Package X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter14Prototypes

package X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter14Prototypes

Chapter 14 Prototypes let authors define a new X3D node made up of other X3D nodes, extending the language for any scenes in new and interesting ways.

The X3D Java Scene Access Interface (x3djsail) package provides concrete classes for each X3D node and statement.

Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc

See Also:
  • Classes
    Example ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance usage of X3D/VRML materials, originally converted from SGI's Open Inventor material examples.
    Prototype declarations defining values for X3D/VRML materials, originally converted from SGI's Open Inventor material examples.
    Prototype definition that demonstrates use of a simple HeadsUpDisplay (HUD) prototype that maintains a stable position for its children on the screen.
    Reusable Prototype definition that applies a ProximitySensor for a simple HeadsUpDisplay (HUD) prototype that maintains a stable position for its children on the screen.
    Demonstrates use of a ProximitySensor in building a HUD, with display values showing current view location.
    Mimic a Material node and modulate the diffuseColor field as an animation effect, provided as a prototype for reusability.
    Demonstrate multiple instances of an external prototype.
    Provide example for expansion of a MaterialModulator as regular X3D nodes, rather than a ProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance combination.
    Simple Prototype for the display of text strings, combining functionality of Text and FontStyle nodes.
    Display view frustum associated with a given pair of Viewpoint and NavigationInfo nodes, illustrating ProtoInstance reuse of a separately declared prototype.
    Define a view frustum associated with a given pair of Viewpoint and NavigationInfo nodes, provided as a reusable prototype.
    Example use of prototype node for displaying current viewpoint location and orientation in the player console.
    Prototype node declaration for displaying current viewpoint location and orientation in the player console.
    Prototype example to illustrate why additional non-rendering nodes might be needed after first node in ProtoBody.