Class TextureTransformObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
X3DNode, X3DAppearanceChildNode, TextureTransform, X3DTextureTransformNode

public class TextureTransformObject
extends X3DConcreteNode
implements TextureTransform
TextureTransform shifts 2D texture coordinates for positioning, orienting and scaling image textures on geometry.

X3D node tooltip: [X3DTextureTransformNode] TextureTransform shifts 2D texture coordinates for positioning, orienting and scaling image textures on geometry.
  • Warning: resulting visible effects appear reversed because image changes occur before mapping to geometry.
  • Hint: order of operations is translation, rotation about center, non-uniform scale about center.
  • Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding TextureTransform.
  • Hint: Texture mapping

Package hint: This org.web3d.x3d.jsail concrete class is used for implementing a standalone X3D object as a Plain Old Java Object (POJO). If you are writing Java code for use inside an X3D Script node, compile separate code using only the org.web3d.x3d.sai package instead.
See Also:
X3D Abstract Specification: TextureTransform, X3D Tooltips: TextureTransform, X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Images