Class X3DConcreteElement

Direct Known Subclasses:
X3DConcreteNode, X3DConcreteStatement

public abstract class X3DConcreteElement
extends java.lang.Object
Topmost abstract parent class for concrete X3D nodes and statements, containing common methods and member variables.

See Also:
X3D Tooltips, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected static java.lang.String NAME
    String constant NAME provides name of this element; overridden by implementing class.
    protected java.lang.StringBuilder validationResult
    Results log of local validation.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    X3DConcreteElement addComments()
    Debug support: adding empty comment as CommentsBlock to children field has no effect.
    abstract X3DConcreteElement addComments​(java.lang.String newComment)
    Add comment as String to contained commentsList.
    abstract X3DConcreteElement addComments​(java.lang.String[] newComments)
    Add comments as String[] array to contained commentsList.
    abstract X3DConcreteElement addComments​(CommentsBlock newCommentsBlock)
    Add CommentsBlock to element
    void clearParent()
    Package-protected internal method to clear local reference to parent object, if any.
    X3DConcreteElement findAncestorElementByName​(java.lang.String ancestorElementName)
    Find object reference to ancestor element (i.e. node or statement), if this object is an attached child.
    ProtoBody findAncestorProtoBody()
    Find object reference to ancestor ProtoBody, if this node or statement is a child.
    Scene findAncestorScene()
    Find object reference to ancestor Scene element, assumes this object is an attached child.
    X3D findAncestorX3D()
    Find object reference to ancestor X3D element, if this node or statement is part of an X3D object.
    abstract X3DConcreteElement findElementByNameValue​(java.lang.String nameValue)
    Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element.
    abstract X3DConcreteElement findElementByNameValue​(java.lang.String nameValue, java.lang.String elementName)
    Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element.
    abstract X3DConcreteNode findNodeByDEF​(java.lang.String DEFvalue)
    Recursive method to provide object reference to node by DEF, if found as this node or in a contained node.
    abstract java.lang.String getAccessType​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Indicate accessType corresponding to given fieldName.
    abstract java.lang.String getComponent()
    Defines X3D component for this element.
    abstract int getComponentLevel()
    Provides default X3D component level for this element
    abstract java.lang.String getElementName()
    Provides name of this element.
    abstract java.lang.String getFieldType​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Indicate type corresponding to given fieldName.
    static java.lang.String getPackageName​(java.lang.String className)
    Provide fully qualified package for a given element object, including className.
    X3DConcreteElement getParent()
    Provide object reference to parent X3D node or statement, if any.
    java.lang.String getValidationResult()
    Get output of results from prior validation, if any
    boolean hasAncestorElementByName​(java.lang.String ancestorElementName)
    Determine whether ancestor element (i.e. node or statement) is found, meaning this object is an attached child.
    boolean hasAncestorProtoBody()
    Determine whether ancestor ProtoBody element is found, meaning this object is an attached child.
    boolean hasAncestorScene()
    Determine whether ancestor Scene element is found, meaning this object is an attached child.
    boolean hasAncestorX3D()
    Determine whether ancestor X3D element is found, meaning this object is an attached child.
    boolean hasParent()
    Whether parent object exists.
    boolean isValid()
    Recursive method to determine whether this element is valid.
    void setParent​(X3DConcreteElement newParentObject)
    Package-internal method to set parent object reference.
    java.lang.String toStringClassicVRML()
    Recursive method to provide ClassicVRML string serialization.
    abstract java.lang.String toStringClassicVRML​(int indentLevel)
    Recursive method to provide ClassicVRML string serialization.
    java.lang.String toStringVRML97()
    Recursive method to provide VRML97 string serialization.
    abstract java.lang.String toStringVRML97​(int indentLevel)
    Recursive method to provide VRML97 string serialization.
    java.lang.String toStringX3D()
    Recursive method to provide X3D string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.
    abstract java.lang.String toStringX3D​(int indentLevel)
    Recursive method to provide X3D string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.
    abstract java.lang.String validate()
    Recursive method to validate this element plus all contained nodes and statements, using both datatype-specification value checks and regular expression (regex) checking of corresponding string values.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait