Perform X3D Ontology query X3dSanCarlosCathedralAltarQuery_03.rq using examples/Altar.ttl to produce output file X3dSanCarlosCathedralAltarQuery_03.rq.txt: =========================== PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX x3d: PREFIX x3do: # X3dSanCarlosCathedralAltarQuery_03.rq Query Altar.ttl to determine Background skyColor values. ############################################### # Every X3D knowledge base can be subject to semantic queries. # The following query retrieves the Background skyColor used in the scene. # The result is the following list of RGB values: (0.7216 0.8 0.9922) (cf. Listing 3, line 6). # Note special handling of RDF lists: # Bob DuCharme's weblog, 21 April 2014, "RDF lists and SPARQL" # SELECT ?backgroundNode ?skyColorListValues WHERE { ?background rdf:type x3do:Background ; x3do:skyColor/rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?skyColorListValues . BIND (strafter(xsd:string(?background),"#") AS ?backgroundNode) # TODO re-aggregate skyColor list values into list of tuples } ############################################### ----------------------------------------- | backgroundNode | skyColorListValues | ========================================= | "Background_2_2" | 0.7216 | | "Background_2_2" | 0.8 | | "Background_2_2" | 0.9922 | -----------------------------------------