Internationalization for X3D

Call for Contributions providing "Hello World" scenes for many nations!

Many people know about the X3D scene HelloWorld.x3d which shows the basic structure and syntax of the language. Here are various encodings of that scene: HelloWorld.x3d, view source, X3DOM, X3D's ClassicVRML encoding, and VRML97.

This scene was inspired as a basic test that follows a common pattern. You might know that there are many "Hello World" programs for many different programming languages. VRML and X3D are both illustrated on Wikipedia as part of (so far) 234 programming languages. [Wikibooks]

You might also know about Internationalization Internationalization (I18N) which is the use of different languages in documents. XML provides excellent I18N support for the Web. X3D also provides excellent I18N support, allowing the use of numerous different encodings, text directions, horizontal/vertical, etc.

To encourage demonstrations of good I18N content in X3D, people in the X3D community are invited to post scenes illustrating their own language of choice. This work also tests whether different X3D players work well. Our first example scene is HelloTaiwan.x3d in the various encodings of that scene: view source, X3DOM, X3D's ClassicVRML encoding, and VRML97.

Other contributions are welcome! You can send them either to the x3d-public mailing list (subscribe to the list) or to Leonard Daly and Don Brutzman directly. It would be great to get a lot of nations and regions represented, enabling browser companies to test their support. All contributed examples will be maintained online.

X3D Tooltips provides authoring hints for each node and field in X3D. The tooltips are available in English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai.

Thanks again, and thanks in advance to all of the many individuals contributing to these efforts. Have fun with X3D!

Press Release: 
Release Date: 
Fri, 2013-08-16