Class SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings


public class SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings extends Object

Semitransparent Sphere with circumference circles on x-y-z planes to facilitate user rotation of an object, suitable for use as rotation widget. Labeled box also inserted as Inline.

Related links: Catalog page SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings, source, X3D Resources, X3D Scene Authoring Hints, and X3D Tooltips.

Scene Meta Information
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title SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings.x3d
description Semitransparent Sphere with circumference circles on x-y-z planes to facilitate user rotation of an object, suitable for use as rotation widget. Labeled box also inserted as Inline.
creator Don Brutzman
created 10 May 2013
modified 20 October 2019
TODO Consider using TwoSidedMaterial with external transparency on Sphere so that only reverse circles are greyed out (similar to MeshLab widget)
TODO Add widget to X3D-Edit palette
hint The labeled box CubeWithLabeledSides.x3d is inserted as an Inline in order to see orientations, authors can remove that and copy the rest if they want.
Image SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRingsContainingBox.png
subject TouchSensor Interface
generator X3D-Edit 3.3,
license ../license.html

This program uses the X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL). It has been produced using the X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet (version control) which is used to create Java source code from an original .x3d model.

  • Constructor Details

    • SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings

      public SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings()
      Default constructor to create this object.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public final void initialize()
      Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
    • getX3dModel

      public org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Core.X3D getX3dModel()
      Provide a shallow copy of the X3D model.
      SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings model
      See Also:
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Default main() method provided for test purposes, uses CommandLine to set global ConfigurationProperties for this object.
      args - array of input parameters, provided as arguments
      See Also: