Examine mode behavior for exploring geospatial worlds

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One of the issues raised at 2-day X3D Earth technical requirements workshop (http://www.web3d.org/x3d-earth/workshop2006/) was the need for some uniformity amongst browsers for effective user navigation in X3D Earth worlds. For the scientific data visualization of MBARI's ROV Dive data (paper: http://www.mbari.org/staff/mccann/vrml/ROVDataVis/papers/w3ds2004Paper-Rev4_submitted.pdf) we have found CosmoPlayer's Examine mode with Shift key set to Turbo Mode and Continuous Seek to be very effective and easy to use on any computer with a standard keyboard and mouse.

Here are recommendations to browser developers for implementation of Examine mode:

  1. If mouse pointer is positioned over a TouchSensor then the pointer icon shall change its appearance to indicate that a left mouse click will activate the TouchSensor.
  2. Holding the Shift key (or other key that may be user selectable) overrides any TouchSensor that the pointer may be over and forces the mouse to function as the viewpoint navigation tool.
  3. Dragging the mouse left and right while holding the left mouse button down causes rotation about a vertical axis that passes through the point of rotation. Left mouse motion moves the near field objects to the left.
  4. Dragging the mouse up and down while holding the left mouse button down causes rotation about a horizontal axis that passes through the point of rotation. Up mouse motion moves near field objects up.
  5. Holding the Ctrl key down modifies the left button down mouse drag movement such that up and down (Y-axis) movement causes the viewpoint to zoom in and out towards/from the point of. Left and right mouse motion while Ctrl is held down has no effect. Shift and Ctrl held at the same time also enables zoom but disables TouchSensors.
  6. Holding the Alt key modifies the mouse movement such that mouse motion while the left mouse button is held down is translated into a pan of the viewpoint in a plane perpendicular to the vector pointing to the point of rotation. Shift and Alt held at the same time also enables pan but disables TouchSensors.
  7. The point of rotation can be set by holding the Shift key while pointing at an object and clicking the left mouse button. To provide feedback that the point has been selected the viewpoint shall zoom about 20 percent of the distance toward that point.

Mike McCann 
Software Engineer
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644