicomtech-IK4 (Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies Centre) is a private and non-for-profit applied research centre for Interactive Computer Graphics and Multimedia located in the Technology Park of San Sebastian (Spain).
The Web3D Consortium regularly publishes a newsletter covering major Consortium events and news. The Fall 2011 Newsletter has been published and distributed. If you would like to receive our newsletter in email, please sign up.
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Platforms for 3D delivery over the web have been evolving for almost two decades.
At this year's SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver, Aug 7-12 (http://www.siggraph.org/s2011/), the largest annual conference for computer graphics, the Web3D Consortium (http://www.web3d.org/x3d) will showcase the broad im
After many months of work, we’re proud to announce the release today of X3DOM 1.2. There’s plenty of cool stuff we have worked on since the last release. You can also swing by the downloads page to grab a copy of the release package.
The Web3D Consortium has been working with the DFKI (XML3D) team developing the W3C Community Group (XG) Charter for Declarative 3D.