1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 |
<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.3//EN" "https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.dtd">
3 | <X3D profile='Immersive' version='3.3' xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.xsd'> |
4 | <head> |
5 | <component level='1' name='H-Anim'/> |
6 | <meta name='title' content='HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.x3d'/> |
7 | <meta name='description' content='HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage and visibility of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template. Geometry visualizations are derived from HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d visualization report. Resusable exemplar animations also added via heads-up display (HUD) interface to confirm proper parent-child relationships.'/> |
8 | <meta name='reference' content='https://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19774/V1.0/HAnim/BodyDimensionsAndLOAs.html#LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamonds'/> |
9 | <meta name='created' content='24 April 2013'/> |
10 | <meta name='modified' content='2 July 2023'/> |
11 | <meta name=' error ' content=' Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported '/> |
12 | <meta name='creator' content='Matthew T. Beitler, Joe D. Williams, Don Brutzman'/> |
13 | <meta name='Image' content='HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.png'/> |
14 | <meta name='Image' content='HAnim1SpecificationLOA3IllustratedLeftSide.png'/> |
15 | <meta name='reference' content='HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d'/> |
16 | <meta name='reference' content='HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Animation.x3d'/> |
17 | <meta name='reference' content='HAnimSpecificationExampleChangeLog.txt'/> |
18 | <meta name='Image' content='images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA1.png'/> |
19 | <meta name='Image' content='images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA2.png'/> |
20 | <meta name='Image' content='images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA3.png'/> |
21 | <meta name=' TODO ' content=' move relevant HAnimSite/Viewpoint pairs into skeleton at appropriate locations '/> |
22 | <meta name=' warning ' content=' BS Contact and H3DViewer have polygon-culling problems at close range (possibly related to avatarSize), other players look OK '/> |
23 | <meta name=' TODO ' content=' insert MetadataInteger nodes indicating LOA for each Joint and Segment '/> |
24 | <meta name='reference' content='Norman Badler et al., ANTHROPOMETRY FOR COMPUTER GRAPHICS HUMAN FIGURES, University of Pennsylvania, 1989.'/> |
25 | <meta name='reference' content='http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~badler/anthro/89-71.ps'/> |
26 | <meta name='reference' content='tables/AnthropometryForComputerGraphicsHumanFigures89-71.pdf'/> |
27 | <meta name='translator' content='Don Brutzman and Joe Williams'/> |
28 | <meta name='generator' content='BS Contact Geo 8.001, http://www.bitmanagement.de/en/products/interactive-3d-clients/bs-contact-geo'/> |
29 | <meta name='reference' content='originals/LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamondsOriginal.wrl'/> |
30 | <meta name='reference' content='originals/LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamondsOriginal.x3d'/> |
31 | <meta name='reference' content='originals/LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamondsOriginalBsContactExport.x3d'/> |
32 | <meta name='reference' content='HAnim Specification Table 4.4 - Face Joint object names, https://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19774/V1.0/HAnim/concepts.html#FaceJointObjectNames'/> |
33 | <meta name='generator' content='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/> |
34 | <meta name='identifier' content='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Legacy/HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.x3d'/> |
35 | <meta name='license' content='../license.html'/> |
36 | </head> |
37 | <Scene> |
38 | <Background skyColor='0.3 0.3 0.3'/> |
39 | <NavigationInfo/> |
40 | <Group DEF='Original_WorldInfo'> |
41 | <WorldInfo info=' " HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 3 HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name: eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler) HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email: beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~beitler HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date: August 12, 2003 HANIM 200x Compliance Information: http://HAnim.org/Specifications/HAnim200x Construction Info (joint centers): The joint centers of this figure are based on the work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of Pennsylvania. The original document which these joint centers are based on can be found at: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~badler/anthro/89-71.ps " ' title='HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA3'/> |
42 | </Group> |
43 | <!-- TODO move viewpoints to be internal to HAnimHumanoid --> |
44 | <!-- Viewpoint centerOfRotation="0 0.9149 0.0016" matches initial at-rest locaton of the sacroliac. Note that these viewpoints are external to the HAnimHumanoid and do not move with the human. --> |
45 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Front' position='0 0.4 4'/> |
46 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Front Close' position='0 0.8 2'/> |
47 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Front Closer' position='0 1.2 1'/> |
48 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 1.5 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Front Face' position='0 1.63 1'/> |
49 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Right Side' orientation='0 1 0 1.5708' position='2.6 0.8 0'/> |
50 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Right Side Close' orientation='0 1 0 1.2' position='1 0.8 0.5'/> |
51 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Left Side Close' orientation='0 1 0 -1.2' position='-1 0.8 0.5'/> |
52 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Left Side' orientation='0 1 0 -1.5708' position='-2.6 0.8 0'/> |
53 | <Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 0.9149 0.0016' description='Humanoid LOA 3 Top' orientation='1 0 0 -1.5708' position='0 3.5 0'/> |
54 | <HAnimHumanoid DEF='hanim_humanoid' info='"authorName=Matthew T. Beitler Joe D. Williams Don Brutzman" "authorEmail=HAnim@web3D.org" "copyright=none" "creationDate=12 May 1999" "usageRestrictions=none" "humanoidVersion=2.0" "height=1.7504"' name='humanoid'> |
55 | <!-- Only one root HAnimJoint is expected --> |
56 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_humanoid_root is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_humanoid_root' center='0 0.824 0.0277' containerField='skeleton' name='humanoid_root' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
57 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_sacrum is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_sacrum' name='sacrum'> |
58 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='sacrum'/> --> |
59 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint HumanoidRoot, HAnimSegment sacrum'/> |
60 | <Transform translation='0 0.824 0.0277'> |
61 |
<!-- Shape
HAnimJointShape is a DEF node that has 93 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3, USE_4, USE_5, USE_6, USE_7, USE_8, USE_9, USE_10, USE_11, USE_12, USE_13, USE_14, USE_15, USE_16, USE_17, USE_18, USE_19, USE_20, USE_21, USE_22, USE_23, USE_24, USE_25, USE_26, USE_27, USE_28, USE_29, USE_30, USE_31, USE_32, USE_33, USE_34, USE_35, USE_36, USE_37, USE_38, USE_39, USE_40, USE_41, USE_42, USE_43, USE_44, USE_45, USE_46, USE_47, USE_48, USE_49, USE_50, USE_51, USE_52, USE_53, USE_54, USE_55, USE_56, USE_57, USE_58, USE_59, USE_60, USE_61, USE_62, USE_63, USE_64, USE_65, USE_66, USE_67, USE_68, USE_69, USE_70, USE_71, USE_72, USE_73, USE_74, USE_75, USE_76, USE_77, USE_78, USE_79, USE_80, USE_81, USE_82, USE_83, USE_84, USE_85, USE_86, USE_87, USE_88, USE_89, USE_90, USE_91, USE_92, USE_93 -->
<Shape DEF='HAnimJointShape'> |
62 | <Sphere radius='0.006'/> |
63 | <Appearance DEF='HAnimJointAppearance'> |
64 | <Material diffuseColor='1 0.5 0' transparency='0.5'/> |
65 | </Appearance> |
66 | </Shape> |
67 | </Transform> |
68 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> --> |
69 | <Shape> |
70 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
71 | <Coordinate point='0 0.824 0.0277 0 0.9149 0.0016'/> |
72 |
<!-- ColorRGBA
HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA is a DEF node that has 92 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3, USE_4, USE_5, USE_6, USE_7, USE_8, USE_9, USE_10, USE_11, USE_12, USE_13, USE_14, USE_15, USE_16, USE_17, USE_18, USE_19, USE_20, USE_21, USE_22, USE_23, USE_24, USE_25, USE_26, USE_27, USE_28, USE_29, USE_30, USE_31, USE_32, USE_33, USE_34, USE_35, USE_36, USE_37, USE_38, USE_39, USE_40, USE_41, USE_42, USE_43, USE_44, USE_45, USE_46, USE_47, USE_48, USE_49, USE_50, USE_51, USE_52, USE_53, USE_54, USE_55, USE_56, USE_57, USE_58, USE_59, USE_60, USE_61, USE_62, USE_63, USE_64, USE_65, USE_66, USE_67, USE_68, USE_69, USE_70, USE_71, USE_72, USE_73, USE_74, USE_75, USE_76, USE_77, USE_78, USE_79, USE_80, USE_81, USE_82, USE_83, USE_84, USE_85, USE_86, USE_87, USE_88, USE_89, USE_90, USE_91, USE_92 --> <ColorRGBA DEF='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA' color='1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0.1'/> |
73 | </LineSet> |
74 | </Shape> |
75 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> --> |
76 | <Shape> |
77 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
78 | <Coordinate point='0 0.824 0.0277 0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776'/> |
79 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
80 | </LineSet> |
81 | </Shape> |
82 | </HAnimSegment> |
83 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_sacroiliac is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_sacroiliac' center='0 0.9149 0.0016' name='sacroiliac' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
84 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_pelvis is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_pelvis' name='pelvis'> |
85 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='pelvis'/> --> |
86 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint sacroiliac, HAnimSegment pelvis'/> |
87 | <Transform translation='0 0.9149 0.0016'> |
88 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
89 | </Transform> |
90 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> --> |
91 | <Shape> |
92 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
93 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'/> |
94 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
95 | </LineSet> |
96 | </Shape> |
97 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> --> |
98 | <Shape> |
99 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
100 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 -0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'/> |
101 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
102 | </LineSet> |
103 | </Shape> |
104 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_iliocristale'/> --> |
105 | <Shape> |
106 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
107 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035'/> |
108 |
<!-- ColorRGBA
HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA is a DEF node that has 90 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3, USE_4, USE_5, USE_6, USE_7, USE_8, USE_9, USE_10, USE_11, USE_12, USE_13, USE_14, USE_15, USE_16, USE_17, USE_18, USE_19, USE_20, USE_21, USE_22, USE_23, USE_24, USE_25, USE_26, USE_27, USE_28, USE_29, USE_30, USE_31, USE_32, USE_33, USE_34, USE_35, USE_36, USE_37, USE_38, USE_39, USE_40, USE_41, USE_42, USE_43, USE_44, USE_45, USE_46, USE_47, USE_48, USE_49, USE_50, USE_51, USE_52, USE_53, USE_54, USE_55, USE_56, USE_57, USE_58, USE_59, USE_60, USE_61, USE_62, USE_63, USE_64, USE_65, USE_66, USE_67, USE_68, USE_69, USE_70, USE_71, USE_72, USE_73, USE_74, USE_75, USE_76, USE_77, USE_78, USE_79, USE_80, USE_81, USE_82, USE_83, USE_84, USE_85, USE_86, USE_87, USE_88, USE_89, USE_90 --> <ColorRGBA DEF='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA' color='1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0.1'/> |
109 | </LineSet> |
110 | </Shape> |
111 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_trochanterion'/> --> |
112 | <Shape> |
113 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
114 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352'/> |
115 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
116 | </LineSet> |
117 | </Shape> |
118 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_iliocristale'/> --> |
119 | <Shape> |
120 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
121 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008'/> |
122 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
123 | </LineSet> |
124 | </Shape> |
125 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_trochanterion'/> --> |
126 | <Shape> |
127 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
128 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303'/> |
129 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
130 | </LineSet> |
131 | </Shape> |
132 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_asis'/> --> |
133 | <Shape> |
134 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
135 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112'/> |
136 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
137 | </LineSet> |
138 | </Shape> |
139 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_asis'/> --> |
140 | <Shape> |
141 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
142 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 0.0925 0.9983 0.1052'/> |
143 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
144 | </LineSet> |
145 | </Shape> |
146 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_psis'/> --> |
147 | <Shape> |
148 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
149 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 -0.0716 1.019 -0.1138'/> |
150 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
151 | </LineSet> |
152 | </Shape> |
153 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_psis'/> --> |
154 | <Shape> |
155 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
156 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 0.0774 1.019 -0.1151'/> |
157 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
158 | </LineSet> |
159 | </Shape> |
160 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='crotch'/> --> |
161 | <Shape> |
162 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
163 | <Coordinate point='0 0.9149 0.0016 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257'/> |
164 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
165 | </LineSet> |
166 | </Shape> |
167 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_iliocristale_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_iliocristale_pt' name='r_iliocristale_pt' translation='-0.1525 1.0628 0.0035'> |
168 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
169 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_iliocristale'/> |
170 |
<!-- Shape
HAnimSiteShape is a DEF node that has 108 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3, USE_4, USE_5, USE_6, USE_7, USE_8, USE_9, USE_10, USE_11, USE_12, USE_13, USE_14, USE_15, USE_16, USE_17, USE_18, USE_19, USE_20, USE_21, USE_22, USE_23, USE_24, USE_25, USE_26, USE_27, USE_28, USE_29, USE_30, USE_31, USE_32, USE_33, USE_34, USE_35, USE_36, USE_37, USE_38, USE_39, USE_40, USE_41, USE_42, USE_43, USE_44, USE_45, USE_46, USE_47, USE_48, USE_49, USE_50, USE_51, USE_52, USE_53, USE_54, USE_55, USE_56, USE_57, USE_58, USE_59, USE_60, USE_61, USE_62, USE_63, USE_64, USE_65, USE_66, USE_67, USE_68, USE_69, USE_70, USE_71, USE_72, USE_73, USE_74, USE_75, USE_76, USE_77, USE_78, USE_79, USE_80, USE_81, USE_82, USE_83, USE_84, USE_85, USE_86, USE_87, USE_88, USE_89, USE_90, USE_91, USE_92, USE_93, USE_94, USE_95, USE_96, USE_97, USE_98, USE_99, USE_100, USE_101, USE_102, USE_103, USE_104, USE_105, USE_106, USE_107, USE_108 -->
<Shape DEF='HAnimSiteShape'> |
171 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='DiamondIFS' creaseAngle='0.5' solid='false' coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'> |
172 | <Coordinate point='0 0.008 0 -0.008 0 0 0 0 0.008 0.008 0 0 0 0 -0.008 0 -0.008 0'/> |
173 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
174 | <Appearance> |
175 | <Material diffuseColor='1 0 0'/> |
176 | </Appearance> |
177 | </Shape> |
178 | </HAnimSite> |
179 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_trochanterion_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_trochanterion_pt' name='r_trochanterion_pt' translation='-0.1689 0.8419 0.0352'> |
180 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
181 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_trochanterion'/> |
182 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
183 | </HAnimSite> |
184 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_iliocristale_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_iliocristale_pt' name='l_iliocristale_pt' translation='0.1612 1.0537 0.0008'> |
185 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
186 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_iliocristale'/> |
187 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
188 | </HAnimSite> |
189 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_trochanterion_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_trochanterion_pt' name='l_trochanterion_pt' translation='0.1677 0.8336 0.0303'> |
190 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
191 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_trochanterion'/> |
192 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
193 | </HAnimSite> |
194 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_asis_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_asis_pt' name='r_asis_pt' translation='-0.0887 1.0021 0.1112'> |
195 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
196 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_asis'/> |
197 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
198 | </HAnimSite> |
199 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_asis_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_asis_pt' name='l_asis_pt' translation='0.0925 0.9983 0.1052'> |
200 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
201 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_asis'/> |
202 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
203 | </HAnimSite> |
204 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_psis_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_psis_pt' name='r_psis_pt' translation='-0.0716 1.019 -0.1138'> |
205 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
206 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_psis'/> |
207 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
208 | </HAnimSite> |
209 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_psis_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_psis_pt' name='l_psis_pt' translation='0.0774 1.019 -0.1151'> |
210 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
211 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_psis'/> |
212 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
213 | </HAnimSite> |
214 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_crotch_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_crotch_pt' name='crotch_pt' translation='0.0034 0.8266 0.0257'> |
215 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
216 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite crotch'/> |
217 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
218 | </HAnimSite> |
219 | </HAnimSegment> |
220 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_l_hip is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_hip' center='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001' name='l_hip' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
221 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_l_thigh is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_thigh' name='l_thigh'> |
222 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l_thigh'/> --> |
223 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint l_hip, HAnimSegment l_thigh'/> |
224 | <Transform translation='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'> |
225 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
226 | </Transform> |
227 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> --> |
228 | <Shape> |
229 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
230 | <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 0.104 0.4867 0.0308'/> |
231 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
232 | </LineSet> |
233 | </Shape> |
234 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_knee_crease'/> --> |
235 | <Shape> |
236 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
237 | <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309'/> |
238 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
239 | </LineSet> |
240 | </Shape> |
241 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_femoral_lateral_epicn'/> --> |
242 | <Shape> |
243 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
244 | <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297'/> |
245 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
246 | </LineSet> |
247 | </Shape> |
248 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_femoral_medial_epicn'/> --> |
249 | <Shape> |
250 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
251 | <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 0.0398 0.4946 0.0303'/> |
252 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
253 | </LineSet> |
254 | </Shape> |
255 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_knee_crease_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_knee_crease_pt' name='l_knee_crease_pt' translation='0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309'> |
256 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
257 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_knee_crease'/> |
258 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
259 | </HAnimSite> |
260 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn_pt' name='l_femoral_lateral_epicn_pt' translation='0.1598 0.4967 0.0297'> |
261 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
262 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_femoral_lateral_epicn'/> |
263 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
264 | </HAnimSite> |
265 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn_pt' name='l_femoral_medial_epicn_pt' translation='0.0398 0.4946 0.0303'> |
266 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
267 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_femoral_medial_epicn'/> |
268 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
269 | </HAnimSite> |
270 | </HAnimSegment> |
271 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_l_knee is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_knee' center='0.104 0.4867 0.0308' name='l_knee' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
272 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_l_calf is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_calf' name='l_calf'> |
273 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l_calf'/> --> |
274 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint l_knee, HAnimSegment l_calf'/> |
275 | <Transform translation='0.104 0.4867 0.0308'> |
276 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
277 | </Transform> |
278 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> to <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> --> |
279 | <Shape> |
280 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
281 | <Coordinate point='0.104 0.4867 0.0308 0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'/> |
282 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
283 | </LineSet> |
284 | </Shape> |
285 | </HAnimSegment> |
286 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_l_ankle is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_ankle' center='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736' name='l_ankle' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
287 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_l_hindfoot is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_hindfoot' name='l_hindfoot'> |
288 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l_hindfoot'/> --> |
289 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint l_ankle, HAnimSegment l_hindfoot'/> |
290 | <Transform translation='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'> |
291 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
292 | </Transform> |
293 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> to <HAnimJoint name='l_subtalar'/> --> |
294 | <Shape> |
295 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
296 | <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'/> |
297 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
298 | </LineSet> |
299 | </Shape> |
300 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_lateral_malleolus'/> --> |
301 | <Shape> |
302 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
303 | <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032'/> |
304 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
305 | </LineSet> |
306 | </Shape> |
307 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_medial_malleolus'/> --> |
308 | <Shape> |
309 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
310 | <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 0.089 0.0716 -0.0881'/> |
311 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
312 | </LineSet> |
313 | </Shape> |
314 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_sphyrion'/> --> |
315 | <Shape> |
316 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
317 | <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 0.089 0.0575 -0.0943'/> |
318 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
319 | </LineSet> |
320 | </Shape> |
321 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_calcaneous_post'/> --> |
322 | <Shape> |
323 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
324 | <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171'/> |
325 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
326 | </LineSet> |
327 | </Shape> |
328 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_pt' name='l_lateral_malleolus_pt' translation='0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032'> |
329 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
330 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_lateral_malleolus'/> |
331 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
332 | </HAnimSite> |
333 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_medial_malleolus_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_medial_malleolus_pt' name='l_medial_malleolus_pt' translation='0.089 0.0716 -0.0881'> |
334 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
335 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_medial_malleolus'/> |
336 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
337 | </HAnimSite> |
338 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_sphyrion_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_sphyrion_pt' name='l_sphyrion_pt' translation='0.089 0.0575 -0.0943'> |
339 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
340 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_sphyrion'/> |
341 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
342 | </HAnimSite> |
343 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_calcaneous_post_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_calcaneous_post_pt' name='l_calcaneous_post_pt' translation='0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171'> |
344 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
345 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_calcaneous_post'/> |
346 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
347 | </HAnimSite> |
348 | </HAnimSegment> |
349 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_l_subtalar is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_subtalar' center='0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368' name='l_subtalar' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
350 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_l_midproximal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_midproximal' name='l_midproximal'> |
351 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='l_subtalar'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l_midproximal'/> --> |
352 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint l_subtalar, HAnimSegment l_midproximal'/> |
353 | <Transform translation='0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'> |
354 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
355 | </Transform> |
356 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='l_subtalar'/> to <HAnimJoint name='l_midtarsal'/> --> |
357 | <Shape> |
358 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
359 | <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368 0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'/> |
360 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
361 | </LineSet> |
362 | </Shape> |
363 | </HAnimSegment> |
364 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_l_midtarsal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_midtarsal' center='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368' name='l_midtarsal' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
365 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_l_middistal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_middistal' name='l_middistal'> |
366 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='l_midtarsal'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l_middistal'/> --> |
367 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint l_midtarsal, HAnimSegment l_middistal'/> |
368 | <Transform translation='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'> |
369 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
370 | </Transform> |
371 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='l_midtarsal'/> to <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsal'/> --> |
372 | <Shape> |
373 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
374 | <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368 0.1086 0 0.0762'/> |
375 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
376 | </LineSet> |
377 | </Shape> |
378 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_midtarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_metatarsal_pha1'/> --> |
379 | <Shape> |
380 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
381 | <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368 0.0816 0.0232 0.0106'/> |
382 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
383 | </LineSet> |
384 | </Shape> |
385 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1_pt' name='l_metatarsal_pha1_pt' translation='0.0816 0.0232 0.0106'> |
386 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
387 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_metatarsal_pha1'/> |
388 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
389 | </HAnimSite> |
390 | </HAnimSegment> |
391 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_l_metatarsal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_metatarsal' center='0.1086 0 0.0762' name='l_metatarsal' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
392 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_l_forefoot is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_forefoot' name='l_forefoot'> |
393 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsal'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l_forefoot'/> --> |
394 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint l_metatarsal, HAnimSegment l_forefoot'/> |
395 | <Transform translation='0.1086 0 0.0762'> |
396 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
397 | </Transform> |
398 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_forefoot_tip'/> --> |
399 | <Shape> |
400 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
401 | <Coordinate point='0.1086 0 0.0762 0.1354 0.0016 0.1476'/> |
402 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
403 | </LineSet> |
404 | </Shape> |
405 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_metatarsal_pha5'/> --> |
406 | <Shape> |
407 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
408 | <Coordinate point='0.1086 0 0.0762 0.1825 0.007 0.0928'/> |
409 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
410 | </LineSet> |
411 | </Shape> |
412 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_digit2'/> --> |
413 | <Shape> |
414 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
415 | <Coordinate point='0.1086 0 0.0762 0.1195 0.0079 0.1433'/> |
416 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
417 | </LineSet> |
418 | </Shape> |
419 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_forefoot_tip is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_forefoot_tip' name='l_forefoot_tip' translation='0.1354 0.0016 0.1476'> |
420 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
421 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_forefoot_tip'/> |
422 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
423 | </HAnimSite> |
424 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5_pt' name='l_metatarsal_pha5_pt' translation='0.1825 0.007 0.0928'> |
425 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
426 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_metatarsal_pha5'/> |
427 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
428 | </HAnimSite> |
429 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_digit2_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_digit2_pt' name='l_digit2_pt' translation='0.1195 0.0079 0.1433'> |
430 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
431 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_digit2'/> |
432 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
433 | </HAnimSite> |
434 | </HAnimSegment> |
435 | </HAnimJoint> |
436 | </HAnimJoint> |
437 | </HAnimJoint> |
438 | </HAnimJoint> |
439 | </HAnimJoint> |
440 | </HAnimJoint> |
441 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_r_hip is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_hip' center='-0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001' name='r_hip' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
442 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_r_thigh is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_thigh' name='r_thigh'> |
443 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='r_thigh'/> --> |
444 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint r_hip, HAnimSegment r_thigh'/> |
445 | <Transform translation='-0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'> |
446 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
447 | </Transform> |
448 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> --> |
449 | <Shape> |
450 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
451 | <Coordinate point='-0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 -0.104 0.4867 0.0308'/> |
452 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
453 | </LineSet> |
454 | </Shape> |
455 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_knee_crease'/> --> |
456 | <Shape> |
457 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
458 | <Coordinate point='-0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326'/> |
459 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
460 | </LineSet> |
461 | </Shape> |
462 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_femoral_lateral_epicn'/> --> |
463 | <Shape> |
464 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
465 | <Coordinate point='-0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 -0.1421 0.4992 0.031'/> |
466 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
467 | </LineSet> |
468 | </Shape> |
469 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_femoral_medial_epicn'/> --> |
470 | <Shape> |
471 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
472 | <Coordinate point='-0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289'/> |
473 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
474 | </LineSet> |
475 | </Shape> |
476 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_knee_crease_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_knee_crease_pt' name='r_knee_crease_pt' translation='-0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326'> |
477 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
478 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_knee_crease'/> |
479 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
480 | </HAnimSite> |
481 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn_pt' name='r_femoral_lateral_epicn_pt' translation='-0.1421 0.4992 0.031'> |
482 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
483 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_femoral_lateral_epicn'/> |
484 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
485 | </HAnimSite> |
486 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn_pt' name='r_femoral_medial_epicn_pt' translation='-0.0221 0.5014 0.0289'> |
487 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
488 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_femoral_medial_epicn'/> |
489 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
490 | </HAnimSite> |
491 | </HAnimSegment> |
492 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_r_knee is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_knee' center='-0.104 0.4867 0.0308' name='r_knee' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
493 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_r_calf is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_calf' name='r_calf'> |
494 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='r_calf'/> --> |
495 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint r_knee, HAnimSegment r_calf'/> |
496 | <Transform translation='-0.104 0.4867 0.0308'> |
497 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
498 | </Transform> |
499 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> to <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> --> |
500 | <Shape> |
501 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
502 | <Coordinate point='-0.104 0.4867 0.0308 -0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'/> |
503 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
504 | </LineSet> |
505 | </Shape> |
506 | </HAnimSegment> |
507 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_r_ankle is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_ankle' center='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736' name='r_ankle' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
508 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_r_hindfoot is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_hindfoot' name='r_hindfoot'> |
509 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='r_hindfoot'/> --> |
510 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint r_ankle, HAnimSegment r_hindfoot'/> |
511 | <Transform translation='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'> |
512 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
513 | </Transform> |
514 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> to <HAnimJoint name='r_subtalar'/> --> |
515 | <Shape> |
516 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
517 | <Coordinate point='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 -0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'/> |
518 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
519 | </LineSet> |
520 | </Shape> |
521 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_lateral_malleolus'/> --> |
522 | <Shape> |
523 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
524 | <Coordinate point='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075'/> |
525 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
526 | </LineSet> |
527 | </Shape> |
528 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_medial_malleolus'/> --> |
529 | <Shape> |
530 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
531 | <Coordinate point='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 -0.0591 0.076 -0.0928'/> |
532 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
533 | </LineSet> |
534 | </Shape> |
535 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_sphyrion'/> --> |
536 | <Shape> |
537 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
538 | <Coordinate point='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 -0.0603 0.061 -0.1002'/> |
539 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
540 | </LineSet> |
541 | </Shape> |
542 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_calcaneous_post'/> --> |
543 | <Shape> |
544 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
545 | <Coordinate point='-0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221'/> |
546 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
547 | </LineSet> |
548 | </Shape> |
549 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_lateral_malleolus_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_lateral_malleolus_pt' name='r_lateral_malleolus_pt' translation='-0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075'> |
550 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
551 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_lateral_malleolus'/> |
552 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
553 | </HAnimSite> |
554 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_medial_malleolus_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_medial_malleolus_pt' name='r_medial_malleolus_pt' translation='-0.0591 0.076 -0.0928'> |
555 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
556 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_medial_malleolus'/> |
557 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
558 | </HAnimSite> |
559 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_sphyrion_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_sphyrion_pt' name='r_sphyrion_pt' translation='-0.0603 0.061 -0.1002'> |
560 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
561 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_sphyrion'/> |
562 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
563 | </HAnimSite> |
564 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_calcaneous_post_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_calcaneous_post_pt' name='r_calcaneous_post_pt' translation='-0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221'> |
565 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
566 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_calcaneous_post'/> |
567 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
568 | </HAnimSite> |
569 | </HAnimSegment> |
570 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_r_subtalar is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_subtalar' center='-0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368' name='r_subtalar' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
571 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_r_midproximal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_midproximal' name='r_midproximal'> |
572 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='r_subtalar'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='r_midproximal'/> --> |
573 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint r_subtalar, HAnimSegment r_midproximal'/> |
574 | <Transform translation='-0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'> |
575 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
576 | </Transform> |
577 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='r_subtalar'/> to <HAnimJoint name='r_midtarsal'/> --> |
578 | <Shape> |
579 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
580 | <Coordinate point='-0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368 -0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'/> |
581 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
582 | </LineSet> |
583 | </Shape> |
584 | </HAnimSegment> |
585 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_r_midtarsal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_midtarsal' center='-0.1086 0.0001 0.0368' name='r_midtarsal' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
586 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_r_middistal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_middistal' name='r_middistal'> |
587 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='r_midtarsal'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='r_middistal'/> --> |
588 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint r_midtarsal, HAnimSegment r_middistal'/> |
589 | <Transform translation='-0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'> |
590 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
591 | </Transform> |
592 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='r_midtarsal'/> to <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsal'/> --> |
593 | <Shape> |
594 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
595 | <Coordinate point='-0.1086 0.0001 0.0368 -0.1086 0 0.0762'/> |
596 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
597 | </LineSet> |
598 | </Shape> |
599 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_midtarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_metatarsal_pha1'/> --> |
600 | <Shape> |
601 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
602 | <Coordinate point='-0.1086 0.0001 0.0368 -0.0521 0.026 0.0127'/> |
603 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
604 | </LineSet> |
605 | </Shape> |
606 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1_pt' name='r_metatarsal_pha1_pt' translation='-0.0521 0.026 0.0127'> |
607 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
608 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_metatarsal_pha1'/> |
609 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
610 | </HAnimSite> |
611 | </HAnimSegment> |
612 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_r_metatarsal is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_metatarsal' center='-0.1086 0 0.0762' name='r_metatarsal' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
613 |
<!-- HAnimSegment
hanim_r_forefoot is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_forefoot' name='r_forefoot'> |
614 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsal'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='r_forefoot'/> --> |
615 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint r_metatarsal, HAnimSegment r_forefoot'/> |
616 | <Transform translation='-0.1086 0 0.0762'> |
617 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
618 | </Transform> |
619 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_forefoot_tip'/> --> |
620 | <Shape> |
621 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
622 | <Coordinate point='-0.1086 0 0.0762 -0.1043 0.0227 0.145'/> |
623 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
624 | </LineSet> |
625 | </Shape> |
626 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_metatarsal_pha5'/> --> |
627 | <Shape> |
628 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
629 | <Coordinate point='-0.1086 0 0.0762 -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895'/> |
630 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
631 | </LineSet> |
632 | </Shape> |
633 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_digit2'/> --> |
634 | <Shape> |
635 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
636 | <Coordinate point='-0.1086 0 0.0762 -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383'/> |
637 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
638 | </LineSet> |
639 | </Shape> |
640 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_forefoot_tip is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_forefoot_tip' name='r_forefoot_tip' translation='-0.1043 0.0227 0.145'> |
641 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
642 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_forefoot_tip'/> |
643 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
644 | </HAnimSite> |
645 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5_pt' name='r_metatarsal_pha5_pt' translation='-0.1523 0.0166 0.0895'> |
646 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
647 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_metatarsal_pha5'/> |
648 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
649 | </HAnimSite> |
650 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_digit2_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_digit2_pt' name='r_digit2_pt' translation='-0.0883 0.0134 0.1383'> |
651 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
652 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_digit2'/> |
653 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
654 | </HAnimSite> |
655 | </HAnimSegment> |
656 | </HAnimJoint> |
657 | </HAnimJoint> |
658 | </HAnimJoint> |
659 | </HAnimJoint> |
660 | </HAnimJoint> |
661 | </HAnimJoint> |
662 | </HAnimJoint> |
663 | |
664 | |
665 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l5'/> --> |
666 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vl5, HAnimSegment l5'/> |
667 | <Transform translation='0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776'> |
668 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
669 | </Transform> |
670 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vl4'/> --> |
671 | <Shape> |
672 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
673 | <Coordinate point='0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776 0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787'/> |
674 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
675 | </LineSet> |
676 | </Shape> |
677 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to <HAnimSite name='waist_preferred_post'/> --> |
678 | <Shape> |
679 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
680 | <Coordinate point='0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776 0 1.0915 -0.1091'/> |
681 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
682 | </LineSet> |
683 | </Shape> |
684 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to <HAnimSite name='navel'/> --> |
685 | <Shape> |
686 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
687 | <Coordinate point='0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776 0.0069 1.0966 0.1017'/> |
688 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
689 | </LineSet> |
690 | </Shape> |
691 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_waist_preferred_post_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_waist_preferred_post_pt' name='waist_preferred_post_pt' translation='0 1.0915 -0.1091'> |
692 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
693 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite waist_preferred_post'/> |
694 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
695 | </HAnimSite> |
696 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_navel_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_navel_pt' name='navel_pt' translation='0.0069 1.0966 0.1017'> |
697 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
698 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite navel'/> |
699 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
700 | </HAnimSite> |
701 | </HAnimSegment> |
702 | |
703 | |
704 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vl4'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l4'/> --> |
705 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vl4, HAnimSegment l4'/> |
706 | <Transform translation='0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787'> |
707 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
708 | </Transform> |
709 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vl4'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vl3'/> --> |
710 | <Shape> |
711 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
712 | <Coordinate point='0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787 0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796'/> |
713 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
714 | </LineSet> |
715 | </Shape> |
716 | </HAnimSegment> |
717 | |
718 | |
719 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vl3'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l3'/> --> |
720 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vl3, HAnimSegment l3'/> |
721 | <Transform translation='0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796'> |
722 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
723 | </Transform> |
724 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vl3'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> --> |
725 | <Shape> |
726 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
727 | <Coordinate point='0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796 0.0045 1.1546 -0.08'/> |
728 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
729 | </LineSet> |
730 | </Shape> |
731 | </HAnimSegment> |
732 | |
733 | |
734 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l2'/> --> |
735 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vl2, HAnimSegment l2'/> |
736 | <Transform translation='0.0045 1.1546 -0.08'> |
737 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
738 | </Transform> |
739 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vl1'/> --> |
740 | <Shape> |
741 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
742 | <Coordinate point='0.0045 1.1546 -0.08 0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805'/> |
743 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
744 | </LineSet> |
745 | </Shape> |
746 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_rib10'/> --> |
747 | <Shape> |
748 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
749 | <Coordinate point='0.0045 1.1546 -0.08 -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016'/> |
750 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
751 | </LineSet> |
752 | </Shape> |
753 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_rib10'/> --> |
754 | <Shape> |
755 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
756 | <Coordinate point='0.0045 1.1546 -0.08 0.0871 1.1925 0.0992'/> |
757 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
758 | </LineSet> |
759 | </Shape> |
760 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> to <HAnimSite name='rib10_midspine'/> --> |
761 | <Shape> |
762 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
763 | <Coordinate point='0.0045 1.1546 -0.08 0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113'/> |
764 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
765 | </LineSet> |
766 | </Shape> |
767 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_rib10_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_rib10_pt' name='r_rib10_pt' translation='-0.0711 1.1941 0.1016'> |
768 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
769 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_rib10'/> |
770 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
771 | </HAnimSite> |
772 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_rib10_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_rib10_pt' name='l_rib10_pt' translation='0.0871 1.1925 0.0992'> |
773 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
774 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_rib10'/> |
775 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
776 | </HAnimSite> |
777 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_rib10_midspine_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_rib10_midspine_pt' name='rib10_midspine_pt' translation='0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113'> |
778 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
779 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite rib10_midspine'/> |
780 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
781 | </HAnimSite> |
782 | </HAnimSegment> |
783 | |
784 | |
785 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vl1'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='l1'/> --> |
786 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vl1, HAnimSegment l1'/> |
787 | <Transform translation='0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805'> |
788 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
789 | </Transform> |
790 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vl1'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt12'/> --> |
791 | <Shape> |
792 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
793 | <Coordinate point='0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805 0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808'/> |
794 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
795 | </LineSet> |
796 | </Shape> |
797 | </HAnimSegment> |
798 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_vt12 is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vt12' center='0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808' name='vt12' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
799 | |
800 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt12'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t12'/> --> |
801 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt12, HAnimSegment t12'/> |
802 | <Transform translation='0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808'> |
803 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
804 | </Transform> |
805 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt12'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt11'/> --> |
806 | <Shape> |
807 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
808 | <Coordinate point='0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808 0.0053 1.2679 -0.081'/> |
809 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
810 | </LineSet> |
811 | </Shape> |
812 | </HAnimSegment> |
813 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_vt11 is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vt11' center='0.0053 1.2679 -0.081' name='vt11' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
814 | |
815 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt11'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t11'/> --> |
816 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt11, HAnimSegment t11'/> |
817 | <Transform translation='0.0053 1.2679 -0.081'> |
818 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
819 | </Transform> |
820 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt11'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt10'/> --> |
821 | <Shape> |
822 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
823 | <Coordinate point='0.0053 1.2679 -0.081 0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822'/> |
824 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
825 | </LineSet> |
826 | </Shape> |
827 | </HAnimSegment> |
828 |
<!-- HAnimJoint
hanim_vt10 is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vt10' center='0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822' name='vt10' ulimit='0 0 0' llimit='0 0 0'> |
829 | |
830 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt10'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t10'/> --> |
831 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt10, HAnimSegment t10'/> |
832 | <Transform translation='0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822'> |
833 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
834 | </Transform> |
835 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt10'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> --> |
836 | <Shape> |
837 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
838 | <Coordinate point='0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822 0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838'/> |
839 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
840 | </LineSet> |
841 | </Shape> |
842 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vt10'/> to <HAnimSite name='substernale'/> --> |
843 | <Shape> |
844 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
845 | <Coordinate point='0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822 0.0085 1.2995 0.1147'/> |
846 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
847 | </LineSet> |
848 | </Shape> |
849 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_substernale_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_substernale_pt' name='substernale_pt' translation='0.0085 1.2995 0.1147'> |
850 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
851 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite substernale'/> |
852 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
853 | </HAnimSite> |
854 | </HAnimSegment> |
855 | |
856 | |
857 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t9'/> --> |
858 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt9, HAnimSegment t9'/> |
859 | <Transform translation='0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838'> |
860 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
861 | </Transform> |
862 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt8'/> --> |
863 | <Shape> |
864 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
865 | <Coordinate point='0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838 0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845'/> |
866 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
867 | </LineSet> |
868 | </Shape> |
869 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_thelion'/> --> |
870 | <Shape> |
871 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
872 | <Coordinate point='0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838 -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217'/> |
873 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
874 | </LineSet> |
875 | </Shape> |
876 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_thelion'/> --> |
877 | <Shape> |
878 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
879 | <Coordinate point='0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838 0.0918 1.3382 0.1192'/> |
880 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteLineColorRGBA'/> |
881 | </LineSet> |
882 | </Shape> |
883 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_r_thelion_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_thelion_pt' name='r_thelion_pt' translation='-0.0736 1.3385 0.1217'> |
884 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
885 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_thelion'/> |
886 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
887 | </HAnimSite> |
888 |
<!-- HAnimSite
hanim_l_thelion_pt is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_thelion_pt' name='l_thelion_pt' translation='0.0918 1.3382 0.1192'> |
889 | <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape --> |
890 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_thelion'/> |
891 | <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> |
892 | </HAnimSite> |
893 | </HAnimSegment> |
894 | |
895 | |
896 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt8'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t8'/> --> |
897 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt8, HAnimSegment t8'/> |
898 | <Transform translation='0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845'> |
899 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
900 | </Transform> |
901 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt8'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt7'/> --> |
902 | <Shape> |
903 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
904 | <Coordinate point='0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845 0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833'/> |
905 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
906 | </LineSet> |
907 | </Shape> |
908 | </HAnimSegment> |
909 | |
910 | |
911 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt7'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t7'/> --> |
912 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt7, HAnimSegment t7'/> |
913 | <Transform translation='0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833'> |
914 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
915 | </Transform> |
916 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt7'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt6'/> --> |
917 | <Shape> |
918 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
919 | <Coordinate point='0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833 0.0059 1.3866 -0.08'/> |
920 | <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> |
921 | </LineSet> |
922 | </Shape> |
923 | </HAnimSegment> |
924 | |
925 | |
926 | <!-- <HAnimJoint name='vt6'/> visualization sphere is placed within <HAnimSegment name='t6'/> --> |
927 | <TouchSensor description='HAnimJoint vt6, HAnimSegment t6'/> |
928 | <Transform translation='0.0059 1.3866 -0.08'> |
929 | <Shape USE='HAnimJointShape'/> |
930 | </Transform> |
931 | <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line segment from parent <HAnimJoint name='vt6'/> to <HAnimJoint name='vt5'/> --> |
932 | <Shape> |
933 | <LineSet vertexCount='2' containerField='geometry'> |
934 | <Coordinate point='0.0059 1.3866 -0.08 0.006 1.4102 -0.0745'/> |
935 | <ColorRGBA USE=' |