Package Basic.StudentProjects

package Basic.StudentProjects

Student Projects are interesting and fun!

These are interesting scenes authored by X3D students who have taken the X3D for Web Authors Further contributions are welcome. Be sure to follow the X3D Scene Authoring Hints for reasonably consistent descriptions, metadata, layout and naming conventions within each model scene.

This X3D Basic: Student Projects examples archive is online.

The X3D Java Scene Access Interface (x3djsail) package provides concrete classes for each X3D node and statement.

Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc

See Also:
  • Classes
    Laser scan by Cyberware.
    Primitive village.
    A chair for a room, modeled as a Prototype for reuse.
    Multi-layered Chess Board in 3 dimensions.
    A computer keyboard for the control panel in the CVN bridge control.
    Compare different dead-reckoning algorithms to see relative effects of velocity and acceleration on animation smoothness.
    A reusable desk prototype - click on drawers to open/shut.
    A file decribing a desk lamp.
    Simple dirt bike model.
    A sphere that drags its tail around a box in the XY-plane.
    Primitive village.
    Unique fishing lure ("If it were any more real, I would actually be fishing").
    A FormulaOne Race Car running in a predefined path.
    Student project showing a small aquarium.
    Something Special My Home Villa In Crete Greece.
    X3D example Model of an ikea bead toy.
    X3D example Model of an Ikea Bench.
    X3D example Model of an Ikea Blue Chair.
    X3D example Model of an Ikea Green Chair.
    X3D example Model of an Ikea Rocking Horse.
    X3D example Model of an Ikea Table.
    Eight-eight key keyboard, extrapolated from VRML Sourcebook Figure 24.4, including animation of key movements coordinated with sounding of key when touched.
    Rendered woman's body model, created using 3d Studio Max and then translated into X3D and VRML.
    An animation of human body modeled and animated in 3d Studio Max environment and then translated into x3d environment.
    An animation of human body modeled and animated in 3d Studio Max environment and then translated into X3D environment.
    How a laser printer works.
    A pinball table with some ball animations.
    X3D example Model of a Play room.
    A projectile motion application which displays range and max height values accoding to Vi and theta inputs.
    A proto which simulates x-y plane projectile motion.
    A generic slider bar prototype.
    Controller buttons and slider for a propeller.
    A simple room containing protoype instances for chair, desk lamp, wall clock, etc.
    A sort of Stealth Helo I designed and created.
    Model of one of the housing types in La Mesa Housing Area.The model is mostly in scale.
    Model of one of the housing types in La Mesa Housing Area.
    Model of one of the housing types in La Mesa Housing Area.
    Example torch using MovieTexture and flickering lights.
    Working model of a 14th century Trebuchet Catapult.
    A file describing a wall clock.
    A reusable wall lamp: prototype using an inverted cone with embedded PointLight.
    A simple water tower, produced as a MV4204 class project.