Perform X3D Ontology query AllDocumentMetaInformation.rq using examples/HelloX3dAuthorsAnimationChain.ttl to produce output file AllDocumentMetaInformation.rq.txt: =========================== PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX x3d: PREFIX x3do: ############################################### # AllDocumentMetaInformation.rq Query to identify all document meta information. SELECT ?metaName ?metaContent WHERE { ?meta a x3do:meta ; # Shorthand expression: a = rdf:type x3do:name ?metaName ; x3do:content ?metaContent . } # TODO can we create an equivalent query using :head :hasMeta? # Note :meta has a :fieldMetaHasParenthead property ############################################### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | metaName | metaContent | ============================================================================================================================================== | "license" | "../license.html" | | "created" | "5 October 2000" | | "reference" | "" | | "generator" | "X3D-Edit 3.3," | | "modified" | "20 October 2019" | | "creator" | "Don Brutzman" | | "title" | "HelloX3dAuthorsAnimationChain.x3d" | | "description" | "Fully developed animation-chain example showing spinning globe and text: Hello!" | | "identifier" | "" | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------