element IMPORT
diagram x3d-3.3_diagrams/x3d-3.3_p97.png
type extension of SceneGraphStructureStatement
content complex
used by
group ChildContentModelSceneGraphStructure
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
inlineDEF  xs:IDREF  required      
importedDEF  xs:NMTOKEN  required      
AS  xs:ID        
<xs:attribute name="componentName" type="componentNameChoices" fixed="Networking"/>
<xs:attribute name="componentLevel" type="xs:positiveInteger" fixed="3"/>
Functional summary: IMPORT provides ROUTE access to a node that has a corresponding EXPORT statement within an Inline scene.
These connections allow event values to be exchanged via ROUTE statements between a parent model and a child Inline model.
source <xs:element name="IMPORT">
<xs:attribute name="componentName" type="componentNameChoices" fixed="Networking"/>
<xs:attribute name="componentLevel" type="xs:positiveInteger" fixed="3"/>
Functional summary: IMPORT provides ROUTE access to a node that has a corresponding EXPORT statement within an Inline scene.
These connections allow event values to be exchanged via ROUTE statements between a parent model and a child Inline model.
<xs:documentation source="https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#IMPORTSemantics"/>
<xs:extension base="SceneGraphStructureStatement">
<xs:attribute name="inlineDEF" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="importedDEF" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="AS" type="xs:ID"/>

attribute IMPORT/@inlineDEF
type xs:IDREF
use required
source <xs:attribute name="inlineDEF" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>

attribute IMPORT/@importedDEF
type xs:NMTOKEN
use required
source <xs:attribute name="importedDEF" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required"/>

attribute IMPORT/@AS
type xs:ID
source <xs:attribute name="AS" type="xs:ID"/>

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