Mr. Christophe Mouton

Direction Production Ingénierie, Électricité de France (EDF)

A graduate from Telecom SudParis, Christophe MOUTON joined the CAD team of the R&D center of Electricty of France, the French Power utility in 2001. In charge of studying remote collaborative visualization for EDF scientists, he has been investigating the Web3D technology since 2003 at the Web3D ACM Conference in Saint Malo (France).

Mr. Peter Schickel

Peter Schickel is founder of Bitmanagement Software GmbH and leads the company since its foundation in 2002. Prior he was head of research at blaxxun interactive AG which was focused to the development of 3D internet software. At blaxxun he was directing the development of 3D viewer technology within 6 EC/BMBF R&D projects and built up a network of leading European Technology Companies. Focus of his work was the transfer from R&D results into commercial products, e.g. leading to winning the Digiglobe-Award for E-Commerce of Deutsche Telecom and Focus.

Mr. Christophe Mouton

Direction Production Ingénierie, Électricité de France (EDF). 

A graduate from Telecom SudParis, Christophe MOUTON joined the CAD team of the R&D center of Electricty of France, the French Power utility in 2001. In charge of studying remote collaborative visualization for EDF scientists, he has been investigating the Web3D technology since 2003 at the Web3D ACM Conference in Saint Malo (France).

Dr. Richard F. Puk

Richard is the technical expert from the United States and the United Kingdom and currently serves as ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24/WG6 Convener. This involves editing and/or reviewing draft standards in the areas of computer graphics, imaging, and environmental representation.

He is also the Co-editor of the VRML, H-Anim, and X3D specifications and liaison from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24 to the Web3D Consortium. Member of X3D, Medical, and X3D Earth WGs. 
