Package ConformanceNist.SpecialGroups.LOD
package ConformanceNist.SpecialGroups.LOD
ClassesClassDescriptionThis tests checks the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.Test browser to use its own algorithm when and empty range list is specified in the "range" field.Test browser to ignore extra entries in the level field for which there are no corresponding entries in the range field.Test browser to associate extra entries in the range field with the last entry in the levels field.Test browser to associate multiple entries in the level field with corresponding entries in the range field.This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.Test browser to set different values for the "center" field.