element BoundedPhysicsModel
diagram x3d-4.0_diagrams/x3d-4.0_p19.png
type extension of X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode
content complex
children IS MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString Box Cone Cylinder IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet LineSet PointSet Sphere TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet ElevationGrid Polyline2D Polypoint2D Rectangle2D TriangleSet2D Extrusion Text Arc2D ArcClose2D Circle2D Disk2D QuadSet IndexedQuadSet GeoElevationGrid NurbsCurve NurbsPatchSurface NurbsSweptSurface NurbsSwungSurface NurbsTrimmedSurface ProtoInstance
used by
element ParticleSystem
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
DEF  xs:ID        

                    DEF defines a unique ID name for each node, referenceable by other nodes.
USE  xs:IDREF        

                    USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
class  xs:NMTOKENS        

                    The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XML stylesheets.
                    This attribute is only functional if the X3D model is loaded within an HTML page.
id  xs:NMTOKEN        

                    The id attribute is a unique identifier, reserved for use by HTML5/DOM pages, independent of DEF labeling and internal X3D node referencing.
                    This attribute is only functional if the X3D model is loaded within an HTML page.
style  SFString        

                    The style attribute provides an inline block of CSS for element styling, reserved for use by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XML stylesheets.
                    This attribute is only functional if the X3D model is loaded within an HTML page.
enabled  SFBool    true    
containerField  xs:NMTOKEN    physics    
<xs:element name="geometry" type="SFNode" fixed="inputOutputField" default="X3DGeometryNode"/>
<xs:attribute name="componentName" type="componentNameChoices" fixed="ParticleSystems"/>
<xs:attribute name="componentLevel" type="xs:positiveInteger" fixed="2"/>
source <xs:element name="BoundedPhysicsModel">
<xs:element name="geometry" type="SFNode" fixed="inputOutputField" default="X3DGeometryNode"/>
<xs:attribute name="componentName" type="componentNameChoices" fixed="ParticleSystems"/>
<xs:attribute name="componentLevel" type="xs:positiveInteger" fixed="2"/>
<xs:documentation source="https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4/ISO-IEC19775-1v4-IS/Part01/components/particleSystems.html#BoundedPhysicsModel"/>
<xs:extension base="X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:group ref="GeometryContentModel"/>
<xs:element ref="ProtoInstance">
<xs:documentation>Appropriately typed substitution node</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="containerField" type="xs:NMTOKEN" default="physics"/>

attribute BoundedPhysicsModel/@containerField
type xs:NMTOKEN
default physics
source <xs:attribute name="containerField" type="xs:NMTOKEN" default="physics"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy