X3D Example Archives: VRML 2 Sourcebook, Chapter 05 Positioning Shapes

This chapter describes how to position shapes within an X-Y-Z world coordinate system by adding a parent Transform node. Rotations about each axis are counter-clockwise using the right-hand rule. Nested Transform nodes can translate, rotate and scale shapes relative to each other in 3D space.

These X3D scenes are adapted directly from the original VRML 2.0 Sourcebook chapter examples. Also available: Introduction to VRML97 SIGGRAPH98 course notes.

Figure 05.11 Nested Archways With Axes
  8 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
Figure05_03bCylinderTranslation Figure 05 03b Cylinder Translation Translating +2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder.
Figure05_03bCylinderTranslationWithAxes Figure 05 03b Cylinder Translation With Axes Translating +2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions
Figure05_04bCylinderTranslation Figure 05 04b Cylinder Translation Translating -2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder.
Figure05_04bCylinderTranslationWithAxes Figure 05 04b Cylinder Translation With Axes Translating -2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions
Figure05_10Archway Figure 05 10 Archway Building an archway using multiple, translated coordinate systems.
Figure05_10ArchwayWithAxes Figure 05 10 Archway With Axes Building an archway using multiple, translated coordinate systems, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions
Figure05_11NestedArchways Figure 05 11 Nested Archways Nesting coordinate systems.
Figure05_11NestedArchwaysWithAxes Figure 05 11 Nested Archways With Axes Nesting coordinate systems, coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.