Interface LOD

All Superinterfaces:
X3DBoundedObject, X3DChildNode, X3DGroupingNode, X3DNode
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LOD extends X3DGroupingNode
LOD (Level Of Detail) uses camera-to-object distance to switch among contained child levels.

Warning: this is an abstract interface that cannot be instantiated as a concrete object. Java programmers typically only need to use concrete objects provided by the org.web3d.x3d.jsail classes. LOD node tooltip: [X3DGroupingNode,X3DVisibleObject] LOD (Level Of Detail) uses camera-to-object distance to switch among contained child levels. (Contained nodes are now called 'children' rather than 'level', for consistent naming among all GroupingNodeType nodes.) LOD range values go from near to far (as child geometry gets simpler for better performance). For n range values, you must have n+1 children levels! Only currently selected children level is rendered, but all levels continue to send/receive events.
  • Hint: can add <WorldInfo info='null node'/> as a nonrendering, invisible final (or initial or intermediate) child node that also documents the LOD switch-over rationale.
  • Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
  • Hint: GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint and Viewpoint share the same binding stack, so no more than one of these nodes can be bound and active at a given time.
  • Warning: do not include GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint or Viewpoint as a child of LOD or Switch, instead use ViewpointGroup as parent to constrain location proximity where the viewpoint is available to user.
  • Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch. Avoid this authoring pattern.
  • Hint: security mechanisms such as encryption and authentication can be applied to high levels of detail, allowing authors to protect intellectual property at high resolution for authorized users while still rendering simple unrestricted models for other users.
  • Warning: nested LOD (and/or GeoLOD) nodes with overlapping range intervals can lead to unexpected or undefined behavior.
  • Hint: contained nodes must have type X3DChildNode, such as Group or Transform or Shape.
  • Warning: LOD is not allowed as a direct parent of Appearance, Material, Color, Coordinate, Normal or Texture nodes, instead ensure that a Shape is present.
  • Hint: apply containerField='shape' if parent node is CADFace.
  • Hint: ConformanceNist X3D Examples Archive

Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
See Also: