Package Basic.development

package Basic.development

These scene examples support specification development, player implementations, and demonstration of exemplar X3D capabilities.

These scenes help to demonstrate trial technology and develop new nodes for the X3D Specifications. They support the efforts of the X3D Working Group.

This X3D Basic: development examples archive is online.

The X3D Java Scene Access Interface (x3djsail) package provides concrete classes for each X3D node and statement.

Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc

See Also:
  • Classes
    This example tests various color combination capabilities, and also demonstrating that filtering (negative colors) are not supported in the X3D/VRML color model.
    List all VRML nodes in a single nonrendering scene as a convenient simple test for translation programs.
    Amela example developed at VRST 99.
    X3D Geometry2D component node, implemented as prototype for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    This example shows how to use the BooleanSequencer prototype in an animated scenario.
    BooleanSequencer is modeled after ScalarInterpolator and generates true or false values.
    Default color red, overridden color green: example answer to email question showing how to initialize a node field when creating a ProtoInstance.
    Camera, CameraShot and CameraMove examples that demonstrate storyboard capabilities and precise camera operation.
    Camera, CameraShot and CameraMovement prototypes that demonstrate storyboard capabilities and precise camera operation.
    Simple video camera shape.
    Example to interpolate a Vector2FloatArray - click geometry to activate animation loop.
    CoordinateInterpolator2D prototype declaration, to interpolate across an array of Vector2FloatArray/MFVec2f values to produce an interpolated Vector2FloatArray - click text to see example.
    A simple script example with no visible rendering results.
    Event utility node examples for boolean filtering and other event utility nodes.
    Event utility node prototypes for boolean filtering and other event utility nodes.
    Show example ExternProto syntax for a nonexistent prototype with simple-type fields.
    Show example ExternProto syntax for a nonexistent prototype with node-type fields.
    Examples showing native use of X3D Geometry2D component nodes (Arc2D ArcClose2D Circle2D Disk2D Polyline2D Polypoint2D Rectangle2D TriangleSet2D), implemented as prototypes for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    ExternProto declarations and examples for developmental use showing X3D Geometry2D component nodes (Arc2D ArcClose2D Circle2D Disk2D Polyline2D Polypoint2D Rectangle2D TriangleSet2D), implemented as prototypes for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    X3D Geometry2D component nodes, implemented as prototypes for developmental use to provide backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    Nonrendering example showing X3D profile and component definitions.
    A simple VRML/X3D scene-graph example.
    A simple VRML/X3D scene graph example for May 2000 WWW symposium.
    Simple X3D example.
    A simple VRML/X3D scene graph example for May 2000 WWW symposium.
    A simple VRML/X3D scene-graph example.
    Simple example showing spinning globe and X3D™ trademark text.
    Demonstrate IMPORT/EXPORT syntax.
    This example shows how to use the IntegerSequencer prototype in an animated scenario.
    This proto, modeled after a ScalarInterpolator, generates an array of integer values based on the input fraction and keys.
    A simple scene to show KeySensor functionality using Text nodes.
    A simple developmental model to show KeySensor functionality using Interactive Profile.
    A simple scene to show KeySensor functionality using Core Profile.
    Simple X3D example.
    LoadSensor test: default initial view means no functionality, active view means load in progress, final view means LoadSensor (and loading) success.
    LoadSensor prototype for VRML 97 use.
    Example use of (proposed) LOD level_changed outputOnly field to trigger loading of Inline nodes in subsequent levels.
    Material node example for X3D-Edit MaterialEditor, which uses Scene Access Interface (SAI) externally to select/deselect different shapes, axes and lights while modifying Material values.
    Examples showing use of new X3D Metadata nodes in Core component (MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString).
    New X3D Metadata nodes in Core component (MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString) implemented as prototypes for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    A simple VRML/X3D scene graph example, used to illustrate and discuss schema suitability for X3D.
    Prototypes to demonstrate functionality for Real-Length Representation nodes.
    Create Script prototype to modify a PixelTexture as an image morph.
    Example to interpolate a Vector2Float value - click geometry to activate animation loop.
    PositionInterpolator2D prototype declaration to pairwise interpolate across an array of Vector2Float/SFVec2f values to produce a single Vector2Float value - click text to see example.
    List of nodes available in a strictly compliant Interchange profile scene.
    Simple PROTO example, includes Node as a field for PROTO.
    Nonrendering test scene for sensor relationships inside a prototype declaration to verify multiple MFNode relationships.
    Provides Prototype XML-tag-definition examples to demonstrate DTD modularization and extensibility in X3D scenes.
    Collision node, child test case: can reorder children nodes as Shape Proxy Shape or other variations without problems in XML encoding, but reordering difficulties can occur in other programming language bindings.
    Examples showing use of new X3D Rendering component nodes (IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet LineSet TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet), implemented as prototypes for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    Examples showing use of new X3D Rendering component nodes (IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet LineSet TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet), implemented as prototypes for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    Prototype implementations of X3D Rendering component nodes (IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet LineSet TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet) implemented as prototypes for backwards compatibility with VRML 97.
    Expose functionality of Browser class in Java/ECMAscript annexes of VRML 97 specification.
    Test scene for obscure schema validation cases.
    Script node syntax example, testing sample values of various types with simple escaping of apostrophe and quotation mark characters, with results shown on Browser console output.
    Show routing of a node as an input to a Script - success shows a Sphere, failure shows a Box.
    Scene to test detection of mismatched color-value size by translation stylesheet X3dToVrml97.xslt.
    Test default and improperly overridden containerField values.
    Test error diagnostics for multiple Appearance child nodes, since this possibility is no longer precluded by DTD or Schema due to addition of Shader nodes.
    A simple X3D scene to test XML declaration and DOCTYPE declaration syntax.
    Helps to check that X3dToVrml97 xsl translator properly diagnoses content errors with field elements.
    Test proper validation of Appearance, LineProperties, FillProperties, LineProperties.
    Test scene to ensure that X3dToJson xslt stylesheet translator properly converts X3D source into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
    Test parentage and type checking of MetadataNodes using X3D4 defaults.
    Test ability to handle large OrientationInterpolator sizes.
    Simple ProtoDeclare example to check if diagnostics find disconnected field.
    Test override of color values in prototypes and scripts.
    Test case for Prototype PositionInterpolator OrientationInterpolator, expected behavior: is for both sets of test Text to move identically.
    Test correct conversion of X3D SFTime field initializations from XML to Java to ClassicVRML.
    Conformance Test for Viewpoint: immediate switching (jump=true) and smooth animation (jump=false).
    Show different escape-character text examples for embedded quotation marks.
    Put mouse (or pointing device) over ball to turn on light.
    This scene tests whether enclosing "quote marks" can be omitted for three tokenized fields in X3D.
    Simple example showing how to DEF and USE nodes for efficient "copy by reference.".
    Example to test ViewpointGroup, which contains Viewpoint and ViewpointGroup nodes, allowing nested lists and viewpoint scoping in viewpoint lists.
    ViewpointGroup contains Viewpoint and ViewpointGroup nodes, allowing nested lists and viewpoint scoping in viewpoint lists.
    Test browser support for ViewpointGroup node.
    A simple example VRML/X3D scene graph, easily modifiable for demonstration at WWW9 Amsterdam.
    Demonstrate and test field-name wrapper tags.
    Solutions to the Proto Exercise posed by Chris Marrin of SONY at the May 2000 X3D Retreat.