Package X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting
package X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting
Chapter 9 Event Utilities Scripting shows how event-utility nodes allow conversion and connection of different data types via ROUTEs, while Script nodes allow authors to write their own event-handling code for special scene capabilities.
The X3D Java Scene Access Interface (x3djsail) package provides concrete classes for each X3D node and statement.
Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc
- See Also:
ClassesClassDescriptionDesign pattern demonstrating type conversion from single SFColor value (sent from a ColorInterpolator node) to an MFColor array (in a Background node).A BooleanFilter node starts the animation of cones orbiting near the pump house, instead of an unfiltered TouchSensor toggling the animation on/off during selection/deselection.Show synchronized use of BooleanSequencer and IntegerSequencer nodes for SpotLight enabled and Switch whichChoice control, respectively.A BooleanSequencer node intermittently interrupts animation of the pump house.A BooleanToggle button determines whether an animated Cone is jittery or not.A BooleanToggle node controls pump house animation: select to stop, then select again to restart.A BooleanTrigger node initiates the pump house animation: select to start.Example circle and cross-hairs made out of line segments, autogenerated by a simple Java program.Example circle and cross-hairs made out of line segments, autogenerated by a simple Java program.Build a sphere outline by using multiple CircleLine circles as latitude rings, with actual semitransparent Sphere and axes added as a visualization hint.Build a sphere outline by using multiple CircleLine circles as longitude rings, with actual semitransparent Sphere and axes added as a visualization hint.Simple Javascript animation of ElevationGrid.An IntegerSequencer node switches the display of colored cones near the pump house.Switch among different road signs using IntegerSequencer.An IntegerTrigger node controls the display of colored text.An IntegerTrigger node controls the display of colored cones near the pump house.Design pattern demonstrating multiple TouchSensor, IntegerTrigger, Shape and ROUTE combinations for selecting a Switch.Example scene providing a unit test for newECMAscript template javascript source code, first load this scene and then see console for test output.A lamp with 4 intensities (off low medium high) and a push-button switcher, all controlled by a Script node.A three-way light controlled by a Script node.A Script node drives the position and orientation of orbiting cones near the pump house.A Script node provides the path and orientation animation for three cones that orbit near the pump house.Script node interface between X3D and EcmaScript: this conformance example tests event-based X3D-EcmaScript functionality.Script node interface between X3D and EcmaScript: this conformance example tests field-based X3D-EcmaScript functionality.A Script node drives an animated push button that turns a light on and off.Test ability to perform Script initialize() method using ECMAsript.Pump house animation activated by a TimeTrigger node.Test of TimeTrigger node.