News & Features

2014 Aug 5
Researchers, developers, and creators will meet in Vancouver, Canada to discuss advances in the 3D Web and demonstrate interoperable 3D systems. The annual international Web3D Conference program includes paper presentations, tutorials, and workshops, providing an opportunity to discuss the latest in the 3D industry, research activities and 3D standards initiatives.

The Nineteenth Annual International Web3D Conference will be held on Aug 8-10, 2014 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, Canada.

2014 Aug 5
The Web3D Consortium will have a significant presence at SIGGRAPH 2014 in Vancouver, Canada(Aug 10-14) in Booth 1045 and Birds of the Feather sessions to demonstrate and discuss how 3D can work for you. You can also join this Web3D community at the Web3D 2014 Conference (August 8-10). Come network with leading Web3D technologists and join the 3D revolution!

SIGGRAPH 2014 in Vancouver, Canada Aug 10-14 is the largest annual conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques.

2014 Jul 29
X3DOM V1.6.1 was released on 24 July by Fraunhofer IGD. This version adds support for clip plane, two-sided material, and sphere sensor.

Web3D Consortium member Fraunhofer IGD released V1.6.1 of X3DOM on 24 July. X3DOM is a JavaScript framework that displays X3D content in a browser without any plugin or other software. It is built upon WebGL and parses X3D nodes placed directly in HTML or from an external resource.

2014 Jun 20
Dr. Nicholas Polys attend White House Maker Faire as a result of his work for open web standards and 3D data durability.

This week, Dr.

2014 May 1
Presentations from the Web3D Emerging Technology Showcase are now available.

Virginia Tech and Web3D Consortium hosted and presented demonstrations, discussions, and opportunities of emerging Web3D technologies at the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington Virginia on March 25th 2014.

2014 Mar 14
AEC Hackathon V1.1 (March 14-16) is supported by Web3D to develop disruptive ideas for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry.

Web3D members will be participating in this event; discussing and collecting use cases and requirements for Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and building information management/modeling (BIM/M).

2013 Dec 23
Bitmanagement introduces "BS Content Studio". The new tool for the interactive 3D web is ready for download. The authoring tool allows the production of 3D content in browser and apps faster and without special knowledge of real-time 3D. The new graphical interface exports platform and browser independent to Web3D standards X3D, X3D binary, VRML and X3DOM using WebGL without plug-ins.

The German 3D software developer Bitmanagement Software GmbH who are in the board of directors of the Web3D Consortium in Mountain View, California, USA has released the new authoring tool "BS Content Studio", which enables a wide audience to create interactive and Internet ready 3D content.

2013 Dec 2
Web3D Consortium elevates extension efforts for X3D in HTML5. It will be based on the X3DOM prototype with backwards compatibility with existing X3D V3.x content.

The Web3D Consortium members have reached a milestone in efforts to continue extending the Extensible 3D (X3D) International Standard.  Working group efforts to define and develop X3D version 4 have made excellent progress, continuing the evolution of open, royalty free ISO standards for 3D graph

2013 Nov 18
Virginia Tech is highlighting their visual-analytic X3D solutions at SuperComputing 2013 Conference

Virginia Tech will be exhibiting and presenting at the Supercomputing 2013 Conference in Denver, Colorado during the week of 18 November 2013.

2013 Nov 14
Web3D Presents X3D at AEC Hackathon at Facebook

Don Brutzman from the Web3D Consortium attended the AEC Hackathon from 8-10 November on the campus of Facebook. He gave a quick survey of capabilities and opportunities for this community when content is exported to X3D.
