ant -f C:\\x3d-code\\\\x3d\\content\\examples processScenes.X3DtoVRML97.all processScenes.X3DtoVRML97.all: processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 in all example archives X3D examples: X3dForAdvancedModeling.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: X3dForAdvancedModeling.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: X3dForAdvancedModeling.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of X3dForAdvancedModeling .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AdditiveManufacturing//CaffeinePubChem2519SticksColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [<WorldInfo DEF="ModelMetadata" title="CaffeinePubChem2519SticksColor.x3d"/> with parent Scene DEF='ModelMetadata'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 177 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AdditiveManufacturing//CleatClamp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Do not use for climbing or yachting.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AdditiveManufacturing//MetadataRootNodeTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [<WorldInfo DEF="MetadataHolderOption2" title="Test scene for containing X3D Metadata* nodes, with no other content"/> with parent Scene DEF='MetadataHolderOption2'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 65 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AdditiveManufacturing//Rocktopus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AdditiveManufacturing//UavBeehive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Lamp_TRANSFORM' translation='-4.076245 5.903862 1.005454' scale='1.000000 1.000000 1.000000' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_Lamp'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//BoxSwitch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//CubeWithLabeledSidesViewpointSequencer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//EventGraphLoopTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='includes intentional event loop'/> [warning] Script field 'clockStart1' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'clockStart1' parent DEF='ClockReporter'] [warning] Script field 'clockStart2' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'clockStart2' parent DEF='ClockReporter'] [warning] Script field 'clockStart3' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'clockStart3' parent DEF='ClockReporter'] [warning] Script field 'handleClock1' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'handleClock1' parent DEF='ClockReporter'] [warning] Script field 'loopCounter' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'loopCounter' parent DEF='ClockReporter'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='ClockReporter'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='ClockReporter'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//OrigamiCranes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='X3DJSAIL: NavigationInfo type newValue=""NONE"" has an unrecognized value not matching any of the optional string tokens.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//PongGame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [LineProperties DEF='DashedLine'] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//RotationCalculatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CubeWithLabeledSides"/> with parent Transform DEF='CubeWithLabeledSides'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 81 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//ViewpointSequencerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Two versions of this scene are maintained in order to avoid Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) restrictions when referenced from X3D models embedded inside HTML.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "TouchToggle"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "TouchToggle"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Animation//VisibleShapesTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AudioSpatialSound//AllAudioGraphNodesTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Developmental test, no actual 3D model expected'/> [error] AcousticProperties containerField='acousticProperties' is illegal value [AcousticProperties description='Testing of X3D4 nodes demonstrating W3C Audio API in progress'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 34 column 23: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Appearance": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "acousticProperties" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AudioSpatialSound//Filters.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <X3D profile='Full'> is not supported by all browsers. Consider using Immersive or lower profile, adding component tag(s) if needed. [root X3D DEF=''] [info] <meta name='info' content='This work presents an innovative solution of the spatial sound in X3DOM framework, that based on a combinational methodology. Specifically, we suggested the enrichment of X3DOM with spatial sound features, using both the X3D sound nodes and the structure of Web Audio API.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "ListenerPointSource" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ListenerPointSource" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "StreamAudioDestination" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "StreamAudioDestination" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AudioSpatialSound//InlineSoundSource.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <X3D profile='Full'> is not supported by all browsers. Consider using Immersive or lower profile, adding component tag(s) if needed. [root X3D DEF=''] [info] <meta name='info' content='This work presents an innovative solution of the spatial sound in X3DOM framework, that based on a combinational methodology. Specifically, we suggested the enrichment of X3DOM with spatial sound features, using both the X3D sound nodes and the structure of Web Audio API.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 44 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Viewpoint": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "farDistance" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AudioSpatialSound//SingleAudio.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <X3D profile='Full'> is not supported by all browsers. Consider using Immersive or lower profile, adding component tag(s) if needed. [root X3D DEF=''] [info] <meta name='info' content='This work presents an innovative solution of the spatial sound in X3DOM framework, that based on a combinational methodology. Specifically, we suggested the enrichment of X3DOM with spatial sound features, using both the X3D sound nodes and the structure of Web Audio API.'/> [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"Times" "SERIF"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FontStyle node] [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "sound/saxophone.mp3 sound/saxophone.ogg" " sound/saxophone.ogg" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent BufferAudioSource] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 45 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Viewpoint": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "farDistance" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AudioSpatialSound//SpatialAudioCameraAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <X3D profile='Full'> is not supported by all browsers. Consider using Immersive or lower profile, adding component tag(s) if needed. [root X3D DEF=''] [info] <meta name='info' content='This work presents an innovative solution of the spatial sound in X3DOM framework, that based on a combinational methodology. Specifically, we suggested the enrichment of X3DOM with spatial sound features, using both the X3D sound nodes and the structure of Web Audio API.'/> [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"Times" "SERIF"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [FontStyle node DEF='ModelFontStyle'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 44 column 138: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Viewpoint": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "ears" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/AudioSpatialSound//SplitChannels.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <X3D profile='Full'> is not supported by all browsers. Consider using Immersive or lower profile, adding component tag(s) if needed. [root X3D DEF=''] [info] <meta name='info' content='This work presents an innovative solution of the spatial sound in X3DOM framework, that based on a combinational methodology. Specifically, we suggested the enrichment of X3DOM with spatial sound features, using both the X3D sound nodes and the structure of Web Audio API.'/> [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"Times" "SERIF"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [FontStyle node DEF='VolumeFontStyle'] [error] DEF node follows <Gain USE='ChannelSplitter'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] [error] DEF node follows <Gain USE='ChannelSplitter'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "ListenerPointSource" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ListenerPointSource" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "StreamAudioDestination" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "StreamAudioDestination" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "ChannelSplitter" (named "ChannelSplitter") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ChannelSplitter" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//Arch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//ArchFilled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//ArchHalf.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//ArchHalfExtension.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//ArchHalfFilled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//ArchPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//CatalanArches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//EtabsBuildingFrame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//IntradosOnly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Buildings//Lintel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//BlenderDefaultBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Light_TRANSFORM' translation='-4.076245 5.903862 1.005454' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_Light'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//BlenderFishHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Lamp_TRANSFORM' translation='-4.076245 5.903862 1.005454' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_Lamp'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//BlenderMonkeySuzanne.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Lamp_TRANSFORM' translation='-4.076245 5.903862 1.005454' scale='1.000000 1.000000 1.000000' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_Lamp'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//NetfabbFishHeadCorrected.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//NetfabbFishHeadExported.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//NetfabbTetrahedronCorrected.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//NetfabbTetrahedronExported.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//NetfabbTetrahedronOriginal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//OpenJSCadLogo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//SpriFishHeadOriginal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 130 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//SpriStepAS1PE203.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 181 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//TinkercadX3dExtrudedTextCreationGLTF.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Inline url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) Perhaps network resource might nevertheless return an X3D scene? [<Inline url='"TinkercadX3dExtrudedTextCreation.glb" "" "" ""'> DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//TinkercadX3dExtrudedTextCreationOBJ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Conversions//TinkercadX3dExtrudedTextCreationSTL.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//AxisLinesRGB.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Development of this scene added new features to X3D-Edit'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//CapsuleComparison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Compare regular and wireframe rendering for a given browser to see if the polygonal quadrilaterals in the Capsule are further tesselated by the browser.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Development of this scene added new features to X3D-Edit'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//CapsuleGenerator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='InstantReality and BSContact work'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='This tessellation is not geodesic because the polygons are computed using rectangular quadrilaterals and vertical levels rather than triangulated shortest paths.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Catenary.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//CubeWithLabeledSides.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//CylinderIndexedFaceSet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Dodecahedron.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//ExtrusionEdgeCases.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//ExtrusionExamplesTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='several tests (marked TODO) are failing under Xj3D but work satisfactorily on other X3D players'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Hemisphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Icosahedron.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//IcosahedronSubdivisionLevel1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//IcosahedronSubdivisionLevel2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//IcosahedronSubdivisionLevel3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//IcosahedronSubdivisionLevel4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//IcosahedronSubdivisionLevel5.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//MobiusExtrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Development of this scene added new features to X3D-Edit'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='MobiusStrip' translation='-3 2 0' scale='2 2 2' /> [PointLight DEF='InteriorLight'] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='MobiusStripExploded' translation='3 2 0' scale='2 2 2' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='UntwistedStrip' translation='-3 -2 0' scale='2 2 2' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='UntwistedStripExploded' translation='3 -2 0' scale='2 2 2' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Octahedron.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//OlympicRings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//OlympicRingsBlender.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Light_TRANSFORM' translation='1.339298 1.267437 -5.483934' scale='1.000000 1.000000 1.000000' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_Light'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//ParallelepipedExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//ParallelepipedPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'point' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'point' parent DEF='ParallelepipedScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//RoundedRectangle2D.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Development of this scene added new features to X3D-Edit.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//RoundedRectangleComparison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Development of this scene added new features to X3D-Edit'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//RoundedRectanglePrimitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//SphereWithThreeCircumferenceRings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='The labeled box CubeWithLabeledSides.x3d is inserted as an Inline in order to see orientations, authors can remove that and copy the rest if they want.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//StairStepPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Script field 'diffuseColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'diffuseColor' parent DEF='StairStepPrototypeScript'] [warning] Script field 'scale' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'scale' parent DEF='StairStepPrototypeScript'] [warning] Script field 'numberOfSteps' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'numberOfSteps' parent DEF='StairStepPrototypeScript'] [warning] Script field 'traceEnabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'traceEnabled' parent DEF='StairStepPrototypeScript'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' only appropriate when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode provided for direct access [Script DEF='StairStepPrototypeScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Teapot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Teapots.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//Tetrahedron.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//TriangleBlackLines.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='X3dTidy setting: replaceBlackEmissiveColor=false'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeometricShapes//TriangleWithNumbers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//AlphaBlendModeTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//AlphaBlendModeTestInline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Inline url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) Perhaps network resource might nevertheless return an X3D scene? [<Inline Inline name='AlphaBlendModeTest' url='"AlphaBlendModeTest.gltf" ""'> DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//AntiqueCamera.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//AttenuationTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//DamagedHelmet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//DragonAttenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//GlamVelvetSofa.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> [error] Attribute intensity='3' outside valid range [0..1] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous DirectionalLight node] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//Lantern.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//Suzanne.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//ToyCar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//TransmissionTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//TwoCylinderEngine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Originally 2CylinderEngine, renamed as TwoCylinderEngine for portability when converted into a Java class.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels//WaterBottle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='commented out Tangent nodes, removed flipVertically=true, removed gravityTransform=false since those constructs are not valid X3D4'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloCostaRica.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloGermany.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloPoland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloSeoul.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloTaiwan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloUkraine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloWorldCommented.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='HelloWorldCommented.json is most current, HelloWorldCommentedOriginalEncoding.json and HelloWorldCommentedAlternativeEncoding.json were experimental.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloWorldMinimal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes//HelloWorldX3D4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Inspiration//ObliqueStrategies.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, scene Sound/AudioClip triggering (or retrieved file format) not working'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO resolve potential error in Script node TextScript: parse problem line 15 " var strategy = [];'/> [warning] <meta name='warning'> has unmatched quote (") character: content='TODO resolve potential error in Script node TextScript: parse problem line 15 " var strategy = [];' castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 429 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Matlab//BouncingBoxSimulink.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Matlab users can select one of the following Simulink project links to run this demo. Each uses the VRML .wrl version of the scene.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='The accompanying wish list describes how Matlab and Humusoft should improve their support for X3D, instead of using VRML and being many years out of date.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Matlab//PhasedArrayBeamExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='The accompanying wish list describes how Matlab and Humusoft should improve their support for X3D, instead of using VRML and being many years out of date.'/> [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Altar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Bell.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//BellOld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Bench.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Century19thModel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Century19thModel2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Chandelier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//Church.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//ChurchModel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//ChurchRoof.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//LightingAlternatives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//SanCarlosCathedral.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] IS/connect ignored for nodeField='description' since not a supported field in VRML97 for parent TouchSensor [TouchSensor DEF='TouchSensorRootNode'] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 3' scale='0.25 0.25 0.25' /> [PointLight DEF='PanelPointLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral//SanCarlosChurchHistory.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//HammingBrickPoissonMesh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//ScannerMetadataExample33.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Shape" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 741 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Shape": got "]" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//ScannerMetadataExample4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Shape" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 742 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Shape": got "]" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//VirtualBananaOriginal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//VirtualBananaReduced.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Original CyberBanana model by Mark Pesce and Tony Parisi at SIGGRAPH 1994.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//VirtualBananaScanned.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Original CyberBanana model by Mark Pesce and Tony Parisi at SIGGRAPH 1994.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Scanning//X3dMeshDesignPattern.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. Note that proposed design pattern for Normal inside PointSet or LineSet/IndexedLineSet is accepted in X3D 4.0 but is not allowed in X3D v3.3.'/> [error] Normal containerField='normal' is illegal value [Normal DEF='VertexNormals'] [error] Normal containerField='normal' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Normal] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 66 column 21: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "PointSet": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "normal" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Security//PlainTextHiddenMessage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/ShayDPixel//ShayDPixelBobbleHeadBoxSiggraph2017.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Some X3D players may still have difficulty with the unit element and need to be upgraded.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/ShayDPixel//ShayDPixelVersion2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/TextureMapping//MultiTextureDesignPattern.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 84 column 29: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "ImageTexture" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/TextureMapping//MultiTextureTeapot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='This scene tests X3D 3.3 capabilities'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='model refinement in progress'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='WORLDSPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR is not a legal value in X3D4 Specification, does it need to be proposed and added?'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='GeneratedCubeMapTexture not yet supported by X3D-Edit 4'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='ComposedCubeMapTexture, GeneratedCubeMapTexture, ImageCubeMapTexture not yet an allowed child for X3D4 validation of MultiTexture'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 146 column 32: Expected "{", got keyword "DEF" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/TextureMapping//TextureAngleViewer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'y' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SliderScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SliderScript'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='SliderScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/TextureMapping//TextureMapComparisonsCylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (ccw='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute ccw] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (colorPerVertex='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute colorPerVertex] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (normalPerVertex='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute normalPerVertex] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (solid='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute solid] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (ccw='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute ccw] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (colorPerVertex='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute colorPerVertex] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (normalPerVertex='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute normalPerVertex] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (solid='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute solid] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (ccw='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute ccw] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (colorPerVertex='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute colorPerVertex] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (normalPerVertex='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute normalPerVertex] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (solid='true') allowed with USE node <IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSS'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleStripSet attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/TextureMapping//TextureMapComparisonsRectangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/UserExperienceUX//EventMonitorTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/UserExperienceUX//SelectableTextTransparentBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='SelectableText design pattern is available using Shape customizer in X3D-Edit.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Visualization//BackgroundCollection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Visualization//BackgroundCube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Visualization//TextureBackgroundCube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet X3D examples: X3dForAdvancedModeling.echo.timestamp: timestamp 20:31:50 on 16 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: X3dForWebAuthors.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: X3dForWebAuthors.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: X3dForWebAuthors.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of X3dForWebAuthors .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//EmptyScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//EmptySceneCoreProfile.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Core'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Interchange' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] WorldInfo node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous WorldInfo node] [info] <meta name='info' content='WorldInfo is in Core Profile or higher'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Increase X3D profile (or add component statements) to match if any other X3D nodes are added to this scene.'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 170 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//HeaderProfileComponentUnitMetaExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//HelloSceneGraphStructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//HelloTriangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//HelloWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview//newScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Core' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='*insert any known warnings, bugs or errors here*'/> [warning] File name doesn't match for <meta name='identifier' content='*enter online Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address for this file here*'/> and <meta name='title' content='*enter FileNameWithNoAbbreviations.x3d here*'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//BoxExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//ConeExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//CylinderExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//GeometryPrimitiveNodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Default values have been added to geometry nodes for clarity, ordinarily default values are omitted following X3D Canonicalization (C14N).'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//GeometryPrimitiveNodesWhiteBackground.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Default values have been added to geometry nodes for clarity, ordinarily default values are omitted following X3D Canonicalization (C14N).'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//GeometryPrimitiveSubstituteMeshes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Default values have been added to geometry nodes for clarity, ordinarily default values are omitted.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//SphereExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//TextHaveFunWithX3D.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//TextLengthMaxExtent.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02GeometryPrimitives//TextSpecialCharacters.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='See screenshot figures and various encoding conversions to note that multiple equivalences in XML character representations lead to consistent results despite slight differences in source.'/> [error] Attribute string has unmatched quote (") character: string='"Character entity substitutions:" "empty string \"\" skips a line:" "" "apostrophe ' is &apos;" "ampersand & is &" "quote mark \" is &quot;" "backslash \\ is X3D escape character" "double backslash \\\\ is X3D backslash \\ character" "Pi ? is &#928; XML character entity"' [Text node DEF='DefaultText'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//BoundingBoxIllustration.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//CoordinateAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//CoordinateAxesInlineExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='X3D profile must be Immersive, rather than Interactive, in order to set up the X3D player to properly support the contained Inline scene CoordinateAxes.x3d which has profile Immersive.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//CoordinateAxesLines.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//CoordinateAxesNSEW.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//GroupAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//GroupExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//InlineKelpForest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='X3D profile must be Immersive, rather than Interactive, in order to set up the X3D player to properly support the contained Inline scene KelpForestMain.x3d which has profile Immersive.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//LODExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//LodWithDifferentShapes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [LOD attribute forceTransitions DEF='Switcher'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//OrderOfOperations1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//OrderOfOperations2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//StaticGroupExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//SwitchExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//TransformCenterOffsetForRotation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping//TransformExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//AliasingExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//AnchorComparison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//AnchorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//BillboardExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Contained Inline scenes each have profile Immersive'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//BindingOperations.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//CollisionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Contained Inline scene has profile Immersive'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//NavigationInfoExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Contained Inline scene has profile Immersive'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter04ViewingNavigation//ViewpointExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='X3D profile must be Immersive, rather than Interactive, in order to set up the X3D player to properly support the contained Inline scene KelpForestMain.x3d which has profile Immersive.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//AmbientIntensity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//CircleFishPTPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//CircleFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//DiffuseColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//EmissiveColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//FillPropertiesExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//Garibaldi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//GaribaldiLocalTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//GaribaldiRemote.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//GaribaldiRemoteNoTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//GeometryPrimitiveNodesImageTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//LinePropertiesExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//MovieTextureAuthoringOptions.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//PixelTextureBW.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//PixelTextureComponentExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//PixelTextureExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//PixelTextureGaribaldi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//PixelTextureSnowman.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/midi for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//PixelTextureTransformScale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//SpecularColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//Table5_18PixelTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TextureLocalGaribaldi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TextureRemoteGaribaldi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TextureTransformExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TextureTransformFull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TextureTransformScale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TextureTransformTranslation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//Transparency.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures//TwoSidedMaterialExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='X3D4 Architecture has deprecated TwoSidedMaterial, preferring use of child backMaterial node in parent Appearance.'/> [warning] <Sphere solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Sphere attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ColorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ColorPerVertexExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ElevationGridNonPlanarQuadrilaterals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ExtrusionCrossSectionITSSPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Utilize ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS ProtoInstance as if it is a Shape node (with containerField="children") rather than an Extrusion node (with containerField="geometry") under a Shape.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='beginCap'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'beginCap' parent ProtoDeclare ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='endCap'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'endCap' parent ProtoDeclare ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ccw'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ccw' parent ProtoDeclare ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='convex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'convex' parent ProtoDeclare ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='creaseAngle'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'creaseAngle' parent ProtoDeclare ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare ExtrusionCrossSectionITSS] [error] duplicate IS/connect not allowed for @nodeField='point' [Coordinate DEF='SpineCoordinates'] [warning] Script field 'spineColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'spineColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'crossSectionColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'crossSectionColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'crossSectionTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'crossSectionTransparency' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'extrusionColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'extrusionColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'extrusionTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'extrusionTransparency' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ExtrusionCrossSectionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Utilize ExtrusionCrossSection ProtoInstance as if it is a Shape node (with containerField="children") rather than an Extrusion node (with containerField="geometry") under a Shape.'/> [warning] Script field 'spineColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'spineColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'crossSectionColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'crossSectionColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'crossSectionTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'crossSectionTransparency' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'extrusionColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'extrusionColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'extrusionTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'extrusionTransparency' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ExtrusionPentagon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ExtrusionPentagonCrossSectionItss.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ExtrusionPentagonCrossSectionItssTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//ExtrusionRoomWalls.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//IndexedFaceSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Cylinder attribute solid DEF='PistonOuterShell'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//IndexedLineSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//LineSetComparison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//LineSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//PointSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06GeometryPointsLinesPolygons//X3dBookWebsiteLogo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//CircleFishPTPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//CircleFishPositionInterpolator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//CircleFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//ColorInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//ColorInterpolatorFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinTextureUrl'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinTextureUrl' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='positionKey'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'positionKey' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='positionKeyValue'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'positionKeyValue' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='orientationKey'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'orientationKey' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='orientationKeyValue'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'orientationKeyValue' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='orbitTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'orbitTime' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//CoordinateInterpolator2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//DolphinMorpher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//DolphinPose01.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//DolphinPose02.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//DolphinPose03.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//DolphinSwitcher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//Garibaldi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//HelloX3dAuthorsAnimationChain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//MotionInterpolatorFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//NormalInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//OrientationInterpolatorFishExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//OrientationInterpolatorFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//PositionInterpolator2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//PositionInterpolatorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//PositionOrientationInterpolatorsExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//PositionOrientationInterpolatorsExampleTraced.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//ScalarInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//ScalarInterpolatorFishExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//ScalarInterpolatorFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='positionKey'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'positionKey' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='positionKeyValue'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'positionKeyValue' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='orientationKey'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'orientationKey' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='orientationKeyValue'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'orientationKeyValue' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='orbitTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'orbitTime' parent ProtoDeclare CircleFish] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation//TimeSensorChaining.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//CylinderSensorPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//Doors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//KeySensorLefty.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//PlaneSensorPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//SphereSensorLefty.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Xj3D not supporting SphereSensor autoOffset field correctly'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//StringSensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//TouchSensorPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08UserInteractivity//UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BackgroundColorArrayAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BooleanFilterPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BooleanSequencerIntegerSequencer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BooleanSequencerPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BooleanToggleExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BooleanTogglePumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//BooleanTriggerPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//CircleLinesExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//CircleLinesExample60.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//CircleLinesSphereLatitude.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//CircleLinesSphereLongitude.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ElevationGridSimpleWaveAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//IntegerSequencerPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//IntegerSequencerRoadSignSwitcher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//IntegerTriggerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//IntegerTriggerPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='needs debugging'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//MoodSelector.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptComplexStateEvents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'buttonPushCount' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'buttonPushCount' parent DEF='ControlScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptControlEvents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptEvents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptEventsPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptNodeEventOutControlEcmaScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptNodeFieldControlEcmaScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//ScriptSimpleStateEvents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//TestScriptInitialization.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//TimeTriggerPumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//TimeTriggerTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09EventUtilitiesScripting//newECMAscriptTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Arc2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//ArcClose2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Circle2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Disk2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Polyline2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Polypoint2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Rectangle2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//Summary2D.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2D//TriangleSet2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//BackgroundColorsOnly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//BackgroundImagesOnly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//BackgroundKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//BackgroundSelector.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//BackgroundSequencer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'currentBackground' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'currentBackground' parent DEF='SelectorScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//BackgroundTimeOfDay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//DirectionalLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//FogKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//PointLightColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//PointLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-15 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='Lamp1'] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='15 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='Lamp2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//SpotLightColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//SpotLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//SpotLightVisualization.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='RightSide' translation='6 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='LeftSide' translation='-6 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//TextureBackgroundExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11LightingEnvironmentalEffects//TextureBackgroundKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//CollisionKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//LoadSensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//LoadSensorKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//LoadSensorKelpForestMain_timeOut.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//ProximitySensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//ProximitySensorKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound\IntroductionMessage.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//ProximitySensorMultiple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//ProximitySensorNoOverlap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//ProximitySensorOverlap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//ProximitySensorSingle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//SoundAudioClip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//SoundFileFormats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound\audio\Testing123stereo.wav": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound\audio\Testing123stereo.mp3": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound\audio\Reunion_Example.mid": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound\audio\Testing123stereo.aiff": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//SoundLoadSensorTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//SoundVisualization.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter12EnvironmentSensorSound//VisibilitySensorKelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='PrintInfo'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//IndexedQuadSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//IndexedTriangleFanSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//IndexedTriangleSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//IndexedTriangleStripSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//MorphingTriangleSet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//NonplanarPolygons.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//NormalExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//QuadSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='CADInterchange' computed for this model castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//SummaryIndexedTriangleSets.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//TriangleFanSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//TriangleSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter13GeometryTrianglesQuadrilaterals//TriangleStripSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//ArtDecoPrototypesExcerpt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//HeadsUpDisplayExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//HeadsUpDisplayPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//HudKelpForest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\CircleFishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//MaterialModulator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Learning suggestion for authors: try changing the modulation script so that it goes from [0 ... 1] and then [1 ... 0] alternating, rather than abruptly shifting from 1 immediately back to 0.'/> [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='MaterialModulatorScript'] [warning] Script field 'diffuseColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'diffuseColor' parent DEF='MaterialModulatorScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "EventToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//MaterialModulatorExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Learning suggestion for authors: try changing the modulation script so that it goes from [0 ... 1] and then [1 ... 0] alternating, rather than abruptly shifting from 1 immediately back to 0.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "EventToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//MaterialModulatorPrototypeExpanded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='MaterialModulatorScriptExpanded1'] [warning] Script field 'diffuseColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'diffuseColor' parent DEF='MaterialModulatorScriptExpanded1'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//TextStringPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//ViewFrustumExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//ViewFrustumPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'visible' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'visible' parent DEF='GeometryComputationScript'] [warning] Script field 'aspectRatio' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'aspectRatio' parent DEF='GeometryComputationScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//WhereAmIExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//WhereAmIPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14Prototypes//X3dArchitectureConceptsPrototypeBodyValidationExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15Metadata//MetadataNodeExamplesX3D3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Information in head and meta elements is retained after a scene is parsed and loaded, and can be referenced via the Scene Access Interface (SAI) or Document Object Model (DOM)'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Authoring note: MetadataBoolean requires X3D version 3.3, as used in this example scene'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [<WorldInfo DEF="MyWorldInfo" title="MetadataNodeExamplesX3D3.x3d Example Scene"/> with parent Scene DEF='MyWorldInfo'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 151 column 25: Incorrect USE clause: node name "MyMetadataStringNode" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15Metadata//MetadataNodeExamplesX3D4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Information in head and meta elements is retained after a scene is parsed and loaded, and can be referenced via the Scene Access Interface (SAI) or Document Object Model (DOM)'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Authoring note: MetadataBoolean requires X3D version 4.0, as used in this example scene'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [<WorldInfo DEF="MyWorldInfo" title="MetadataNodeExamplesX3D4.x3d Example Scene"/> with parent Scene DEF='MyWorldInfo'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 151 column 25: Incorrect USE clause: node name "MyMetadataStringNode" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15Metadata//WorldInfoExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] preferred Dublin Core Metadata Term is name='modified' (vice revised) <meta name='revised' content='31 January 2022'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Information in head and meta elements is retained after a scene is parsed and loaded, and can be referenced via the Scene Access Interface (SAI) or Document Object Model (DOM)'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [<WorldInfo DEF="MyWorldInfo" title="WorldInfo.x3d Example Scene"/> with parent Scene DEF='MyWorldInfo'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 66 column 13: Expected "{", got keyword "DEF" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15Metadata//WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Metadata nodes at root level of scene are not allowed in VRML97 or X3D3, but are allowed in X3D4.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Metadata node as WorldInfo metadata field are not allowed in VRML97, but are allowed in X3D3 or X3D4.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Original name MetadataSetWithMetadata.x3d'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D3.x3d Example Scene"/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 131 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15Metadata//WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Metadata nodes at root level of scene are not allowed in VRML97 or X3D3, but are allowed in X3D4.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Metadata node as WorldInfo metadata field are not allowed in VRML97, but are allowed in X3D3 or X3D4.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Original file name MetadataSetWithMetadata.x3d'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D4.x3d Example Scene"/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 131 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15Metadata//XmpMetadataEmbedded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] preferred Dublin Core Metadata Term is name='modified' (vice revised) <meta name='revised' content='21 February 2022'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Source model assumes default containerField=value for X3D4 Metadata nodes, specification resolution needed'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='X3D support for xml:lang attribute not provided in X3D XML Schema, instead use MetadataString as best practice.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//BlackSurfPerch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//BlueRockFish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//ChangingFog.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//CircleFishExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//CircleFishLodExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='coordinates and orientations still have problems'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//CircleFishLodPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//CircleFishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//CopperRockFishPlacardViewer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//Fish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//FishExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\FishPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//FishModelComparison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//FishPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Circular fish behavior is embedded in prototype, instead the circular path needs to be used in external files or possibly parameterized.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//FishSchool.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not supported format of "file:///C:/x3d-code/". Only uncompressed (PCM) WAV files are supported. Convert WAV files to uncompressed e.g. using Audacity or Sox. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//Garibaldi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//HalfMoonGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//HalfMoonPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Additional PositionInterpolator present but disabled.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Wiggle causes texture flashing. TODO: move animation to example file.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//IntroductionMessage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpBass.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpBulb.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpExamplesNoBase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpFlexibleStipe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpForestMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpForestNoNancy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='LEFT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_SHALLOW_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='RIGHT_DEEP_WAVE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\SardineSchool.wrz": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\SardineSchool\SardineSchool.wrz": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpSurfPerch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpTank.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpTankExternalLight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpTankExternalLights.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//KelpTankWaterSurface.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//PumpHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//RockFloor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='enable TouchSensor to show hitPoint values in console window'/> [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'xDimension' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TouchLocation'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'zDimension' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TouchLocation'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//RubberLipGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Circular fish behavior is embedded in prototype, instead the circular path needs to be used in external files or possibly parameterized.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//Sardine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineSchool.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineSchoolDouble.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineSchoolFinal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineSchoolMidterm.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineSchoolOriginal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineSchoolTriple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineShape.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineWagging.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SardineX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarHighResolutionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarHighResolutionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarSimple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SharkLefty.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SharkLeftyLocale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SharkLucy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SharkLucyLocale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//StripedSurfPerch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//StripedSurfPerchPlaque.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//TreeFishPlaque.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='unfinished'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='BLUEROCKFISHCLOCK'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='BlueRockfishPathInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='BlueRockfishPathInterpolator'] X3D examples: X3dForWebAuthors.echo.timestamp: timestamp 20:53:28 on 16 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: Vrml2Sourcebook.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: Vrml2Sourcebook.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: Vrml2Sourcebook.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of Vrml2Sourcebook .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter02Introduction//Figure02_1Hut.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_01DefaultBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_01DefaultBoxWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_02ResizedBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_02ResizedBoxWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_03DefaultCone.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_03DefaultConeWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_04FlattenedCone.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_04FlattenedConeWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_05DefaultCylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_05DefaultCylinderWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_06ResizedCylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_06ResizedCylinderWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_07ResizedCylinderHollow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_07ResizedCylinderHollowWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_08DefaultSphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_08DefaultSphereWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_09_3dPlusSign.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter03Shapes//Figure03_10SpaceStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_01TextShape.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_01TextShapeWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_02ListOfTextStrings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_02ListOfTextStringsWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_03CompressedText.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_03CompressedTextWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_04ListTextStringsAndLengths.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_04ListTextStringsAndLengthsWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_05TextLimitedByMaximumExtent.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_05TextLimitedByMaximumExtentWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_06aTextPlainSerifFont.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_06aTextPlainSerifFontWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_06bTextBoldSerifFont.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_06bTextBoldSerifFontWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_07SmallText.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_07SmallTextWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_08aTextMoreLineSpacing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_08aTextMoreLineSpacingWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_08bTextLessLineSpacing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_08bTextLessLineSpacingWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_09TwoTextShapesDifferentJustification.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_09TwoTextShapesDifferentJustificationWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_10TwoLinesTextFlatBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_10TwoLinesTextFlatBoxWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_11TextOverstrikeFont.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter04Text//Figure04_11TextOverstrikeFontWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_03bCylinderTranslation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_03bCylinderTranslationWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_04bCylinderTranslation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_04bCylinderTranslationWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_10Archway.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_10ArchwayWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_11NestedArchways.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter05PositioningShapes//Figure05_11NestedArchwaysWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_04bRotation45xWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_05bRotationMinus45xWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_06bRotation45yWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_07bRotationMinus45zWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_08Asterisk3dWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_09TripleAsterisk3dWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_10SimpleArch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_11DeskLampBase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter06RotatingShapes//Figure06_12DeskLampBaseTwoArms.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_04bScale2xWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_05bScaleHalfxWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_06bScale2yWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_07bScaleHalfzWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_08bScale2x_Halfy_4zWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_09SimpleSpaceshipBodyWingsWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_10SimpleSpaceship.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_11ScaledArches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_12aSimpleTree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_12bVerticallyScaledTree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter07ScalingShapes//Figure07_13DiagonallyScaledTree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale//Figure08_3PositionInterpolator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale//Figure08_3PositionInterpolatorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale//Figure08_4OrientationInterpolator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale//Figure08_4OrientationInterpolatorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale//Figure08_5AnimatingScale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale//Figure08_5AnimatingScaleWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_1SpinningCubeTouchSensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_1SpinningCubeTouchSensorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_2SpinningCubeTouchSensorClicked.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_2SpinningCubeTouchSensorClickedWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_3ConePlaneSensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_3ConePlaneSensorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_4ConePlaneSensorConstrained.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_4ConePlaneSensorConstrainedWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_5FourStackingBlocks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_5FourStackingBlocksWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_6SphereSensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_6SphereSensorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_7CylinderSensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_7CylinderSensorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_8ClickDragTouchSensorPlaneSensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_8ClickDragTouchSensorPlaneSensorWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_9DeskLamp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -0.05 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter09SensingViewer//Figure09_9DeskLampWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -0.05 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_04BrightRedSphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_05MultiColoredSpaceStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_06PulsatingSpaceStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_07LightBulb.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -2.95 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='LIGHTSOURCE'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_08BlinkingSphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_09ThreeBlinkingShapes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_10SemiTransparentSpaceStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter10Materials//Figure10_11AnimatingTransparencySpaceStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter11Grouping//Figure11_1CafeSignSwitchResolutions.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter11Grouping//Figure11_2CafeSignBillboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter11Grouping//Figure11_3BoundingBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter12Inline//Figure12_1SimpleArch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter12Inline//Figure12_2InlinedArches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter12Inline//Figure12_3TempleOfInlinedArches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_10PointSetBoxCorners.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_11IndexedLineSetBoxWireframe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_12IndexedFaceSetCube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_13IndexedFaceSetLightningBolt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_14VaultedCeilingPieceCreased.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_15VaultedCeilingPiece.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_16VaultedCeiling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_17aMorphingCube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter13PointsLinesFaces//Figure13_17bMorphingCubeLineSet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter14ElevationGrid//Figure14_2ElevationGridMountain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter14ElevationGrid//Figure14_3ElevationGridRibbon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter14ElevationGrid//Figure14_4aElevationGridPuddleSplash10x10.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter14ElevationGrid//Figure14_4bElevationGridPuddleSplash40x40.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter14ElevationGrid//Figure14_5ElevationGridTerrain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter14ElevationGrid//Figure14_6ElevationGridMedallion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_07ExtrudedCylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_08ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithCaps.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_08ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithCapsWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_09ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithoutCaps.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_09ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithoutCapsWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_10ExtrudedRoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_10ExtrudedRoomWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_11ExtrudedPlaygroundSlide.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_11ExtrudedPlaygroundSlideWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_12Torus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_12TorusWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_13ExtrudedPyramid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_13ExtrudedPyramidWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_14ExtrudedVase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_14ExtrudedVaseWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_15TwistedBar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_15TwistedBarWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_16ExtrudedLipstick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_16ExtrudedLipstickWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_17WigglingSnake.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter15Extrusion//Figure15_17WigglingSnakeWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_1ColoredPointSetScatterPlot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_2ColoredLinesPlot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_3ColoredLinesStarburst.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_3ColoredLinesStarburstWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_4ColoredBookFaces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_4ColoredBookFacesWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_5LogFireColoredFaces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_5LogFireColoredFacesWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_6ColoredElevationGridCheckerboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter16Color//Figure16_7VertexColoredElevationGridMountain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_04aTextureBoxTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_04bTextureConeTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_04cTextureCylinderTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_04dTextureSphereTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_05dTexturedSodaCan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_06bTexturedText.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_07bTexturedLightningBolt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_08bTexturedElevationGridMountain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_09bTexturedDonutTorusExtrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_10cTextureTransparencyTree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_11bGreyTextureGreenMaterialStripedCylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_12bWoodTextures.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_13SimplePixelTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter17Textures//Figure17_14bMovieTextureWhirlpool.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_19TextureCoordinateTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_20bTextureCoordinatePizzaSlice.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_21TextureCoordinatePizzaSlice.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_22bTextureCoordinateVideoWall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_23bTextureCoordinateGrillwork.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_24TextureCoordinateRotatedGrillworkFence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_25bTextureTransformBrickBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_26bUncorrectedTextureSanDiegoBay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_26cCorrectedTextureSanDiegoBay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter18TextureMapping//Figure18_27RotatingFanAnimatedTextureTransform.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_21NormalSquare.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_22NormalSquareShaded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_23HalfColumn.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_24aHalfColumnCreaseAngle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_24bTwoHalfColumnsCreaseAngleSeam.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_25aHalfColumnNormals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_25bTwoHalfColumnsNormalsSeamless.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_26NormalShadedElevationGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter19NormalsShading//Figure19_27SquareFaceAnimatingNormals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_04HeadlightSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_05FlatMesh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_06aPointLightSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_06bPointLightSpheresIntensity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_07PointLightSpheresAttenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_08PointLightSpheresSmallRadius.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_09GlowingOrbArchwaysExhibit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='GLOBE_TRANSFORM' translation='0 1 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='GLOBELIGHT'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_10BlinkingRedLightbulb.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Xj3D run-time exception'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -0.05 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='BulbLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_11aDirectionalLightAimingRightThroughSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_11bDirectionalLightAimingUpperRightThroughSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_12TwoDirectionalLightsAimingLeftRightThroughSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_13aDirectionalLightSunrise.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_13bDirectionalLightNoon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_13cDirectionalLightSunset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_14DirectionalLightSunAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_15aSpotLightSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_15bWideAngleSpotLightSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_16SpotLightBeamWidthComparison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-21 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='21 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_17aSimpleWorldNoShadows.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter20Lighting//Figure20_17bSimpleWorldFakeShadows.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter21ShinyMaterials//Figure21_4aDullGreyVase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter21ShinyMaterials//Figure21_4bSomewhatShinyGreyVase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter21ShinyMaterials//Figure21_4cShinyGreyVase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter21ShinyMaterials//Figure21_4dVeryShinyGreyVase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter21ShinyMaterials//Figure21_5ShinyGoldVase.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter22Background//Figure22_1BackgroundSkySphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter22Background//Figure22_2BackgroundSkyGround.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter22Background//Figure22_3cBackgroundSkyGroundMountains.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter22Background//Figure22_4BackgroundBinding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_1FogTestWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_2aLinearFogVisibility0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_2bLinearFogVisibility40.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_2cLinearFogVisibility30.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_2dLinearFogVisibility20.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_3aExponentialFogVisibility100.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_3bExponentialFogVisibility40.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_3cExponentialFogVisibility20.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_4BlackFogVisibility40.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter23Fog//Figure23_5BindingFogsAndBackgrounds.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_1EmitterMarkers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_2AmbientSoundEmitterMarkers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_3TouchSensorTriggeredSound.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_4FourKeyKeyboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_5TwoAmbientCirclingSounds.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_6DirectedAmbientSound.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter24Sound//Figure24_7VirtualTV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_01TorchHighDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_02TorchMediumDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_03TorchLowDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_04ThreeTorchesSideBySide.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_05ThreeTorchesSingleLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_06DungeonRoomFloor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_07DungeonRoomWall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_08DungeonRoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 2.25 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 2.25 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_09TwoDungeonRoomsWithLODHiding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_10DungeonWallWithDoorway.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_11DungeonDoor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter25LevelOfDetail//Figure25_12DungeonRoomsWithSlidingDoors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter26Viewpoint//Figure26_5DungeonViewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter26Viewpoint//Figure26_7DungeonViewpointsAndFieldsOfView.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision//Figure27_1VisibilitySensorDungeonSlidingDoors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision//Figure27_2ProximitySensorDungeonSlidingDoors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision//Figure27_3CollisionDetectionSpinningOrb.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='OrbSpin' translation='0 1 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter28Anchor//Figure28_1AnchorViewpointsDungeon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter28Anchor//Figure28_2AnchorLoadAnotherWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter29WorldInfo//Figure29_1WorldInfo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter30Scripts//Figure30_1ScriptSlidingBall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter30Scripts//Figure30_2ScriptBackgroundSelect.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter30Scripts//Figure30_3ScriptSoundActivate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter30Scripts//Figure30_4ScriptSpiralingBallTrace.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter30Scripts//Figure30_5ScriptTorusBuilder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_1WallColorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_2MaterialPrototypesLibrary.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] description attribute can contain whitespace instead of _underscore_ characters: description='Figure31_3MaterialExternalPrototypes' [Anchor description='Figure31_3MaterialExternalPrototypes'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_3MaterialExternalPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_4WoodAppearancePrototypesLibrary.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_5WoodAppearanceExternalPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_6DonutPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_7DonutExternalPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "crossSectionRadius" (for node "SpecialtyOfTheHouse"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Chapter31Prototypes//Figure31_9SpinGroupPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Ambient.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//AnchorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//AnimatedGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Arch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Arches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Background2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//BackgroundExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//BarPlot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//BarTwist.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Bounce1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Bounce2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Bounce3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//BoxPrimitive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Boxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//BrickBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Burst.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Button.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='inputOutput' and Script/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'sendUrl' parent Script DEF='SendUrl'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Can.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Castle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Ceiling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Chair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Colors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Column.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Columns.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//ConePrimitive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Cookie.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//CreaseAngle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Cut.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='SlidingPlane'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//CutPlane.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//CylinderPrimitive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Dinette.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//DirectionalLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Donut.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Doorway.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//DungeonDoor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//DungeonFloor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//DungeonRoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.0 2.25 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.0 2.25 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//DungeonWall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//DungeonWall2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//ExtrusionSpiral.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//ExtrusionSpiralMotion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Fence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Flames.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Floater.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Floor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Fog1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Fog2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Fog3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Fog4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Fog5.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//FogWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//GlowDoor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//HalfCylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Hand.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//HeadsUpDisplayHUD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Horn.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//IsoLine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//IsoSurface.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Keyboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Lamp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Lamp2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.0 -0.05 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LampLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Lamp2a.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.0 -0.05 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LampLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Land.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Lightning.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//LinePlot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Loader.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Log.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Match.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Monolith.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Mountain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Mountain128.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Mountain16.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Mountain32.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//MountainColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//MountainColor2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Nested.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//One.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Pedestal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//PlayYard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//PointLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//PointPlot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Proximity1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Proximity2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Query.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//RoboBill.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//RoboBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//RoboHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Robots.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Scatter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Shiny.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Slabs.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Slide.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Snake.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] MFVec2f attribute scale='0.05 0.05 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.28 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3' [...] count (33 pairs) must equal 1, or equal spine count (34 triplets) [Extrusion node DEF='Snake'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//SoundMarker.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Space.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Space2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//SpherePrimitive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Spheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Spiral.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//SpotLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Squisher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Stairway.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 0' scale='0.4 0.4 0.4' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//StopWatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Sub.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//SubWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Table.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Temple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain00.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain01.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain02.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain03.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain04.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain05.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain06.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain07.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain08.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Terrain09.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TextFont.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TextJustification.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TextPrimitive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TextSize.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TextVertical.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TexturePlane.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Three.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TimedTimer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Torch1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Torch2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Torch3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Torches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Torches3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TowerPart.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Towers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Tread.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TreeWall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//TumbleGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Two.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Vault.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Vector.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//VectorField1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Wiggle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//Windmill.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//WoodColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//aTorch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//aTorch1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//aTorch2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook/Siggraph98Course//aTorch3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet X3D examples: Vrml2Sourcebook.echo.timestamp: timestamp 21:24:32 on 16 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: HumanoidAnimation.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: HumanoidAnimation.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: HumanoidAnimation.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of HumanoidAnimation .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//HAnimModelFootLeft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not yet to scale'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO will X3D HAnim component add a new level to support LOA-4 functionality?'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='TODO describe how to compute and apply offsets for center values whenever attaching this appendage to a body'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 184 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//HAnimModelFootRight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not yet to scale'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='TODO describe how to compute and apply offsets for center values whenever attaching this appendage to a body'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO will X3D HAnim component add a new level to support LOA-4 functionality?'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 187 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//HAnimModelHandLeft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='not yet to scale, also relatively flat'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO will X3D HAnim component add a new level to support LOA-4 functionality?'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='TODO describe how to compute and apply offsets for center values whenever attaching this appendage to a body'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 187 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//HAnimModelHandRight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='not yet to scale, also relatively flat'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO will X3D HAnim component add a new level to support LOA-4 functionality?'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='TODO describe how to compute and apply offsets for center values whenever attaching this appendage to a body'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 187 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//HAnimModelsHandsFeet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not yet to scale'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO will X3D HAnim component add a new level to support LOA-4 functionality?'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "value" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 9: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Kwan-Hee" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "value" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 9: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Kwan-Hee" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "value" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 9: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Kwan-Hee" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "value" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 9: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Kwan-Hee" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//JinLOA1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 203 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//JinLOA2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 203 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//JinLOA3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 203 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//JinLOA4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 203 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter01Jin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter02Chul.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter03Hyun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter04Young.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter05Ju.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='HAnimJoint and HAnimSegment names upgraded to HAnim2 but graph topology has inconsistencies that do not match loa=1 specification hierarchy'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 203 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter06Ga.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter07No.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter08Da.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter09Ru.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter10Mi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter11Min.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Characters//KoreanCharacter12Sun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//AllenDutton.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='X3D Validator reports numerous warnings are present'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//BoxMan3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Skin mesh is split across multiple shapes within a Group, should that be allowed?'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//BoxMan3AnimationPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_sacroiliac_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_subtalar_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_metatarsal_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_subtalar_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_metatarsal_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl4_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt12_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt11_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt10_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt9_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt8_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt7_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt6_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt5_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt4_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc7_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc6_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc5_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc4_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_eyeball_joint_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_eyeball_joint_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_sternoclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_acromioclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_thumb1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_thumb2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_thumb3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_sternoclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_acromioclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_thumb1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_thumb2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_thumb3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_eyeball_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_eyeball_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_index1_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_index2_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_index3_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitches_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitches_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitches_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaws_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaws_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaws_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rolls_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rolls_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rolls_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_lower_body_RotationInterpolator_Run'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_neck_RotationInterpolator_Run'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_upper_body_RotationInterpolator_Run'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_neck_RotationInterpolator'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//Bubbles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//DiamondManLOA_0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 225 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//DiamondManLOA_1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Still needs comments on CAESAR feature points inserted'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 224 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//DiamondManLOA_2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has more than one contained-child Metadata nodes with default @containerField='metadata'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='humanoidVersion' /><MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='authorEmail' /><MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='authorName' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 432 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Animation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='BS Contact and H3DViewer have polygon-culling problems at close range (possibly related to avatarSize), other players look OK'/> [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//JinOriginalLOA1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='All length values are rescaled from inches to meters, not compatible with other typical motion animation behavior libraries which are based in meters.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 204 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//JinOriginalLOA2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='All length values are rescaled from inches to meters, not compatible with other typical motion animation behavior libraries which are based in meters.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 204 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//JinOriginalLOA3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='All length values are rescaled from inches to meters, not compatible with other typical motion animation behavior libraries which are based in meters.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 204 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//JinOriginalLOA4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='All length values are rescaled from inches to meters, not compatible with other typical motion animation behavior libraries which are based in meters.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 204 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//JoeSkinTexcoordDisplacerKick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Joe No Reservations 20200709 spec root and vc7 hier 20161206 ... 20121221 ... 20040109 x3d/hanim'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Transcoding from .vrml to .x3dv by Joe using BS studio circa 2012'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='translated from .x3dv to .xml for web3d archive'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='modified to correct root and vc7 hierarchies'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 279 column 19: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimJoint": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter01Jin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter02Chul.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter03Hyun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter04Young.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter05Ju.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter06Ga.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter07No.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter08Da.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter09Ru.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter10Mi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter11Min.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//KoreanCharacter12Sun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//MaskAndSnorkel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//NancyDiving.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Default orientation along X axis (vice HAnim required Y axis) since diving posture is typically prone.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='problem with left arm animation'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Viewpoint nodes need to be made child nodes under HAnimHumanoid with containerField='viewpoints'.'/> [warning] print(...) function should be Browser.print(...) in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='finWarpScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//NancyNativeTags.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='need height, weight. not sure if we should ask a lady her age.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//NancyStandShootRifleM24.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='ProtoBody missing content'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Numerous QA warnings need to be corrected'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='LOA1_ShootAnimation ought to be moved out as a separate prototype.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='cycleInterval'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'cycleInterval' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='enabled'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'enabled' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='loop'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'loop' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='startTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'startTime' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stopTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stopTime' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fraction_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fraction_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isActive'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isActive' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='HumanoidRoot_translation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'HumanoidRoot_translation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='HumanoidRoot_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'HumanoidRoot_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='lower_body_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'lower_body_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_hip_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_hip_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_knee_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_knee_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_ankle_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_ankle_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_hip_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_hip_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_knee_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_knee_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_ankle_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_ankle_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vl5_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vl5_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skullbase_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skullbase_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_shoulder_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_shoulder_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_elbow_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_elbow_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_wrist_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_wrist_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_shoulder_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_shoulder_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_elbow_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_elbow_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_wrist_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_wrist_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='SACROILIAC_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Legacy//ScubaTank.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//BvhConversion1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//BvhConversion1Illustrated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, TODO fix transcription of HAnimSite nodes. A few further improvements needed in X3dToXhhtml.xslt HAnim report stylesheet'/> [error] No DEF node found for <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/> [node DEF=''] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [error] no node with DEF="BvhConversion1_l_ankle" found, for ROUTE Interpolator4_l_ankle.value_changed TO BvhConversion1_l_ankle.set_rotation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_l_ankle' tofield rotation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator4_l_ankle.value_changed has type SFRotation, but destination BvhConversion1_l_ankle.set_rotation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_l_ankle' tofield .rotation.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] no node with DEF="BvhConversion1_l_midtarsal" found, for ROUTE Interpolator5_l_midtarsal.value_changed TO BvhConversion1_l_midtarsal.set_rotation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_l_midtarsal' tofield rotation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator5_l_midtarsal.value_changed has type SFRotation, but destination BvhConversion1_l_midtarsal.set_rotation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_l_midtarsal' tofield .rotation.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] no node with DEF="BvhConversion1_r_ankle" found, for ROUTE Interpolator8_r_ankle.value_changed TO BvhConversion1_r_ankle.set_rotation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_r_ankle' tofield rotation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator8_r_ankle.value_changed has type SFRotation, but destination BvhConversion1_r_ankle.set_rotation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_r_ankle' tofield .rotation.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] no node with DEF="BvhConversion1_r_midtarsal" found, for ROUTE Interpolator9_r_midtarsal.value_changed TO BvhConversion1_r_midtarsal.set_rotation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_r_midtarsal' tofield rotation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator9_r_midtarsal.value_changed has type SFRotation, but destination BvhConversion1_r_midtarsal.set_rotation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_r_midtarsal' tofield .rotation.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] no node with DEF="BvhConversion1_l_wrist" found, for ROUTE Interpolator15_l_wrist.value_changed TO BvhConversion1_l_wrist.set_rotation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_l_wrist' tofield rotation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator15_l_wrist.value_changed has type SFRotation, but destination BvhConversion1_l_wrist.set_rotation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_l_wrist' tofield .rotation.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] no node with DEF="BvhConversion1_r_wrist" found, for ROUTE Interpolator19_r_wrist.value_changed TO BvhConversion1_r_wrist.set_rotation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_r_wrist' tofield rotation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator19_r_wrist.value_changed has type SFRotation, but destination BvhConversion1_r_wrist.set_rotation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='BvhConversion1_r_wrist' tofield .rotation.FieldTypeNotFound. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 439 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//BvhConversion1Invisible.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 409 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//BvhSeamless3dExport1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='children'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare PAnim] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare PAnim] [warning] Script field 'play' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'play' parent ] [error] cannot initialize field inside Script when IS connection exists. Remove follow-on initializing value false [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'play' parent Script] [error] IS-connected field definitions cannot be initialized, ignoring value="false" [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'play' parent Script] [warning] Script field 'pause' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'pause' parent ] [error] cannot initialize field inside Script when IS connection exists. Remove follow-on initializing value false [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'pause' parent Script] [error] IS-connected field definitions cannot be initialized, ignoring value="false" [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'pause' parent Script] [warning] Script field 'period' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'period' parent ] [error] cannot initialize field inside Script when IS connection exists. Remove follow-on initializing value 0 [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'period' parent Script] [error] IS-connected field definitions cannot be initialized, ignoring value="0" [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'period' parent Script] [warning] Script field 'f03e07a38' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'f03e07a38' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'pi_Hips' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'pi_Hips' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'Hips' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'Hips' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_Hips' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_Hips' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftHip' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftHip' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftHip' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftHip' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftKnee' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftKnee' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftKnee' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftKnee' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftAnkle' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftAnkle' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftAnkle' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftAnkle' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftAnkleEnd' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftAnkleEnd' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftAnkleEnd' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftAnkleEnd' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightHip' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightHip' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightHip' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightHip' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightKnee' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightKnee' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightKnee' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightKnee' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightAnkle' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightAnkle' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightAnkle' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightAnkle' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightAnkleEnd' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightAnkleEnd' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightAnkleEnd' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightAnkleEnd' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_Chest' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_Chest' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'Chest' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'Chest' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_Chest2' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_Chest2' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'Chest2' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'Chest2' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftCollar' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftCollar' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftCollar' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftCollar' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftShoulder' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftShoulder' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftShoulder' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftShoulder' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftElbow' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftElbow' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftElbow' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftElbow' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_LeftWrist' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_LeftWrist' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'LeftWrist' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'LeftWrist' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightCollar' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightCollar' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightCollar' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightCollar' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightShoulder' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightShoulder' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightShoulder' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightShoulder' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightElbow' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightElbow' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightElbow' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightElbow' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_RightWrist' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_RightWrist' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'RightWrist' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'RightWrist' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_Neck' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_Neck' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'Neck' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'Neck' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'oi_Head' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'oi_Head' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] [warning] Script field 'Head' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'Head' parent DEF='s03e13e80'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//Pirouette.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='debugging in progress, nearly complete'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//RotationTests.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development: euler-angle conversions still problematic, single-step animation reveals that animations are not smooth.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/MotionAnimation//UniversityWisconsionExample1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] File name doesn't match for <meta name='identifier' content='*enter online Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address for this file here*'/> and <meta name='title' content='BvhUniversityWisconsionExample1.x3d'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 410 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Polygonal//Marine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Not HAnim compliant'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//AllenDuttonProtoInstances.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='using ProtoDeclare is only for developmental experimentation, use X3D native tags for Humanoids instead'/> [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='llimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'llimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='limitOrientation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'limitOrientation' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stiffness'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stiffness' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ulimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ulimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='centerOfMass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'centerOfMass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coord' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacers'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'displacers' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='mass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'mass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='momentsOfInertia'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'momentsOfInertia' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'humanoidBody' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'humanoidBody' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='info'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'info' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='joints'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'joints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='segments'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'segments' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='sites'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'sites' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='version'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'version' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'viewpoints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'viewpoints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//AllenStandShootRifleM24.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='cycleInterval'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'cycleInterval' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='enabled'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'enabled' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='loop'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'loop' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='startTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'startTime' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stopTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stopTime' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fraction_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fraction_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isActive'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isActive' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='HumanoidRoot_translation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'HumanoidRoot_translation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='HumanoidRoot_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'HumanoidRoot_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='lower_body_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'lower_body_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_hip_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_hip_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_knee_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_knee_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_ankle_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_ankle_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_hip_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_hip_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_knee_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_knee_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_ankle_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_ankle_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vl5_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vl5_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skullbase_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skullbase_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_shoulder_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_shoulder_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_elbow_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_elbow_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_wrist_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_wrist_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_shoulder_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_shoulder_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_elbow_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_elbow_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_wrist_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_wrist_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_ShootAnimation] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Allen Back Viewpoint'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Allen Above Viewpoint'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='SACROILIAC_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_WRIST_ANIMATOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//HAnimBehaviorPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development. should joint translations be exposed? upgrade to HAnim v2.2'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//HAnimPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='These are developmental examples that can assist X3D player implementations and support interoperability. They are not intended for author use in regular X3D scenes.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Developer note: names for these HAnim Prototypes need to be corrected if used internally in an X3D player implementation (e.g. Joint to HAnimJoint).'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Need support for skin'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='version'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'version' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='humanoidVersion'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'humanoidVersion' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='info'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'info' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'humanoidBody' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'humanoidBody' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'skeleton' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'skeleton' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='joints'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'joints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='segments'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'segments' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='sites'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'sites' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'viewpoints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'viewpoints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoord' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinNormal'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinNormal' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ulimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ulimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='llimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'llimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='limitOrientation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'limitOrientation' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoordWeight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoordWeight' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stiffness'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stiffness' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='mass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'mass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='centerOfMass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'centerOfMass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='momentsOfInertia'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'momentsOfInertia' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coord' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacers'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'displacers' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Site] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Site] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacements'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacements' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//InterchangableActorsViaDynamicRoutingPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='this example needs to be converted from HAnim Prototypes to HAnim native tags.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='version'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'version' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='humanoidVersion'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'humanoidVersion' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='info'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'info' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'humanoidBody' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'humanoidBody' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'skeleton' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'skeleton' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='joints'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'joints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='segments'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'segments' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='sites'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'sites' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'viewpoints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'viewpoints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoord' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinNormal'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinNormal' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid1_1] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ulimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ulimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='llimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'llimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='limitOrientation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'limitOrientation' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoordWeight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoordWeight' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stiffness'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stiffness' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='mass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'mass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='centerOfMass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'centerOfMass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='momentsOfInertia'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'momentsOfInertia' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coord' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacers'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'displacers' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Site] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Site] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacements'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacements' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ENGINE'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ActorAnimator'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='ActorAnimator'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\sacrum.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_thigh.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_calf.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_hindfoot.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_middistal.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_middistal_tip.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_thigh.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_calf.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_hindfoot.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_middistal.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_middistal_tip.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l5.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\skull.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\skull_tip.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_upperarm.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_forearm.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_hand.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\l_hand_tip.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_upperarm.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_forearm.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_hand.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\Prototypes\centres\r_hand_tip.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_JumpAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_KneelAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='lower_body_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'lower_body_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_KneelAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_KneelAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_KneelAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skullbase_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skullbase_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_KneelAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_wrist_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_wrist_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_KneelAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_wrist_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_wrist_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_KneelAnimation] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_RunAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_StandAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_StopAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_SwimmingFlutterKickAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not yet tested, need to compare with NancyDivingExample interpolators'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='lower_body_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'lower_body_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_DivingAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='l_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'l_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_DivingAnimation] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='r_midtarsal_rotation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'r_midtarsal_rotation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare LOA1_DivingAnimation] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//LOA1_WalkAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//NancyDivingProtoInstances.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This is a developmental example, use HAnim native tags as shown in other examples instead of the prototypes and ProtoInstances shown here.'/> [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Nancy front viewpoint'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Nancy above viewpoint'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Nancy back viewpoint'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Nancy side viewpoint'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Nancy viewpoint through her goggles'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='FinScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='finWarpScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes//NancyPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='using ProtoDeclare is only for developmental experimentation, use X3D native tags for Humanoids instead'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacements'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacements' parent ProtoDeclare Displacer] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='version'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'version' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='humanoidVersion'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'humanoidVersion' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='info'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'info' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'humanoidBody' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'humanoidBody' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'skeleton' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'skeleton' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='joints'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'joints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'joints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='segments'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'segments' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'segments' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='sites'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'sites' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'sites' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'viewpoints' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'viewpoints' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoord' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinNormal'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinNormal' parent ProtoDeclare Humanoid] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ulimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ulimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='llimit'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'llimit' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='limitOrientation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'limitOrientation' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='skinCoordWeight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'skinCoordWeight' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stiffness'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stiffness' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Joint] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='mass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'mass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='centerOfMass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'centerOfMass' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='momentsOfInertia'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'momentsOfInertia' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coord' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='displacers'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'displacers' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'displacers' parent ProtoDeclare Segment] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Site] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Site] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Skin//BoxMan4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Skin mesh is split across multiple shapes within a Group, should that be allowed?'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Skin//BoxMan4AnimationPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_sacroiliac_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_subtalar_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_metatarsal_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_subtalar_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_metatarsal_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl4_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vl1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt12_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt11_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt10_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt9_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt8_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt7_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt6_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt5_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt4_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vt1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc7_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc6_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc5_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc4_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_vc1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_eyeball_joint_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_eyeball_joint_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_sternoclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_acromioclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_thumb1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_thumb2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_thumb3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_index3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_middle3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_ring3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_l_pinky3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_sternoclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_acromioclavicular_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_thumb1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_thumb2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_thumb3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_index3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_middle3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_ring3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky0_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky1_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky2_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stop_r_pinky3_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_eyeball_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_eyeball_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_index1_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_index2_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Stand_r_index3_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitches_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitches_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitches_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaws_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaws_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaws_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rolls_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rolls_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rolls_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Walk_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_lower_body_RotationInterpolator_Run'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_neck_RotationInterpolator_Run'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_upper_body_RotationInterpolator_Run'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Run_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_neck_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jump_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_l_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_l_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_l_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_sternoclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_acromioclavicular_RollInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_thumb1_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_r_metatarsal_PitchInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_sacroiliac_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_vc6_YawInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_lower_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_upper_body_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Kick_neck_RotationInterpolator'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Skin//DesignPatternsApparelMedicalSkinLayers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Immersive'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Full' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] HAnimHumanoid node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimHumanoid node DEF='a_SimpleSkeleton'] [error] HAnimJoint node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous HAnimJoint node] [error] HAnimSegment node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous HAnimSegment node] [error] HAnimSite node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimSite node DEF='a_feature01_tip'] [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. This template example does not produce renderable HAnim models.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 261 column 21: Expected "{", got keyword "DEF" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Skin//JoeKick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 267 column 17: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Skin//JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development, numerous errors and warnings'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitch'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_sternoclavicularRelax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_acromioclavicularRelax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_shoulderRelax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_elbowRelax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_wristRelax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_index0Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_index1Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_middle0Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_middle1Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_ring0Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_ring1Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_pinky0Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_pinky1Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb1Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb2Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb3Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_fingers2Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_fingers3Relax'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='l_shoulderRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_ELBOW_ANIMATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_WRIST_ANIMATOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Animation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='BS Contact and H3DViewer have polygon-culling problems at close range (possibly related to avatarSize), other players look OK'/> [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//HAnim2SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] [warning] Backwards compatibility note: LOD forceTransitions only allowed for X3D 3.1 or greater (not VRML97) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LOD attribute forceTransitions] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 321 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//HAnim2SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 293 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//KoreanCharacterMotionAnnexB01Jin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Keyframe_l_metatarsophalangeal'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Keyframe_r_talocrural'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Keyframe_r_metatarsophalangeal'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//KoreanCharacterMotionAnnexC01Jin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Keyframe_l_metatarsophalangeal_2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Keyframe_r_talocrural'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 189 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Specifications//KoreanCharacterMotionAnnexD01Jin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Complete functionality for HAnimMotion node may require support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='2'/> (instead of declared level='1') [HAnimMotion node DEF='hanim_motion_animation'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 190 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Templates//DiamondManLOA0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 222 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Templates//DiamondManLOA1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Still needs comments on CAESAR feature points inserted'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 222 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/Templates//DiamondManLOA2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 429 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Bushes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Cane.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//CaneFitting.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Flower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//FlowerGardens.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='FlowerSet'/> and <Shape USE='FlowerSet'/> [node DEF=''] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//FlowerSet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//GrampsAnimations.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] preferred Dublin Core Metadata Term is name='rights' (vice copyright) <meta name='copyright' content='2023'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Light_TRANSFORM' translation='0.04076 0.01005 0.05904' scale='1.0 1.0 1.0' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_Light'] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='DomeLight_TRANSFORM' translation='-0.0 -0.0 3.05' scale='1.0 1.0 1.0' /> [PointLight DEF='LA_DomeLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Leif.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Joint nodes cannot directly contain geometry, insert a child HAnimSegment first'/> [error] HAnimHumanoid joints HAnimJoint must have USE value [node HAnimJoint DEF='Leif_humanoid_root', parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='Leif' DEF='Leif_humanoid_root'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Run011_upper_bodyRotInterp_Leif_Run011'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Run011_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Turn012s_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Turn012_vc6Leif_Turn012'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Walk013_l_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Walk013_r_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Walk013_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Pitch2Interpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_RollLeftFingers2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_RollRightFingers2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand016BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand016BooleanFilter'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 204 column 37: Incorrect USE clause: node name "Leif_humanoid_root" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//LeifAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] HAnimHumanoid joints HAnimJoint must have USE value [node HAnimJoint DEF='Leif_humanoid_root', parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='Leif' DEF='Leif_humanoid_root'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand010_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Run011_upper_bodyRotInterp_Leif_Run011'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Run011_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Turn012s_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Turn012_vc6Leif_Turn012'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Walk013_l_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Walk013_r_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Walk013_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand015_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Leif_Stand016_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand016BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Leif_Stand016BooleanFilter'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 205 column 37: Incorrect USE clause: node name "Leif_humanoid_root" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Lily.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Joint nodes cannot directly contain geometry, insert a child HAnimSegment first'/> [error] HAnimHumanoid joints HAnimJoint must have USE value [node HAnimJoint DEF='Lily_humanoid_root', parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='Lily' DEF='Lily_humanoid_root'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Run011_upper_bodyRotInterp_Lily_Run011'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Run011_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Turn012s_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Turn012_vc6Lily_Turn012'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Walk013_l_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Walk013_r_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Walk013_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Pitch2Interpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_RollLeftFingers2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_RollRightFingers2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand016BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand016BooleanFilter'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 203 column 37: Incorrect USE clause: node name "Lily_humanoid_root" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//LilyAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] HAnimHumanoid joints HAnimJoint must have USE value [node HAnimJoint DEF='Lily_humanoid_root', parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='Lily' DEF='Lily_humanoid_root'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand010_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Run011_upper_bodyRotInterp_Lily_Run011'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Run011_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Turn012s_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Turn012_vc6Lily_Turn012'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Walk013_l_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Walk013_r_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Walk013_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand015_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Lily_Stand016_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand016BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Lily_Stand016BooleanFilter'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 196 column 37: Incorrect USE clause: node name "Lily_humanoid_root" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//MainStage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='containerField=watchList changed to containerField=children in X3D 4.0'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//PathMeshTopSurface.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Pathway.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Size2tExample_revision2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='Timer'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//TestCycleTimeStart.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//Tufani.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Joint nodes cannot directly contain geometry, insert a child HAnimSegment first'/> [error] HAnimHumanoid joints HAnimJoint must have USE value [node HAnimJoint DEF='Tufani_humanoid_root', parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='Tufani' DEF='Tufani_humanoid_root'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Run011_upper_bodyRotInterp_Tufani_Run011'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Run011_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Turn012s_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Turn012_vc6Tufani_Turn012'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Walk013_l_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Walk013_r_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Walk013_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Pitch2Interpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_RotationInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_RollLeftFingers2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_RollRightFingers2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand016BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand016BooleanFilter'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 202 column 39: Incorrect USE clause: node name "Tufani_humanoid_root" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//TufaniAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] HAnimHumanoid joints HAnimJoint must have USE value [node HAnimJoint DEF='Tufani_humanoid_root', parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='Tufani' DEF='Tufani_humanoid_root'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand010_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Run011_upper_bodyRotInterp_Tufani_Run011'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Run011_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Turn012s_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Turn012_vc6Tufani_Turn012'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Walk013_l_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Walk013_r_acromioclavicularRoll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Walk013_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand015_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_neckRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_upper_bodyRotInterp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_vc6Yaw'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Tufani_Stand016_r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand010BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Run011BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Turn012BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Walk013BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Skip014BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand015BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter input [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand016BooleanFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanFilter output [BooleanFilter DEF='Tufani_Stand016BooleanFilter'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 198 column 39: Incorrect USE clause: node name "Tufani_humanoid_root" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterAndSpringHumanoidTimings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='reference .x3dv model successfully translated by Castle Game Engine, IICM, and Xj3D import (with loss of comments)'/> [hint] <meta name='hint' content='MetadataString approach for name=poses sequence, matching the key/keyValue pairs, is experimental but seems unambiguous.'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of PositionInterpolator node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent PositionInterpolator. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [<PositionInterpolator DEF="Gramps_HumanoidRoot_TranslationInterpolator"/> with parent Scene DEF='Gramps_HumanoidRoot_TranslationInterpolator'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "PositionInterpolator" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 123 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterAndSpringTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 309 column 17: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HAnimHumanoid": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterAndSpringTitleBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterSpringAuthorsAllTitleBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterSpringDedicationAllTitleBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterSpringMusicCreditAllTitleBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation/WinterAndSpring//WinterSpringThanksAllTitleBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet X3D examples: HumanoidAnimation.echo.timestamp: timestamp 21:37:42 on 16 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: ConformanceNist.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: ConformanceNist.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: ConformanceNist.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of ConformanceNist .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/ImageTextureChild.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/material.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/null_texturetransform.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/texturetransform.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Material nodes, Color nodes and texture nodes are are intentionally omitted to perform this test.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_greyscale_color_blend.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Material nodes are intentionally omitted to perform this test.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_greyscale_intensity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_greyscale_texture_alpha.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_pointline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Material nodes, Color nodes and texture nodes are are intentionally omitted to perform this test.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_rgb_texture_alpha.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_texture_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Material nodes are are intentionally omitted to perform this test.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Appearance/unlit_texture_nocolor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/default_fontstyle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/driver.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/family.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/next_family.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/serif_family.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/size_spacing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/FontStyle/style.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/ElevationGridExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/ElevationGridPNG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/ExtrusionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/ExtrusionPNG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/IndexedFaceSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/IndexedFaceSetPNG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/all_jpg.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/all_png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/complex_greyscale_alpha.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/complex_rgb_alpha.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_alpha_png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_jpg.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_jpg_Color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_jpg_diffuseColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_png_Color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/greyscale_png_diffuseColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/repeats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/repeatt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/repeatt_png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/rgb_alpha_png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/st.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/st_png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/texture_256jpg.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/texture_256png.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/threesides.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/threesidesPNG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/twosidesbig.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/twosidesbigPNG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/twosidessmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/ImageTexture/twosidessmallPNG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/allgeoms_diffusecolor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/allgeoms_diffusecolor_texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/allgeoms_transparency.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/ambientIntensity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/ambientintensity_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/complex_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/complex_color_first_texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/default_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/default_primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/diffuseColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/diffusecolor_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/emissiveColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/emissivecolor_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/greyscale_texture_alpha_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/greyscale_texture_material_transparency_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/indexedlineset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/indexedlineset_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/pointset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/pointset_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/rgb_texture_alpha_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/rgb_texture_material_transparency_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/shininess.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/shininess_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/specularColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/specularcolor_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/texture_first_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/texture_first_primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/texture_over_color_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/transparency.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/Material/transparency_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/ElevationGridExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/ExtrusionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/IndexedFaceSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/TextExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/default_start2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/firstframe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/keeplastframe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/lastframe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/loopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/loopforever.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/looptilstoptime.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/mpeg1_sound.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/mpeg1_systems.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/mpeg1_video.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='fails X3D Canonicalization (C14N) processing, cause unclear'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/repeats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/repeatst.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/repeatt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speed_fraction.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speed_fraction_reverse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speeddefault.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speedeq0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speedgt0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speedlt0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/speedreverse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/startgtstop.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/stopeqstartloopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/stopeqstartlooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/stopgtstartloopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/stopgtstartlooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/stopltstartloopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/stopltstartlooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/threesides.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/twosidesbig.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/twosidessmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/ElevationGridExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/ExtrusionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/IndexedFaceSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/PixelTexture256.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/greyscale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/greyscale_Color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/greyscale_alpha.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/greyscale_diffuseColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/repeats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/repeatt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/rgb.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/rgb_alpha.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/st.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/threesides.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/twosidesbig.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/PixelTexture/twosidessmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/all_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/all_complex_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/all_complex_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/all_primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/all_primitives_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/all_primitives_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/center_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/center_complex_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/center_complex_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/center_primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/center_primitives_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/center_primitives_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/default_primitives_imagetexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/default_primitives_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/default_primitives_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/elevationgrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/elevationgrid_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/elevationgrid_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/extrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/extrusion_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/extrusion_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/indexedfaceset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/indexedfaceset_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/indexedfaceset_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/rotation_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/rotation_complex_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/rotation_complex_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/rotation_primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/rotation_primitives_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/rotation_primitives_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/scale_complex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/scale_complex_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/scale_complex_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/scale_primitives.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/scale_primitives_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/scale_primitives_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_complex_s.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_complex_s_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_complex_s_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_complex_t.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_complex_t_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_complex_t_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_primitives_s.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_primitives_s_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_primitives_s_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_primitives_t.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_primitives_t_movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Appearance/TextureTransform/translation_primitives_t_pixeltexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_backurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_backurlpng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_bottomurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_bottomurlpng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_fronturl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_fronturlpng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_groundcolor2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_lefturl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_lefturlpng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_righturl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_righturlpng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_skycolor2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_topurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/set_topurlpng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_binding1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_binding2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_binding3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_binding4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_binding5.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_wholejpeg.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/test_wholepng.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/verify_clampingsky.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Background/verify_lastground.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/create_vrml_from_string_fog.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/create_vrml_from_url_fog.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/default_binding_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/default_binding_two.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/default_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/default_fog.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/fogtype_linear.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/inline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/limits.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/nofog.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Fog/scaling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/any_type.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/create_vrml_from_string_navigationinfo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='VRML 97 scripting used'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/create_vrml_from_url_navigationinfo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='VRML 97 scripting used'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/default_binding_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/default_binding_single.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/default_binding_two.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/default_speed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/default_type.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/examine_type.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/fly_type.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/headlight_range.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/inline_navigationinfo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/jumpcut_anchor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/jumpcut_loadurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/navigationinfo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/navinline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/nonavigationinfo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/none_type.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/speed_range.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/speed_scaling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/NavigationInfo/walk_type.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/create_vrml_from_string_viewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/create_vrml_from_url_viewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='problem in external .js script'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/default_binding_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/default_binding_single.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/default_binding_two.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/default_viewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/inline_viewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jump_false.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jump_true.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jumpcut_anchor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jumpcut_collision.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jumpcut_loadurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jumpcut_loadworld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jumpcut_loadworld_noview.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/jumpcut_proximitysensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='TIME0'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLOR_INTERP'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLOR_INTERP'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/noviewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/viewinline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='PROX_SENSOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/BindableNodes/Viewpoint/viewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='PROX_SENSOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/blue_elevationgrid_vertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/blue_indexedfaceset_vertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/blue_indexedlineset_vertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/colors15000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/elevationgrid_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/elevationgrid_texture_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/green_pointset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/indexedfaceset_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/indexedfaceset_texture_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/indexedlineset_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_elevationgrid_faces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_elevationgrid_vertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_indexedfaceset_faces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_indexedfaceset_vertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_indexedlineset_lines.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_indexedlineset_vertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/multicolor_pointset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/pointset_color_first.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/red_elevationgrid_faces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/red_indexedfaceset_faces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Color/red_indexedlineset_lines.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Coordinate/IndexedFaceCoord.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Coordinate/IndexedLineCoord.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Coordinate/PointSetCoord.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Coordinate/points15000_faceset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Coordinate/points15000_lineset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/multi_elevation_face_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/multi_elevation_vertex_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/multi_faceset_face_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/normals15000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/single_elevation_face_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/single_elevation_vertex_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/single_faceset_face_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Normal/single_faceset_vertex_normals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_imagetexture_entire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_imagetexture_part.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_imagetexture_plus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_imagetexture_whole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_movietexture_entire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_movietexture_part.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_movietexture_plus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_movietexture_whole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_entire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_part.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_plus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/TextureCoordinate/indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_whole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='file did not transform to vrml97'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Box/default_box.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Box/extents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Box/extra_large.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Box/floats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Box/small_view.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Box/texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/default_cone.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/extents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/extra_large.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/floats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/no_bottom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/no_side.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/small_view.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cone/texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/default_cylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/extents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/extra_large.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/floats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/no_bottom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/no_sides.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/no_top.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/small_view.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Cylinder/texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/default_grid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/heights16000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_ccwsolid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_colorvertex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_creaseAngle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_deftext.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_height.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_negheights.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_normalfaces.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_normalvertices.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_textcoord.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_xSpacing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/ElevationGrid/test_zSpacing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/default_extrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/points2500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_XYZextrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_YZextrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_begincap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_beginendcap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_ccw.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_convex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_creaseAngle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_endcap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_fullorient.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_multscaling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_openextrusion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_simpleorient.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_simplescaling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_solid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Extrusion/test_texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/colorIndex_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/convexFALSE.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/convexTRUE.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/coordIndex_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/coordindex_normal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/default_creaseangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/default_faceset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/default_texturecoord.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/empty_colorIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/empty_normalIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/empty_textureIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/faces5000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/filled_colorIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/filled_normalIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/filled_textureIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/normalindex_normal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/nosolidshape.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/reversefaces_ccwFALSE.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/set_creaseangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/setmax_creaseangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/vertices10.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/colorIndex_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/colorIndex_color1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/coordIndex_color.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/default_LineSet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/empty_colorIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/filled_colorIndex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/filled_colorIndex1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/parent_transform.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/polylines15000defcolor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/IndexedLineSet/vertices15000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/PointSet/mixcolors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/PointSet/morecolors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/PointSet/points5000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/PointSet/samecolor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Shape/unlit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Sphere/default_sphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Sphere/extents.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Sphere/texture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/default_text.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/hundred_charsperstring.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/hundred_strings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/mix_compexp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/mult_strings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/set_length_comp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/set_length_exp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/set_maxExtent_high.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Geometry/Text/set_maxExtent_low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/bound_500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/existing_file.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/invalid_viewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/nested_anchor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/new_world.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/singleurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_anchorclick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_anchorviewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_bboxsizesame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_mult_multurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_mult_singleurl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_simpleAnchor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_viewanchor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/test_viewpointonly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/third_world.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/url1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/url2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Anchor/url3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Billboard/axis_rotX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Billboard/axis_rotY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Billboard/axis_rotZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Billboard/axis_rotall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Billboard/bound_500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Billboard/test_bboxsizesame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/boundingBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/children500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/collidefalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/default_collision.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/nocollision.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/proxy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Collision/proxynochildren.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Group/bound_500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Group/test_bboxsizesame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/bound_500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_bboxsizesame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_centerX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_centerY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_centerZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_equivalence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_order.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_rotationX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_rotationY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_rotationZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaledownX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaledownY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaledownZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaleorientX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaleorientY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaleorientZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaleupX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaleupY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_scaleupZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_translationX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_translationXY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_translationXZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_translationY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_translationYZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/GroupingNodes/Transform/test_translationZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ColorInterpolator/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ColorInterpolator/keys1000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ColorInterpolator/samekeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ColorInterpolator/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ColorInterpolator/value_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLORINTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLORINTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLORINTERP2modiedByScriptNode'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLORINTERP2modiedByScriptNode'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/CoordinateInterpolator/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/CoordinateInterpolator/keys1000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/CoordinateInterpolator/samekeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/CoordinateInterpolator/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/CoordinateInterpolator/value_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Interchange'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Immersive' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] TouchSensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='PointingDeviceSensor' level='1'/> [TouchSensor node DEF='TS1'] [error] Script node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Scripting' level='1'/> [Script node DEF='COORDINIZEIT'] [error] field node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field node] [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='test fails, no geometry produced'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator input [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='COORD_INTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator output [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='COORD_INTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator input [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='COORD_INTERP2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator output [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='COORD_INTERP2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/NormalInterpolator/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/NormalInterpolator/keys1000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/NormalInterpolator/samekeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/NormalInterpolator/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/NormalInterpolator/value_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='test fails, no geometry produced'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator input [NormalInterpolator DEF='NORMAL_INTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator output [NormalInterpolator DEF='NORMAL_INTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator input [NormalInterpolator DEF='NORMAL_INTERP2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator output [NormalInterpolator DEF='NORMAL_INTERP2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/OrientationInterpolator/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/OrientationInterpolator/keys1000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/OrientationInterpolator/samekeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/OrientationInterpolator/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/OrientationInterpolator/value_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='MOVER1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='MOVER1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='MOVER2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='MOVER2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/PositionInterpolator/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/PositionInterpolator/keys1000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/PositionInterpolator/samekeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/PositionInterpolator/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/PositionInterpolator/value_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='MOVER1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='MOVER1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='MOVER2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='MOVER2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ScalarInterpolator/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 4' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LIGHT'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ScalarInterpolator/keys1000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 4' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LIGHT'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ScalarInterpolator/samekeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 4' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LIGHT'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ScalarInterpolator/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 4' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LIGHT'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Interpolators/ScalarInterpolator/value_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SCALAR_INTERPOLATOR1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SCALAR_INTERPOLATOR1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SCALAR_INTERPOLATOR2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SCALAR_INTERPOLATOR2'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 1' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LIGHT1'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 0 1' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='LIGHT2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/default_complexdir.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/default_primitivesdir.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_ambeffect_ambientcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_ambeffect_ambientsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_ambientcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_ambientsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable ColorInterpolator] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable ColorInterpolator] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_attenuationcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_attenuationsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_colorcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_colorsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_directioncom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_directionsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_direffect_diffusecom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_direffect_diffusesim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_direffect_specularcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_direffect_specularsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_inteffect_diffusecom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_inteffect_diffusesim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_inteffect_specularcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_inteffect_specularsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_intensitycom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_intensitysim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_on.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/DirectionalLight/test_red_on_blue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/default_complexpl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/default_primitivespl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_ambeffect_ambientcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_ambeffect_ambientsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_ambientcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_ambientsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_colorcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_colorsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_com_attenuationspecial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_com_scope.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_comc1_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_comc2_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_inteffect_diffusecom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_inteffect_diffusesim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_inteffect_specularcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_inteffect_specularsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_intensitycom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_intensitysim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_locationcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_locationsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_on.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-3 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='2 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_red_on_blue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_sim_attenuationspecial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_sim_scope.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_simc1_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/PointLight/test_simc2_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/default_complexsl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/default_primitivessl.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_ambeffect_ambientcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_ambeffect_ambientsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_ambientcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_ambientsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_beamWidthsim1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_beamWidthsim2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_colorcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_colorsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_com_attenuationspecial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_com_scope.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_comc1_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_comc2_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_cutOffAnglesim1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_cutOffAnglesim2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_directioncom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_directionsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_inteffect_diffusecom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_inteffect_diffusesim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='text-time'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='text-color'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_inteffect_specularcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_inteffect_specularsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_intensitycom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_intensitysim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_locationcom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_locationsim.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_on.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-3 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='1 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_red_on_blue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_sim_attenuationspecial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_sim_scope.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_simc1_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Lights/SpotLight/test_simc2_attenuation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/different_name.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url renames prototype by not ending with #BallProto [ExternProtoDeclare name='BallProto' DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/different_name_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/first_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [hint] <meta name='hint' content='note that proto name is intentionally omitted for this test, see meta description for details'/> [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #BallProto or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='BallProto' DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/first_proto_file.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/first_proto_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/ignore_externproto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/multi_url_specific.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": No PROTO named "Red_sphere" found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/multi_url_specific_nofile.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist\Miscellaneous\EXTERNPROTO\some_proto_file.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/second_proto_file.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/specific_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/EXTERNPROTO/specific_proto_proto.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/LocalFog/LocalFogEffectsTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, LocalFog specification functionality review in progress on'/> [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/PROTO/def.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/PROTO/fivedeepinternalroute.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/PROTO/fivedeepnesting.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/PROTO/route_inside.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/PROTO/simple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/Script/ScriptNodeEventOutControl_EcmaScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/Script/ScriptNodeEventOutControl_Java.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/Script/ScriptNodeFieldControl_EcmaScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/Script/ScriptNodeFieldControl_Java.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/WorldInfo/info.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/WorldInfo/title.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC01/NistCtc01Asme1Ap203Cadex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC01/NistCtc01Asme1Ap203Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Original units of millimeters are being expanded to X3D default of meters'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='No defined viewpoint, and the default at 10 meters is too close to part'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC01/NistCtc01Asme1Ap203Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 168 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap203Cadex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap203Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap203Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Failure to render face #1128'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Failure to render face #1308'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 170 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap242v1Cadex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap242v1Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap242v1Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Failure to render face #8143'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Failure to render face #8323'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 170 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap242v2Cadex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap242v2Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC02/NistCtc02Asme1Ap242v2Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 168 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC03/NistCtc03Asme1Ap203Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC03/NistCtc03Asme1Ap203Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC03/NistCtc03Asme1Ap242Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC03/NistCtc03Asme1Ap242Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC04/NistCtc04Asme1Ap203Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC04/NistCtc04Asme1Ap203Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC04/NistCtc04Asme1Ap242Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC05/NistCtc05Asme1Ap203Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC05/NistCtc05Asme1Ap203Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC05/NistCtc05Asme1Ap242V1Occ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC05/NistCtc05Asme1Ap242V1Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='no length-unit specified'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 137 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/CTC05/NistCtc05Asme1Ap242V2Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 128 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/FTC06/NistFtc06Asme1Ap242Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/FTC08/NistFtc08Asme1Ap242Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/FTC09/NistFtc09Asme1Ap242Cadex.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/STEP/FTC09/NistFtc09Asme1Ap242Spri.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the Web3D Design Printing and Scanning Working Group,'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] [error] CADPart has improper parent Scene, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 167 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/autooffset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/default_cylinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/default_disk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/minmax_disk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/multisensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/offset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/trackpoint_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/CylinderSensor/unison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/Keyboard/KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This doesn't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled accessType needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> [warning] inputOnly field 'set_enabled' has no input-event method definition 'function set_enabled (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'enabled' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'altKey' has no assignment statement such as 'altKey=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'keyPress' has no assignment statement such as 'keyPress=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'keyRelease' has no assignment statement such as 'keyRelease=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'shiftKey' has no assignment statement such as 'shiftKey=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'actionKeyRelease' has no assignment statement such as 'actionKeyRelease=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'actionKeyPress' has no assignment statement such as 'actionKeyPress=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'enabled_changed' has no assignment statement such as 'enabled_changed=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'controlKey' has no assignment statement such as 'controlKey=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/Keyboard/KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTestCore.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This won't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/Keyboard/KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTestInteractive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This won't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/Keyboard/KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTestInterchange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] KeySensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='KeyDeviceSensor' level='1'/> [KeySensor node DEF='SingleKeySensor'] [error] Switch node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [Switch node DEF='ActivationKeyMessageSwitch'] [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This won't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/autooffset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/default_planesensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/minmax.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/minmax_x.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/minmax_y.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/multisensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/offset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/offset_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/trackpoint_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/translation_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/unclamped.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/PlaneSensor/unison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/centersize_1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/centersize_2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/def_use.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/default_proximitysensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/multi_sensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/nested_trans.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/orientation_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-1 -1 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='1 1 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='1 -1 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/ProximitySensor/time.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/default_spheresensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/multisensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/offset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/offsetfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/offsettrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/trackpoint_changed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/SphereSensor/unison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/cycleinterval.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/cycletime.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/default_timesensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/fraction.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='2 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-2 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 2 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -2 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/loop.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stopeqstartloopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stopeqstartlooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stopgtstartloopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stopgtstartlooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stopltstartloopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stopltstartlooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stoptime.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stoptime_1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stoptime_1_looptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stoptime_2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stoptime_2_looptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TimeSensor/stoptime_looptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/hitnormal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/hitpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/hittexcoord.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/isover.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/multisensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/touchtime.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/TouchSensor/unison.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/centersize.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/centersize_1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/def_use.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/default_visibilitysensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/enabled.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for VisibilitySensor output [VisibilitySensor DEF='VISIB_SENSOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='2 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-2 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 2 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -2 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/multi_sensor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/nested_trans.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sensors/VisibilitySensor/time.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/default_audioclip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/default_looptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/description.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/duration.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/isactive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/multi_url.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist\Sounds\AudioClip\nonexistent.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/pitchrange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/starteqstoploopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/starteqstoploopfalse_past.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/starteqstoplooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='PROX_SENSOR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/starteqstoplooptrue_past.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startgtstoploopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startgtstoploopfalse_past.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startgtstoplooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startgtstoplooptrue_past.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startltstoploopfalse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startltstoploopfalse_past.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startltstoplooptrue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/startltstoplooptrue_past.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/default_sound.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/direction.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='XTIMER'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='XFLASH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='XFLASH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='YTIMER'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='YFLASH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='YFLASH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='ZTIMER'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='ZFLASH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='ZFLASH'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/ellipsoids.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/hierarchy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/intensity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/location.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/movietexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/simultaneous.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/Sounds/Sound/switch_sounds.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='MYSWITCH'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/existing_file.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/invalid_url.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist\SpecialGroups\Inline\non_existingfile.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/nested_inline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/ref1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/ref2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/ref3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/ref4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/single_url.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Inline/test_bboxsizesame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/bound_500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/empty_range.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/extra_levels.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] Attribute range='17 33' array length (2) must be one less than number of LOD children levels (4) [LOD node DEF='intentional-extra-level'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/few_levels.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] Attribute range='17 33 49 55' array length (4) must be one less than number of LOD children levels (2) [LOD node DEF='intentionally-too-few'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/multiple_level.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/ref1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/ref2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/ref3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/ref4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LOD/test_center.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Switch/bound_500.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Switch/less_than_zero.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Switch/more_than_max.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> [error] Attribute whichChoice='1' must not be greater than number of Switch child levels (initial index = 0) [Switch node DEF='intentionally-more-than-max'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Switch/nested_switch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Switch/select_firstchoice.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/Switch/select_lastchoice.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,'/> X3D examples: ConformanceNist.echo.timestamp: timestamp 22:34:09 on 16 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: Basic.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: Basic.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: Basic.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of Basic .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CADPartChildNoTransformation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This scene is intended for specification development only.'/> [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CADPartChildTransformationAlternativeA.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CADPartChildTransformationAlternativeB.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This scene is intended for specification development only, and is not expected to validate or work.'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='The alternative structure in this scene fails validation.'/> [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 168 column 23: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CADFace": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "rotation" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CADPartChildTransformationAlternativeC.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This scene is intended for specification development only, and is not expected to validate or work.'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='The alternative structure in this scene fails validation.'/> [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] [error] CADFace has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADFace] [error] CADFace has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADFace] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CadDesignPatternExampleBushing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Only InstantReality, X3DOM, OctagaVs and Xj3D are properly handling geometry of Disk2D end caps'/> [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CadGeometryExternPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Do not use these prototypes in an up-to-date X3D browser that already provides CAD support.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\CAD\CadGeometryPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CadGeometryPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Do not use these prototypes in an up-to-date X3D browser that already provides CAD support.'/> [warning] Script field 'shape' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'shape' parent DEF='HoldShapeNodeScript'] [warning] Script field 'visible' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'visible' parent DEF='HoldMFBoolFieldScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 224 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got "]" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CadTeapot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "CADLayer" with prototype "CADLayer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field visible (SFString) from visible (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CatiaHubAssemblyCombined.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Interactive'> differs from profile='CADInterchange' computed for this model castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CatiaHubAssemblyInline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CatiaHubBushing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CatiaHubCap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CatiaHubDiscWithHoles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//CatiaHubGasket.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//ClipPlaneExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Box attribute solid DEF='GeoBox1'] [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Cylinder attribute solid DEF='GeoCylinder1'] [warning] <Cone solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Cone attribute solid DEF='GeoCone1'] [warning] <Sphere solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Sphere attribute solid DEF='GeoSphere1'] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='dad_Light1' translation='0 5 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='Light1'] [warning] Background node not affected by translation or scaling of parent <Transform DEF='dad_Background1' translation='-.73213 4.14112 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [Background DEF='Background1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='timer_pos0'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='timer_pos0'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//IndexedQuadSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//IndexedQuadSetTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//KeyFobWeb3d2013BasqueCountry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Colored sandstone material is brittle and not suitable for daily use. Strong + Flexible white plastic is better material for 3D printing.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//KeyFobWeb3d2013Spain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Colored sandstone material is brittle and not suitable for daily use. Strong + Flexible white plastic is better material for 3D printing.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//QuadSetColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/CAD//QuadSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//AceticAcid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Alanine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//ButanedioicAcid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Caffeine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Cholesterol.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Cortisone.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//CyclohexeneOxide.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Cyclopentanamine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Digitoxigenin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//DimethylSulfoxide.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Ethanol.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//GlycerolDiacetate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Histamine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Oxytocin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//PyruvicAcid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Riboflavin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//SomatoStatin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//TartaricAcid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//Tetrahydrofuran.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//TransDCE.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//VitaminK.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//_1_4_Dihydronaphthalene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//_3_Methy_1H_indene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ChemicalMarkupLanguage//_3_Methyl_1H_indene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//AriesEspduPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "portRpm" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "stbdRpm" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "forwardVerticalThruster" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "afterVerticalThruster" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "forwardLateralThruster" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "afterLateralThruster" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "forwardRudders" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "afterRudders" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "forwardPlanes" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "afterPlanes" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "ST725Range" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "ST725Bearing" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "ST1000Range" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "ST1000Bearing" (for node "AriesAUV", type "Aries") not found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//AutomatedEntityGeometryCreator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='missing script source'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='conversion of .x3dv original version failed'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 44 column 16: Expected string, got float 224.2 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//BaseballBackspin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//BeachTanks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//CannonProject.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='prerequisite: Java3D classes must be installed in CLASSPATH'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='TheClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//CoordinateAxesX3dDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//CoordinateAxesX3dDISGeoLoc.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//DISEntityPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='siteID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'siteID' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='applicationID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'applicationID' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entityID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entityID' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='address'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'address' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='port'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'port' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='mapping'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'mapping' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='addedEntities'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'addedEntities' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='removedEntities'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'removedEntities' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityManager] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='kind'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'kind' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='domain'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'domain' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='country'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'country' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='category'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'category' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='subcategory'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'subcategory' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='specific'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'specific' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='extra'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'extra' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='identifier'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'identifier' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare DISEntityTypeMapping] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 974 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 306 column 28: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "TransmitterPdu": got integer 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//EspduTransformExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='TestTimer'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//EspduTransformPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development but mostly complete. need articulationParameters and miscellany fields connected. ROUTE firstFired1/2 to sound node?'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='forceID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'forceID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entityKind'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entityKind' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entityDomain'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entityDomain' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entityCountry'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entityCountry' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entityCategory'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entityCategory' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entitySubCategory'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entitySubCategory' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entitySpecific'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entitySpecific' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='entityExtra'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'entityExtra' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='linearVelocity'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'linearVelocity' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='linearAcceleration'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'linearAcceleration' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='deadReckoning'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'deadReckoning' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='eventApplicationID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'eventApplicationID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='eventSiteID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'eventSiteID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='eventEntityID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'eventEntityID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='collisionType'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'collisionType' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='eventNumber'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'eventNumber' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fired1'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fired1' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fired2'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fired2' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='munitionApplicationID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'munitionApplicationID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='munitionSiteID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'munitionSiteID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='munitionEntityID'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'munitionEntityID' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fireMissionIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fireMissionIndex' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='warhead'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'warhead' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fuse'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fuse' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='munitionQuantity'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'munitionQuantity' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='firingRate'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'firingRate' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='firingRange'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'firingRange' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='detonationLocation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'detonationLocation' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='detonationRelativeLocation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'detonationRelativeLocation' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='detonationResult'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'detonationResult' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='articulationParameterDesignatorArray'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'articulationParameterDesignatorArray' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='articulationParameterTypeArray'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'articulationParameterTypeArray' parent ProtoDeclare EspduTransform] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='SiteIdState'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='ApplicationIdState'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='EntityIdState'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='PortHolder'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='MulticastPortHolder'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='ArticulationParameterCountHolder'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//EspduTransformSenderReceiver.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//ExternProtoDeclareDefinitions.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='.wrl url links intentionally precede .x3d links, X3D-Edit stylesheet X3dToVrml97.xslt automatically inserts VRML97 translations of these external prototype declarations upon encountering any DIS nodes.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//Gimbals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Note that axis orientations are aligned with X3D Geospatial conventions'/> [warning] Script field 'newRotation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'newRotation' parent DEF='CONSTRUCT_TRACE_STRING'] [warning] Script field 'newRotationString' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'newRotationString' parent DEF='CONSTRUCT_TRACE_STRING'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18-Superhornet-UnitedStates\F18.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18-Superhornet-UnitedStates\F18.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//NetworkedCamera.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development. will split into simple Inline-capable camera scene and usage example. Xj3D chat-server fallback needs to be checked.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//RadioCommunicationsObserver.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 974 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 190 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//RadioCommunicationsPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development. Need to fix url values in X3dToVrml97.xslt translation signatures, and check Savage CommunicationsAndSensors DIS examples.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bboxCenter'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bboxCenter' parent ProtoDeclare ReceiverPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bboxSize'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bboxSize' parent ProtoDeclare ReceiverPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='networkMode'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'networkMode' parent ProtoDeclare ReceiverPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isStandAlone'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isStandAlone' parent ProtoDeclare ReceiverPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isMaster'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isMaster' parent ProtoDeclare ReceiverPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isRemote'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isRemote' parent ProtoDeclare ReceiverPdu] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='ReceiverPduGeometrySwitch'] [Viewpoint description='Receiver Pdu Observer'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bboxCenter'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bboxCenter' parent ProtoDeclare SignalPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bboxSize'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bboxSize' parent ProtoDeclare SignalPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='networkMode'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'networkMode' parent ProtoDeclare SignalPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isStandAlone'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isStandAlone' parent ProtoDeclare SignalPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isMaster'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isMaster' parent ProtoDeclare SignalPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isRemote'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isRemote' parent ProtoDeclare SignalPdu] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='SignalPduGeometrySwitch'] [Viewpoint description='Signal Pdu Observer'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bboxCenter'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bboxCenter' parent ProtoDeclare TransmitterPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bboxSize'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bboxSize' parent ProtoDeclare TransmitterPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='networkMode'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'networkMode' parent ProtoDeclare TransmitterPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isStandAlone'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isStandAlone' parent ProtoDeclare TransmitterPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isMaster'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isMaster' parent ProtoDeclare TransmitterPdu] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isRemote'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isRemote' parent ProtoDeclare TransmitterPdu] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='TransmitterPduGeometrySwitch'] [Viewpoint description='Transmitter Pdu Observer'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 974 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//TestBoxEspdu.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//TestCube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//TestCubeEspdu.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//TestImages.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation//UserScriptedEntityGeometryCreator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='missing script source'/> [info] MFNode not provided for field 'addedEntities' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [field bleah field 'addedEntities' parent Script DEF='EntityProcessor'] [warning] Script field 'addedEntities' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'addedEntities' parent DEF='EntityProcessor'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//CodedCompressedPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//Eight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//EightCoded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//EightCompressed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//Fish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//FishCoded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//FishCompressed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//Lion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//LionCoded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//LionCompressed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//Teapot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//TeapotCoded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExperimentalBinaryCompression//TeapotCompressed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExternalAuthoringInterface//BoxEaiJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. VRML 97 EAI support appears inconsistent for various browsers.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExternalAuthoringInterface//CreateSphereEaiJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. VRML 97 EAI support appears inconsistent for various browsers.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExternalAuthoringInterface//GraphicalLogAnalyzer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='requires External Authoring Interface (EAI) as implemented by Cortona. File read/display functionality only works when running in Netscape.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. VRML 97 EAI support appears inconsistent for various browsers.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExternalAuthoringInterface//HelixEaiJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. VRML 97 EAI support appears inconsistent for various browsers.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExternalAuthoringInterface//SwitcherEaiJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. VRML 97 EAI support appears inconsistent for various browsers.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ExternalAuthoringInterface//ViewSwitchEaiJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development. VRML 97 EAI support appears inconsistent for various browsers.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//CoasterClassical.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'startIndex' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MotionTrailScriptL'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'startIndex' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MotionTrailScriptR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//CoasterDamper.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, instantReality works but BS Contact fails silently'/> [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'startIndex' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MotionTrailScriptL'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'startIndex' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MotionTrailScriptR'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//DoorClassical.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//DoorDesired.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, instantReality works but BS Contact fails silently'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//FollowerExternalPrototypeDeclarations.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\Followers\Chasers.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\Followers\Chasers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\Followers\Dampers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\Followers\Dampers.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//FollowerPrototypeDeclarations.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare PositionChaser] [warning] inputOnly field 'set_value' has no input-event method definition 'function set_value (SFVec3fValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PositionChaser'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PositionChaser'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PositionChaser'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare OrientationChaser] [warning] inputOnly field 'set_value' has no input-event method definition 'function set_value (SFRotationValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_OrientationChaser'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_OrientationChaser'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_OrientationChaser'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare Position2fChaser] [warning] inputOnly field 'set_value' has no input-event method definition 'function set_value (SFVec2fValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_Position2fChaser'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_Position2fChaser'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_Position2fChaser'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare PlacementChaser] [warning] inputOnly field 'set_valueOri' has no input-event method definition 'function set_valueOri (SFRotationValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PlacementChaser'] [warning] inputOnly field 'set_valuePos' has no input-event method definition 'function set_valuePos (SFVec3fValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PlacementChaser'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PlacementChaser'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PlacementChaser'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='ScreenPositionDamper_PlacementChaser'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isLoaded'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isLoaded' parent ProtoDeclare PositionDamper] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare PositionDamper] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='tau'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'tau' parent ProtoDeclare PositionDamper] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='PositionDamper'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='tau'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'tau' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='Worker'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='Worker'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='Worker'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//PoorMansInertia.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_Size'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_Size' parent ProtoDeclare Tree] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrEvGridIniter'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrTreeHightIniter'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'initial_objectOri' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'initial_objectPos' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='Scr3rdPersonView'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrShadowMgr'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='ScrShadowMgr'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//RoomDesired.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> *** FieldTypeNotFound OrientatioChaser destination [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Worker.indOri has type SFRotation, but destination PaintingOrientationChaser.set_destination has type OrientatioChaser.destination.FieldTypeNotFound. *** FieldTypeNotFound OrientatioChaser value [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source PaintingOrientationChaser.value_changed has type OrientatioChaser.value.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination TransInd.rotation has type SFRotation. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "OrientatioChaser" (named "PaintingOrientationChaser") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "OrientatioChaser" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "set_destination" (for node "PaintingOrientationChaser", type "OrientatioChaser") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "value_changed" (for node "PaintingOrientationChaser", type "OrientatioChaser") not found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//RoomDirect.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//Sky.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='Proxi'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//Slider.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='radiusKnob'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'radiusKnob' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='radiusStick'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'radiusStick' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='min'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'min' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='smoothMovements'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'smoothMovements' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='pageSize'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'pageSize' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='max'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'max' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='height'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'height' parent ProtoDeclare Slider] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='Slider'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] no ROUTE found for PlaneSensor output [PlaneSensor DEF='SensKnob'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='height'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'height' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='max'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'max' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='radiusKnob'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'radiusKnob' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='pageSize'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'pageSize' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='smoothMovements'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'smoothMovements' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='radiusStick'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'radiusStick' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='min'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'min' parent ProtoDeclare EFFS] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='Timer'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'TchPgUp' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='Worker'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'TchPgDown' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='Worker'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='Worker'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='Worker'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//TestOrientationFollower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='credits'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'credits' parent ProtoDeclare Monkey] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isActive'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isActive' parent ProtoDeclare OriSetter] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='OriSetter'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrOriSetter'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrStopper'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='touched'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'touched' parent ProtoDeclare SelectButton] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrMain'] [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"Arial" "SANS"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FontStyle node] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//TestPosition2DFollower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, instantReality works but BS Contact fails silently'/> [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source ScrToggleButton.Tau has type SFFloat, but destination ColorDamperNode.tau has type SFTime. [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"Arial" "SANS"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [FontStyle node DEF='FntLabels'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (Tau, type SFFloat) and destination (set_tau, type SFTime) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "Trace_ROUTE_ScrToggleButton" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 269 column 72: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//TestPositionFollower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, instantReality works but BS Contact fails silently'/> [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"Arial" "SANS"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [FontStyle node DEF='FntLabels'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//TestSliders.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//ThirdPersonViewChaser.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_Size'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_Size' parent ProtoDeclare Tree] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrEvGridIniter'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrTreeHightIniter'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'initial_objectOri' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'initial_objectPos' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScriptThirdPersonView'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrShadowMgr'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='ScrShadowMgr'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": No PROTO named "ScalarDamper" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "ScalarDamper" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": No PROTO named "ScalarDamper" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "ScalarDamper" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "ScalarDamper" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ScalarDamper" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "ScalarDamper" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ScalarDamper" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Followers//ThirdPersonViewFollower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_Size'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_Size' parent ProtoDeclare Tree] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrEvGridIniter'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrTreeHightIniter'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'initial_objectOri' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'initial_objectPos' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrNavi'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScriptThirdPersonView'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ScrShadowMgr'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='ScrShadowMgr'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "ScalarDamper" (named "DieAwayMoveDamper") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ScalarDamper" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "ScalarDamper" (named "DieAwayRotateDamper") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "ScalarDamper" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "value_changed" (for node "DieAwayMoveDamper", type "ScalarDamper") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "value_changed" (for node "DieAwayRotateDamper", type "ScalarDamper") not found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//A1_GeoElevationGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under revision, not matching spec example. Trying to get Background aligned.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 86 column 16: Expected string, got float 35 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//A2_AnimatedGeoViewpoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GPI.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination V.set_position has type SFVec3f. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 94 column 25: Expected string, got float 51.5122 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//A3_GeoInline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='GeoVRML 1.1 GeoInline functionality is embedded in X3D Inline node, GeoInline no longer supported in X3D.'/> [warning] X3D Inline field 'load' is not a legal VRML97 field, converting to VRML97 GeoInline (with load/unload control) instead. [node DEF='TestInline'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoInline" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoInline" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Group" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//A4_GeoLocation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 95 column 25: Expected string, got float 51.5122 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//A5_GeoOrigin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Note that GeoOrigin has been deprecated in version 3.3 of X3D Geospatial component and will no longer be needed in X3D scenes.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 79 column 24: Expected string, got float 8167769 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//BoxSimple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//CaliforniaCampuses.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=' restricted to internal access within NPS firewall only'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 101 column 27: Expected string, got float 36.595599 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//CaliforniaCampusesTour3Altitudes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=' restricted to internal access within NPS firewall only'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 104 column 27: Expected string, got float 36.595599 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//CaliforniaCampusesTour4Altitudes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=' restricted to internal access within NPS firewall only'/> [error] Attribute whichChoice='0' found without any Switch child levels [Switch node DEF='SwitchGlobes'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 101 column 27: Expected string, got float 36.595599 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//CaliforniaCampusesTour5Altitudes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=' restricted to internal access within NPS firewall only'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 100 column 27: Expected string, got float 36.595599 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//GeoSpatialExternProtoDeclarations.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Needs further verification work using GeoVrml Recommendation.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Unresolved: are set_ and _changed methods needed?'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoCoordinate.wrl#GeoCoordinate" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoCoordinate.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoCoordinate.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoCoordinate.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoElevationGrid.wrl#GeoElevationGrid" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoElevationGrid.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoElevationGrid.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoElevationGrid.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoInline.wrl#GeoInline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoInline.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoInline.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoInline.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoLocation.wrl#GeoLocation" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoLocation.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoLocation.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoLocation.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoLOD.wrl#GeoLOD" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoLOD.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoLOD.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoLOD.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoMetadata.wrl#GeoMetadata" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoMetadata.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoMetadata.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoMetadata.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoOrigin.wrl#GeoOrigin" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoOrigin.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoOrigin.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoOrigin.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoPositionInterpolator.wrl#GeoPositionInterpolator" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoPositionInterpolator.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoPositionInterpolator.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoPositionInterpolator.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "urn:web3d:geovrml:1.0/protos/GeoViewpoint.wrl#GeoViewpoint" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoViewpoint.wrl": Error when downloading "file:///Program%20Files/GeoVRML/1.0/protos/GeoViewpoint.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\Program Files\GeoVRML\1.0\protos\GeoViewpoint.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error at line 2 column 1: VRML signature error : unrecognized signature castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoViewpoint" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoViewpoint" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoElevationGrid" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoElevationGrid" is not allowed in the field "geometry" of the node "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//GeoTouchSensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='TypeConversionScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 129 column 28: Expected string, got integer -90 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//GeospatialCoordinateAxesNsewExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 78 column 22: Expected string, got integer 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//HelloEarth.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//KmlPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoLocation" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoLocation" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Anchor" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//Mars.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 120 column 20: Expected string, got float 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD001.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD002.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD003.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD005.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD006.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD007.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD008.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD009.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD011.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD012.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD013.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD015.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD016.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD017.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD018.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD019.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD020.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 20: Expected string, got float -44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD021.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 45 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD022.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.940476 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//MarsLOD023.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoOrigin" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 19: Expected string, got float 44.911417 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//Mexico.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 77 column 29: Expected string, got float 23.63569 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//OpenStreetMapX3dEarthDemo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [warning] Inline url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) Perhaps network resource might nevertheless return an X3D scene? [<Inline url='"/osmb0m" ""'> DEF=''] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM1'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM2'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM3'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM4'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM5'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM6'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM7'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM8'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM9'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM10'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoViewpoint node DEF='ZOOM11'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] Attribute key='0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0' key count (11) must equal keyValue count (7) [GeoPositionInterpolator node DEF='GeoPositionINTERP2'] [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP1.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM1.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP2.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM2.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP3.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM3.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP4.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM4.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP5.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM5.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP6.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM6.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP7.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM7.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP8.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM8.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP9.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM9.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP10.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM10.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP11.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM11.position has type SFVec3f. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///osmb0m": Error when downloading "file:///osmb0m": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\osmb0m": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 22: Expected string, got integer 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//Squaw.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='check GeoOrigin JSON Schema errors'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 116 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD001.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD002.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD003.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD005.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD006.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD007.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD008.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD009.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD011.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD012.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD013.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD014.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD015.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD016.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD017.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD018.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD019.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD020.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD021.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD022.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD023.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD024.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD025.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD026.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD027.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD028.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD029.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 24: Expected string, got float 4342525.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 71 column 32: Expected string, got float 37.4565762928939 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus001.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus002.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus003.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus005.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus006.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus007.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus008.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus009.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus011.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus012.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus013.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus014.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus015.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus016.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus017.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus018.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus019.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus020.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus021.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus022.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus023.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus024.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus025.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus026.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus027.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus028.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus029.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus030.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus031.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus032.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus033.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus034.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus035.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus036.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus037.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus038.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus039.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus040.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus041.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus042.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus043.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus044.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus045.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus046.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus047.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus048.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus049.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus050.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus051.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus052.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus053.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus054.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus055.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus056.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus057.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus058.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus059.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus060.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus061.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus062.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus063.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus064.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus065.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus066.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus067.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus068.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus069.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus070.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus071.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus072.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus073.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus074.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus075.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus076.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus077.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus078.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus079.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus080.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus081.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus082.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus083.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus084.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus085.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus086.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus087.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus088.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus089.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus090.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus091.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus092.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus093.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus094.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus095.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus096.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus097.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus098.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus099.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus100.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus101.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus102.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus103.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus104.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus105.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus106.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus107.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus108.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus109.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus110.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus111.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus112.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus113.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus114.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus115.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus116.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus117.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus118.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus119.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus120.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus121.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus122.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus123.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus124.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus125.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus126.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus127.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus128.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus129.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus130.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus131.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus132.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus133.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus134.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus135.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus136.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus137.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus138.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus139.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus140.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus141.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus142.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus143.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus144.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus145.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus146.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus147.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus148.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus149.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus150.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SriCampus151.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//Temple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 72 column 26: Expected string, got float 8167780 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//TempleNoOrigin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 68 column 21: Expected string, got float 8167782 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//TempleOrigin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 74 column 26: Expected string, got float 8167780 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//TemplePretty.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//TripsAroundWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 92 column 22: Expected string, got float 35 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//TripsModel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 105 column 26: Expected string, got float -22.9062 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//World.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 91 column 22: Expected string, got float 35 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//WorldHigh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 91 column 22: Expected string, got float 35 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//WorldLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 91 column 22: Expected string, got float 35 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//WorldTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 82 column 22: Expected string, got float 35 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//WorldTestSolid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 22: Expected string, got float 25 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//newGeospatialScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Empty nodes are provided as informational exampls and fail various diagnostic tests'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 174 column 11: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "GeoMetadata": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "metadata" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeAll.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeEdgeRound.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeEdgeVector.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeFaceFlags.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeNumberOfDivisions.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeShellType.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellAttributeVertexRound.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellExternProtoDeclare.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This scene is not for example use, instead it is a development scene used during X3D design.'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='.wrl url links intentionally precede .x3d links, X3D-Edit stylesheet X3dToVrml97.xslt automatically inserts VRML97 translations of these external prototype declarations upon encountering any XvlShell nodes.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\LatticeXvl\XvlShellProtoDeclare.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellModelBaby.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellModelDolphin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellModelHand.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellModelOctopus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellModelStar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceEmpty (SFString) from faceEmpty (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "XvlShell" with prototype "XvlShell": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field faceHidden (SFString) from faceHidden (MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/LatticeXvl//XvlShellProtoDeclare.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This scene is not for example use, instead it is a development scene used during X3D design.'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D'/> [info] SFNode not provided for field 'coord' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'coord' parent ProtoDeclare XvlShell] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'texCoord' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'texCoord' parent ProtoDeclare XvlShell] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BodySkinIndexedFaceSetNIST.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='note skin material is partly transparent to support visualization use by MedicalMetadata scenes'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='needs metadata regarding original authoring and usage'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesAllSkeleton.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesChest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesGirdle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesLeftFemur.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesLeftFoot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesLeftHand.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesLeftHumerus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesLeftRadiusUlna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesLeftTibiaFibula.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesMandible.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesRightFemur.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesRightFoot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesRightHand.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesRightHumerus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesRightRadiusUlna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesRightTibiaFibula.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesSpine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesTeethBottom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//BonesTeethTop.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//MedicalMetadata.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='incomplete development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//MedicalMetadataViewer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='incomplete development'/> [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='toggler'] [warning] Initializing SFInt32 value not provided for field 'who' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'who' parent Script DEF='viewMetadata'] [warning] Script field 'who' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'who' parent DEF='viewMetadata'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='viewMetadata'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='viewMetadata'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//SkeletonCompleteNoNormals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Medical//SkeletonCompleteNormals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//AnimatedNurbsPatchSurfaceHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Animation only working in H3DViewer, InstantReality, OctagaVS'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//FourDucks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='possible error in definition of head, see FourDucksView3dscene.png, H3DViewer crashes'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//FredTheBunny.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//HoleCentered.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 218 column 30: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Contour2D" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//HoleLargeOffset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 218 column 30: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Contour2D" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//HoleSmallOffset.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 218 column 30: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Contour2D" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//HurricaneLantern.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//MobiusNurbs.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsCurveExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\NURBS\GridXY_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsExternPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, needs to be upgraded to final version of X3D NURBS nodes'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='.wrl url links intentionally precede .x3d links, X3D-Edit stylesheet X3dToVrml97.xslt automatically inserts VRML97 translations of these external prototype declarations upon encountering any DIS nodes.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsCurve" with prototype "NurbsCurve": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field weight (MFFloat) from weight (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsCurve" with prototype "NurbsCurve": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field knot (MFFloat) from knot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsCurve2D" with prototype "NurbsCurve2D": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field weight (MFFloat) from weight (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsCurve2D" with prototype "NurbsCurve2D": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field knot (MFFloat) from knot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsOrientationInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsOrientationInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field knot (MFFloat) from knot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsOrientationInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsOrientationInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field weight (MFFloat) from weight (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsPatchSurface" with prototype "NurbsPatchSurface": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field weight (MFFloat) from weight (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsPatchSurface" with prototype "NurbsPatchSurface": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field uKnot (MFFloat) from uKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsPatchSurface" with prototype "NurbsPatchSurface": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field vKnot (MFFloat) from vKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsPositionInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsPositionInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field knot (MFFloat) from knot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsPositionInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsPositionInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field weight (MFFloat) from weight (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field weight (MFFloat) from weight (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field uKnot (MFFloat) from uKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator" with prototype "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field vKnot (MFFloat) from vKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" referenced by external prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" doesn't have field "profileCurve" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" referenced by external prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" doesn't have field "trajectoryCurve" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate" with prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field uKnot (MFFloat) from uKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate" with prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field vKnot (MFFloat) from vKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\NURBS\NurbsPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPatchImageTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Currently only Octaga 2.0 properly implements the X3D NURBS component, see the following page for status.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=''/> [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPatchSolid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPatchSurfaceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='missing default values for knot and weight array fields in NurbsPatchSurface (weight default: all 1 values) ; not required by X3D specification, but some browsers may fail without them.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, needs to be upgraded to final version of X3D NURBS nodes'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPatchSurfaceExampleLarge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='missing default values for knot and weight array fields in NurbsPatchSurface (weight default: all 1 values) ; not required by X3D specification, but some browsers may fail without them.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, needs to be upgraded to final version of X3D NURBS nodes'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "Trace_ROUTE_CI" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 144 column 62: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPatchSurfaceExampleWithOahuTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='missing default values for knot and weight array fields in NurbsPatchSurface (weight default: all 1 values) ; not required by X3D specification, but some browsers may fail without them.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, needs to be upgraded to final version of X3D NURBS nodes'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPositionInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, needs to be upgraded to final version of X3D NURBS nodes'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development for final version of X3D NURBS nodes'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Not all NURBS nodes are prototyped here, and these implementations are not yet fully demonstrated.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Contour2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_point'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_point' parent ProtoDeclare ContourPolyline2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='point_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'point_changed' parent ProtoDeclare ContourPolyline2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare ContourPolyline2D] [error] Script node has neither url nor contained code in CDATA section [Script DEF='ScriptContourPolyline2D-missingBody'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare CoordinateDouble] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='controlPoint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'controlPoint' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='tessellation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'tessellation' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='weight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'weight' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='knot'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'knot' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='order'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'order' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='closed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'closed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_controlPoint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_controlPoint' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='controlPoint_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'controlPoint_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_tessellation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_tessellation' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='tessellation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'tessellation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_weight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_weight' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='weight_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'weight_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsCurve2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsOrientationInterpolator] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsPatchSurface] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsPositionInterpolator] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='tessellationScale'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'tessellationScale' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_fraction'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_fraction' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSurfaceInterpolator] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='position_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'position_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSurfaceInterpolator] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='normal_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'normal_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSurfaceInterpolator] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSurfaceInterpolator] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSweptSurface] [error] ROUTE fromNode='NurbsSweptSurfaceScript' is a Script, but fromField='coordIndex' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source NurbsSweptSurfaceScript.coordIndex has type , but destination NurbsSweptSurfaceFaceSet.set_coordIndex has type MFInt32. [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsSwungSurface] [error] ROUTE fromNode='NurbsSwungSurfaceScript' is a Script, but fromField='coord' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source NurbsSwungSurfaceScript.coord has type , but destination NurbsSwungSurfaceCoordinate.set_point has type MFVec3f. [error] ROUTE fromNode='NurbsSwungSurfaceScript' is a Script, but fromField='coordIndex' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source NurbsSwungSurfaceScript.coordIndex has type , but destination NurbsSwungSurfaceFaceSet.set_coordIndex has type MFInt32. [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='weight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'weight' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uKnot'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uKnot' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uOrder'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uOrder' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vKnot'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vKnot' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vOrder'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vOrder' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_controlPoint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_controlPoint' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='controlPoint_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'controlPoint_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_weight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_weight' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='weight_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'weight_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTextureCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='addTrimmingContour'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'addTrimmingContour' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='removeTrimmingContour'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'removeTrimmingContour' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='texCoord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'texCoord' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='trimmingContour'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'trimmingContour' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uTessellation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uTessellation' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vTessellation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vTessellation' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='weight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'weight' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uClosed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uClosed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uKnot'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uKnot' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uOrder'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uOrder' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vClosed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vClosed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vKnot'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vKnot' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vOrder'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vOrder' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_controlPoint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_controlPoint' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='controlPoint_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'controlPoint_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_texCoord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_texCoord' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='texCoord_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'texCoord_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_trimmingContour'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_trimmingContour' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='trimmingContour_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'trimmingContour_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_uTessellation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_uTessellation' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='uTessellation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'uTessellation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_vTessellation'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_vTessellation' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vTessellation_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vTessellation_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='set_weight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'set_weight' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='weight_changed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'weight_changed' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='localCoordIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'localCoordIndex' parent ProtoDeclare NurbsTrimmedCoordinate] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//NurbsTrimmedSurfaceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "NurbsTrimmedSurface" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "NurbsTrimmedSurface" is not allowed in the field "geometry" of the node "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//StampX3dLetters.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Currently only Octaga 2.0 properly implements the X3D NURBS component, see the following page for status.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=''/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 180 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//StampX3dLettersHalloween.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Currently only Octaga 2.0 properly implements the X3D NURBS component, see the following page for status.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content=''/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Background node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Background. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Background/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Background" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 180 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//TrimmedNurbsWithHole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 232 column 30: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Contour2D" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/NURBS//TrimmingContourExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\NurbsPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\NurbsPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTrimmedSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 179 column 36: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Contour2D" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Networking//NetworkReroutingAlternateRoutes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Networking//NetworkReroutingNetwork.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Networking//NetworkReroutingRoutes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='node_patha'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='node_path2a'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='node_path3a'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='node_path4a'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='node_path5a'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='node_path6a'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='path2_3a'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='path2_6a'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Networking//NetworkSensorConnectionPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='textInput'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'textInput' parent ProtoDeclare NetworkSensor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='textOutput'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'textOutput' parent ProtoDeclare NetworkSensor] [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='NetworkSensorScript'] [warning] Script field 'metadata' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'metadata' parent DEF='NetworkSensorScript'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='NetworkSensorScript'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Connection] [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='ConnectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'url' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'url' parent DEF='ConnectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'timeOut' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'timeOut' parent DEF='ConnectionScript'] [error] ProtoInstance Connection fieldValue 'secure' has accessType inputOnly and cannot be initialized. [parent ProtoInstance Connection DEF='OurNetworkChannel'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 132 column 7: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Connection": got keyword "FALSE" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Points//ArchimedesDefaultPoints.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Interactive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Points//ArchimedesPointProperties.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Contains non-standard PointProperties node for use with Xj3D'/> [error] PointProperties containerField='pointProperties' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous PointProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 57 column 44: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Appearance": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "pointProperties" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Points//BasicPointSprites.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [error] PointProperties containerField='pointProperties' is illegal value [parent Appearance DEF='PointProperties1'] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous PointProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 53 column 26: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Appearance": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "pointProperties" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//BallBounce.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Script outputOnly field 'indicatorColor' has no assignment statement such as 'indicatorColor=(someSFColorExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CONTACT-SCRIPT'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 42 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//BallBounceSimple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 43 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//BallJointExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 44 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//BodyGeometry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 41 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//BounceTrimesh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Script outputOnly field 'indicatorColor' has no assignment statement such as 'indicatorColor=(someSFColorExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CONTACT-SCRIPT'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 62 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//CarDemoMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] illegal <component name='xj3d_RigidBodyPhysics'/> [error] illegal <component name='xj3d_IODevice'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Test scene includes custom Xj3D components and elements, will not validate'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Test scene under development, runogl fails'/> [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] no ROUTE found for KeySensor output [KeySensor DEF='keysensor'] [error] DEF node follows <Sphere USE='WHEEL-MASS'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] [warning] Initializing SFVec3f value not provided for field 'startingPosition' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'startingPosition' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'startingPosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'startingPosition' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'startingOrientation' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'startingOrientation' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'startingOrientation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'startingOrientation' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'wheelBodyRadius' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'wheelBodyRadius' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFVec3f value not provided for field 'chassisBodyDimensions' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'chassisBodyDimensions' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'speedLimit' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'speedLimit' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'steeringLimitAngle' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'steeringLimitAngle' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'steeringDeadspot' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'steeringDeadspot' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'maxEngineTorque' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'maxEngineTorque' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'maxBrakingTorque' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'maxBrakingTorque' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'maxEngineRevs' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'maxEngineRevs' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'roadFrictionCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'roadFrictionCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'roadFrictionCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'roadFrictionCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'wallFrictionCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'wallFrictionCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'wallFrictionCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'wallFrictionCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'sandFrictionCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'sandFrictionCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'sandFrictionCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'sandFrictionCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'grassFrictionCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'grassFrictionCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'grassFrictionCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'grassFrictionCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'otherFrictionCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'otherFrictionCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'otherFrictionCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'otherFrictionCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'sideSlipCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'sideSlipCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'sideSlipCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'sideSlipCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'brakeBias' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'brakeBias' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'brakeBias' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'brakeBias' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'engineFrontPercentage' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'engineFrontPercentage' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'engineFrontPercentage' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'engineFrontPercentage' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'engineRearPercentage' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'engineRearPercentage' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'engineRearPercentage' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'engineRearPercentage' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'dragCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'dragCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'dragCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'dragCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'downforceCoefficient' with @accessType='inputOutput' [field 'downforceCoefficient' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script field 'downforceCoefficient' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'downforceCoefficient' parent DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'bigTerrainBox' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [field bleah field 'bigTerrainBox' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'grassTerrain' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [field bleah field 'grassTerrain' parent Script DEF='CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'reverse' has no assignment statement such as 'reverse=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KEYSC'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'reset' has no assignment statement such as 'reset=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KEYSC'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='KEYSC'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'maxSpeed' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'maxSpeed' parent Script DEF='UI-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] inputOnly field 'revs' has no input-event method definition 'function revs (SFFloatValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='UI-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'brakeLightColor' has no assignment statement such as 'brakeLightColor=(someSFColorExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='UI-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'reverseLightColor' has no assignment statement such as 'reverseLightColor=(someSFColorExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='UI-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'speedScale' has no assignment statement such as 'speedScale=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='UI-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'height' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'height' parent Script DEF='CAMERA-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'chainLength' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'chainLength' parent Script DEF='CAMERA-CONTROL-SCRIPT'] *** FieldTypeNotFound WheelSensor wheelX [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source WHEEL.wheelX has type WheelSensor.wheelX.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.wheelDirectionInput has type SFFloat. *** FieldTypeNotFound WheelSensor throttleSlider [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source WHEEL.throttleSlider has type WheelSensor.throttleSlider.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.wheelAcceleratorInput has type SFFloat. *** FieldTypeNotFound WheelSensor button2 [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source WHEEL.button2 has type WheelSensor.button2.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.reverseSelected has type SFBool. *** FieldTypeNotFound WheelSensor button3 [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source WHEEL.button3 has type WheelSensor.button3.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.resetRequest has type SFBool. *** FieldTypeNotFound GamepadSensor leftStickX [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GAMEPAD.leftStickX has type GamepadSensor.leftStickX.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.wheelDirectionInput has type SFFloat. *** FieldTypeNotFound GamepadSensor rightStickY [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GAMEPAD.rightStickY has type GamepadSensor.rightStickY.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.wheelAcceleratorInput has type SFFloat. *** FieldTypeNotFound GamepadSensor l1Button [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GAMEPAD.l1Button has type GamepadSensor.l1Button.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.reverseSelected has type SFBool. *** FieldTypeNotFound GamepadSensor r1Button [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GAMEPAD.r1Button has type GamepadSensor.r1Button.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CAR-CONTROL-SCRIPT.resetRequest has type SFBool. *** FieldTypeNotFound WheelSensor wheelX [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source WHEEL.wheelX has type WheelSensor.wheelX.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination FRONT-LEFT-HINGE-WHEEL-INTERP.set_fraction has type SFFloat. *** FieldTypeNotFound WheelSensor wheelX [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source WHEEL.wheelX has type WheelSensor.wheelX.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination FRONT-RIGHT-HINGE-WHEEL-INTERP.set_fraction has type SFFloat. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 425 column 18: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//CarDemoWorldModel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//DoubleHingeJoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 40 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//MotorJoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 40 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//MovingBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 40 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//SingleHingeJoint.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 43 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//SliderJointExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 39 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/RigidBodyPhysics//UniversalJointExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 39 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CollidableShape": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//AddDynamicRoutesECMAScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//AddDynamicRoutesJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//CreateNodesECMAScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//CreateNodesFromPrototypeECMAScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//CreateNodesFromPrototypeJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//CreateNodesJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//PerFrameNotificationECMAScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//PerFrameNotificationJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//ScriptNodeEventOutControl_EcmaScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//ScriptNodeEventOutControl_Java.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='VRML97 script classes, not X3D Scene Authoring Interface (SAI)'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//ScriptNodeFieldControl_EcmaScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//ScriptNodeFieldControl_Java.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='VRML97 script classes, not X3D Scene Authoring Interface (SAI)'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//TouchSensorIsOverEventECMAScript.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/ScriptConformance//TouchSensorIsOverEventJava.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Security//HelloWorldDecrypted.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='default attribute values removed after decryption'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Security//HelloWorldEncryptionInput.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Security//HelloWorldEncryptionResult_Decrypted8JAN2023.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='default attribute values removed after decryption'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Security//HelloWorldSigned.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='default attribute values removed after decryption'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Security//HelloWorldSignedDecrypted.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='default attribute values removed after decryption'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Shaders//Flutter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> *** FieldTypeNotFound ComposedShader fraction [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Clock.fraction_changed has type SFFloat, but destination Shader.fraction has type ComposedShader.fraction.FieldTypeNotFound. *** FieldTypeNotFound ComposedShader xBall [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source mySensorX.translation_changed has type SFVec3f, but destination Shader.xBall has type ComposedShader.xBall.FieldTypeNotFound. *** FieldTypeNotFound ComposedShader yBall [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source mySensorY.translation_changed has type SFVec3f, but destination Shader.yBall has type ComposedShader.yBall.FieldTypeNotFound. *** FieldTypeNotFound ComposedShader zBall [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source mySensorZ.translation_changed has type SFVec3f, but destination Shader.zBall has type ComposedShader.zBall.FieldTypeNotFound. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 157 column 32: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GLSL" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Shaders//SimpleShader.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SimpleShader"/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 95 column 23: Expected float number, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "language" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//AllenDutton.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//AllenDuttonVillage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Inline url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) Perhaps network resource might nevertheless return an X3D scene? [<Inline url='"ALLEN.WRL" ""'> DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Chair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Chess8Levels.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='functionality incomplete for full game play'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//ComputerKeyboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//DeadReckoningComparisons.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='CLASSPATH needs to include location of DeadReckoningComparisons/Project4.jar'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Desk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//DeskLamp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -0.05 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='light'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//DirtBike.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//DraggingSphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//DuttonVillage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//FishingLure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//FormulaOneRaceCar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Missing files: nplogo.jpg (npslogo.jpg?) front.jpg f1.wav f2.wav f3.wav'/> [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'radius' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TURN'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'turns' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TURN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\f1.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\f2.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\f3.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//HomeAquarium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//HomeInCreteGreece.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of AudioClip node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent AudioClip. [<AudioClip DEF="SONG"/> with parent Sound DEF='SONG'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "AudioClip" castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not supported format of "file:///C:/x3d-code/". Only uncompressed (PCM) WAV files are supported. Convert WAV files to uncompressed e.g. using Audacity or Sox. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Sound" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//IkeaBeadToy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Attribute key='0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0' [...] key count (199) must equal keyValue count (200) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='BlueBallPath1a'] [warning] Attribute key='0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0' [...] key count (199) must equal keyValue count (200) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='GreenBallPath1a'] [warning] Attribute key='0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0' [...] key count (199) must equal keyValue count (200) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='YellowBallPath1'] [warning] Attribute key='0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0' [...] key count (199) must equal keyValue count (200) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='BlueBallPath1b'] [warning] Attribute key='0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0' [...] key count (199) must equal keyValue count (200) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='GreenBallPath1b'] [warning] Attribute key='0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.03 0.033 0.036 0.039 0.042 0.045 0.048 0.051' [...] key count (332) must equal keyValue count (333) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='RedBallPath3'] [warning] Attribute key='0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.03 0.033 0.036 0.039 0.042 0.045 0.048 0.051' [...] key count (332) must equal keyValue count (333) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='GreenBallPath3'] [warning] Attribute key='0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.03 0.033 0.036 0.039 0.042 0.045 0.048 0.051' [...] key count (332) must equal keyValue count (333) [PositionInterpolator node DEF='YellowBallPath3'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//IkeaBench.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//IkeaBlueChair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//IkeaGreenChair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//IkeaRockingHorse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//IkeaTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//KeyboardEightyEightKeys.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Not all tones work (hardware, operating system dependent?) and so may need some higher-frequency sound files.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Laetitia.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Not in H-Anim form.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//LaetitiaSprints.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Not in H-Anim form.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\UniversalMediaMaterials\gridBack.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//LaetitiaWithDvdController.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Not in H-Anim form.'/> [warning] Attribute key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 ' [...] key count (35) must equal keyValue count (28) [OrientationInterpolator node DEF='Laetitia_Spine-SCALE-ORI-INTERP'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_Spine-SCALE-ORI-INTERP'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_Spine-SCALE-ORI-INTERP'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//LaserPrinter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//PinballTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//PlayRoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -2.95 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='LIGHTSOURCE'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//ProjectileInterpolatorArena.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ValueDisplayer'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\ProjectileSliderBarPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\ProjectileInterpolatorPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//ProjectileInterpolatorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'Vi' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'Vi' parent ProtoDeclare ProjectileInterpolator] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'theta' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'theta' parent ProtoDeclare ProjectileInterpolator] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'fraction' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fraction' parent ProtoDeclare ProjectileInterpolator] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ProjectileMotionTrackerScript'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PositionInterpolator] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PositionInterpolator] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//ProjectileSliderBarPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFVec3f value not provided for field 'translation' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'translation' parent ProtoDeclare ProjectileSliderBar] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'CurrentValueText' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ShapeOrganizer'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='CurrentValueFinder'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//PropellerControlPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='mismatched typing in some ROUTEs still needs fixing'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TouchSensor output [TouchSensor DEF='SwitchTouchSensor'] [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source MotorAmp.fanCycleTime has type MFFloat, but destination FanClock.set_cycleInterval has type SFTime. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source MotorButtonActionOn.fanOnButtonAction has type SFInt32, but destination FanClock.set_cycleInterval has type SFTime. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (fanCycleTime, type MFFloat) and destination (set_cycleInterval, type SFTime) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (fanOnButtonAction, type SFInt32) and destination (set_cycleInterval, type SFTime) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Room.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//StealthHelo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='CLOCK2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//SweetHome.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\SweetHomeFullDetail.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\SweetHomeLowDetail.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//SweetHomeFullDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//SweetHomeLowDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Torch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-2.3 1 0' scale='0.2 0.2 0.2' /> [PointLight DEF='Light'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//Trebuchet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='projectilename'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='Weight'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='projectile'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='Mover'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='RnSAngels'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='RnSAngels'] castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/mpeg for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\pigdog.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\monks.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\grenade.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\lavache.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\hamster.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\cow.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\StudentProjects\vrml_ginger.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//WallClock.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'g' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='writing'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='writing'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='more_time'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'start' has no assignment statement such as 'start=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='cm_enabled'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='cm_enabled'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//WallLamp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/StudentProjects//WaterTower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//NoUnitBacteria.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//NoUnitClamidomonas.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//NoUnitTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitBacteria.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitChair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitClamidomonas.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitCup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitDisk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitMonitor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitSaturn.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Units//UnitUranus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//ArtDecoExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//ArtDecoPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//AutumnExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//AutumnPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//GlassExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//GlassPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//MetalsExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//MetalsPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//NeonExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//NeonPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//RococoExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//RococoPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SantaFeExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SantaFePrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SheenExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SheenPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SilkyExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SilkyPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SpringExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SpringPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SummerExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//SummerPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//TropicalExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//TropicalPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//WinterExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//WinterPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials//gridBack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//desert1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//desert2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//desert3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//forest1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//forest2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//forest3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon5.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon6.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//horizon7.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//meadow1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//meadow2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//mountains2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//mountains3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//ocean1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//ocean2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//ocean3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//ocean4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//sky1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//space1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//space2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas//space3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicAbdomen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='supine.nrrd dataset not found in VT but available in Savage and directly on each server'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicBackpack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicBrain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicInternals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicSkull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BasicVentricles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BlendedBodyInternals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//BlendedComposedVolumes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//CartoonBackpack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//ComposedBackpack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//EdgeBrain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//IsoSurfaceSkull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "IsoSurfaceVolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "IsoSurfaceVolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//ProjectionMaxVentricles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//SegmentedVentricles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "SegmentedVolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "SegmentedVolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//ShadedBrain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/VolumeRendering//SilhouetteSkull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node of type "VolumeData" (named "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "VolumeData" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//ChopperBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//ChopperRotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example02.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example03.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example04.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example05.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example06.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example07.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Unknown node URN "" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example08.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example09.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example10.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example11.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example12.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example13_2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example13_3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example14.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Shuttle] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Pendulum] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example15.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example16.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example17.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example18.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Example19.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//RefractiveMaterial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='indexOfRefraction'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'indexOfRefraction' parent ProtoDeclare RefractiveMaterial] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Vrml97Specification//Rotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare Rotor] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//ColladaLogo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//CubeLogoPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] MFNode not provided for field 'frontFace' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'frontFace' parent ProtoDeclare Cubic_Logo] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'backFace' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'backFace' parent ProtoDeclare Cubic_Logo] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'leftFace' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'leftFace' parent ProtoDeclare Cubic_Logo] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'rightFace' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'rightFace' parent ProtoDeclare Cubic_Logo] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'topFace' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'topFace' parent ProtoDeclare Cubic_Logo] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'bottomFace' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'bottomFace' parent ProtoDeclare Cubic_Logo] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//ImageMappingExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//LogoLetterPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//VirtualRealityHackathonLogo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Lamp_Transform' translation='0 0 10' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='Lamp'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//VirtualRealityHackathonLogoLetterPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//Web3dLogo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//Web3dTimeline.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Presenters can edit events under TimelineEventsGroup.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Point paper by Anita Havele and Don Brutzman'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Corresponding X3DOM translation by Nils Michaelis of Fraunhofer'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='soundUrl'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'soundUrl' parent ProtoDeclare TimelineElement] [warning] Script field 'name' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'name' parent DEF='TimelineElementScript'] [warning] Script field 'imagePixelHeight' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'imagePixelHeight' parent DEF='TimelineElementScript'] [warning] Script field 'imagePixelWidth' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'imagePixelWidth' parent DEF='TimelineElementScript'] [warning] Script field 'hidden' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'hidden' parent DEF='TimelineElementScript'] [warning] Script field 'traceEnabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'traceEnabled' parent DEF='TimelineElementScript'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Viewpoint] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//Web3dX3dLogoAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Web3dOutreach//X3d4Cube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//AlarmClock.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Chopper.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ChopperBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ChopperRotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ClickToAnimate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ColorInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//DirectionalLightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ECMAScriptSaiAddDynamicRoutes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] SFNode not provided for field 'Script' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [field bleah field 'Script' parent Script DEF='SC'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SC'] [warning] Note that Script node includes both url and CDATA section of contained code [Script DEF='SC'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ECMAScriptSaiCreateNodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ECMAScriptSaiCreateNodesFromPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ECMAScriptSaiPerFrameNotification.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ECMAScriptSaiTouchSensorIsOverEvent.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Note that Script node includes both url and CDATA section of contained code [Script DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Elevator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ExecutionModel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ExtrusionEdgeCases.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ExtrusionFigureX3dSpecification.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//GeometricProperties.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//GuidedTour.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Instancing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//JavaSaiAddDynamicRoutes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//JavaSaiCreateNodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='SC'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//JavaSaiCreateNodesFromPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//JavaSaiPerFrameNotification.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//JavaSaiTouchSensorIsOverEvent.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//LevelOfDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//NurbsSweptSurfaceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] LineProperties node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Shape' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous LineProperties node] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsSweptSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//NurbsSwungSurfaceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] LineProperties node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Shape' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous LineProperties node] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [error] NurbsCurve2D containerField='profileCurve' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous NurbsCurve2D] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsSwungSurface" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" referenced by external prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" doesn't have field "profileCurve" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" referenced by external prototype "NurbsSwungSurface" doesn't have field "trajectoryCurve" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 196 column 36: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "NurbsSwungSurface": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "NurbsCurve2D" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//PointSetExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Prototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//PrototypesPlus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//RedSphereBlueBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//RefractiveMaterial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'transparencyInitial' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'transparencyInitial' parent DEF='RefractionScript'] [warning] Script field 'indexOfRefraction' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'indexOfRefraction' parent DEF='RefractionScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='RefractionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Robot.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Rotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//Scripting.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//ShuttlesAndPendulums.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//StringArrayEncodingExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//TextureProjectorComponentExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//TriangleStripSetFigure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [info] <meta name='info' content='X3dToVrml97.xslt translation stylesheet automatically invokes backwards-compatibility prototypes upon encountering any new Rendering nodes.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/X3dSpecifications//X3dHeaderPrototypeSyntaxExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='someInlineRoot' tofield translation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source StayInPlace.value_changed has type SFVec3f, but destination someInlineRoot.set_translation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='someInlineRoot' tofield .translation.FieldTypeNotFound. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\X3dSpecifications\someUrl.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 152 column 9: Expected Inline node name, got "{" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//BeckyRoadOverpass.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//CreateVrmlFromStringRandomBoxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//CreateX3DFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='X3D browser support for Browser.createX3DFromString() is poor'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Xj3D fails on embedded quote marks in sceneString Script'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='this scene will not work in VRML97 browsers'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//ExtrusionCrossSectionExampleShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Utilize ExtrusionCrossSection ProtoInstance as a Shape node (with containerField="children") rather than an Extrusion node (with containerField="geometry").'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//ExtrusionCrossSectionExampleTorus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Utilize ExtrusionCrossSection ProtoInstance as a Shape node (with containerField="children") rather than an Extrusion node (with containerField="geometry").'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//ExtrusionCrossSectionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Utilize ExtrusionCrossSection ProtoInstance as if it is a Shape node (with containerField="children") rather than an Extrusion node (with containerField="geometry") under a Shape.'/> [error] duplicate IS/connect not allowed for @nodeField='point' [Coordinate DEF='SpineCoordinates'] [warning] Script field 'spineColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'spineColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'crossSectionColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'crossSectionColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'crossSectionTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'crossSectionTransparency' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'extrusionColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'extrusionColor' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] [warning] Script field 'extrusionTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'extrusionTransparency' parent DEF='CrossSectionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//ExtrusionExampleShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//ExtrusionHeart.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//GeometryExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//GroupFormation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//HelloX3dAuthors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//HelloX3dAuthorsAnimationChain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//ModelOrientation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//PositionInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//Pyramid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//PyramidWithAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//SimpleCarrierHull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/course//SimpleExtrusionShipHull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//AdditiveSubtractiveLight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-0.6 0.0 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.0 -1.2 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.6 0.0 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//AllVrml97Nodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "inlineTestFileOne.wrl inlineTestFileTwo.wrl inlineTestFileEmbedding%20Blanks%20In%20Name.wrl" " inlineTestFileTwo.wrl inlineTestFileEmbedding%20Blanks%20In%20Name.wrl" ' [Inline DEF='INLINE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLORINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='COLORINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator input [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='COORDINATEINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator output [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='COORDINATEINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator input [NormalInterpolator DEF='NORMALINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator output [NormalInterpolator DEF='NORMALINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='ORIENTATIONINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='ORIENTATIONINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='POSITIONINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='POSITIONINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SCALARINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SCALARINTERPOLATOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CylinderSensor output [CylinderSensor DEF='CYLINDERSENSOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PlaneSensor output [PlaneSensor DEF='PLANESENSOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='PROXIMITYSENSOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for SphereSensor output [SphereSensor DEF='SPHERESENSOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='TIMESENSOR'] [warning] no ROUTE found for VisibilitySensor output [VisibilitySensor DEF='VISIBILITYSENSOR'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\inlineTestFileOne.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\inlineTestFileTwo.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\inlineTestFileEmbedding Blanks In Name.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\HelloWorld.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//AmelaExampleScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0 -2 4' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='MyPointLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//Arc2dComponentPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] SFNode not provided for field 'metadata' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Arc2D] [warning] mismatched square brackets [7 left, 5 right] in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='Arc2dToFaceSet3d'] [warning] mismatched parentheses (19 left, 21 right) in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='Arc2dToFaceSet3d'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//BooleanSequencerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//BooleanSequencerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] ignoring initial value="true" for outputOnly [field 'valid' parent Script DEF='SequencerScript'] [warning] Script field 'keyValue' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'keyValue' parent DEF='SequencerScript'] [warning] inputOnly field 'key' has no input-event method definition 'function key (MFFloatValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SequencerScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SequencerScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//BradenPrototypeInitializeExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//CameraExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 446 column 47: Expected keyword "TO", got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//CameraPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'position' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'position' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'orientation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'orientation' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'fieldOfView' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'fieldOfView' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'nearClipPlane' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'nearClipPlane' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'farClipPlane' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'farClipPlane' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'shots' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'shots' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'filterColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'filterColor' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'filterTransparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'filterTransparency' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'upVector' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'upVector' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'fStop' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'fStop' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'focusDistance' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'focusDistance' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'offlineRender' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'offlineRender' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'key' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'key' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'keyValuePosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'keyValuePosition' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'keyValueOrientation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'keyValueOrientation' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'animated' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'animated' parent DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='CameraScript'] [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'moves' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'moves' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'initialPosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'initialPosition' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'initialOrientation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'initialOrientation' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'initialAimPoint' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'initialAimPoint' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'initialFieldOfView' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'initialFieldOfView' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'initialFStop' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'initialFStop' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'initialFocusDistance' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'initialFocusDistance' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'key' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'key' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'keyValuePosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'keyValuePosition' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'keyValueOrientation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'keyValueOrientation' parent DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='CameraShotScript'] [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'duration' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'duration' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'goalPosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'goalPosition' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'goalOrientation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'goalOrientation' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'tracking' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'tracking' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'goalAimPoint' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'goalAimPoint' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'goalFieldOfView' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'goalFieldOfView' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'goalFStop' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'goalFStop' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'goalFocusDistance' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'goalFocusDistance' parent DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' only appropriate when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode provided for direct access [Script DEF='CameraMovementScript'] [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script field 'enabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'enabled' parent DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script field 'frameRate' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'frameRate' parent DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script field 'frameSize' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'frameSize' parent DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script field 'pixelAspectRatio' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'pixelAspectRatio' parent DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'movieFormat' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'imageFormat' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'progress' has no assignment statement such as 'progress=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'renderCompleteTime' has no assignment statement such as 'renderCompleteTime=(someSFTimeExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='OfflineRenderScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\'". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//CameraShape.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//CoordinateInterpolator2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//CoordinateInterpolator2dPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='InterpolationScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ECMAScriptAnnexExample2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='VRML97 translation has extraneous 'url [ ]' output.'/> [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'identifier' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='Example_2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//EventUtilityExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//EventUtilityPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development, IntegerTrigger example needed.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='toggle'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'toggle' parent ProtoDeclare BooleanToggle] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='IntegerKeyHolder'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ExampleExternPrototype1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\ExampleExternPrototype1.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "MyExternProtoName" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyExternProtoName" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MyExternProtoName" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ExampleExternPrototype2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyNodeAppearance" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "MyNodeAppearance" is not allowed in the field "appearance" of the node "Shape" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MyNodeGeometry" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "MyNodeGeometry" is not allowed in the field "geometry" of the node "Shape" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//Geometry2dComponentExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] FillProperties node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Shape' level='3'/> [FillProperties node DEF='TestFillProperties'] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [FillProperties DEF='TestFillProperties'] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [LineProperties DEF='TestLineProperties'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//Geometry2dComponentExternProtos.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Immersive'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Full' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] FillProperties node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Shape' level='3'/> [FillProperties node DEF='TestFillProperties'] [warning] <meta name='warning' content='These examples are complete but only used for developmental testing, not regular X3D authoring.'/> [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [FillProperties DEF='TestFillProperties'] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [LineProperties DEF='TestLineProperties'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\Geometry2dComponentPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//Geometry2dComponentPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='These examples are complete but only used for developmental testing, not regular X3D authoring.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare ArcClose2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare ArcClose2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare ArcClose2DUnfilled] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare ArcClose2DUnfilled] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare Circle2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Circle2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare Disk2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Disk2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare Polyline2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Polyline2D] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'metadata' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Polyline2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Polypoint2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare Rectangle2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Rectangle2D] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'fillNoFillSelection' has no assignment statement such as 'fillNoFillSelection=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='Rect2dToFaceSet3d'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare Rectangle2DUnfilled] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare Rectangle2DUnfilled] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'fillNoFillSelection' has no assignment statement such as 'fillNoFillSelection=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='Rect2dToLineSet3d'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleSet2D] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleSet2D] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HeaderExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Interchange'> differs from profile='Core' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HelloSiggraph2000.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HelloSiggraph2003.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HelloWWW9.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HelloWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HelloX3dDay2001.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//HelloX3dTrademark.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ImportExportSyntax.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='untested in any browser'/> *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='I1Root' tofield translation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source PI.value_changed has type SFVec3f, but destination I1Root.set_translation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='I1Root' tofield .translation.FieldTypeNotFound. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 29 column 9: Expected exported node name, got "{" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//IntegerSequencerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//IntegerSequencerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='MFInt32 keyValue accessType is listed as initializeOnly/field, since inputOutput cannot be translated to exposedField in VRML97 scripting.'/> [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SequencerScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This doesn't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled accessType needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> [warning] inputOnly field 'set_enabled' has no input-event method definition 'function set_enabled (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'enabled' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'altKey' has no assignment statement such as 'altKey=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'keyPress' has no assignment statement such as 'keyPress=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'keyRelease' has no assignment statement such as 'keyRelease=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'shiftKey' has no assignment statement such as 'shiftKey=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'actionKeyRelease' has no assignment statement such as 'actionKeyRelease=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'isActive' has no assignment statement such as 'isActive=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'actionKeyPress' has no assignment statement such as 'actionKeyPress=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'enabled_changed' has no assignment statement such as 'enabled_changed=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'controlKey' has no assignment statement such as 'controlKey=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='KeySensorScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTestInteractive.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This won't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//KeySensorActivationKeySwitchTestInterchange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] KeySensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='KeyDeviceSensor' level='1'/> [KeySensor node DEF='SingleKeySensor'] [error] Switch node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [Switch node DEF='ActivationKeyMessageSwitch'] [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This won't work because there is no KeySensor implementation yet! Prototype script (written in Java) or native node support for KeySensor is needed.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='enabled needs to be changed to exposedField once supported by Script capabilities'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "enabled" (for node "SingleKeySensor"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//LODlevelChangedExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, evaluating a proposed specification change'/> [warning] X3D Inline field 'load' is not a legal VRML97 field, converting to VRML97 GeoInline (with load/unload control) instead. [node DEF='InlineLevel1'] [warning] X3D Inline field 'load' is not a legal VRML97 field, converting to VRML97 GeoInline (with load/unload control) instead. [node DEF='InlineLevel2'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoInline" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoInline" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "LOD" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoInline" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoInline" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "LOD" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (children_changed, type MFNode) and destination (level_changed, type SFInt32) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "load" (for node "InlineLevel1"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "load" (for node "InlineLevel2"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//LfovDisplayExemplars.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//LoadSensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='LoadSensor only supported by X3D-compliant browsers. LoadSensor is not implemented in VRML 97.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\LoadSensorPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//LoadSensorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Set LoadSensorScript traceEnabled true/false to enable/disable console trace text.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This LoadSensor implementation for VRML 97 only emulates LoadSensor events and cannot sense actual loading of watchList resources. Use an X3D-compliant browser for complete LoadSensor capability.'/> [info] MFNode not provided for field 'watchList' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'watchList' parent ProtoDeclare LoadSensor] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'metadata' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare LoadSensor] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//MaterialExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//MetadataExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Metadata nodes may be repositioned by a few lines if VRML97 parent node does not support the children field.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='The external prototype declarations in this file are only intended for use with browsers that do not already support the Metadata nodes.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "MetadataDouble" with prototype "MetadataDouble": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field value (MFFloat) from value (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "MetadataDouble", field of type MFFloat (named "length") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFDouble (named "value") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "MetadataDouble": "MFFloat" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFDouble" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "MetadataDouble": "MFFloat" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFDouble" event castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 116 column 18: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Transform": got "]" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//MetadataPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'booleanArray' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'booleanArray' parent ] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//Orbiter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//PhysicalUnitRepresentationPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//PixelTextureInterpolatorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [info] MFNode not provided for field 'keyValue' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'keyValue' parent ProtoDeclare PixelTextureInterpolator] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='ImageInterpolatorScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//PositionInterpolator2dExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//PositionInterpolator2dPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script outputOnly field 'key_changed' has no assignment statement such as 'key_changed[someIndex]=(someMFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='InterpolationScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'keyValue_changed' has no assignment statement such as 'keyValue_changed[someIndex]=(someMFVec2fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='InterpolationScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='InterpolationScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ProfileExampleInterchange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator input [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='CI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CoordinateInterpolator output [CoordinateInterpolator DEF='CI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator output [NormalInterpolator DEF='NI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='OI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='PI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='SI'] [warning] duplicate ROUTE TS.fraction_changed TO PI.set_fraction [warning] duplicate ROUTE TS.fraction_changed TO PI.set_fraction C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ProtoInstanceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ProtoMFNodeSensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for SphereSensor output [SphereSensor DEF='SphereSensorD'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ProtoTagDtdDeclarationExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='You must view full source of the DTD declarations (ProtoTagDtdDeclarationExamples.x3d.txt) to fully understand validation techniques in this file.'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='internal subset deficiency: nodeType attributes need to be converted to containerField attributes.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ProxyShapeExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//QuadTreeExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test to demonstrate DOCTYPE extensibility, this X3D scene not valid and does not render.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='You must view full source of the DTD declarations (QuadTreeExamples.x3d.txt) to fully understand validation techniques in this file.'/> [info] MFNode not provided for field 'upperLeftDEFName' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'upperLeftDEFName' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-USEchildren] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'upperRightDEFName' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'upperRightDEFName' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-USEchildren] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'lowerLeftDEFName' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'lowerLeftDEFName' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-USEchildren] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'lowerRightDEFName' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'lowerRightDEFName' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-USEchildren] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='children'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-USEchildren] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-USEchildren] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='children'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-TagChildren] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare QuadTree-TagChildren] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//RenderingComponentExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='X3dToVrml97.xslt translation stylesheet automatically invokes these prototypes upon encountering any new Rendering nodes.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//RenderingComponentExternProtoDefinitions.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='.wrl url links intentionally precede .x3d links, X3D-Edit stylesheet X3dToVrml97.xslt automatically inserts VRML97 translations of these external prototype declarations upon encountering any new Rendering nodes.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic\development\RenderingComponentPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//RenderingComponentPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='X3dToVrml97.xslt translation stylesheet automatically invokes these prototypes upon encountering any new Rendering nodes.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='colorPerVertex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'colorPerVertex' parent ProtoDeclare IndexedTriangleFanSet] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='IndexedTriangleFanSet'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='colorPerVertex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'colorPerVertex' parent ProtoDeclare IndexedTriangleSet] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='IndexedTriangleSet'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='colorPerVertex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'colorPerVertex' parent ProtoDeclare IndexedTriangleStripSet] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='IndexedTriangleStripSet'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='LineSet'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] Script field 'vertexCount' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'vertexCount' parent DEF='LineSetToIndexedLineSet'] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='TriangleFanSet'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] Script field 'fanCount' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'fanCount' parent DEF='TriangleFanSetToIndexedFaceSet'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='colorPerVertex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'colorPerVertex' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleSet] [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='TriangleSet'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'renderedTS' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TriangleSetToIndexedFaceSet'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stripCount'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stripCount' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ccw'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ccw' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='colorPerVertex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'colorPerVertex' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='normalPerVertex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'normalPerVertex' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='solid'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'solid' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='color'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'color' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='coord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'coord' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='normal'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'normal' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='texCoord'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'texCoord' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='metadata'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'metadata' parent ProtoDeclare TriangleStripSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 117 column 10: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got "]" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//SceneNodePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development, many of these exposed attributes will be eliminated. Scene node will not be used in X3D proper, but may become a valuable prototype via SAI scripting.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='boundBackground'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'boundBackground' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='boundFog'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'boundFog' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='boundGeoViewpoint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'boundGeoViewpoint' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='boundNavigationInfo'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'boundNavigationInfo' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='boundViewpoint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'boundViewpoint' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='dashboardVisible'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'dashboardVisible' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='pixelWidth'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'pixelWidth' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='pixelHeight'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'pixelHeight' parent ProtoDeclare Scene] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'response' has no assignment statement such as 'response[someIndex]=(someMFStringExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BrowserScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//SchemaTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test scene that does not render or validate.'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='badCycleIntervalValue'] [warning] Background node not affected by translation or scaling of parent <Transform translation='+10000.e-1 50 0.5' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Background] [error] IS/connect definition found outside of ProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='df' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [warning] MetadataSet contains illegal child that is not a Metadata node [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [error] ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype] [error] ProtoInstance containerField='value' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance name='SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype'] [warning] MetadataSet has no contained-child Metadata node(s) (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [error] ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype] [error] ProtoInstance containerField='value' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance name='SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype'] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Appearance node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Appearance. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <Appearance/> with parent Shape] [error] IS/connect definition found outside of ProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='df' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [warning] MetadataSet contains illegal child that is not a Metadata node [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [error] ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype] [error] ProtoInstance containerField='value' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance name='SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype'] [warning] MetadataSet has no contained-child Metadata node(s) (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [error] ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype] [error] ProtoInstance containerField='value' is illegal value [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance name='SomeKindOfMetadataPrototype'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='something'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'something' parent ProtoDeclare blah] [warning] duplicate ROUTE blah.x TO blah.x [error] ROUTE inside ProtoDeclare "blah" but fromNode "blah" is not inside same scope, for ROUTE blah.x TO blah.x [error] ROUTE inside ProtoDeclare "blah" but toNode "blah" is not inside same scope, for ROUTE blah.x TO blah.x [error] ROUTE fromNode='"blah"' precedes node DEFinition. Move the ROUTE to follow the DEF node. [error] ROUTE toNode='"blah"' precedes node DEFinition. Move the ROUTE to follow the DEF node. [error] ROUTE fromNode='blah' is a blah ProtoInstance, but fromField='x' is not a defined field. [error] ROUTE toNode='blah' is a blah ProtoInstance, but toField='x' is not a defined field. [warning] duplicate ROUTE blah.x TO blah.x [error] ROUTE fromNode='blah' is a blah ProtoInstance, but fromField='x' is not a defined field. [error] ROUTE toNode='blah' is a blah ProtoInstance, but toField='x' is not a defined field. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 139 column 5: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Appearance": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "sfdg" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ScriptSyntaxExampleTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'someInitializedRotation' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='myScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'someInitializedTime' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='myScript'] [error] function initialize() method signature cannot include any passed parameters. [Script node DEF='myScript'] [warning] Note that Script node includes both url and CDATA section of contained code [Script DEF='myScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ShapeChildRoutingExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet *** FieldTypeNotFound Shape geometry [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source A_SCRIPT.geometryResult has type SFNode, but destination A_SHAPE.geometry has type Shape.geometry.FieldTypeNotFound. C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//SpinGroupInternalSubsetDeclaration.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Test to demonstrate DOCTYPE extensibility, this X3D scene not valid and does not render.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='You must view full source of the DTD declarations (SpinGroupInternalSubsetDeclaration.x3d.txt) to fully understand validation techniques in this file.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestColorCount.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestContainerFieldValues.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Intentional error for testing: Transform containerField='level' is illegal, use 'children' instead.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestDiagnosticOverloadedChildNodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Test scene validation, used for test purposes only'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='VRML97 translation incomplete'/> [error] More than one Material node provided as child of Appearance: <Material DEF='a'/> <Material DEF='b'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [error] More than one Texture node provided as child of Appearance: <ImageTexture DEF='c'/> <ImageTexture3D DEF='d'/> <ImageCubeMapTexture DEF='e'/> <MultiTexture DEF='f'/> <ComposedCubeMapTexture DEF='i'/> <PixelTexture DEF='j'/> <GeneratedCubeMapTexture DEF='k'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [error] More than one TextureTransform node provided as child of Appearance: <MultiTextureTransform DEF='l'/> <TextureTransform DEF='n'/> <TextureTransform3D DEF='o'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Appearance] [error] More than one Color/ColorRGBA node provided as child of IndexedTriangleFanSet: <Color DEF='t'/> <ColorRGBA DEF='u'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleFanSet] [error] More than one Coordinate/CoordinateDouble/GeoCoordinate node provided as child of IndexedTriangleFanSet: <Coordinate DEF='v'/> <CoordinateDouble DEF='w'/> <GeoCoordinate DEF='x'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleFanSet] [error] More than one FogCoordinate node provided as child of IndexedTriangleFanSet: <FogCoordinate DEF='y'/> <FogCoordinate DEF='z'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleFanSet] [error] More than one Normal node provided as child of IndexedTriangleFanSet: <Normal DEF='z1'/> <Normal DEF='z2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleFanSet] [error] More than one TextureCoordinate node provided as child of IndexedTriangleFanSet: <TextureCoordinate DEF='z3'/> <TextureCoordinateGenerator DEF='z4'/> <NurbsTextureCoordinate DEF='z5'/> <MultiTextureCoordinate DEF='z6'/> <TextureCoordinate3D DEF='z7'/> <TextureCoordinate4D DEF='z8'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IndexedTriangleFanSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "NurbsTextureCoordinate" found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "removeGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_geometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "geometry_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "set_tessellationScale" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "tessellationScale_changed" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSweptSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coord" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "coordIndex" (for node "NurbsSwungSurfaceScript", type "Script") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate" with prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field uKnot (MFFloat) from uKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate" with prototype "NurbsTextureCoordinate": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field vKnot (MFFloat) from vKnot (MFDouble) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoCoordinate" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 177 column 13: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "IndexedTriangleFanSet": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "fogCoord" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestDoctype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestFieldChecks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model does not produce a viewable scene.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestFillPropertiesLinePropertiesValidation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] FillProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FillProperties] [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestJsonEncoding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestMetadataNodes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Interchange'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Immersive' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] Anchor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Networking' level='2'/> [Anchor node description='Click to see documentation example'] [error] Text node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Text' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Text node] [error] FontStyle node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Text' level='1'/> [FontStyle node DEF='TextFont'] [warning] <meta name='warning' content='MetadataString node within NavigationInfo is legal X3D but will cause error when translating to VRML97 due to (previously) disallowed parent node.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 183 column 6: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got "]" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestOrientationInterpolatorSize.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestProtoDeclareDisconnectedField.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='color'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'color' parent ProtoDeclare MyShape] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='undefinedProtoField' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [Shape DEF='ContainedShape'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "MyShape", exposed field "bboxCenter" references (by "IS" clause) non-existing field/event name "undefinedProtoField" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestProtoInterfaceNodeScope.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestPrototypeInterpolators.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'holdPosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'holdPosition' parent DEF='InternalTraceScript'] [warning] Script field 'holdPosition' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'holdPosition' parent DEF='ExternalTraceScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestRegularExpressionChecks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='this scene contains intentional errors in floating point arrays in order to test regular expression (regex) checking'/> [warning] Attribute key='0 0.250.5 0.75 1' key count (4) must equal keyValue count (6) [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='MergedFloatsErrorDetectionTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='MergedFloatsErrorDetectionTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='MergedFloatsErrorDetectionTest'] [error] MFFloat attribute key='0 0.25 0.5 0.75 01' contains excess leading zeros [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='LeadingZerosErrorDetectionTest'] [warning] Attribute key='0 0.25 0.5 0.75 01' key count (5) must equal keyValue count (6) [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='LeadingZerosErrorDetectionTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='LeadingZerosErrorDetectionTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='LeadingZerosErrorDetectionTest'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestSchematronDiagnostics.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] TouchSensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='PointingDeviceSensor' level='1'/> [TouchSensor node DEF='IllegalCombinationDEFUSE'] [error] CylinderSensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='PointingDeviceSensor' level='1'/> [CylinderSensor node DEF='DoubleDEF'] [error] TimeSensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Time' level='1'/> [TimeSensor node DEF='DoubleDEF'] [error] WorldInfo node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [WorldInfo node DEF='FirstTitle'] [error] Anchor node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Networking' level='2'/> [Anchor node DEF='NoChildrenNoUrl'] [error] Group node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Group node] [error] Inline node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Networking' level='2'/> [Inline node DEF='HelloWorld'] [error] ExternProtoDeclare node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ExternProtoDeclare node] [error] Shape node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Shape' level='2'/> [Shape node DEF='NoChildAppearance'] [error] Box node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Geometry3D' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Box node] [error] Appearance node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Shape' level='4'/> [Appearance node DEF='NoMaterialNoTexture'] [error] ProtoInstance node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance node] [error] ColorInterpolator node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Interpolation' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ColorInterpolator node] [error] PositionInterpolator node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Interpolation' level='1'/> [PositionInterpolator node DEF='NoROUTEsNoKeyValueArray'] [error] ScalarInterpolator node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Interpolation' level='1'/> [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='MismatchedKeyArrays'] [error] NormalInterpolator node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Interpolation' level='2'/> [NormalInterpolator node DEF='MismatchedKeyArraysSFVec3f'] [error] BooleanSequencer node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='EventUtilities' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous BooleanSequencer node] [error] IntegerTrigger node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='EventUtilities' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IntegerTrigger node] [error] OrientationInterpolator node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Interpolation' level='1'/> [OrientationInterpolator node DEF='OI'] [error] LoadSensor node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Networking' level='3'/> [LoadSensor node DEF='ChildrenIncorrectContainerField'] [error] ImageTexture node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='1'/> [ImageTexture node DEF='textureContainerField'] [error] Script node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Scripting' level='1'/> [Script node DEF='HasLegalCDATA'] [error] field node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field node] [error] ProtoDeclare node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoDeclare node] [error] ProtoBody node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoBody node] [error] Viewpoint node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Navigation' level='2'/> [Viewpoint node DEF='ISconnectDescription'] [error] IS node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous IS node] [error] connect node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous connect node] [error] fieldValue node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous fieldValue node] [error] ProtoInterface node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [error] Extrusion node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Geometry3D' level='4'/> [Extrusion node DEF='ExtrusionCrossSectionMiscountSpineMismatchCrossSectionMiscount'] [error] GeoViewpoint node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoViewpoint node DEF='IllegalFields'] [error] GeoMetadata node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoMetadata node DEF='BadChild'] [error] LOD node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Navigation' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous LOD node] [error] Background node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='EnvironmentalEffects' level='2'/> [Background node DEF='BackgroundWithParentLOD'] [error] Fog node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='EnvironmentalEffects' level='2'/> [Fog node DEF='FogWithParentLOD'] [error] NavigationInfo node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Navigation' level='2'/> [NavigationInfo node DEF='NavigationInfoWithParentLOD'] [error] Transform node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Transform node] [error] PixelTexture node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='1'/> [PixelTexture node DEF='NoImageData'] [error] PointLight node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Lighting' level='3'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous PointLight node] [error] IndexedFaceSet node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Geometry3D' level='4'/> [IndexedFaceSet node DEF='CountTests'] [error] Coordinate node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Rendering' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Coordinate node] [error] Color node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Rendering' level='1'/> [Color node DEF='IllegalValuesColor'] [error] ColorRGBA node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Rendering' level='4'/> [ColorRGBA node DEF='IllegalValuesColorRGBA'] [error] TextureCoordinate node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous TextureCoordinate node] [error] TextureCoordinateGenerator node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous TextureCoordinateGenerator node] [error] Text node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Text' level='1'/> [Text node DEF='CharacterBeforeQuotes'] [error] FontStyle node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Text' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous FontStyle node] [error] IndexedQuadSet node requires support by <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> or else <component name='CADGeometry' level='1'/> [IndexedQuadSet node DEF='MissingIndex'] [error] GeoLocation node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoLocation node DEF='LegalGeoSystem'] [error] Collision node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Navigation' level='2'/> [Collision node DEF='IllegalGeometryProxyNode'] [error] CADLayer node requires support by <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> or else <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADLayer node] [error] MovieTexture node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='3'/> [MovieTexture node DEF='IllegalParent2'] [error] TextureTransform node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='1'/> [TextureTransform node DEF='TextureTransformWithNoSiblingTextureNode'] [error] MultiTexture node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Texturing' level='2'/> [MultiTexture node DEF='NoTextureChildren'] [error] TextureBackground node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='EnvironmentalEffects' level='3'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous TextureBackground node] [error] Switch node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch node] [error] CADAssembly node requires support by <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> or else <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADAssembly node] [error] CADPart node requires support by <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> or else <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart node] [error] CADFace node requires support by <X3D profile='CADInterchange'> or else <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/> [CADFace node DEF='CADFaceOneShapeChild'] [error] GeoOrigin node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoOrigin node DEF='DeprecatedNodeUnquotedGeoSystem'] [error] Material node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Shape' level='2'/> [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] DirectionalLight node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Lighting' level='2'/> [DirectionalLight node DEF='DirectionalLightColorProblems'] [error] SpotLight node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Lighting' level='3'/> [SpotLight node DEF='SpotLightColorProblems'] [error] HAnimHumanoid node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimHumanoid node DEF='notUniqueName1'] [error] HAnimJoint node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous HAnimJoint node] [error] HAnimJoint node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimJoint node DEF='MissingComponentH-AnimLevel1'] [error] HAnimSegment node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimSegment node DEF='JointNameSegmentNameHierarchyTest'] [error] HAnimSite node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimSite node DEF='hanim_Top_view'] [error] HAnimDisplacer node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='HAnim' level='1'/> [HAnimDisplacer node DEF='IllegalHAnimDisplacerInHAnimSiteNode'] [error] CoordinateDouble node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='NURBS' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CoordinateDouble node] [error] Normal node requires support by <X3D profile='Interchange'> or else <component name='Rendering' level='2'/> [Normal node DEF='HAnimNormalIncorrectContainerField'] [error] Sound node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Sound' level='1'/> [Sound node DEF='NoChildren'] [error] AudioClip node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Sound' level='1'/> [AudioClip node DEF='NoParentSoundNode'] [error] ElevationGrid node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Geometry3D' level='4'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ElevationGrid node] [error] StaticGroup node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Grouping' level='3'/> [StaticGroup node DEF='StaticGroupChildTests'] [error] Billboard node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Navigation' level='2'/> [Billboard node DEF='PeerBillboard'] [error] GeoLOD node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous GeoLOD node] [error] illegal <component name=''/> [error] illegal level value: <component name='Geometry2D' level=''/> (allowed range of values: 1..5) [warning] <meta name='warning' content='The regex is not finding IllegalMinusSignsTest.'/> [error] <meta name='error' content='Test scene with many errors, primarily intended to exercise most of the rules in the X3D Schematron diagnostic set.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Test scene with many warnings embedded in comments.'/> [hint] <meta name='hint' content='Test scene with many hints embedded in comments.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Perhaps the most erroneous X3D scene in the world!'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='Perhaps the most erroneous X3D scene in the world!'/> [error] HAnim 1.1 and 2.0 models can't be present in same file due to HAnimHumanoid Prototype differencesError XPTY0004 while evaluating xsl:message at line 14014 of file:/C:/x3d-code/ A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of fn:local-name() (<HAnimHumanoid>, <HAnimHumanoid>, ...) . Found while atomizing the first argument of fn:string-length() in {$node} on line 14018 [error] DEF node follows <TouchSensor USE='IllegalCombinationDEFUSE'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] [warning] no ROUTE found for CylinderSensor output [CylinderSensor DEF='DoubleDEF'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='DoubleDEF'] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [<WorldInfo DEF="LegalChild"/> with parent Scene DEF='LegalChild'] [error] Attribute url has adjacent quote marks ( "" ) without intervening whitespace: Inline url='"test.wrl" "test.x3d" "adjacent""quote marks"' [Inline node DEF='UrlDotWrlPrecedesDotX3d'] [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "test.wrl test.x3d adjacentquote marks" " test.x3d adjacentquote marks" ' [Inline DEF='UrlDotWrlPrecedesDotX3d'] [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "HelloWorld.wrl HelloWorld.x3d" " HelloWorld.x3d" ' [Inline DEF='NodeUrlVRML.wrl.PrecedingX3D.x3d'] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #ExternProtoDeclareUrlVRML.wrl.PrecedingX3D.x3d or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='ExternProtoDeclareUrlVRML.wrl.PrecedingX3D.x3d' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #ExternProtoDeclareUrlVRML.wrl.MissingX3D.x3d or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='ExternProtoDeclareUrlVRML.wrl.MissingX3D.x3d' DEF=''] [error] ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration] [error] ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration has containerField='children' which is not appropriate for parent Appearance node. Allowed containerField values are fillProperties, lineProperties, material, metadata, texture, textureTransform. [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration] [error] ProtoInstance containerField='children' is illegal value [parent Appearance DEF='AppearanceWithProtoInstanceChild'] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance name='NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration'] [error] Appearance containerField='appearance' is illegal, use 'children' instead [parent Scene DEF='improperDEF'] [Appearance DEF='MissingParentShape'] [error] no embedded-child node content allowed inside USE, for Shape USE=USEwithChildElement [node DEF=''] [error] ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration] [error] ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration has containerField='children' which is not appropriate for parent Shape node. Allowed containerField values are appearance, geometry, metadata. [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration] [error] ProtoInstance containerField='children' is illegal value [parent Shape DEF='SingleProtoInstanceChild'] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance name='NodeSubstituteNoDeclaration'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='NoOutputROUTE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='Clock'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable ColorInterpolator] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable ColorInterpolator] [warning] Attribute key='0' needs corresponding keyValue attribute [ColorInterpolator node DEF='InterpolatorWithSingleKey'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='InterpolatorWithSingleKey'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='InterpolatorWithSingleKey'] [warning] Attribute key='0' key count (1) must equal keyValue count (1.333333333333333333) [ColorInterpolator node DEF='ColorInterpolatorColorProblems'] [error] MFColor attribute keyValue='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [ColorInterpolator node DEF='ColorInterpolatorColorProblems'] [error] MFColor attribute keyValue='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [ColorInterpolator node DEF='ColorInterpolatorColorProblems'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorInterpolatorColorProblems'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorInterpolatorColorProblems'] [warning] Attribute key='0 0' needs corresponding keyValue attribute [PositionInterpolator node DEF='NoROUTEsNoKeyValueArray'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='NoROUTEsNoKeyValueArray'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='NoROUTEsNoKeyValueArray'] [warning] Attribute key='0' key count (1) must equal keyValue count (2) [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='MismatchedKeyArrays'] [error] Attribute key='0 1' key count (2) must be an integer factor of the keyValue count (1.666666666666666667) to determine number of Vector3Floats sent in each eventOut value [NormalInterpolator node DEF='MismatchedKeyArraysSFVec3f'] [error] MFVec3f attribute keyValue='0 0 0 1 1' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [NormalInterpolator node DEF='MismatchedKeyArraysSFVec3f'] [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source MismatchedKeyArraysSFVec3f.value_changed has type MFVec3f, but destination MismatchedKeyArraysSFVec3f.set_fraction has type SFFloat. [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanSequencer input [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable BooleanSequencer] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanSequencer output [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable BooleanSequencer] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanSequencer input [BooleanSequencer DEF='NoROUTEs'] [warning] no ROUTE found for BooleanSequencer output [BooleanSequencer DEF='NoROUTEs'] [warning] no ROUTE found for IntegerTrigger input [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable IntegerTrigger] [warning] no ROUTE found for IntegerTrigger output [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable IntegerTrigger] [warning] no ROUTE found for IntegerTrigger input [IntegerTrigger DEF='NoROUTE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for IntegerTrigger output [IntegerTrigger DEF='NoROUTE'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='OI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='OI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for LoadSensor output [LoadSensor DEF='ChildrenIncorrectContainerField'] [warning] no ROUTE found for LoadSensor output [LoadSensor DEF='ChildrenCorrectContainerField'] [warning] no ROUTE found for LoadSensor output [LoadSensor DEF='IncorrectChildNodes'] [error] duplicate <field name='duplicatedFieldName'/> definitions [field 'duplicatedFieldName' parent Script DEF='HasLegalCDATA'] [warning] inputOnly field 'duplicatedFieldName' has no input-event method definition 'function duplicatedFieldName (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='HasLegalCDATA'] [warning] inputOnly field 'duplicatedFieldName' has no input-event method definition 'function duplicatedFieldName (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='HasLegalCDATA'] [warning] accessType value not set for field 'noAccessType', setting accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'noAccessType' parent DEF='HasCDATAwithoutEcmascriptHeader'] [error] type is required for field variables [field 'noType' parent Script DEF='HasCDATAwithoutEcmascriptHeader'] [error] unknown type noName [field '' parent Script DEF='HasCDATAwithoutEcmascriptHeader'] [warning] inputOnly field 'noType' has no input-event method definition 'function noType (Value, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='HasCDATAwithoutEcmascriptHeader'] [warning] inputOnly field '' has no input-event method definition 'function (noNameValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='HasCDATAwithoutEcmascriptHeader'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'neverSet' has no assignment statement such as 'neverSet=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='HasCDATAwithoutEcmascriptHeader'] [error] Script node has neither url nor contained code in CDATA section [Script DEF='NoUrlNoCDATA'] [warning] inputOnly field 'inputFunctionDefinedTwice' has no input-event method definition 'function inputFunctionDefinedTwice (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BothUrlAndCDATA'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'noInputFunctionAllowed' has no assignment statement such as 'noInputFunctionAllowed=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BothUrlAndCDATA'] [warning] Note that Script node includes both url and CDATA section of contained code [Script DEF='BothUrlAndCDATA'] [warning] duplicate ROUTE NoFields.blah TO NoFields.blah [error] no node with DEF="NoFields" found, for ROUTE NoFields.blah TO NoFields.blah [error] no node with DEF="NoFields" found, for ROUTE NoFields.blah TO NoFields.blah *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='NoFields' tofield blah *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='NoFields' tofield blah [error] ProtoInstance NoDeclaration has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance NoDeclaration] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='description' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [Viewpoint DEF='ISconnectDescription'] [error] <WorldInfo USE='DEFoutsideProtoDeclareScope'/> refers to DEF node outside of parent ProtoDeclare DoubleMixedDeclaration [node DEF=''] [error] Simultaneous ExternProtoDeclare and ProtoDeclare definitions for DoubleMixedDeclaration node [ProtoDeclare, ExternProtoDeclare DoubleMixedDeclaration DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) [ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleMixedDeclaration' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url renames prototype by not ending with #DoubleMixedDeclaration [ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleMixedDeclaration' DEF=''] [error] ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration fieldValue 'duplicatedFieldValueName' has no matching ProtoDeclare DoubleMixedDeclaration field 'duplicatedFieldValueName' definition [parent ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration DEF='DoubleDeclaration2'] [error] duplicate <fieldValue name='duplicatedFieldValueName'/> definitions [field 'duplicatedFieldValueName' parent ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration DEF='DoubleDeclaration2'] [error] ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration fieldValue 'duplicatedFieldValueName' has no matching ProtoDeclare DoubleMixedDeclaration field 'duplicatedFieldValueName' definition [parent ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration DEF='DoubleDeclaration2'] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'duplicatedFieldValueName' [parent ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration DEF='DoubleDeclaration2'] [error] ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration fieldValue '' has no matching ProtoDeclare DoubleMixedDeclaration field '' definition [parent ProtoInstance DoubleMixedDeclaration DEF='DoubleDeclaration2'] [error] ExternProtoDeclare url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) [ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName' DEF=''] [error] duplicate <ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName'/> definitions found. [node DEF=''] [error] Duplicate ExternProtoDeclare definitions for DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName node [ExternProtoDeclare DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) [ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName' DEF=''] [error] duplicate <ExternProtoDeclare name='DoubleDeclarationUrlMissingPoundProtoName'/> definitions found. [node DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) [ExternProtoDeclare name='ExternProtoDeclareBeforeInstance' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #ExternProtoDeclareBeforeInstance or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='ExternProtoDeclareBeforeInstance' DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare ExternProtoDeclareAfterInstance must precede ProtoInstance [ProtoInstance ExternProtoDeclareAfterInstance DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare url does not refer to an X3D scene (file extension .x3d .x3dv .x3db .wrl .wrz) [ExternProtoDeclare name='ExternProtoDeclareAfterInstance' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #ExternProtoDeclareAfterInstance or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='ExternProtoDeclareAfterInstance' DEF=''] [error] ProtoDeclare ProtoDeclareAfterInstance must precede ProtoInstance [ProtoInstance ProtoDeclareAfterInstance DEF=''] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='danglingConnectProtoField' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Group] [error] IS/connect definition found outside of ProtoDeclare [Group DEF='ContainsISchildButNoParentProtoDeclare'] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='isolatedConnectProtoField' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [Group DEF='ContainsISchildButNoParentProtoDeclare'] [error] SFVec3f attribute bboxCenter='1a 2b 3c' contains illegal non-numeric characters 'a b c' [Shape node DEF='BadBoundingBoxValues'] [error] Attribute bboxSize='-1 -2 -3' contains negative value other than '-1 -1 -1' [Shape node DEF='BadBoundingBoxValues'] [error] MFVec2f attribute crossSection='1 2 3' must contain an integer multiple of paired values [Extrusion node DEF='ExtrusionCrossSectionMiscountSpineMismatchCrossSectionMiscount'] [error] Attribute orientation='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0' count (3 orientation 4-tuples) must equal 1, or equal spine count (2 triplets) [Extrusion node DEF='ExtrusionCrossSectionMiscountSpineMismatchCrossSectionMiscount'] [error] MFVec2f attribute scale='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' count (6 pairs) must equal 1, or equal spine count (2 triplets) [Extrusion node DEF='ExtrusionCrossSectionMiscountSpineMismatchCrossSectionMiscount'] [error] no node with DEF="blah" found, for ROUTE blah.set_blah TO bleah.bleah_changed [error] no node with DEF="bleah" found, for ROUTE blah.set_blah TO bleah.bleah_changed *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='blah' tofield blah *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='bleah' tofield bleah [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source blah.set_blah has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='blah' tofield .blah.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination bleah.bleah_changed has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='bleah' tofield .bleah.FieldTypeNotFound. [warning] Enumeration attribute navType='"OTHER"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (EXAMINE WALK FLY ANY NONE) [GeoViewpoint node DEF='IllegalFields'] [error] Simultaneous ExternProtoDeclare and ProtoDeclare definitions for X3D node [ProtoDeclare, ExternProtoDeclare X3D DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare does not include url pointing to ProtoDeclare definition scene [ExternProtoDeclare name='X3D' DEF=''] [error] ProtoInstance X3D fieldValue 'X3D' has no matching ProtoDeclare X3D field 'X3D' definition [parent ProtoInstance X3D DEF='BadNameBadFieldValueNameMissingInitialization'] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'X3D' [parent ProtoInstance X3D DEF='BadNameBadFieldValueNameMissingInitialization'] [error] ProtoInstance X3D fieldValue 'X3D' has no matching ProtoDeclare X3D field 'X3D' definition [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous parent ProtoInstance X3D] [error] Attribute <fieldValue name=X3D> value='doubleInitialization' not a valid SFBool value (true|false) [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance 'X3D'] [warning] ignoring contained SFNode/MFNode content inside fieldValue X3D, since simple-type value="doubleInitialization" provided [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance X3D] [warning] Background behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Background DEF='BackgroundWithParentLOD'] [warning] Fog behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Fog DEF='FogWithParentLOD'] [warning] NavigationInfo behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [NavigationInfo DEF='NavigationInfoWithParentLOD'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='ViewpointWithParentLOD'] [error] DEF node follows <WorldInfo USE='USEandDEFtogether'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] [error] DEF node follows <WorldInfo USE='USEprecedesDEF'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] [error] No DEF node found for <WorldInfo USE='noDEFforUSE'/> [node DEF=''] [error] no embedded-child node content allowed inside USE, for WorldInfo USE=noChildNodeforUSE [node DEF=''] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='someStringArray' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [error] Directed acyclic graph (DAG) error: USE node not allowed inside definition of DEF parent, for Group DEF/USE=DEFcontainsUSEcopyOfSelf [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <WorldInfo DEF='USEmismatchDEFnodeType'/> and <Group USE='USEmismatchDEFnodeType'/> [node DEF=''] [error] Attribute creaseAngle='-1.234' must be a nonnegative value [IndexedFaceSet node DEF='CountTests'] [error] MFVec3f attribute point='0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 5' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Coordinate node] [error] MFColor attribute color='-1 2 3' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Color node DEF='IllegalValuesColor'] [error] MFColorRGBA attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [ColorRGBA node DEF='IllegalValuesColorRGBA'] [error] More than one Color/ColorRGBA node provided as child of IndexedFaceSet: <Color DEF='IllegalValuesColor'/> <ColorRGBA DEF='IllegalValuesColorRGBA'/> [IndexedFaceSet DEF='CountTests'] [error] More than one TextureCoordinate node provided as child of IndexedFaceSet: <TextureCoordinate/> <TextureCoordinateGenerator/> [IndexedFaceSet DEF='CountTests'] [warning] Enumeration attribute family='"unquotedFontFamilyName"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (SERIF SANS TYPEWRITER) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FontStyle node] [warning] Enumeration attribute justify='"unquotedIllegalJustification"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (FIRST BEGIN MIDDLE END) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FontStyle node] [error] Attribute string has unmatched quote (") character: string='"" x" '' [Text node DEF='ThreeUnescapedQuoteMarksMissingSpaceEndsApostrophe'] [error] Attribute string has unmatched quote (") character: string='"here is a single escaped \" quote mark character"' [Text node DEF='EscapedQuoteMarkWarning'] [warning] Enumeration attribute justify='"IllegalValue"' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (FIRST BEGIN MIDDLE END) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable FontStyle node] [error] MFVec3f attribute point='0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 5' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [Coordinate node DEF='DuplicatedCoordinatePointArray'] [error] Attribute key='0 0.5 1' key count (3) must be an integer factor of the keyValue count (12.333333333333333333) to determine number of Vector3Floats sent in each eventOut value [NormalInterpolator node DEF='NormalPath'] [error] MFVec3f attribute keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 5' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [NormalInterpolator node DEF='NormalPath'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator input [NormalInterpolator DEF='NormalPath'] [warning] no ROUTE found for NormalInterpolator output [NormalInterpolator DEF='NormalPath'] [error] unknown type SInt32 [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'defaultTest' parent ProtoDeclare ReferenceTest] [error] SInt32 attribute field='78' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type SInt32 [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='incorrectInitializationSFColorRGBA'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'incorrectInitializationSFColorRGBA' parent ProtoDeclare ReferenceTest] [warning] Initializing SFBool value not provided for field 'missingInitializationValue1' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'missingInitializationValue1' parent Script ] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@type='SInt32' and Script/field/@type='SFInt32' [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'missingInitializationValue2' parent Script, parent Prototype name='ReferenceTest'] [error] SFVec3f attribute field='0.0' must contain 3 values [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Script node] [error] MFColor attribute field='1 2 3 4 5 6 7' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Script node] [error] MFColor attribute field='1 2 3 4 5 6 7' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Script node] [error] cannot initialize field inside Script when IS connection exists. Remove follow-on initializing value true [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'missingInitializationValueHasIS' parent Script] [error] IS-connected field definitions cannot be initialized, ignoring value="true" [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'missingInitializationValueHasIS' parent Script] [error] IS/connect/@protoField='test' does not match any of containing ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@name definitions [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Script] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'shouldBeField' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent Script ] [error] X3D Script code must begin with 'ecmascript:' header. Conversion of 'ecmascript:' to 'javascript:' is performed automatically when translating from X3D to VRML97. [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Script] [warning] accessType value not set for field 'shouldBeFieldValue', setting accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'shouldBeFieldValue' parent ReferenceTest] [error] type is required for field variables [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'shouldBeFieldValue' parent ProtoInstance ReferenceTest] [error] SInt32 attribute fieldValue='78' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type SInt32 [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance node] [error] Box containerField='geometry' is illegal, use 'children' instead [parent Scene DEF='improperDEF'] [Box DEF='GeometryNodeNeedsShapeParent'] [warning] nonstandard NavigationInfo transitionType='"ALTERNATE"' (usually includes "ANIMATE" or "LINEAR" or "TELEPORT") [NavigationInfo attribute transitionType node DEF='UnquotedTypeAndTransitionTypeErrors'] [warning] Enumeration attribute type='OTHER' contains values different than those specified by X3D standard (EXAMINE WALK FLY ANY NONE) [NavigationInfo node DEF='UnquotedTypeAndTransitionTypeErrors'] [error] Directed acyclic graph (DAG) error: USE node not allowed inside definition of DEF parent, for Group DEF/USE=IllegalParentChild-DEF-USE [node DEF=''] [error] ImageTexture containerField='texture' is illegal value [ImageTexture DEF='IllegalParent1'] [error] MovieTexture containerField='texture' is illegal value [MovieTexture DEF='IllegalParent2'] [error] PixelTexture containerField='texture' is illegal value [PixelTexture DEF='IllegalParent3'] [error] TextureTransform containerField='textureTransform' is illegal value [TextureTransform DEF='TextureTransformWithNoSiblingTextureNode'] [error] TextureCoordinateGenerator containerField='texCoord' is illegal value [TextureCoordinateGenerator DEF='TextureCoordinateGeneratorIllegalMode'] [error] TextureCoordinateGenerator containerField='texCoord' is illegal value [TextureCoordinateGenerator DEF='TextureCoordinateGeneratorIllegalParameterCount'] [error] No DEF node found for <Group USE='Embedded Blanks USE'/> [node DEF=''] [error] No DEF node found for <Group USE='"QuotedUSE"'/> [node DEF=''] [warning] Attribute key='0.00.5 1.0' key count (2) must equal keyValue count (3) [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='IllegalDecimalPointsTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='IllegalDecimalPointsTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='IllegalDecimalPointsTest'] [warning] Attribute key='0.0 0.5 1.0' key count (3) must equal keyValue count (2) [ScalarInterpolator node DEF='IllegalMinusSignsTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator input [ScalarInterpolator DEF='IllegalMinusSignsTest'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ScalarInterpolator output [ScalarInterpolator DEF='IllegalMinusSignsTest'] [warning] duplicate ROUTE NoFields.blah TO NoFields.blah [error] no node with DEF="NoFields" found, for ROUTE NoFields.blah TO NoFields.blah [error] no node with DEF="NoFields" found, for ROUTE NoFields.blah TO NoFields.blah *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='NoFields' tofield blah *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='NoFields' tofield blah [error] SFColor attribute diffuseColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] SFColor attribute diffuseColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] SFColor attribute emissiveColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] SFColor attribute emissiveColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] SFColor attribute specularColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] SFColor attribute specularColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Material node DEF='IllegalColorValuesMaterial'] [error] MFColor attribute groundColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [Background node DEF='BackgroundColorProblems'] [error] MFColor attribute groundColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Background node DEF='BackgroundColorProblems'] [error] MFColor attribute skyColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain an integer multiple of triplet values [Background node DEF='BackgroundColorProblems'] [error] MFColor attribute skyColor='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Background node DEF='BackgroundColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [Fog node DEF='FogColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [Fog node DEF='FogColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [DirectionalLight node DEF='DirectionalLightColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [DirectionalLight node DEF='DirectionalLightColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [PointLight node DEF='PointLightColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [PointLight node DEF='PointLightColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' must contain 3 values [SpotLight node DEF='SpotLightColorProblems'] [error] SFColor attribute color='-1 1.2 0.3 0.4' contains RGB value(s) outside allowed range [0..1] [SpotLight node DEF='SpotLightColorProblems'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='JointInterpolator'] [error] No DEF node found for <HAnimJoint USE='IllegalEmbeddedHAnimUse'/> [node DEF=''] [error] no node with DEF="MissingNameAttribute" found, for ROUTE JointInterpolator.value_changed TO MissingNameAttribute.translation *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='MissingNameAttribute' tofield translation [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source JointInterpolator.value_changed has type SFVec3f, but destination MissingNameAttribute.translation has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='MissingNameAttribute' tofield .translation.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] Normal has illegal containerField='children' (allowed value: skinNormal) [node HAnimHumanoid, parent Scene DEF='improperDEF' DEF='notUniqueName2'] [error] node Group has illegal containerField='children' (allowed value: skin) [node Group, parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='notUniqueName2' DEF='HumanoidCannotContainChildrenNodes'] [error] node CoordinateDouble has illegal containerField='skinCoord' (allowed value: skin) [node CoordinateDouble, parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='notUniqueName2' DEF='HAnimCoordinateDoubleCorrectContainerField'] [error] node CoordinateDouble has illegal containerField='coord' (allowed value: skin) [node CoordinateDouble, parent HAnimHumanoid DEF='notUniqueName2' DEF='HAnimCoordinateDoubleIncorrectContainerField'] [error] AudioClip containerField='source' is illegal, use 'children' instead [parent Scene DEF='improperDEF'] [AudioClip DEF='NoParentSoundNode'] [error] Attribute minBack='-1' must be a nonnegative value [Sound node DEF='SoundMinNegative'] [error] Attribute minFront='-1' must be a nonnegative value [Sound node DEF='SoundMinNegative'] [error] Attribute maxBack='-10' must be a nonnegative value [Sound node DEF='SoundMaxNegative'] [error] Attribute maxFront='-10' must be a nonnegative value [Sound node DEF='SoundMaxNegative'] [warning] duplicate ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 [error] no node with DEF="DuplicateROUTE" found, for ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 [error] no node with DEF="test2" found, for ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='DuplicateROUTE' tofield test1 *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='test2' tofield test3 [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source DuplicateROUTE.test1 has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='DuplicateROUTE' tofield .test1.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination test2.test3 has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='test2' tofield .test3.FieldTypeNotFound. [warning] duplicate ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 [error] no node with DEF="DuplicateROUTE" found, for ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 [error] no node with DEF="test2" found, for ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='DuplicateROUTE' tofield test1 *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='test2' tofield test3 [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source DuplicateROUTE.test1 has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='DuplicateROUTE' tofield .test1.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination test2.test3 has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='test2' tofield .test3.FieldTypeNotFound. [warning] duplicate ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 [error] no node with DEF="DuplicateROUTE" found, for ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 [error] no node with DEF="test2" found, for ROUTE DuplicateROUTE.test1 TO test2.test3 *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='DuplicateROUTE' tofield test1 *** FieldTypeNotFound NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='test2' tofield test3 [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source DuplicateROUTE.test1 has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='DuplicateROUTE' tofield .test1.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination test2.test3 has type NodeNameNotFoundPriorToRoute DEFname='test2' tofield .test3.FieldTypeNotFound. [error] ROUTE fromNode='"NodeFollowsRoute1"' precedes node DEFinition. Move the ROUTE to follow the DEF node. [error] ROUTE toNode='"NodeFollowsRoute2"' precedes node DEFinition. Move the ROUTE to follow the DEF node. [error] Attribute xDimension='-2' outside valid range [0 .. +infinity] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ElevationGrid node] [error] Attribute zDimension='-3' outside valid range [0 .. +infinity] [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ElevationGrid node] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='StaticGroupDescendantsCannotProduceEvents'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='StaticGroupDescendantsCannotConsumeEvents'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='StaticGroupDescendantsCannotConsumeEvents'] [error] No DEF node found for <PositionInterpolator USE='StaticGroupDescendantsCannotBeUsed'/> [node DEF=''] [error] No DEF node found for <Group USE='CASESENSITIVE'/> [node DEF=''] [warning] no ROUTE found for TouchSensor output [TouchSensor DEF='PeerTouchSensor'] [warning] no ROUTE found for CylinderSensor output [CylinderSensor DEF='PeerCylinderSensor'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "CADLayer" with prototype "CADLayer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field visible (SFString) from visible (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 612 column 33: Expected node type, got keyword "USE" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TestViewpointJump.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='CosmoPlayer 2.1.1 fails when "Animate transition between viewpoints" option is turned off. First, try this test by opening the Control Panel, selecting "Animate transition between viewpoints". Use Page Down key to switch between viewpoints. You should smoothly transition between viewpoints. Next, turn the "Animate transition bewtween viewpoints" option off. Use Page Down key to switch between viewpoints. You should see a jump to the objects labeled "jump=true" and an animated transition to the objects labeled "jump=false".'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//TextExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Note that X3D Canonicalization (C14N) will scrub alternate XML character representations, be careful to check original encoding into version control.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Usually this source document needs to be inspected and edited using a plain-text editor in order to see the differences in these XML-equivalent text representations.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//UnderstandingSceneGraphsTouchToLight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//UnquotedTokensNavigationInfoAndFontStyle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//UseNodeExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ViewpointGroupExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ViewpointGroupPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='this prototype is for development purposes only, do not override native player support for ViewpointGroup'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='retainUserOffsets'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'retainUserOffsets' parent ProtoDeclare ViewpointGroup] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='ViewpointsSwitch'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//ViewpointGroupTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//WelcomeToWWW9.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//WrapperTagsExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Basic/development//X3dRetreatProtoExercise.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Contains multiple intentional warnings and errors, for validation testing purposes.'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='geometry'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'geometry' parent ProtoDeclare MyProto] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'geometry' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'geometry' parent ProtoDeclare MyProto] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='children'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare MyProto] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare MyProto] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='mass'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'mass' parent ProtoDeclare PhysicalMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='hardness'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'hardness' parent ProtoDeclare PhysicalMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='friction'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'friction' parent ProtoDeclare PhysicalMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='normal'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'normal' parent ProtoDeclare Plane] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='distance'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'distance' parent ProtoDeclare Plane] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='plane'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'plane' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] unknown type Plane [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'plane' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] Plane attribute field='0 0 1 0' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type Plane [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='front'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'front' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] unknown type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'front' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] BSPLeaf attribute field='NULL' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='back'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'back' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] unknown type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'back' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] BSPLeaf attribute field='NULL' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='children'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='speed'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'speed' parent ProtoDeclare SpinGroup] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='startTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'startTime' parent ProtoDeclare SpinGroup] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stopTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stopTime' parent ProtoDeclare SpinGroup] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='plane'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'plane' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] unknown type Plane [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'plane' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] Plane attribute field='0 0 1 0' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type Plane [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='front'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'front' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] unknown type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'front' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] BSPLeaf attribute field='NULL' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='back'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'back' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] unknown type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous field 'back' parent ProtoDeclare BSPLeaf] [error] BSPLeaf attribute field='NULL' internal X3dToVrml97.xslt stylesheet error, illegal attribute type BSPLeaf [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInterface field declaration] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='RENDERscript'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='startTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'startTime' parent ProtoDeclare AnimatedMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stopTime'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stopTime' parent ProtoDeclare AnimatedMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='startColor'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'startColor' parent ProtoDeclare AnimatedMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='endColor'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'endColor' parent ProtoDeclare AnimatedMaterial] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='initializedChildren'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'initializedChildren' parent ProtoDeclare AnimatedMaterial] [error] ProtoInstance IntervalSensor has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance IntervalSensor] [error] ProtoInstance TimeBase has no matching ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare [ProtoInstance TimeBase DEF='timeBase'] [warning] Attribute key='0 0.5 1' needs corresponding keyValue attribute [ColorInterpolator node DEF='CI'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='CI'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 38 column 37: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got keyword "NULL" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 X3D examples: Basic.echo.timestamp: timestamp 23:32:09 on 16 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: Savage.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: Savage.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: Savage.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of Savage .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/AV8bHarrierUnitedStates/AV8bHarrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/AV8bHarrierUnitedStates/TranslatedAv8bHarrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/B52hStrategicBomberUnitedStates/B52hStatic.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/BearRussia/Bear.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Boeing747Tunisia/Boeing747.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="F18"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1427 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/C130HerculesTunisia/C130Hercules.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not verified to scale'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Extrusion texture transform incorrect for cabine.png'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/C130HerculesTunisia/CombatZone.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/C130HerculesTunisia/CompleteScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not verified to scale'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Catalina/EMIExtDevHandler.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'poll' has no input-event method definition 'function poll (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] inputOnly field 'define' has no input-event method definition 'function define (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] inputOnly field 'timeStep' has no input-event method definition 'function timeStep (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'pollAtStartUp' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'settingsName' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'LOOK_DOWN' has no assignment statement such as 'LOOK_DOWN=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_19' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_19=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_18' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_18=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_17' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_17=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'TRACING' has no assignment statement such as 'TRACING=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_16' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_16=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_15' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_15=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN_UP' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN_UP=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_14' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_14=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_13' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_13=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_12' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_12=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_11' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_11=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_10' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_10=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN_LEFT' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN_LEFT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'DISPLAY_MENU' has no assignment statement such as 'DISPLAY_MENU=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'QUIT' has no assignment statement such as 'QUIT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN_LEFT_RIGHT_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN_LEFT_RIGHT_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'POINTER_2' has no assignment statement such as 'POINTER_2=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'POINTER_1' has no assignment statement such as 'POINTER_1=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'WALK_FLY_TOGGLE' has no assignment statement such as 'WALK_FLY_TOGGLE=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'POV' has no assignment statement such as 'POV=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'LOOK_LEFT' has no assignment statement such as 'LOOK_LEFT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'UP_DOWN_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'UP_DOWN_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ADD_OBJECT' has no assignment statement such as 'ADD_OBJECT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'THRUST_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'THRUST_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_50' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_50=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'LOOK_RAZ' has no assignment statement such as 'LOOK_RAZ=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_49' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_49=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_48' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_48=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_47' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_47=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_46' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_46=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_45' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_45=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_44' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_44=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_43' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_43=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_42' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_42=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_41' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_41=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_40' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_40=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ROTATEOBJECT_LEFT_RIGHT_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'ROTATEOBJECT_LEFT_RIGHT_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ROTATEOBJECT_UP_DOWN_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'ROTATEOBJECT_UP_DOWN_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'LOOK_UP' has no assignment statement such as 'LOOK_UP=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_9' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_9=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_8' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_8=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'LOOK_RIGHT' has no assignment statement such as 'LOOK_RIGHT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_7' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_7=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_39' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_39=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_6' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_6=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_38' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_38=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN_UP_DOWN_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN_UP_DOWN_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_5' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_5=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_37' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_37=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_4' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_4=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_36' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_36=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_3' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_3=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_35' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_35=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_2' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_2=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_34' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_34=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_1' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_1=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_33' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_33=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_0' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_0=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_32' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_32=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'OBJ_2_ROT' has no assignment statement such as 'OBJ_2_ROT[someIndex]=(someMFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_31' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_31=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_30' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_30=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ACTIVATION' has no assignment statement such as 'ACTIVATION=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'BANK_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'BANK_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN_DOWN' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN_DOWN=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_29' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_29=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_28' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_28=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_27' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_27=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_26' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_26=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_25' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_25=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_24' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_24=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_23' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_23=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_22' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_22=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PAN_RIGHT' has no assignment statement such as 'PAN_RIGHT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_21' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_21=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'Action_20' has no assignment statement such as 'Action_20=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'LEFT_RIGHT_AXIS' has no assignment statement such as 'LEFT_RIGHT_AXIS=(someSFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'OBJ_1_ROT' has no assignment statement such as 'OBJ_1_ROT[someIndex]=(someMFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'PICK_OBJECT' has no assignment statement such as 'PICK_OBJECT=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Script] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Catalina/HawaiiBigIsland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Pensacola airfield is in Florida, not Hawaii'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Catalina/Pensacola.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/EuroFighter/EuroFighter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/EuroFighter/EuroFighterWithMissiles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='FlightClock'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jaw_Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Jaw_Roll'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='JetFlightPath'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='JetFlightPath'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/EuroFighter/StartingAIM120Missile.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/EuroFighter/StartingAIM120MissileLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/AmraamHolder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/Cockpit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/F16.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/FrontWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/FuelTank.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/FuelTankHolder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/Hub.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/RearLeftWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/RearRightWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/Seat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/SidewinderHolder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/Target.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/TurkishFlagLeft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F16FightingFalconTurkey/TurkishFlagRight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/AircraftFuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/BlueAngelEngines.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/BlueAngelEnginesMediumLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/BlueAngelF18.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\CanopyPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/BlueAngelF18Example.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ExampleSelectionScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='CanopyExampleSelectionScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/BlueAngelF18StandAlone.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\CanopyPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\Hub.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/Canopy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/CanopyExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWing\F18BlueAngelUnitedStates\CanopyPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/CanopyPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/F18CockpitSeat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/Fuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/HorizontalTailplanes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/Hub.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/LEX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/TwinVerticalTails.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsFront.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsFrontExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ExampleSelectionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsFrontMediumLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsFrontPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV1' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV1' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV2' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV2' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV3' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV3' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearLeft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearLeftExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ExampleSelectionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearLeftMediumLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearLeftPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV1' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV1' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV1Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV1Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV2' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV2' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV2Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV2Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV3' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV3' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV3Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV3Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV4' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV4' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV4Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV4Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearRight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearRightExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='ExampleSelectionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearRightMediumLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WheelsRearRightPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV1' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV1' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV1Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV1Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV2' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV2' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV2Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV2Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV3' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV3' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV3Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV3Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV4' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV4' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] [warning] Initializing SFRotation value not provided for field 'kV4Second' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'kV4Second' parent Script DEF='GearUpDownScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WingMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18BlueAngelUnitedStates/WingMainLowLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/F18SuperhornetUnitedStates/F18.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="F18"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Background node not affected by translation or scaling of parent <Transform DEF='dad_Background1' translation='-.92222 -.21079 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [Background DEF='Background1'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1284 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/JointHeavyLift/JointHeavyLiftRotorWing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/CockpitWindows.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/Door.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/LandingGear.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/LeftEngine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/Osprey.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/OspreyParts.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/RearHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFBool value not provided for field 'state' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'state' parent Script DEF='ToggleScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/RefuelingBoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/RightEngine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/TailSection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/Windows.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/Mv22OspreyUnitedStates/Wings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftFixedWing/P3OrionUnitedStates/P3Orion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='NurbsPatchSurface attributes not yet verified correct, updated from prior definition for NurbsSurface'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 506 column 22: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "addGeometry" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/ExampleCamouflageCobra.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/ExampleGreenCobra.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/ExampleGreyCobra.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/FourBladeMainRotorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/RocketPod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/SkidLeft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/SkidRight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/SuperCobraEagleDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Requires DIS ESPDU traffic from an external source for motion.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates\ExampleCamouflageCobra.x3d": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/SuperCobraPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SuperCobra Right'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SuperCobra Front'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SuperCobra Left'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SuperCobra Behind'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SuperCobra Top'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SuperCobra Bottom'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates\ExampleGreenCobra.x3d": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates/TwoBladeTailRotorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1wUnitedStates/SuperCobra.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1wUnitedStates/SuperCobraLightsOn.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.0416153 0.588544 -0.316946' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='SmackSpotLight'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='1.27375 -0.411492 -0.122518' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='PortNavSpotLight'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-1.27713 -0.411426 -0.12249' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='StarboardNavSpotLight'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='0.150401 -0.395674 -4.71209' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='PortAftNavSpotLight'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-0.159029 -0.396009 -4.70544' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='StarboardAftNavSpotLight'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH1wUnitedStates/SuperCobraSectionFormBearingDisplay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/AH64dApacheLongbowUnitedStates/AH64DApacheLongbow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/CH46eSeaKnightUnitedStates/CH46.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/CH53UnitedStates/CH53eSimple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] description attribute can contain whitespace instead of _underscore_ characters: description='Left_Side' [Viewpoint DEF='Left_Side'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/CH53UnitedStates/H53eFuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/CH53UnitedStates/H53eMainRotorBlade.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/CH53UnitedStates/H53eMainRotorHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/AirSpeed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Altimeter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Attitude.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Clock.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Cockpit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/CockpitConsole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/CockpitTop.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/ConsoleBoard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Cowling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Fuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Helicopter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\HelicopterUnitedStates\TailBoom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\HelicopterUnitedStates\MainRotorGroup.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\HelicopterUnitedStates\RocketPod.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\HelicopterUnitedStates\WeaponsPylon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\HelicopterUnitedStates\Skids.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/HfAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/HorizontalStabilizer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/MainRotorGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/MfdScreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Mms.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Nose.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/RfdScreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/RocketPod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/RotorDisk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/SightGauge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/SkidTube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/Skids.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/TailBoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/TailRotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/TailRotorDriveShaft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/VerticalFin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelicopterUnitedStates/WeaponsPylon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/HelixRussia/Helix.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Extrusion problems in Xj3D'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/JhlHeavyLiftNPS/JointHeavyLiftHelicopter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53EEAPS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53EEngine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53EFuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53ELandingGear.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53EMainRotorBlade.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53EMainRotorHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53ESeaDragon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53ESeaDragonAtSea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53ESponson.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/MH53ETailRotorHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/SeaDragonPairFlyBy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/SeaDragonSeahawkPairFlyBy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/MH53eSeaDragonUnitedStates/WISPmodified.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/Mi24HindRussia/Mi24.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/AirspeedIndicator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/Altimeter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/AttitudeIndicator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/Clock.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/CockpitConsole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/CockpitFloor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates\CockpitSeats.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/CockpitSeats.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/CockpitTop.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/ConsoleBoard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/Cowling.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/FuselageNose.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/HfAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/HorizontalStabilizer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/MainFuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/MainRotorGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/MastMountedSight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/MfdScreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source FiftyCalOnOffToggle.value_changed has type SFBool, but destination FIFTY_CAL_SOUND.set_whichChoice has type SFInt32. C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/OH58D.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates\TailBoom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates\RocketPod.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates\WeaponsPylon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates\Skids.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/RadioFrequencyDisplay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/RocketPod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/RotorDisk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/SightGauge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/SkidTube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/Skids.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/TailBoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/TailRotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/TailRotorDriveShaft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/VerticalFin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates/WeaponsPylon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/Engine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/ExtendedPylon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/Fuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/Head.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/LeftWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/MainRotorBlade.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/Pylon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/RearWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/RightPylon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/RightWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/RotorHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='units in feet'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/SH60Seahawk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/Stabilator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/TailBlade.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/TailRotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60SeahawkUnitedStates/TailSection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates/AboveTextureUnderwayDDG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates\SH60B.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates\UnderwayDDG.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates/SH60B.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftHelicopters/SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates/UnderwayDDG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Balloon/HotAirBalloon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Blimp/Blimp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/Cabin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/Chair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/ControlPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/Door.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/ForeJet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/MountainLake.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/MountainStraight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Originally there was a downloaded wav file which cannot be commercially used.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/MountainX.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/MountainY.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/MountainZ.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/Pal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/PortJetOdometer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/PortPalOdometer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/PortStick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/StarboardJetOdometer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/StarboardPalOdometer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/StarboardStick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/Sun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AircraftMiscellaneous/Zeppelin/Zeppelin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='CLOCK'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='CubePathInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='CubePathInterpolator'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAAV/AAAV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAAV/Body.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAAV/Bushmaster.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAAV/HotLead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAAV/Track.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAAV/Turret.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/AAV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/Chassis.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/ChassisHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/ForwardAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/FullTrack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/GrenadeLauncher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/Hatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/HatchHousingWithTurretHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/HeadLights.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-0.25 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/RearAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/Turret.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/AAV/TurretHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/BlowerHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/ColorfulPilotHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/CrewHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/CrewHouseHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/Fan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/FanEngineHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/LCAC.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/Ladder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/LifeBoatPod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/PilotHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/PilotHouseHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/PortBlowerHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/PortFanEngineHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/PortGuardRail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/Skirt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AmphibiousVehicles/LCAC/StarboardFanEngineHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/AVCL/OpenWaterMission1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/AVCL/OpenWaterMission2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/AriesOffPanamaCity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='garbled ElevationGrid height values from original checkin, incorrectly fixed'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/AutecOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/AuvInBeachTanks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/BeachTanks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Xj3D player has problems with USE nodes not rendering'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/HamptonRoadsOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/MontereyBayOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 48 column 21: Expected string, got float 36.607 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/MontereyPeninsulaCollegePoolOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 53 column 33: Expected string, got float 36.5886001586914 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/MultipleGlidersOffMonterey.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/MultipleUnmannedVehiclesOffMonterey.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/MultipleUnmannedVehiclesOffPanamaCity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/NarragansettBayOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/OpenOceanOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/PanamaCityOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/PanamaCityTyndallAfbOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/SanDiegoOpArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 68 column 20: Expected string, got float 32.67 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/AuvWorkbench/OperatingAreas/SavageArchiveNotAvailable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Avatars/Marines/Marine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Military Police (MP)"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1288 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Avatars/Marines/MarineDesertCamo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Avatars/Marines/MarinePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Biologics\Dolphin\DolphinPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinMorpher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinPose01.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinPose02.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinPose03.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/DolphinSwitcher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/UnknownDolphinExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Biologics\Dolphin\UnknownDolphinPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Dolphin/UnknownDolphinPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Biologics/Whales/HumpbackWhale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ErdcTwoStoryBuilding/ErdcTwoStoryBuilding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ErdcTwoStoryBuilding/ExemplarTerrainExplodingBuildingHMMWV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\Frame.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\DriverSideLargeSideMirror.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\DriverSideLargeSideMirror.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\PassengerSideLargeSideMirror.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\Suspension.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\Suspension.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\BenchSeat.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AmphibiousVehicles\AAV\BenchSeat.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AmphibiousVehicles\AAV\BenchSeat.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\SteeringWheel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AmphibiousVehicles\AAV\SteeringWheel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AmphibiousVehicles\AAV\SteeringWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Basin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Bathtub.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Bed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/BedFrame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Chair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/CoffeeTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Couch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Cover.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Dish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Fence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/FenceGate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Flip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Flip2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/House.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Oven.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Pillow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Refrigerator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Roof.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Sofa.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Table.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Toilet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseBarisAktop/Tree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Bed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Cabinet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Chair.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Desk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/House.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Refrigerator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Sofa.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/TV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Table.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Toilet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/HouseSeksitSiripala/Tree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Bell.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='BELLTimeS1'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/DragonFly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Fence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Hut.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Main.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\SandPit.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\NavalPostgraduateSchool\WoodenBench.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\NavalPostgraduateSchool\WoodenBench.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipCluster1.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\Swing.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipRed.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipCluster2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\Seesaw.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipYellow.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\Slides.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipCluster3.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipCluster4.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipCluster5.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipPurple.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipPink.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipRed.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipYellow.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/SandPit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/SeeSaw.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Slides.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Stems.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/Swing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipCluster1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipCluster2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipCluster3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipCluster4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipCluster5.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipPurple.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipPink.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipRed.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\Playground\TulipYellow.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipPink.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipPurple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipPurple1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipRed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipYellow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/Playground/TulipYellow1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SecurityPerimeter/Bollard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, initial functionality completed. TODO: how to string together multiple bollards - add fields for spacing and count?'/> [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Bollard"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1283 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SecurityPerimeter/BollardHydraulicSecurityExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='USE copies of the DEF'ed bollard are not animating. Shouldn't they?'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SecurityPerimeter/BollardHydraulicSecurityPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, initial functionality completed. TODO: add SMALL metadata. TODO: how to string together multiple bollards - add fields for spacing and count?'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isRaised'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isRaised' parent ProtoDeclare BollardHydraulicSecurity] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='isLowered'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'isLowered' parent ProtoDeclare BollardHydraulicSecurity] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerComplex/EntryGate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerComplex/PineTrees.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerComplex/SideBoards.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerComplex/StadiumStructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerComplex/TrainingArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Box attribute solid DEF='Pitch'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Box attribute solid DEF='Endline'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Box attribute solid DEF='Side18'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [Box attribute solid DEF='Top18'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/Bench.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\SoccerStadium\ViewerSeat.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/Board.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/Cabin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/CornFlag.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/FloodLight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\SoccerStadium\LightGrid.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/GoalPost.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/LightGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/RedPlayer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/Referee.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/SeatsLevelOne.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\SoccerStadium\ViewerSeat.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/SeatsLevelTwo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/SoccerBall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/SoccerField.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/SoccerFieldII.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "Buildings/SoccerStadium/SoccerFieldII.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "Buildings/SoccerStadium/SoccerFieldII.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/Stadium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\SoccerStadium\OneLevelSeats.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\SoccerStadium\TwoLevelSeats.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/ViewerSeat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/SoccerStadium/YellowPlayerAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/UHRB/Hospital.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'polygon' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'polygon' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'apertures' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'apertures' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'attributes' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] Script field 'name' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'name' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'componentLabel' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'componentLabel' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'polygon' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'polygon' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'apertures' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'apertures' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'attributes' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'attributes' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'children' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'children' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'zOffset' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'zOffset' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] Script field 'recreate' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'recreate' parent DEF='GenScript'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='polygon'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'polygon' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'polygon' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'polygon' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'attributes' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'attributes' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vertices'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vertices' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'vertices' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'vertices' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='wallIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'wallIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='center'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'center' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'center' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'center' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='edgeIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'edgeIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='floor'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'floor' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'floor' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'floor' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ceiling'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ceiling' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'ceiling' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'ceiling' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='floorLevelIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'floorLevelIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='roomIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'roomIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='access'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'access' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bottomFloorLevelIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bottomFloorLevelIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='topFloorLevelIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'topFloorLevelIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stairs'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stairs' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'stairs' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'stairs' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='zOffset'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'zOffset' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='edges'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'edges' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'edges' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'edges' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='walls'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'walls' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'walls' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'walls' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='rooms'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'rooms' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'rooms' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'rooms' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fixtures'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fixtures' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'fixtures' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'fixtures' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'walls' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'walls' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'edges' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'edges' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'rooms' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'rooms' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fixtures'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fixtures' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='inputOutput' and Script/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'walls' parent Script DEF='ScriptFloorLevel'] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='inputOutput' and Script/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'edges' parent Script DEF='ScriptFloorLevel'] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='inputOutput' and Script/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'rooms' parent Script DEF='ScriptFloorLevel'] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='inputOutput' and Script/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'zOffset' parent Script DEF='ScriptFloorLevel'] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='version'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'version' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'floorLevels' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'floorLevels' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='footprint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'footprint' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'footprint' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'footprint' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'rooflines' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'rooflines' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='roof'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'roof' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [info] SFNode not provided for field 'roof' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'roof' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='staircases'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'staircases' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [info] MFNode not provided for field 'staircases' with @accessType='inputOutput'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'staircases' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='inputOutput' and Script/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' [field 'rooflines' parent Script DEF='ScriptUhrb'] [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='ScriptUhrb'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-1'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-1'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-2'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-3'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-4'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-5'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-6'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-7'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-8'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-8'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-9'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-10'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-11'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-11'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-12'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-13'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-14'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-14'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-15'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-16'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-17'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-18'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-19'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-20'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-20'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-21'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-22'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-23'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-24'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-25'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-26'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-26'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-27'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-28'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-29'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-29'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-30'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-30'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-31'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-32'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-32'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-33'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-33'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-34'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-35'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-35'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-36'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-36'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-37'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-37'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-38'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-39'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-39'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-40'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-41'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-42'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-43'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-44'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-45'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-46'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-46'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-47'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-48'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-49'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-49'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-50'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-51'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-52'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-52'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-53'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-54'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-55'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-56'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-57'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-58'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-59'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-60'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-61'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-62'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-63'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-63'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-64'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-65'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-66'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-66'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-67'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-67'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-68'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-69'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-69'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-70'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-70'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-71'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-72'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-72'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-73'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-73'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-74'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-74'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Floor] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Ceiling] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-75'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-75'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-76'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-77'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-78'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-79'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-80'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-81'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-82'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-82'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-83'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-84'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-85'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-85'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-86'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-87'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-88'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-88'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-89'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-90'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-91'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-92'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-93'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-94'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-95'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-96'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-97'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-98'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-99'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-99'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-100'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-101'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-102'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-102'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-103'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-103'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-104'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-105'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-105'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-106'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-106'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Aperture] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-107'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-108'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-108'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-109'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-109'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'apertures' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-110'] [warning] Empty node initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'attributes' (insert a comment to silence this warning) [parent ProtoInstance Wall DEF='Uhrb-Wall-110'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/UHRB/SimpleBuildingConstructionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\UHRB\GridXY_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\UHRB\GridXZ_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\UHRB\GridYZ_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/UHRB/SimpleBuildingConstructionPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='LevelConstructionScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='BuildingConstructionScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\UHRB\GridXY_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\UHRB\GridXZ_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\UHRB\GridYZ_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/UHRB/UltraHighResolutionBuildingPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Incompatible with VRML 97 due to Script fields with accessType=inputOutput (exposedField).'/> [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='polygon'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'polygon' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Aperture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Ceiling] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='vertices'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'vertices' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='wallIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'wallIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Edge] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='center'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'center' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Fixture] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Floor] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='edgeIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'edgeIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='floor'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'floor' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ceiling'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ceiling' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Room] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='floorLevelIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'floorLevelIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='roomIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'roomIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Stair] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='access'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'access' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='bottomFloorLevelIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'bottomFloorLevelIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='topFloorLevelIndex'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'topFloorLevelIndex' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='stairs'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'stairs' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Staircase] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='polygon'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'polygon' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='apertures'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'apertures' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='attributes'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'attributes' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Wall] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='zOffset'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'zOffset' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='edges'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'edges' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='walls'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'walls' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='rooms'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'rooms' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fixtures'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fixtures' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Roof] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='zOffset'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'zOffset' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='edges'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'edges' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='walls'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'walls' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='rooms'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'rooms' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fixtures'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fixtures' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare FloorLevel] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='name'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'name' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='version'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'version' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='componentLabel'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'componentLabel' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='description'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='footprint'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'footprint' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='roofline'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'roofline' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='floorLevels'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'floorLevels' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='roof'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'roof' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='staircases'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'staircases' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='built'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'built' parent ProtoDeclare Uhrb] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/BlockTower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\result.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\result.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/CondominiumName.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/GolfRange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/GuardRoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\myelectronicgate.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\myelectronicgate.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\TulipCluster1.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\name.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\name.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/PlayGround.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/PoolSlide.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/PoolView.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Buildings/ZenCondominium/ZenCondominium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\result.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\result.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\KidPool.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\KidPool.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\KidPool.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\KidPool.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\myelectronicgate.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\myelectronicgate.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\TulipCluster1.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\name.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Buildings\ZenCondominium\name.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamConeExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamConeHemisphere.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamConePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamCylinderExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamCylinderPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamHemisphereExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Beam/BeamHemispherePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/HalfDome/DomeGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/HalfDome/DomeRed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/HalfDome/HemisphereExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Interchange'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Immersive' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] ExternProtoDeclare node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ExternProtoDeclare node] [error] ProtoInstance node requires support by <X3D profile='Immersive'> or else <component name='Core' level='2'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ProtoInstance node] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/HalfDome/HemispherePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/OmniDirectional/LightningBolt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/OmniDirectional/OmniExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Intentional explicit renaming of external prototypes shows ProtoInstance naming flexibility.'/> [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url renames prototype by not ending with #UHFReceiver [ExternProtoDeclare name='UHFReceiver' DEF=''] [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url renames prototype by not ending with #UHFTransmitter [ExternProtoDeclare name='UHFTransmitter' DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/OmniDirectional/OmniReceiverPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script outputOnly field 'shininess' has no assignment statement such as 'shininess=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ambientIntensity' has no assignment statement such as 'ambientIntensity=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/OmniDirectional/OmniReceiverPrototypeWithDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFColor value not provided for field 'diffuseColor' with @accessType='inputOutput' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'diffuseColor' parent ProtoDeclare OmniReceiverDIS] [warning] Initializing SFColor value not provided for field 'emissiveColor' with @accessType='inputOutput' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'emissiveColor' parent ProtoDeclare OmniReceiverDIS] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'shininess' has no assignment statement such as 'shininess=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ambientIntensity' has no assignment statement such as 'ambientIntensity=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] *** FieldTypeNotFound ReceiverPdu receiverState [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source RECEIVER.receiverState has type ReceiverPdu.receiverState.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination TransmitScript.transState has type SFInt32. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 974 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 198 column 28: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/OmniDirectional/OmniTransmitterPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFInt32 value not provided for field 'frequency' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'frequency' parent ProtoDeclare OmniTransmitter] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'shininess' has no assignment statement such as 'shininess=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ambientIntensity' has no assignment statement such as 'ambientIntensity=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/OmniDirectional/OmniTransmitterPrototypeWithDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script outputOnly field 'shininess' has no assignment statement such as 'shininess=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'ambientIntensity' has no assignment statement such as 'ambientIntensity=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='CalculateColorSchemeMEDAL'] *** FieldTypeNotFound TransmitterPdu transmitState [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TRANSMITTER.transmitState has type TransmitterPdu.transmitState.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination TransmitScript.transState has type SFInt32. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 974 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 228 column 36: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "TransmitterPdu": got integer 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/CoordinateAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/Nec3ElementYagi20mAt50ft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 198 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/Nec5ElementTwinDeltaLoop2m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 172 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecBowtieXg91a.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 172 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecGridYagiWireFence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 172 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecHelix.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 192 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecParabola50x50.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 172 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecSpiderQuad.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 199 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecTvUhf.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 171 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/NecVerticalYagi3Element.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. [<Inline DEF="CoordinateAxes"/> with parent Transform DEF='CoordinateAxes'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 172 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/RadarBeamX3dVisualization.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] LineProperties not supported in VRML97 [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable LineProperties] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of Inline node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataString node has been moved to immediately follow the parent Inline. Additional Metadata* leaf node(s) follow that are similarly adjusted. [<Inline DEF="Airplane"/> with parent Transform DEF='Airplane'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Inline" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 760 column 24: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataString" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/RadarCrossSectionMeshBoeing737.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/RadarCrossSectionMeshF16.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Radar/RadarCrossSectionMeshPredator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Satellite/SatelliteBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Satellite/SatelliteDish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Satellite/SatelliteGroundStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\CommunicationsAndSensors\Satellite\SatelliteTripod.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Satellite/SatellitePairPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Ground Station Side View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Satellite Side View'] [warning] print(...) function should be Browser.print(...) in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='CalculateAngleScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Satellite/SatelliteTripod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/AcousticTransmissionCylinderExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/AcousticTransmissionCylinderPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/BuoyCommunicationsGridExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "locationOffset" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "traceEnabled" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: element references unknown field name "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: element references unknown field name "locationOffset" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/BuoyCommunicationsGridPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Under development, need to check timing and routing table'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/RacomBuoy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/SeaWebBuoyExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TransmissionDuration2.triggerValue has type SFInt32, but destination SeaWebBuoyInstance1.set_transmissionDuration has type SFTime. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TransmissionDuration1.triggerValue has type SFInt32, but destination SeaWebBuoyInstance2.set_transmissionDuration has type SFTime. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TransmissionDurationRL2.triggerValue has type SFInt32, but destination SeaWebBuoyInstance2.set_transmissionDuration has type SFTime. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "SeaWebBuoy" with prototype "SeaWebBuoy": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field transmissionDuration (SFTime) from transmissionDuration (SFFloat) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (triggerValue, type SFInt32) and destination (set_transmissionDuration, type SFFloat) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (triggerValue, type SFInt32) and destination (set_transmissionDuration, type SFFloat) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (triggerValue, type SFInt32) and destination (set_transmissionDuration, type SFFloat) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/SeaWebBuoyPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='BuoyGeometrySwitch'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='TransmissionGeometrySwitch'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/SeaWeb/TelesonarRepeater.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/AuvwBullsEyePlotExampleDepth45.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/AuvwFullFieldExampleBearing0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/AuvwIsoSurfaceBlockPlotExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/AuvwSonarVisWindowScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/AuvwStackSceneVisualizationExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/SideScanSonarExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonar/SideScanSonarPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonobuoys/DicassExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development, updating script code to X3D'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonobuoys/DicassPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'ID' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'ID' parent DEF='LocationScript'] [warning] Script field 'ID' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'ID' parent DEF='ViewpointControl'] [warning] Script field 'ID' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'ID' parent DEF='PingControl'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/Sonobuoys/SonobuoyFieldScenario.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\SH60Seahawk.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TRC170/TRC170.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\CommunicationsAndSensors\TRC170\TRC170Tripod.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\CommunicationsAndSensors\TRC170\TRC170Dish.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TRC170/TRC170Dish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TRC170/TRC170PairExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TRC170/TRC170PairPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='TRC170 Side View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='TRC170 Side View'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TRC170/TRC170Tripod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TSSR/TSSR.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\CommunicationsAndSensors\TSSR\TSSRTripod.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\CommunicationsAndSensors\TSSR\TSSRBody.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TSSR/TSSRBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TSSR/TSSRPairExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TSSR/TSSRPairPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='TSSR1 side view'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='TSSR2 side view'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TSSR/TSSRPairPrototypeWithDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='upgrade ViewpointGroup'/> *** FieldTypeNotFound TransmitterPdu transmitState [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TSSR2_TRANSMITTER.transmitState has type TransmitterPdu.transmitState.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CalculateAngleScript.TSSR2_transmitState has type SFInt32. *** FieldTypeNotFound TransmitterPdu transmitState [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TSSR1_TRANSMITTER.transmitState has type TransmitterPdu.transmitState.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CalculateAngleScript.TSSR1_transmitState has type SFInt32. *** FieldTypeNotFound ReceiverPdu receiverState [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TSSR1_RECEIVER.receiverState has type ReceiverPdu.receiverState.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CalculateAngleScript.TSSR1_receiverState has type SFInt32. *** FieldTypeNotFound ReceiverPdu receiverState [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source TSSR2_RECEIVER.receiverState has type ReceiverPdu.receiverState.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination CalculateAngleScript.TSSR2_receiverState has type SFInt32. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 974 column 32: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 318 column 50: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "ReceiverPdu": got float 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/TSSR/TSSRTripod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/WISP/CpeRadioPlusSticker.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/WISP/CpeRadioWithAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/WISP/RadioPlusSticker.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/WISP/RadioWithAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/WISP/SectorPanelAntenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/CommunicationsAndSensors/WISP/WISP.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/Atmosphere/CloudsProcedural1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/Atmosphere/CloudsProcedural2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] SFNode not provided for field 'Fog' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [field bleah field 'Fog' parent Script DEF='PixelScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'Fog' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='PixelScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/Atmosphere/CloudsProcedural3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/Atmosphere/CloudsProcedural4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] SFNode not provided for field 'Fog' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [field bleah field 'Fog' parent Script DEF='PixelScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'Fog' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='PixelScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\Atmosphere\Lighthouse.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/Oceanography/OceanographicSurveyExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorMap'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorMap'] [warning] Initializing SFVec3d value not provided for field 'geoCoords' with @accessType='inputOutput' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'geoCoords' parent ProtoDeclare SingleArrow] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'u' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'u' parent ProtoDeclare SingleArrow] [warning] Initializing SFFloat value not provided for field 'v' with @accessType='initializeOnly' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'v' parent ProtoDeclare SingleArrow] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'u' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='VectorCalculationScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'v' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='VectorCalculationScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'scale' has no assignment statement such as 'scale=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='VectorCalculationScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'rotation' has no assignment statement such as 'rotation=(someSFRotationExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='VectorCalculationScript'] Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "Environment/Oceanography/OceanographicSurveyExample.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "Environment/Oceanography/OceanographicSurveyExample.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/SeaState/MoveSeaByExtrusion13.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'SeaStateChoice0' has no input-event method definition 'function SeaStateChoice0 (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SeaStateChoiceToValue'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Submarines\SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates\688.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/SeaState/MoveSeaByExtrusion14.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'SeaStateChoice0' has no input-event method definition 'function SeaStateChoice0 (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SeaStateChoiceToValue'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='SeaStateChoiceToValue'] [warning] mismatched parentheses (445 left, 444 right) in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='SeaStateChoiceToValue'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Submarines\SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates\688.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/SeaState/SeaStateElevationGridExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='unfinished, but in progress...'/> [warning] Script field 'key' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'key' parent DEF='MFFloatInterpolatorScript'] [warning] Script field 'keyValue' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'keyValue' parent DEF='MFFloatInterpolatorScript'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'value_changed' has no assignment statement such as 'value_changed[someIndex]=(someMFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MFFloatInterpolatorScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/SeaState/SeaStateExtrusionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Submarines\SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates\688.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/SeaState/SeaStateExtrusionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'SeaStateChoice0' has no input-event method definition 'function SeaStateChoice0 (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SeaStateChoiceToValue'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Environment/TimeOfDay/TimeOfDay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Fog affects 3D objects but not background in scene.'/> [warning] Script outputOnly field 'twelvebool' has no assignment statement such as 'twelvebool=(someSFBoolExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='Incrementor'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'range' has no assignment statement such as 'range=(someSFFloatExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='VisibilityScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\TimeOfDay\ClockMechanismPROTO.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\MetaData\MetaDataPROTO.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "MetaData" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "MetaData" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\TimeOfDay\indy.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Environment\TimeOfDay\ClockMechanismExample2.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/BMP1/BMP1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Cargo/CargoTruckHighDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2874 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Cargo/CargoTruckLowDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Chevy/ChevyTahoe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2870 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Emergency/WashingtonStatePatrolCruiser.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2875 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/AutomotiveTire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/BenchSeat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/DriverSideLargeSideMirror.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/Frame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/HMMWV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\PassengerSideLargeSideMirror.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\Suspension.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\Suspension.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\HMMWV\SteeringWheel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AmphibiousVehicles\AAV\SteeringWheel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AmphibiousVehicles\AAV\SteeringWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/LargeSideMirrors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/PassengerSideLargeSideMirror.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/SteeringWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/Suspension.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/HMMWV/SuspensionSpring.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Jeep/Jeep.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: text/html for file "" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook\Chapter22-Background\Figure22.3cBackgroundSkyGroundMountains.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M1A1/M1A1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M1A2/M1A2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/BoltHeadWithRaisedUS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/FrontDriveSprocket.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/HalfTrackSection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/M2A3BradleyFightingVehicle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\M2A3\WholeTrackSection.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\M2A3\RoadWheel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\M2A3\TrackSkirtHandle.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/RoadWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/TrackSkirtHandle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M2A3/WholeTrackSection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/M577/M577CommandTrack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/Body.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/Bushmaster.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/HotLead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/MEFFV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\MEFFV\Tires.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\MEFFV\Turret.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/Tire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/Tires.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MEFFV/Turret.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/LauncherPod.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/LoadedModule.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/M269LauncherLoaderModule.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/M993CarrierVehicle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/MlrsChassis.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/MlrsTracks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/MLRS270/MultiLauncherRocketSystemMLRS270.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/T72M/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/T72M/MachineGun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/T72M/T72MainBattleTank.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/T72M/T72MainBattleTankScenario.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/T72M/Tracks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/T72M/Turret.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/BlackMidSizeTruck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\Truck\CabWithWindShield.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\Truck\CabWithWindShield.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/CabInterior.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/Doors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='none'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/LightsAndTurnSignals.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/RearWindow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/Remainder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/RimsAndTires.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Truck/TruckBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Wolverine/Wolverine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO list: - split out HAB as separate model; - build prototypes; . figure out how to add HABs to scene repeatedly; - check sound and image urls, permissions'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='loadArm' translation='0 0 -1.5' scale='.8 .5 .85' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\Wolverine\Tredlop2.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/GroundVehicles/Wolverine/WolverineScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\GroundVehicles\Wolverine\Tredlop2.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Barrier/barrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Brow/Brow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Brow/BrowPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Brow/BrowWithRiser.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Brow/BrowWithWatchAndRiserPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Brow/BrowWithWatchPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Buoys/BuoyPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\HarborEquipment\Buoys\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Buoys/GreenBuoy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Buoys/MarkerBuoy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Buoys/MooringBuoy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Buoys/MooringBuoyHighDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Buoys/RedBuoy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Canopy/CanopyPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/ChainLinkFence/ChainLinkFence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Crane/Crane.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\HarborEquipment\Crane\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/DangerDaybeacon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/DaybeaconPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='Number'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'Number' parent ProtoDeclare Daybeacon] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/LightPostPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='floating-point array error'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/LightPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='Number'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'Number' parent ProtoDeclare Light] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/LightedBuoyPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='Number'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'Number' parent ProtoDeclare LightedBuoy] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/NavigationAidsExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/PearlHarborNavigationAids.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 106 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/NavigationAids/RangeLightPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/PierRiser/PierRiser.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/Table/Table.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/HarborEquipment/WaterlineSecurityLight/WaterlineSecurityLight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/BaltimoreMaryland/Baltimore.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Bosphorus/Bosphorus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 26: Expected string, got float 41.3 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/CampPendletonCalifornia/CampPendletonOperatingAreasExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/CampPendletonCalifornia/ChartletTranscribed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Insufficient colors (colorPerVertex='true') in Color for parent ElevationGrid, need (xDimension=31)*(zDimension=29)= size 899 > ($tupleCount div 3)=1 color values [Color node DEF='BathymetryGridColorNodeCalculated'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Dardanelles/Dardanelles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 38: Expected string, got float 40.1664345311546 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/FortLauderdaleFlorida/ElevationGridExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/FortLauderdaleFlorida/FortLauderdaleDepthSelection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/FortLauderdaleFlorida/FortLauderdaleDepths10m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/FortLauderdaleFlorida/FortLauderdaleDepths20m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/FortLauderdaleFlorida/FortLauderdaleDepths40m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/FortLauderdaleFlorida/FortLauderdaleDepths80m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/GlobeLevel0to4/Globe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 85 column 24: Expected string, got float 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/HamptonRoadsVirginia/HamptonRoadsVA.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] preferred Dublin Core Metadata Terms are name='creator' or name='contributor' (vice author) <meta name='author' content='Terry Norbraten'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 49 column 33: Expected string, got float 36.9899999848392 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Hawaii/KauaiWithTexture10nm.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Hawaii/Oahu.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='modified size of Pearl Harbor!'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='need to check X-Y-Z coordinate system, unit scale=1m?, UTM coordinates, NavigationInfo visibilityLimit.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Hawaii/OahuAndSouthernBathymetry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='terrain is misaligned 90 degrees with respect to North'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Hawaii/OahuAuthoringToolbox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\Hawaii\OahuCadrgIITSEC2002.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\Hawaii\OahuCadrgIITSEC2002.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Hawaii/OahuCollisionSite.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='terrain is misaligned 90 degrees with respect to North'/> [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [hint] description attribute can contain whitespace instead of _underscore_ characters: description='Collision_Point_Boresighted' [Viewpoint description='Collision_Point_Boresighted'] [hint] description attribute can contain whitespace instead of _underscore_ characters: description='Turn_to_Mag_North' [Viewpoint description='Turn_to_Mag_North'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Tools\HeadsUpDisplays\CameraCompassPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\Hawaii\CollisionCourses.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\Hawaii\CollisionCourses.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/MontereyBayCalifornia/MontereyBayArea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not geospatially referenced'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/MontereyBayCalifornia/MontereyBayLargeMesh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/MontereyBayCalifornia/MontereyBayLargeMeshGeospatial.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='DEPRECATED'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 51 column 21: Expected string, got float 36.607 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/MontereyPeninsulaCollege/PoolMontereyPeninsulaCollege.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='The following image test snapshots show inconsistent support by X3D players. Xj3D did not render the textures, SwirlX3D player did not render the scene.'/> [info] <meta name='info' content='This scene includes trace diagnostic for changing user navigation from EXAMINE to FLY when binding/unbinding the initial overhead-perspective Viewpoint'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/MontereyPeninsulaCollege/PoolMontereyPeninsulaCollegeUsingBoxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Includes trace diagnostic for changing user navigation from EXAMINE to FLY when binding/unbinding the initial overhead-perspective Viewpoint'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Script field 'traceValue' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'traceValue' parent DEF='Trace_ROUTE_ViewOverhead.isBound_TO_NavigationExamineMode.set_bind'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "Trace_ROUTE_ViewOverhead" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 124 column 95: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Group": got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/NarragansettBayRhodeIslandBathymetry/NarragansettBayBathymetry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 59 column 19: Expected string, got float 41.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/NarragansettBayRhodeIslandBathymetry/NarragansettBayMerged.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 72 column 23: Expected string, got float 41.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/NarragansettBayRhodeIslandLarge/NarragansettBayGeospatialCoordinateAxesNsew.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 54 column 25: Expected string, got float 41.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/NarragansettBayRhodeIslandLarge/NarragansettBayLarge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 62 column 25: Expected string, got float 41.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/NarragansettBayRhodeIslandSmall/NarragansettBayGeospatialCoordinateAxesNsew.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 52 column 19: Expected string, got float 41.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/NarragansettBayRhodeIslandSmall/NarragansettBaySmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 62 column 25: Expected string, got float 41.5 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PanamaCityFlorida/PanamaCity.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PanamaCityFlorida/PanamaCityChartlet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='garbled ElevationGrid height values from original checkin, incorrectly fixed'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PanamaCityFlorida/PanamaCityGeo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 141 column 23: Expected string, got float -87.2 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PanamaCityFlorida/SeaLevel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PensacolaFlorida/NavalAirStationPensacola.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PortHuenemeCalifornia/PortHueneme.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PortHuenemeCalifornia/PortHuenemeHarbor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/PortHuenemeCalifornia/PortHuenemePiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/RioDeJaneiro/Asa.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/mpeg for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/RioDeJaneiro/Maracana.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/RioDeJaneiro/RioFinal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/mpeg for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SanFranciscoCalifornia/GoldenGateBridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='bulb' translation='0 -0.02 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\SanFranciscoCalifornia\GoldenGateCables.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\SanFranciscoCalifornia\Sea.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SanFranciscoCalifornia/GoldenGateCables.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SanFranciscoCalifornia/Sea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/ShipIslandMississippi/FortMassachusetts.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/ShipIslandMississippi/LightHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/ShipIslandMississippi/Pier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/ShipIslandMississippi/ShipIslandAutoColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Locations\ShipIslandMississippi\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/Singapore/Singapore.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable GeoViewpoint node] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageTerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Group] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 103 column 39: Expected string, got float 1.3519706612479 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2942E5237DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2942E5238DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2942E5239DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2942E5240DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2943E5237DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2943E5238DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2943E5239DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2943E5240DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 95 column 37: Expected string, got float 29.728813559322 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2944E5237DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2944E5238DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2944E5239DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2944E5240DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2945E5237DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2945E5238DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2945E5239DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/SouthernCaliforniaBorder/N2945E5240DTED2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoMetadata" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Node "GeoMetadata" is not allowed at the top level of the X3D file castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 21: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfHormuz/StraitsOfHormuzSmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='too many lights! they are very expensive'/> [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 86 column 37: Expected string, got float 26.3456597347756 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfMalaccaLarge/StraitsOfMalaccaGeospatialCargoShipAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 60 column 39: Expected string, got float 0.347168546381962 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfMalaccaLarge/StraitsOfMalaccaGeospatialCoordinateAxesNsew.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 57 column 39: Expected string, got float 0.347168546381962 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfMalaccaLarge/StraitsOfMalaccaLarge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 64 column 39: Expected string, got float 0.347168546381962 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfMalaccaLarge/StraitsOfMalaccaWayPoints.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 90 column 33: Expected string, got float 0.347168546381962 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfMalaccaSmall/StraitsOfMalaccaGeospatialCoordinateAxesNsew.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "geoSystem" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 4: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "GDC" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 57 column 38: Expected string, got float 3.07098594005727 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/StraitsOfMalaccaSmall/StraitsOfMalaccaSmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 62 column 38: Expected string, got float 3.07098594005727 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Locations/TunisAirportTunisia/TunisAirportTunisia.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageTerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3242 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Eight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Five.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Four.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/HullNumberPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Nine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/One.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Seven.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Six.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Three.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Two.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/HullNumbers/Zero.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/MilitaryCrestsAndSeals/CNSGMIDPAC.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/MilitaryCrestsAndSeals/COMDESRON31.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "newsealtest.jpg" "https://...TODO address.../newsealtest.jpg" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent ImageTexture] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/MilitaryCrestsAndSeals/COMDESRON9.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "DESRON9.jpg" "https://...TODO address.../DESRON9.jpg" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent ImageTexture] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ModelDetailing/MilitaryCrestsAndSeals/DESRON31Test.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "newsealtest.jpg" "https://...TODO address.../newsealtest.jpg" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent ImageTexture] [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "newsealtest.jpg" "https://...TODO address.../newsealtest.jpg" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent ImageTexture] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/OffshoreStructures/OilRigs/OilRig.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/OffshoreStructures/OilRigs/SimpleOilRig1994.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] <meta name='hint' content='bottom corner at origin'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/AftBottomPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/AftVentralPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/JetFireTransformer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/LeftSweepWing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/RightSweepWing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/RobotHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/VentralPanel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/JetFireTransformerToy/VentralPanelHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/RemotelyOperatedVehicles/BeetleROV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/RemotelyOperatedVehicles/OjoDelMarROV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/RemotelyOperatedVehicles/ROVPartsList.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/Predator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Predator Over the Shoulder'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Predator Forward View from Below'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Predator Top View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Predator Bottom View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Predator Starboard Side, 15m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Predator Starboard Stern, 7m'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/PredatorEspduExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/PredatorEspduPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/PredatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/PredatorInWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/PredatorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/Rascal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2907 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/ScanEagle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Sea Scan UAV"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1421 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/SeaScan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Sea Scan UAV"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1396 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/TernHighLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/TernLowLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedAirVehicles/TernPreChisel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedGroundVehicles/ATRV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedGroundVehicles/PneumaticTire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedSurfaceVehicles/SeaFox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Sea Fox USV"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1345 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedSurfaceVehicles/SeaFoxOriginal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Sea Fox USV"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1338 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AcousticTransponderWhoi.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Alupis.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AriesEspduExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AriesEspduPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AriesExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AriesInOpenWater.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AriesNoThrusterPorts.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AriesPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/AuvInBeachTanks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='AUV in tank 2 is currently operational with AUV Workbench.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/BlueFin12.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Bluefin21BPAUV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Cetus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/CetusClosed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/CrawlerPerry2001.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/FirstMissionNpsRemus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 87 column 31: Expected string, got float 4051865.07 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Manta4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Marv.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/PhoenixEspduExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/PhoenixExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/RemotelyOperatedVehicleParts.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Remus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Remus600ARL.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/Remus600ForwardLookSonar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/RemusEspdu.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/RemusSideScan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaDiver.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SeaDiver from above 100m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SeaDiver starboard side 25m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SeaDiver astern 25m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SeaDiver astern 5m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SeaDiver port side 25m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='SeaDiver port side 5m'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaDiver2006.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaGlider.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='over-the-shoulder view'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='view from port side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='view from ahead'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='view from above, 10m'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='oblique'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SolarAuv.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO: check extrusions ccw true/false'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='TODO: restore ViewpointGroup, Navigation component'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SolarAuvCadModel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SolarAuvMetadata"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2911 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SurfaceTransponderBuoy.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/ThrusterTechnadyne.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton/AmphibiousRaid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Coordinate system axes need to be aligned properly.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Future work: add pushbutton to enable/disable ViewpointSequencer. IMPORT/EXPORT viewpoints from Inline scenes and add Viewpoints to ViewpointSequencer.'/> [warning] NavigationInfo behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [NavigationInfo DEF='HighAltitudeLongDistanceNavigation'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint DEF='ViewAAAVfromBehind'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint DEF='ViewAAAVfromAhead'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='AAV-3PATH'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Superstructure.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Crane.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Crane.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\RadarNavigation.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\OtoBreda76.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\OptronicDirector.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\RadarAirSearch.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\HeloFlying.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton/AmphibiousRaidWithCommunications.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint description='Triple AAAV Raid'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint description='Triple AAAV Raid'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton/CampPendletonRaidWithRez.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint description='AAAV raid from behind'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='AAV-2PATH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='AAV-3PATH'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint description='Helo raid from behind'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint description='Helo raid from above'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='Helo-2PATH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='Helo-3PATH'] [error] ROUTE toNode='Sub_WaypointInterpolator' is a WaypointInterpolator ProtoInstance, but toField='fraction' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Sub_Clock.fraction_changed has type SFFloat, but destination Sub_WaypointInterpolator.fraction has type . [error] ROUTE toNode='Ship_WaypointInterpolator' is a WaypointInterpolator ProtoInstance, but toField='fraction' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Ship_Clock.fraction_changed has type SFFloat, but destination Ship_WaypointInterpolator.fraction has type . [error] ROUTE toNode='AAAV_1_WaypointInterpolator' is a WaypointInterpolator ProtoInstance, but toField='fraction' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source AAAV1_Clock.fraction_changed has type SFFloat, but destination AAAV_1_WaypointInterpolator.fraction has type . [error] ROUTE toNode='Helo_1_WaypointInterpolator' is a WaypointInterpolator ProtoInstance, but toField='fraction' is not a defined field. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Helo_Clock.fraction_changed has type SFFloat, but destination Helo_1_WaypointInterpolator.fraction has type . castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\TerrainData\DTED2w118N33\w118w118N33\display.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Superstructure.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Crane.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Crane.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\RadarNavigation.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\OtoBreda76.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\OptronicDirector.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\RadarAirSearch.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\HeloFlying.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Submarines\SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates\688.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Propellers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\FlightDeck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Gun.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\MissileDirector.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\Launchers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: External prototype "SuperCobra" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Unknown X3D field name (indicated by containerField value) "" by node "SuperCobra:TX3DPrototypeNode(ExampleHelicopter)" inside node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "ExampleHelicopter" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Green Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\AH1SuperCobraUnitedStates\ExampleGreyCobra.x3d": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: found extra quotes around SFString value. Assuming this is a mistake, and stripping quotes from '"Grey Cobra"'. Fix your model: SFString field values should not be enclosed in extra quotes! castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "fraction" (for node "Sub_WaypointInterpolator", type "WaypointInterpolator") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "fraction" (for node "Ship_WaypointInterpolator", type "WaypointInterpolator") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "fraction" (for node "AAAV_1_WaypointInterpolator", type "WaypointInterpolator") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination field/event name "fraction" (for node "Helo_1_WaypointInterpolator", type "WaypointInterpolator") not found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton/Remus01PositionInterpolator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Tools\Animation\HiddenViewpointPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/CaptureTheFlag/NancyTeamAddRoutes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Incomplete translation, work in progress'/> [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Blue 40 Front'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Blue 40 Right Side View'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'zeroTranslation' has no assignment statement such as 'zeroTranslation=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MountLeader'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'zeroTranslation' has no assignment statement such as 'zeroTranslation=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MountRifle1'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'zeroTranslation' has no assignment statement such as 'zeroTranslation=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MountRifle2'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'zeroTranslation' has no assignment statement such as 'zeroTranslation=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MountAutogun'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'zeroTranslation' has no assignment statement such as 'zeroTranslation=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MountGrenadier'] [warning] Script outputOnly field 'zeroTranslation' has no assignment statement such as 'zeroTranslation=(someSFVec3fExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='MountHuey'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Leader.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EXMLReadError when loading inline file from URL "": In '' (line 333 pos 18): Unmatching element end tag (expected "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Leader.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\mil\navy\nps\dis\EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Error when downloading "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\C|\vrtp\mil\navy\nps\dis\EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Error when downloading "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "\D|\vrtp\mil\navy\nps\dis\EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Error when downloading "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\vrtp\mil\navy\nps\dis\EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Error when downloading "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "D:\vrtp\mil\navy\nps\dis\EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Host name resolution for "" failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "EspduTransform" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "EspduTransform" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Rifle1.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EXMLReadError when loading inline file from URL "": In '' (line 333 pos 18): Unmatching element end tag (expected "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Rifle1.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 190 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "EspduTransform": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Sound" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Rifle2.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EXMLReadError when loading inline file from URL "": In '' (line 333 pos 18): Unmatching element end tag (expected "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Rifle2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 190 column 14: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "EspduTransform": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Sound" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Autogun.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EXMLReadError when loading inline file from URL "": In '' (line 333 pos 18): Unmatching element end tag (expected "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Autogun.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "EspduTransform" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "EspduTransform" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Grenadier.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EXMLReadError when loading inline file from URL "": In '' (line 333 pos 18): Unmatching element end tag (expected "") castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Grenadier.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/ castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.x3d castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "EspduTransform" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "EspduTransform" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Group" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_wrist" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_skullbase" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vc4" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_vl1" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_hip" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_knee" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_ankle" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_l_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_shoulder" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_r_elbow" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_sacroiliac" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination node name "hanim_HumanoidRoot" not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Huey.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EXMLReadError when loading inline file from URL "": In '' (line 1 pos 1): Root element is missing castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\CaptureTheFlag\Huey.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue0" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue1" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue2" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue3" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue4" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue5" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source field/event name "articulationParameterValue6" (for node "NancyTeamAddRoutes_EspduTransform", type "EspduTransform") not found Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/CollisionUssGreenevilleMvEhimeMaru/CollisionCourses.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Submarines\SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates\688.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook\Chapter18-TextureMapping\Figure18.27RotatingFanAnimatedTextureTransform.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/JfcomDceeExerciseJuly2003/XdvExerciseScenario.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Immersive'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Full' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] GeoLocation node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoLocation node DEF='EntityGeoLocation'] [error] GeoOrigin node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoOrigin node DEF='LocalGeoOrigin'] [error] GeoViewpoint node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/> [GeoViewpoint node DEF='LocalTestView'] [error] EspduTransform node requires support by <X3D profile='Full'> or else <component name='DIS' level='1'/> [EspduTransform node DEF='EntityEspdu'] [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> *** FieldTypeNotFound EspduTransform geoCoords [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source EntityEspdu.geoCoords_changed has type EspduTransform.geoCoords.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination EntityGeoLocation.geoCoords has type SFVec3d. *** FieldTypeNotFound EspduTransform geoCoords [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source EntityEspdu.geoCoords_changed has type EspduTransform.geoCoords.FieldTypeNotFound, but destination LocalTestView.set_position has type SFVec3f. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 247 column 25: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme/EngagementRangePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme/LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Tools\Explosions\MultipleTimerExplodingBuildingPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Weapons\Missiles\Launchers.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme/LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHuenemeDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Tools\Explosions\MultipleTimerExplodingBuildingPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Weapons\Missiles\Launchers.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme/SenseDecideActEngagePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFVec3f value not provided for field 'engagementPosition' with @accessType='inputOutput' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'engagementPosition' parent ProtoDeclare SenseDecideActEngagePrototype] [warning] Initializing SFVec3f value not provided for field 'engagementTextPosition' with @accessType='inputOutput' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'engagementTextPosition' parent ProtoDeclare SenseDecideActEngagePrototype] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\UssColeTerroristAttack\RHIBPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme\RHIBPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\LimitedObjectiveExperimentPortHueneme\RHIBPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\HumanoidAnimation\NancyStandShootRifleM24.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/PiracyIncidents/PiracyDisHelloWorld.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/RemusMission10MAR2003/RemusMissionLineTrackPlayback.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/BMP1Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/BMP1Turret.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/DestroyedBMP.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/Explosion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/GunFire.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/M1A2Turret.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/Smoke.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/TankManeuver.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\TankManeuver\Tree1.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\TankManeuver\Tree2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\TankManeuver\Tree3.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Scenarios\TankManeuver\Tree4.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/Tree1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/Tree2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/Tree3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/Tree4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/TankManeuver/myTree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UW3303MinefieldSearch/ColorCodedMinefield.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [error] Insufficient colors (colorPerVertex='false' means 1 color per quad) in Color for parent ElevationGrid, need (xDimension-1=100)*(zDimension-1=100)= size 10000 > ($tupleCount div 3)=0 color values [Color node DEF='AutogeneratedColorNode'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'ElevationGridNode' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BuildColorScript'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='BuildColorScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UW3303MinefieldSearch/ExampleScenario.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UW3303MinefieldSearch/MinefieldSearchBackground.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UW3303MinefieldSearch/MinefieldSearchTemplate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] duplicate ROUTE MasterAnimationController.fraction_changed TO RobotTrack1.set_fraction [warning] duplicate ROUTE RobotTrack1.position_changed TO TrackingTransformRobot1.translation [warning] duplicate ROUTE RobotTrack1.orientation_changed TO TrackingTransformRobot1.rotation [warning] duplicate ROUTE MasterAnimationController.fraction_changed TO RobotTrack1.set_fraction [warning] duplicate ROUTE RobotTrack1.position_changed TO TrackingTransformRobot1.translation [warning] duplicate ROUTE RobotTrack1.orientation_changed TO TrackingTransformRobot1.rotation [warning] duplicate ROUTE MasterAnimationController.fraction_changed TO RobotTrack1.set_fraction [warning] duplicate ROUTE RobotTrack1.position_changed TO TrackingTransformRobot1.translation [warning] duplicate ROUTE RobotTrack1.orientation_changed TO TrackingTransformRobot1.rotation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/AdenHarbor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/AdenHarborChart.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/AdenHarborCloseIn.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/AdenHarborSmallScale.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/GarbageBoatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/LineBoatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/PhysicsBasedExplosionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/PhysicsBasedExplosionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/RHIBPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/RefuelingPierSeven.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/Rhib.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/TerroristBoatBoxmanOnboardPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/TerroristBoatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/UssColeTerroristAttack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='DummyInterpolator'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/UssColeTerroristAttackDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='MasterClock'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='TerroristClock'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\ArleighBurkePrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Tools\Explosions\MultipleTimerExplodingBuildingPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Weapons\Missiles\Launchers.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Tools\HeadsUpDisplays\CameraCompassPrototypes.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Supertanker\SupertankerExampleDay.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\MerchantLivestockCarrier\MerchantLivestockCarrier.wrl": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\MerchantLivestockCarrier\MerchantLivestockCarrier.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Scenarios/UssColeTerroristAttack/UtilityBoatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Barge/Barge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/Barge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Barge"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/Barge.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/Barge.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/ContainerShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Container Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1286 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/ContainerShipBlue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Blue Container Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1421 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/ContainerShipGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Green Container Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1282 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/ContainerShipOrange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Orange Container Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1283 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/ContainerShipRed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Red Container Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1283 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/Freighter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Freighter"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1210 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CargoShips/OilTanker.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Oil Tanker"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1211 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CigaretteBoat/CigaretteBoat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Cigarette 46 Rider XP"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1354 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CigaretteBoat/CigaretteBoatWithDriver.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Cigarette 46 Rider XP"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1355 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/ContainerShip/ContainerShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/CruiseShip/CruiseShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Cruise Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1284 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Ferries/BoatFerryArizona.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Arizona Ferry"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1208 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Ferries/LargeFerry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Large Ferry Ship"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1284 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Ferries/MediumFerry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/BodyUnit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Engine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Fin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/LowerBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Radar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Rotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/SRN6.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/TEdge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/TopEdge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/TopFront.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/UpperBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/MerchantLivestockCarrier/MerchantLivestockCarrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/PersonalWaterCraft/BoatJetSki.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/PersonalWaterCraft/JetSki.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="JetSki"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1468 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/PersonalWaterCraft/JetskiWithRider.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Humanoid has high polygon count (64,399 triangles) and is simply a mesh, not an H-Anim model'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Piracy/Drum55Gallon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Piracy/PirateMotherSkiff.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Piracy/PirateMotherSkiffAnimation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/ResearchVessels/Endeavor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Interactive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SailBoats/SailBoatUnderPower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SailBoats/SailBoatUnderSail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SmallCraft/BoatJetSki.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SmallCraft/CigaretteBoat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SmallCraft/Dhow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SmallCraft/PleasureCraftBlue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Viewpoints need to be relabeled or reoriented'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsCivilian\SmallCraft\GridXZ_20x20Movable.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/SmallCraft/PleasureCraftOrange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Supertanker/SupertankerExampleDay.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Supertanker/SupertankerExampleNight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Supertanker/SupertankerHighDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Supertanker/SupertankerLowDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Supertanker/SupertankerMediumDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Trawlers/EhimeMaru.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook\Chapter18-TextureMapping\Figure18.27RotatingFanAnimatedTextureTransform.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Trawlers/Emma2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Trawlers/LargeTrawler.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Trawlers/Trawler.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="FishingTrawler"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1178 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Tugboats/BoatTug02.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsCivilian/Tugboats/Tug.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Tug"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1352 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierIndependenceUnitedStates/Independence.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/mpeg for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierIndependenceUnitedStates/TowerFinal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierNimitzUnitedStates/Carrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierNimitzUnitedStates/NimitzCVN.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Nimitz Aircraft Carrier"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1652 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/Bridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/BridgeLowResolution.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/CaptainSeat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='y is not up in this scene!'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/CarrierDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/CarrierElevators.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/CarrierGuns.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/ComputerKeyboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/Console.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/Door.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/Encryptor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/HarrierFlying.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWingAndMiscellaneous\Harrier-UnitedStates\av8b.wav": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/HarrierSquadron.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWingAndMiscellaneous\Harrier-UnitedStates\av8b.wav": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/ImprovedBridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/NavigatorTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/RadarScreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/Saratoga.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates\hull05.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftFixedWingAndMiscellaneous\Harrier-UnitedStates\av8b.wav": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates\water.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/hull05.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CarrierSaratogaUnitedStates/water.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CorvetteMinutemenClassUnitedStates/MinutemenClassDesignAssembledSolidworks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CorvetteMinutemenClassUnitedStates/MinutemenGun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\CorvetteMinutemenClassUnitedStates\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CorvetteMinutemenClassUnitedStates/MinutemenHull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\CorvetteMinutemenClassUnitedStates\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CruiserUnitedStates/CG47.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="CG-47"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1640 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CruiserUnitedStates/CG47Prototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CruiserUnitedStates/Cruiser.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/CruiserUnitedStates/TargetShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\AntennaMast.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/AftMast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\AirRadarLw08.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/AirRadarLw08.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/Bridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/ChaffTubes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/DD963Harpoon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/DD963Spruance.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='multiple broken url addresses need fixing'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\FiveInchGun.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Propellers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\VerticalLaunchSystem.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\SeaSparrowBox.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\HeloDeck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\HeloHanger.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\YBaseRaydome.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\HarpoonDeck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\MidShips.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\Stacks.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\CaptainsBarge.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DD963SpruanceUnitedStates\ForwardMast.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\MR114Radar.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\MR114Radar.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\RadomeFireControlWm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/DDG51gun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/DDG51prop.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/FiveInchGun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/ForwardMast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/HarpoonDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/HeloDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/HeloHanger.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/MidShips.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/SeaSparrowBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/Stacks.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DD963SpruanceUnitedStates/VerticalLaunchSystem.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/AftSuperstructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/Animation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Fuselage.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RearWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\LeftWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Engine.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightPylon.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\DDG51FlightIIAMissileLaunch.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\DDG51FlightIIAMissileLaunch.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\SH60Seahawk.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\SH60Seahawk.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\HeloRotorSound.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/DDG51.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="DDG51"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1862 column 13: Expected "{", got keyword "DEF" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/ForwardSuperstructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='move Phalanx to Savage/Weapons/Guns'/> [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/HeloFlying.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\SH60Seahawk.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\HeloRotorSound.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/HeloHanger.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Fuselage.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RearWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\LeftWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Engine.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightPylon.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/MissileLaunch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='modified 30 August 2003 by LT Joe Sears for DDG-51FlightIIA'/> [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url renames prototype by not ending with #EXPLOSION [ExternProtoDeclare name='EXPLOSION' DEF=''] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Viewpoint DEF='FOLLOW'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='VLSCLOCKAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='VLSORIENTAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='VLSORIENTAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='VLSPOSITAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='VLSPOSITAFT'] [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilterE'] [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilterEAFT'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\MissileExplosionPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\MultipleExplosionPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\MultipleExplosionPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\HarpoonPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\HarpoonPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\TomahawkPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates\TomahawkPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Tools\Explosions\MultipleTimerExplodingBuildingPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "Exploder" referenced by external prototype "Exploder" doesn't have field "set_startTime" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/MissileLaunchers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='modified 30 August 2003 by LT Joe Sears for DDG-51FlightIIA hull'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/Phalanx.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Phalanx_path'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Phalanx_path'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Base_Phalanx_path'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='Base_Phalanx_path'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/Propellers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='modified 8 August 2003 by LT Joe Sears for DDG-51FlightIIA'/> [warning] Attribute key='0.5 1' key count (2) must equal keyValue count (3) [OrientationInterpolator node DEF='MyOI'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/Prototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Fuselage.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RearWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\LeftWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Engine.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightPylon.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/SH60SeahawkMaintenance.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='modified 12 September 2003 by LT Joe Sears for DDG-51FlightIIA Maintenance bird'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Fuselage.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RearWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\LeftWheel.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\Engine.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\SH60-Seahawk-UnitedStates\RightPylon.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/SLQ32.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/SRS1AntennaGroup.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates/SVTT.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/ArleighBurke.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "Exploder" referenced by external prototype "Exploder" doesn't have field "set_startTime" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3406 column 32: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/ArleighBurkeGeneric.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Propellers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\FlightDeck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Gun.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\MissileDirector.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\Launchers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/ArleighBurkeHighDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Arleigh Burke Destroyer"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1732 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/ArleighBurkePropellers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Attribute key='0.5 1' key count (2) must equal keyValue count (3) [OrientationInterpolator node DEF='MyOI'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/ArleighBurkePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/DDG51.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/DDG51HighDetail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/Exhaust.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/FlightDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/Gun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\Propellers.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates\MissileDirector.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\MissileLaunch.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "Exploder" referenced by external prototype "Exploder" doesn't have field "set_startTime" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3406 column 32: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/MissileDirector.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/Propellers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates/Water.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/AntennaMast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/CaptainsBarge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/GlobeRaydome.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/GunAK130.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/GunAK630.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/Helix.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/MissileSAN7.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/MissileSSN22.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/RadarMR114.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/Sovremenny.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\Superstructure.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\TCylinderRaydome.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\YBaseRaydome.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/Superstructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DestroyerSovremennyRussia\YardArm.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/TCylinderRaydome.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/YBaseRaydome.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/YardArm.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/DestroyerSovremennyRussia/YardArmBlack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FFG7OliverHazardPerryUnitedStates/FFG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FFG7OliverHazardPerryUnitedStates/OliverHazardPerryFFG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Oliver Perry Frigate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1751 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FFG7OliverHazardPerryUnitedStates/OliverHazardPerryFFGPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='ShipName'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'ShipName' parent ProtoDeclare FFG] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Bridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/CommandingOfficerStateroom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Flag.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/FlagMast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Fleet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\onefrigate.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\seamovie.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\seamovie.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoistgreekflag.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\text.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoistPort.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoist.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Radar2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Pyramid.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\MainMast.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\onefrigate.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\seamovie.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\seamovie.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoistgreekflag.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\text.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoistPort.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoist.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Radar2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Pyramid.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\MainMast.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\onefrigate.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\seamovie.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\seamovie.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoistgreekflag.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\text.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoistPort.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hoist.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Radar2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Pyramid.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\MainMast.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Frigate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/FrigateSimple.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Sea.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Sea.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\text.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\text.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Funnel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/GreekFlag.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/GreekFrigate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\AirRadarLW08.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\AirRadarLW08.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\CommandOfficerRoom.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\CommandOfficerRoom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/GreekFrigateDesign.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\AirRadarLW08.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\AirRadarLW08.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\CommandOfficerRoom.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\CommandOfficerRoom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Hangar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/HarpoonLauncher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/HelicopterDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Hoist.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/HoistGreekFlag.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/HoistPort.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/MainMast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/OfficersMess.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Orbiter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\frigatesimplenew.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\text.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\harpoon.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\funel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\zw06.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\wm25.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\noGrid20x20.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Sailors.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\helideck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OtoMelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Otomelara.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Radar2.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\OfficerMess.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\COroom.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateGreece\Pyramid.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/OtoMelaraDeckGun.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Picture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Pyramid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Radar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Radar2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Radar3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/RadomeFireControlWm25.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/RadomeNavigationZw06.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Sailors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Sea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/SeaMovie.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/SeaSurface.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/SignalFlags.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/SignalHELLAS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/SignalILOVE.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/TextF459.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateGreece/Waves.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateMEKO200Greece/MEKO200.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='VLSORIENT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='VLSPOSIT'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateMEKO200Greece\TomahawkPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateMEKO200Greece\TomahawkPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "BGM109" found castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": No PROTO named "BGM109" found castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "BGM109" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "BGM109" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Transform" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/Bridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/Chimney.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/HarpoonLauncher.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/Mast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/Mk45.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/Sea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/SeaZenith.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='ButtonRotInter'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/SuperStructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/TurkishFlag.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/FrigateYavuzTurkey/YavuzFrigate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateYavuzTurkey\SeaZenith1.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FrigateYavuzTurkey\SeaZenith2.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HarborFerryBoat/HarborFerryBoat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HarborFerryBoat/HarborFerryBoatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/BodyUnit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Engine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Fin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/LowerBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Radar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/Rotor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/SRN6.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/TEdge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/TopEdge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/TopFront.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/HovercraftSnr6Singapore/UpperBody.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LCM6LandingCraftMechanizedUnitedStates/LCM6.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LCU1600LandingCraftUtilityUnitedStates/LCU1600.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LHA1TarawaUnitedStates/LHA1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LPD17SanAntonioUnitedStates/LPD17.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingPlatformDockLPD/LPD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingPlatformDockLPD/LPDSuperstructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='LPD superstructure'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/Crane.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/EnduranceLST.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Hull.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Superstructure.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\RadarNavigation.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\OtoBreda76.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\OptronicDirector.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\RadarAirSearch.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\LifeRaft.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\HeloFlying.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/FCEP.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/FastCraftEquipmentPersonnel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/Fuselage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/HeloFlying.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\Seahawk.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/LeftWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/LifeRaft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/LstHull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/OptronicDirector.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/OtoBreda76.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/RadarAirSearch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/RadarNavigation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/RearWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/RightWheel.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/RotorHead.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/Seahawk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore\TailSection.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/Superstructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LandingShipTankEnduranceSingapore/TailSection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LargeDeckAmphibBoxerUnitedStates/Boxer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LargeDeckAmphibBoxerUnitedStates/BoxerExampleScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LargeDeckAmphibBoxerUnitedStates/SuperStructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/LargeDeckAmphibBoxerUnitedStates/WellDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/MissileAttackBoatOsaII/GunMount.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/MissileAttackBoatOsaII/OsaII.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='RadarPathB'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/MissileAttackBoatOsaII/Propulsion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/MissileAttackBoatOsaII/StyxMissileTube.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/MissileAttackBoatOsaII/Water.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolBoatUnitedStates/PatrolBoatIdle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Patrol Boat Idle"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1354 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolBoatUnitedStates/PatrolBoatMoving.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNanuchkaLighthouseRussia/Lighthouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] description attribute can contain whitespace instead of _underscore_ characters: description='Light_View' [Viewpoint description='Light_View'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNanuchkaLighthouseRussia/NanuchkaMissileCorvette.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNanuchkaLighthouseRussia/NanuchkaMissileCorvetteWithLighthouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Bit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/BridgeDoorPort.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/BridgeDoorStbd.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Butakov.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] [warning] inputOnly field 'buttonPushTime' has no input-event method definition 'function buttonPushTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ControlScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\+": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/CallSign.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Compass.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/FiftyCaliberFiring0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Headlight is off, lighting is controlled when shooting'/> [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-0.23 2.5 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='gunLight'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-1.8 2.5 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='gunLight2'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\boatSoundedit.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Basic\course\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\+": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\+": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/FiftyCaliberGunFiring.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Headlight is off, lighting is controlled when shooting'/> [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-0.23 2.5 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='gunLight'] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-1.8 2.5 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [SpotLight DEF='gunLight2'] [warning] <Box solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Box attribute solid] castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\boatSoundedit.wav": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Basic\course\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\+": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\+": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Furuno.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/HFantenna.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Horn.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Ladder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Mast.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Mtr50.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'inRot' has no input-event method definition 'function inRot (SFRotationValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='controlScript'] [warning] inputOnly field 'CW' has no input-event method definition 'function CW (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='controlScript'] [warning] inputOnly field 'CCW' has no input-event method definition 'function CCW (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='controlScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Mtr50body.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='on' translation='0.02 -0.03 -0.7' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='flashLight'] [warning] duplicate ROUTE flashIntensity.value_changed TO flame.whichChoice [warning] duplicate ROUTE flashIntensity.value_changed TO flame.whichChoice [warning] inputOnly field 'inRot' has no input-event method definition 'function inRot (SFRotationValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='controlScript'] [warning] inputOnly field 'UP' has no input-event method definition 'function UP (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='controlScript'] [warning] inputOnly field 'DOWN' has no input-event method definition 'function DOWN (SFBoolValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='controlScript'] Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Mtr50body.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Mtr50body.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/NavigationLights.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Propeller.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='blade'/> and <Shape USE='blade'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='blade'/> and <Shape USE='blade'/> [node DEF=''] [error] mismatched node type for <Group DEF='blade'/> and <Shape USE='blade'/> [node DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Rudder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/SkylightHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/Superstructure.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/TightDoorAft.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/TightDoorFwd.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/TightDoorMainDeckPort.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/TightDoorMainDeckStbd.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/TightDoorMainDeckStbdFwd.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil/U11.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\PatrolCraftNavalAcademyBrazil\+": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftTempestUnitedStates/Tempest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/PatrolCraftVosperGreece/Vosper.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/RHIBUnitedStates/RHIB.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="RHIB"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1282 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/RHIBUnitedStates/RHIBDriverFlag.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="RHIB"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "ShipsMilitary/RHIBUnitedStates/RHIBDriverFlag.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "ShipsMilitary/RHIBUnitedStates/RHIBDriverFlag.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/RHIBUnitedStates/RhibOutboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="RHIB"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1284 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/RunningLights/RunningLightsExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='1000m Running Lights'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='2000m Running Lights'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='3000m Running Lights'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='4000m Running Lights'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='5000m Running Lights'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/RunningLights/RunningLightsPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='WhiteSternLightSource' translation='-.08 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='WhiteAnchorLightSource' translation='-.08 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/SeaBase/SeaBaseShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/Seafighter/Seafighter.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/Seafighter/SeafighterWithHelos.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/Sealift/MaritimePrepositioningForceShip.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/SmallCraft/PSC9.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="PSC-9"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2854 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/SmallCraft/SpeedboatIraqIdle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Speedboat Iraq Idle"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1355 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/SmallCraft/SpeedboatIraqMoving.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Speedboat Iraq Moving"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1455 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/SmallCraft/TWR841.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/ShipsMilitary/SmallCraft/WB30.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/BaseStand.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/CenterPost.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/DeckPost.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/EquipmentDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Space\SatelliteLab\HTVSCMGPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Space\SatelliteLab\ManualXYZBalanceBlockPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Space\SatelliteLab\ManualXZBalanceBlockPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Space\SatelliteLab\EquipmentRing.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Space\SatelliteLab\OpticalDeck.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Space\SatelliteLab\VibrationIsolator.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/EquipmentRing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/HTVSCMGPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/LaserTargetTrack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "LaserTargetTrackSupport.x3d LaserTargetTrackSupport.wrl" " LaserTargetTrackSupport.wrl" ' [Inline DEF='TargetTrackSupport'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/LaserTargetTrackSupport.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/ManualXYZBalanceBlockPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/ManualXZBalanceBlockPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/OpticalDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/SatelliteRoom.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script outputOnly field 'set_rotation' has no assignment statement such as 'set_rotation=(someSFRotationExpression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TargetPositionScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/SourceLaserSupport.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/UpperDeck.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SatelliteLab/VibrationIsolator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/Satellites/RadarsatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2821 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/Shuttle/Shuttle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Interactive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SolarSystem/SolarSystem.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Space/SpaceAttack/SpaceAttack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsgnOhioUnitedStates/MissileCompartment.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsgnOhioUnitedStates/Ohio.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Ohio Class Guided Missile Submarine (SSGN)"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.0' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1440 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsgnOhioUnitedStates/TridentHatch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsgnOhioUnitedStates/TridentMissileTubeExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsgnOhioUnitedStates/TridentMissileTubePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/Hull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/LosAngelesAtSea.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "locationOffset" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "traceEnabled" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: element references unknown field name "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: element references unknown field name "locationOffset" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/LosAngelesClass688.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/LosAngelesClassSubmarineFlight1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "locationOffset" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "traceEnabled" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: element references unknown field name "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: X3D XML: element references unknown field name "locationOffset" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/LosAngelesSSNPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'SubmarineName' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance SSN] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'SubmarineCrestURL' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance SSN] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/Planes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/Rudder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnLosAngelesUnitedStates/Sail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "locationOffset" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "traceEnabled" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 663 column 15: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HeadsUpDisplay": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "dragChildren" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/SsnSeawolfUnitedStates/SSN21Seawolf.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SSN21Seawolf.x3d"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1320 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/ShroudedPropulsor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/SubmarineRadar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/TowedArrayHousing.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/Type209GlafkosDieselSubmarine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='need to scale to real-world size.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Torpedoes and missiles need to get moved to submarine-independent coordinate system.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Inline Harpoon needs to get converted to Harpoon ExternProtoDeclare'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/Type209GlafkosDieselSubmarineAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Torpedoes and missiles need to get moved to submarine-independent coordinate system.'/> [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Inline Harpoon needs to get converted to Harpoon ExternPrototDeclare'/> [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'radius' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SubTurn'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'turns' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='SubTurn'] castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Submarines\Various\...\...\Submarines\Various\sonar.wav": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/Type209GlafkosDieselSubmarinePropeller.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/Type209PrevezeDieselSubmarine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/Type209PrevezeDieselSubmarineAnimated.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='PATH'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='PATH'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/Type209PrevezePropeller.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Submarines/Various/XperimentalSub.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensor operates on its children, NOT on its peers. This variation is necessary in order to accomplish the desired Transform rotation to a new orientation axis.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensor operates on its children, NOT on its peers. This variation is necessary in order to accomplish the desired Transform rotation to a new orientation axis.'/> [warning] IS/connect ignored for nodeField='description' since not a supported field in VRML97 for parent CylinderSensor [CylinderSensor DEF='RotatedCylinderSensor'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/BathymetryGeneratorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/BathymetryGeneratorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script outputOnly field 'bathyColorIndex' has no assignment statement such as 'bathyColorIndex[someIndex]=(someMFInt32Expression);' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BathymetryScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/BathymetryGeneratorViaExtrusionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'timeArray' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BathymetryScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'bathyColor' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='BathymetryScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/ColorSequencerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "toggle" (for node "Toggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/ColorSequencerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='IndexHolder'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [warning] Script field 'index' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'index' parent DEF='SequencerScript'] [error] cannot initialize field inside Script when IS connection exists. Remove follow-on initializing value 0 [field 'index' parent Script DEF='SequencerScript'] [error] IS-connected field definitions cannot be initialized, ignoring value="0" [field 'index' parent Script DEF='SequencerScript'] [warning] Script field 'colors' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'colors' parent DEF='SequencerScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/DoubleClickTouchSensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/DoubleClickTouchSensorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] IS/connect ignored for nodeField='description' since not a supported field in VRML97 for parent TouchSensor [TouchSensor DEF='TouchSensorNode'] [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='DoubleClickTouchScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/FlyingTextExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Savage\Tools\Animation\DoubleClickTouchSensorPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/FlyingTextPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/HiddenViewpointPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/MaterialChoiceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/MaterialChoicePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/MaterialToggleExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 62 column 67: Expected "{", got "}" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/MaterialTogglePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/NavigationInfoStack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/PointTrackGeneratorPrototype5.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='some debugging remains necessary.'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorMapInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator output [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorMapInterpolator'] [warning] no ROUTE found for ColorInterpolator input [ColorInterpolator DEF='ColorMapInterpolatorForCompletePointsSet'] [warning] inputOnly field 'durationActivePoints' has no input-event method definition 'function durationActivePoints (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='DrawPointScript'] [warning] inputOnly field 'timeLatestActivePoint' has no input-event method definition 'function timeLatestActivePoint (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='DrawPointScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='DrawPointScript'] [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source DisplayingTimer.fraction_changed has type SFFloat, but destination TrackGeneratorInstance.mappedColorPointCreator has type SFTime. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (fraction_changed, type SFFloat) and destination (mappedColorPointCreator, type SFTime) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/PushButtonExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 68 column 71: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "Material" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/PushButtonPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='OuterShapeSwitchRound'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='OuterShapeSwitchSquare'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='InnerShapeSwitchRound'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (whichChoice='-1') allowed with USE node <Switch USE='InnerShapeSwitchSquare'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Switch attribute whichChoice] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/RelativeProximitySensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/RelativeProximitySensorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'description' parent ] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/SliderFloatExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/SliderFloatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/SliderIntegerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/SliderIntegerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/TimeDelaySensorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/TimeDelaySensorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='TimeDelayScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/TimeSensorEaseInEaseOutExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='X3D v3.1 or greater'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/TimeSensorEaseInEaseOutPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='X3D v3.1 or greater'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/ViewpointSequencerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [fieldValue name='viewpoints'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/ViewpointSequencerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Two versions of this scene are maintained in order to avoid Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) restrictions when referenced from X3D models embedded inside HTML.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "TouchToggle"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "TouchToggle"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/WaypointInterpolatorExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Cortona bug: TimeSensor set_cycleInterval has no effect, effectively ignoring routed totalDuration. Workaround: view calculated value for totalDuration, then set it in TimeSensor manually.'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-5 0 0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Animation/WaypointInterpolatorPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='browsers do not compute pitch angle consistently'/> [warning] mismatched parentheses (516 left, 515 right) in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='WaypointTrackScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1026 column 35: Expected keyword "TO", got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/AnimatedViewpointRecorderExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/AnimatedViewpointRecorderPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'filterDeadTime' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='RecordingScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='RecordingScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Invalid X3D file: Invalid sequence in a string: "\n". Backslash must be followed by another backslash or double quote, for SFString and MFString (in X3D classic (VRML) encoding) and for MFString (in X3D XML encoding). Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/AnimatedViewpointRecorderSample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxesInlineExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxesNSEW.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/FilterExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='TrueScript'] [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='FalseScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/FilterPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXY_20x20Fixed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXY_20x20Movable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZ_20x20Movable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridYZ_20x20Fixed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridYZ_20x20Movable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridsExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridsExamplePixelTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='*insert any known warnings, bugs or errors here*'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/PixelTextureNavyJackDontTreadOnMe.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/PixelTextureTemplate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='*insert any known warnings, bugs or errors here*'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/SingleTypeConversionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/SingleTypeConversionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/ViewPositionOrientationExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Authoring/ViewPositionOrientationPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Note fix: metadata is no longer an allowed ProtoDeclare field name, since ProtoInstance already includes a metadata field'/> [warning] Script 'var' declarations of variables are not persistent in contained ecmascript: code, values are lost after each call. Use <field> definitions instead. [Script node DEF='OutputPositionOrientation'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Explosions/ExplodingBuildingExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Explosions/ExplodingBuildingPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Explosions/ExplosionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Explosions/ExplosionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Explosions/MultipleTimerExplodingBuildingExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Explosions/MultipleTimerExplodingBuildingPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CameraCompass12Example.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CameraCompass36Example.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CameraCompass8Example.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CameraCompassPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CompassRoseExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url does not end with prototype name: #CompassRose or #OriginalProtoName" [ExternProtoDeclare name='CompassRose' DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CompassRosePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script attribute directOutput='true' usually needed when field(s) of type SFNode/MFNode are present. directOutput false means Script is not allowed to modify referenced nodes. [Script DEF='RoseScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CrossHairExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/CrossHairPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/DvdControllerExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'time' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeTextScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/DvdControllerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='testTimeVal'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'testTimeVal' parent ProtoDeclare DvdController] [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='clockEnabled'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'clockEnabled' parent ProtoDeclare DvdController] [warning] Script field 'duration' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'duration' parent DEF='TimeScaleScript'] [error] Mismatched ancestor::ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field/@accessType='initializeOnly' and Script/field/@accessType='inputOutput' [field 'duration' parent Script DEF='TimeScaleScript'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/HeadsUpDisplayExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "locationOffset" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "traceEnabled" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 83 column 15: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HeadsUpDisplay": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "dragChildren" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/HeadsUpDisplayPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/HudControlPanelExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='HUD does not sit still when navigating'/> [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Body1' translation='3.0 0.0 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] [warning] SpotLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform DEF='Body2' translation='-3.0 0.0 0.0' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable SpotLight] [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='Where'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/HudControlPanelPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='HUD does not sit still when navigating'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/ViewPositionOrientationHUD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "dragChildren" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "locationOffset" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" referenced by external prototype "HeadsUpDisplay" doesn't have field "traceEnabled" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 101 column 15: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "HeadsUpDisplay": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "dragChildren" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/SMAL/SavageObjectMetadataTemplate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageObjectMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1057 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/SMAL/SavageTerrainMetadataTemplate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageTerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 4404 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/SMAL/SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SavageVehicleMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 2907 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Slider/SliderExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='needs troubleshooting.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Slider/SliderPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='needs troubleshooting.'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for TouchSensor output [TouchSensor DEF='BALL_TOUCH'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/ExclusionZoneExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Tools\Symbology\ExclusionZonePrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/ExclusionZonePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='change whichChoice field to enabled'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/NTDSExternProtoExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/NTDSPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/WeaponsCoverage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <meta name='error' content='Duplicate of WeaponsCoveragePrototype.x3d, need to delete'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/WeaponsCoverageExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/WeaponsCoveragePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/ZoneExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Symbology/ZonePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Terrain/DTEDMultiGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination UNITLOC.set_geoCoords has type SFString. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 94 column 19: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Terrain/DTEDSingleGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source Interpolator.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination UNITLOC.set_geoCoords has type SFString. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 95 column 19: Expected string, got float 29 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Terrain/GeoLocation3.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] MFNode not provided for field 'children' with @accessType='initializeOnly'. (Authors can silence this warning by inserting a comment.) [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent field 'children' parent ProtoDeclare GeoLocation3] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Terrain/GeoTerrainGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/VRML1/BenningWithTexture.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/NewmanOutput15JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/PajekVisualizationExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/PajekVisualizationPrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Script field 'name' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'name' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'description' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'description' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'website' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'website' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'cylinderTranslation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'cylinderTranslation' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'coneTranslation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'coneTranslation' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'rotation' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'rotation' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'displayMode' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'displayMode' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'diffuseColor' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'diffuseColor' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'transparency' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'transparency' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'ballRadius' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'ballRadius' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script field 'traceEnabled' has accessType 'inputOutput' (exposedField), which is only allowed in X3D Script node, not VRML97 Script node. Using exposedField anyway, may cause errors. [field 'traceEnabled' parent DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] Script initializeOnly field 'cylinderHeight' is not referenced in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='ArcScript'] [warning] mismatched (i.e. odd number of) 'single quote' marks in contained ecmascript: code [Script node DEF='ArcScript'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 305 column 27: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Anchor": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/WholeXslOutput.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] File name doesn't match for <meta name='identifier' content=''/> and <meta name='title' content='WholeXslOutput.x3d'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'name' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'description' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "Arc" referenced by external prototype "Arc" doesn't have field "appearance" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 131 column 13: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Arc": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "appearance" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] File name doesn't match for <meta name='identifier' content=''/> and <meta name='title' content='XslOutput.x3d'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput01FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput02FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput05FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput06FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput07FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput09FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput10FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput11FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput12FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput13FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput13JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput14FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput14JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput15FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput16FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput16JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput17FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput17JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput18FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput19FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "Tools/Visualization/XslOutput19FEB2010.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "Tools/Visualization/XslOutput19FEB2010.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput19JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput20FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput20JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput21FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput21JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput22FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput22JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput23FEB2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput23JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput24JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput25JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput26JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput27JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput28JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput29JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput30JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput31JAN2010.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Arc] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'url' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'displayMode' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance Vertex] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Tools/Visualization/XslOutput7.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: element "nodeField" doesn't indicate any known field/event name: "name" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "Arc" referenced by external prototype "Arc" doesn't have field "appearance" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 126 column 13: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Arc": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "appearance" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Ammunition/SM2Canister.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/CrewServedWeapons/FiftyCaliber.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/CrewServedWeapons/M60.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/CrewServedWeapons/TwentyFiveMm.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Guns/Lightweight155mmHowitzer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Guns\Lightweight155mmHowitzerCrank.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Guns/Lightweight155mmHowitzerCrank.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Guns/M198Howitzer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxUp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxUp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxDown'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxDown'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook\Chapter14-ElevationGrid\Figure14.5ElevationGridTerrain.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/basic for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Guns/M198HowitzerWithExplosion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxUp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxUp'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxDown'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='MoveBoxDown'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Vrml2Sourcebook\Chapter14-ElevationGrid\Figure14.5ElevationGridTerrain.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" cannot be loaded: Not recognized (not supported) sound file format: audio/basic for file "file:///C:/x3d-code/" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Guns/NonLethalNetLauncherPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Guns/RifledRecoilingMortar120mm.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/AGM65Maverick.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content=''/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/AGM65MaverickViewAnchors.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\ShafferAGM65Maverick.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\ShafferAGM65Maverick.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/AIM120Missile.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/AIM9M.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/AIM9X.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/ALCMExtended.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/ALCMFolded.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/Amraam.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/HarpoonExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='needs to be realigned with X-axis nose and Y-axis up.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/HarpoonPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='needs to be realigned with X-axis nose and Y-axis up.'/> [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilter2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/Launchers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/MissileExplosionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='not working'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\MissileExplosionPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/MissileExplosionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilter'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/MissileLaunch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ExternProtoDeclare url renames prototype by not ending with #EXPLOSION [ExternProtoDeclare name='EXPLOSION' DEF=''] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='VLSCLOCKAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator input [OrientationInterpolator DEF='VLSORIENTAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for OrientationInterpolator output [OrientationInterpolator DEF='VLSORIENTAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='VLSPOSITAFT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='VLSPOSITAFT'] [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilterE'] [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilterEAFT'] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "Exploder" referenced by external prototype "Exploder" doesn't have field "set_startTime" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/MultipleExplosionExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\MultipleExplosionPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Model references itself (through EXTERNPROTO or Inline), cannot load: file:///C:/x3d-code/ castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/MultipleExplosionPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilter'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='EXPCLOCK1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='EXPCLOCK2'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='EXPINTERP1'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='EXPINTERP2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/RapierLauncherSystem.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\RapierMissileSystemPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/RapierMissileExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/RapierMissilePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='RapierMissile'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/RapierMissileSystemExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/RapierMissileSystemPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='check whether size is to scale'/> [warning] <ProtoDeclare name='RapierMissileSystem'/> ProtoBody child (or descendant) Shape following first child will not be rendered, since the first child determines node type of this prototype. (Authors can silence this warning by placing a comment as second child.) [node DEF=''] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/ScudB.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/Sidewinder.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/Stinger.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='EXHINT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='EXHINT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='EXHAUSTCLOCK'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='RGMCLOCK'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/StingerScenario.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='this scene duplicates geometry, and instead should use Inline to reference the original Stinger model.'/> [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator input [PositionInterpolator DEF='EXHINT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='EXHINT'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='EXHAUSTCLOCK'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='RGMCLOCK'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/TomahawkExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\Weapons\Missiles\TomahawkPrototype.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: Sound: Sound file "" cannot be loaded: Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 404 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Missiles/TomahawkPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='TLAMCLOCK'] [warning] inputOnly field 'InputTime' has no input-event method definition 'function InputTime (SFTimeValue, timestamp) { }' in contained ecmascript: code [Script DEF='TimeFilter2'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/SmallArms/M4.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/SmallArms/RifleM24Example.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/SmallArms/RifleM24Prototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] ProtoInterface <field name='fire'/> is unreferenced in ProtoBody with no corresponding IS/connect/@protoField [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'fire' parent ProtoDeclare RifleM24] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='M24 from ahead'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='M24 left-over-the-shoulder view'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='M24 right-over-the-shoulder view'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='M24 scope view'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Torpedoes/Mk46Torpedo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Torpedoes/Mk48Torpedo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/Torpedoes/SearchScenarioGrid.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/Manta.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/MantaMineExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/MantaMinePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='EntryViewpoint0'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Manta top view'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Manta side view'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='EntryViewpoint1'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='EntryViewpoint2'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='EntryViewpoint3'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/MineTrainingShape.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <Cylinder solid="false"/> (double-sided rendering of geometry primitive) not defined in VRML97 encoding, solid field ignored [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Cylinder attribute solid] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/Pdm1BottomMineExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/Pdm1BottomMinePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='EntryViewpoint0'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='EntryViewpoint1'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/ReportedContactExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/ReportedContactPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/Rockan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/SonarReflectorDecoyBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/SphericalMineExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage/Weapons/UnderwaterMines/SphericalMinePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='UW_MINE_VIEWPOINT'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint DEF='UW_MINE_VIEWPOINT_MEDIUM'] X3D examples: Savage.echo.timestamp: timestamp 01:13:42 on 17 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== X3D examples: SavageDefense.get.web3d.saxon.check: found C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\lib/saxon-he-12.4.jar: true X3D examples: SavageDefense.get.web3d.saxon: X3D examples: SavageDefense.processScenes.X3DtoVRML97: VRML97 validation of SavageDefense .wrl models Using castle-model-viewer version in local directory C:\Program Files\castle-model-viewer 4.3.0 Castle Game Engine issues C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/A10Thunderbolt/A10Thunderbolt.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/AV8bHarrier/AV8bHarrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/B2Spirit/B2Spirit.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/C130Hercules/C130Hercules.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/E2CHawkeye/C2COD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/E2CHawkeye/E2CHawkeye.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/F15Eagle/F15Eagle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/F16Falcon/F16Falcon.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/F22aRaptor/F22aRaptor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/FA18Hornet/FA18EFHornet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/KC10aExtender/KC10aExtender.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/T38Talon/T38Talon12th.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/T38Talon/T38TalonASC.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/T38Talon/T38TalonAggressor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftFixedWing/U2TR1/U2TR1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftHelicopters/AH1WSuperCobra/AH1WSuperCobra.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftHelicopters/CH46SeaKnight/CH46ESeaKnight.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftHelicopters/CH53eSeaStallion/CH53eSeaStallion.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftHelicopters/UH1nIroquois/UH1nHuey.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftHelicopters/UH60BlackHawk/UH60BlackHawk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftMiscellaneous/GpsSatellite/GPSSatellite.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftMiscellaneous/RQ1Predator/RQ1Predator.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftMiscellaneous/RQ4GlobalHawk/RQ4GlobalHawk.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/AircraftMiscellaneous/Raven/Raven.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/CivilianArmedAK47/ArmedCivilianAK47Gray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/CivilianArmedAK47/ArmedCivilianAK47Green.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/CivilianArmedPK762MG/ArmedCivilianPK762Green.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/CivilianArmedPK762MG/ArmedCivilianPK762MGGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/ManStanding/ManStanding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/ManWalking/ManWalking.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/PlatoonAnimatedBlue/PlatoonAnimatedBlue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/PlatoonAnimatedRed/PlatoonAnimatedRed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/PlatoonStaticBlue/PlatoonStaticBlue.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Avatars/PlatoonStaticRed/PlatoonStaticRed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Buildings/MetalBuilding/MetalBuilding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Buildings/MilitaryAirfield/MilitaryAirfield.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/CommunicationsAndSensors/ElectronicHarborSecuritySystem/EHSExampleScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/CommunicationsAndSensors/ElectronicHarborSecuritySystem/SurfaceRadar.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Pearl Harbor Security Boat"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "CommunicationsAndSensors/ElectronicHarborSecuritySystem/SurfaceRadar.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "CommunicationsAndSensors/ElectronicHarborSecuritySystem/SurfaceRadar.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/CommunicationsAndSensors/ElectronicHarborSecuritySystem/SurveillanceCamera.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/CommunicationsAndSensors/ElectronicHarborSecuritySystem/SwimmerDetection.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/Jeep/JeepGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/Jeep/JeepGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/Jeep/JeepTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/LAV25/LAV25.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M1025TOW/M1025TOW.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M198Howitzer/M198Howitzer.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M1A1ABRAMS/M1A1ABRAMS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M35/M35Gray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M35/M35Tan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M35/M35Woodland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M927/M927Gray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M927/M927Tan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Attribute range='0' must be all positive (nonzero) values [LOD node DEF='XHUL_GOOD'] [error] Attribute range='0' must be all positive (nonzero) values [LOD node DEF='XHUL_DMGD'] [error] Attribute range='0' must be all positive (nonzero) values [LOD node DEF='XTOTK'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M927/M927Woodland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Attribute range='0' must be all positive (nonzero) values [LOD node DEF='XHUL_GOOD'] [error] Attribute range='0' must be all positive (nonzero) values [LOD node DEF='XHUL_DMGD'] [error] Attribute range='0' must be all positive (nonzero) values [LOD node DEF='XTOTK'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/M998HMMWV/M998HMMWV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/MercedesL3500/MercedesL3500Gray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/MercedesL3500/MercedesL3500Green.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/MercedesL3500/MercedesL3500Tan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/NissanRover/NissanRoverGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR580mm/SR580mmGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR580mm/SR580mmGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR580mm/SR580mmTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR5RPG/SR5RPGGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR5RPG/SR5RPGGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR5RPG/SR5RPGTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR5/SR5Green.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/SR5/SR5Tan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTA50Cal/Toyota50CalGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTA50Cal/Toyota50CalGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTA50Cal/Toyota50CalTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTARecoilless/ToyotaRecoillessGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTARecoilless/ToyotaRecoillessGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTARecoilless/ToyotaRecoillessTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "GroundVehicles/TOYOTARecoilless/ToyotaRecoillessTan.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "GroundVehicles/TOYOTARecoilless/ToyotaRecoillessTan.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTA/ToyotaGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTA/ToyotaGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TOYOTA/ToyotaTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/Truck80mm/Truck80mmGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/Truck80mm/Truck80mmGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/Truck80mm/Truck80mmTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckLarge/TruckLargeGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckLarge/TruckLargeTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckRPG/TruckRPGGray.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckRPG/TruckRPGGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckRPG/TruckRPGTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckSmall/TruckSmallGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckSmall/TruckSmallTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckTankTransporter/TruckTankTransporterGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckTankTransporter/TruckTankTransporterTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckTanker/TruckTankerGreen.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/TruckTanker/TruckTankerTan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/GroundVehicles/VERSALIFT/VERSALIFTYellow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/HarborEquipment/FloatingBarriers/PortSecurityBarrierExamples.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/HarborEquipment/FloatingBarriers/PortSecurityBarrierPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Port Security Floating Barrier"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 845 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/HydrogenEnergy/PUPS/DockingStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='title' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/HydrogenEnergy/PUPS/SubSeaFrame.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='title' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='description' content='...' /> for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='created' /> date content for documentation [hint] Recommended: add <meta name='modified' /> date content for documentation C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/AUTEC/AUTEC.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 63 column 25: Expected string, got float 24.9 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/AlBasraOilTerminalABOT/ABOT.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="TerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Transform] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.3' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [error] DEF node follows <ImageTexture USE='box1'/> node, DEF must appear first [node DEF=''] [warning] no ROUTE found for PositionInterpolator output [PositionInterpolator DEF='OpeningView_TIMER_pos0'] [warning] no ROUTE found for TimeSensor output [TimeSensor DEF='t1'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3218 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/Algeria/Algeria.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initial enumeration attribute geoSystem='"GD"' contains values unrecognized by GeoSpatial Profile ("GC" "GD" or "UTM") [GeoOrigin node DEF='ORIGIN'] [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionINTERP1.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination ZOOM1.position has type SFVec3f. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\Algeria\d0m.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 76 column 22: Expected string, got integer 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/Algeria/AlgeriaRadioTower.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionInterpolator1.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination Zoom1.position has type SFVec3f. [error] Mismatched type: ROUTE source GeoPositionInterpolator2.geovalue_changed has type SFVec3d, but destination Zoom2.position has type SFVec3f. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\Algeria\RadioTower.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\Algeria\RadioTower.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\Algeria\d0m.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connection to timed out. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "position" (for node "ZOOM"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route destination specifies field "position" (for node "ZOOM1"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 106 column 19: Expected string, got integer 0 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/Algeria/RadioTowerPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Initializing SFVec3d value not provided for field 'geoCoords' with @accessType='inputOutput' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable field 'geoCoords' parent ProtoDeclare RadioTower] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: External prototype "GeoLocation" cannot be loaded, so cannot instantiate nodes using it castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "GeoLocation" is not allowed in the field "children" of the node "Group" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/Algeria/WidgetNewspaperCoverage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/Algeria/WidgetTelevisionStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/BremertonWashington/Bremerton.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="TerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3210 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/ExpeditionaryWarfareDemonstrator/EwdFinalClassProject.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-42.083 19.916 29.3325' scale='1 1 1' /> [PointLight DEF='roomLight'] [warning] PointLight node location and radius are affected by translation and scaling of parent-hierarchy <Transform translation='-42.083 19.916 17.5995' scale='1 1 1' /> [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable PointLight] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter14Prototypes\ViewFrustumPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/IndianIslandWashington/IndianIsland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="TerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3212 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/IndianIslandWashington/IndianIslandAStarMap_preview.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/IndianIslandWashington/IndianIslandPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/LemooreNavalAirStationCalifornia/LemooreBuildings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/LemooreNavalAirStationCalifornia/LemooreGroundHigh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/LemooreNavalAirStationCalifornia/LemooreGroundMedium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/LemooreNavalAirStationCalifornia/LemooreIndexHigh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="TerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3206 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/LemooreNavalAirStationCalifornia/LemooreIndexMedium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="TerrainMetadataTemplate"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3206 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Bicycle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Bicycle2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/BicycleRack.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building210.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building219.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building223.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building265a.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 265A side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 265A Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 265A Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building267.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 267 side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 267 Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 267 Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building269.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 269 side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 269 Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 269 Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Building300.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 300 Side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 300 Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Building 300 Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/BuildingBlockPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/BullardHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Campus.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/CampusFlat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='Y is not up! Needs reorientation.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/ClockHand.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/ClockQuadrangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/ContactMine.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Contact Mine Right View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Contact Mine Rear View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Contact Mine Left View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Contact Mine Front View'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Couch.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Couch Right View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Couch Rear View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Couch Left View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Couch Front View'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Coverage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/DudleyKnoxLibrary.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/EmergencyWaterSupplyHydrant.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Emergency Water Supply Right View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Emergency Water Supply Rear View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Emergency Water Supply Left View'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Emergency Water Supply Front View'] [error] Viewpoint is bindable, avoid copying as a USE node [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Viewpoint] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable Viewpoint] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/FireAlarm.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/FireHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/FlagPole.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/FullScenario.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='TriggerProximitySensor'] [error] .x3d is not a valid file name (url='"StreetLamp.x3d" "" "StreetLamp.wrl" ""') [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous node Inline, attribute url] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [LOD DEF='NPSQuadrangele'] [Viewpoint description='Thai Sweet House'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Garden.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Gate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/GeoLocationMonterey.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 97 column 22: Expected string, got float 36.6 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/GlasgowHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/GreenBench.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <meta name='info' content='Created by OFF2VRML contact: Jason Mathews NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center URL: E-mail: date: Fri Jun 2 16:20:23 1995'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Gymnasium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/HalliganHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Halligan Hall Side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Halligan Hall Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Halligan Hall Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/HermannHallOriginal.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/IngersollHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Ingersoll Hall Side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Ingersol Hall Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Ingersoll Hall Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/KingHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='King Hall Side'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Halligan Hall Back'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [Viewpoint description='Halligan Hall Top'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/LimitedObjectiveExperimentScenarioApril2002.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist1Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 1'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist2Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 2'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist3Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 3'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist4Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 4'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist5Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 5'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist6Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 6'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist7Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 7'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist8Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 8'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist9Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 9'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist10Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 10'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist11Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 11'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist12Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 12'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist13Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 13'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist14Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 14'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist15Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 15'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist16Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 16'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist17Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 17'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist18Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 18'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist19Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 19'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist20Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 20'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist21Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 21'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist22Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 22'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist23Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 23'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist24Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 24'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist25Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 25'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist26Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 26'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist27Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 27'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist28Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 28'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist29Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 29'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist30Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 30'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist31Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 31'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist32Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 32'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist33Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 33'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist34Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 34'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist35Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 35'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist36Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 36'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist37Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 37'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist38Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 38'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist39Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 39'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist40Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 40'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist41Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 41'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist42Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 42'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist43Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 43'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist44Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 44'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist45Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 45'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist46Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 46'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist47Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 47'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist48Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 48'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist49Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 49'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist50Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 50'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Terrorist51Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Terrorist 51'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb1Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 1'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb2Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 2'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb3Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 3'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb4Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 4'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb5Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 5'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb6Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 6'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb7Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 7'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb8Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 8'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb9Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 9'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb10Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 10'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb11Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 11'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb12Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 12'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb13Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 13'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb14Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 14'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb15Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 15'] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of Switch node [Switch DEF='Bomb16Switch'] [Viewpoint description='Bomb 16'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/LowWoodenBench.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/MaintenanceBuildings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/MechanicalEngineeringHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/MultiPurposeBuilding.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/NorthArrow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/NpsEmbassyFlat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/NpsEmbassyMain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='missing fence.x3d'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\NavalPostgraduateSchool\HerrmannHall\Herrmann2.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\NavalPostgraduateSchool\fence.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\NavalPostgraduateSchool\fence.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Phonebooth.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/PicnicTable.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/PoolHouse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Quadrangle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='TriggerProximitySensor'] [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "ThaiHut.x3d ThaiHut.wrl" " ThaiHut.wrl" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent Inline] [hint] For best scene portability, append alternate online address for revised url=' "Phonebooth.x3d Phonebooth.wrl" " Phonebooth.wrl" ' [check X3D source or VRML output to find pertinent Inline] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/QuadrangleViewpoints.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] no ROUTE found for ProximitySensor output [ProximitySensor DEF='TriggerProximitySensor'] [error] .x3d is not a valid file name (url='"StreetLamp.x3d" "" "StreetLamp.wrl" ""') [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous node Inline, attribute url] [warning] Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node [LOD DEF='NPSQuadrangele'] [Viewpoint description='Thai Sweet House'] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Quarters.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Quarters.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Quarters.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Redwood.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/RootHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/SatelliteDish.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Sequoia.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/SpanagelHall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetBox.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetCross.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetI.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong100m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong10m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong20m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong30m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong5m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong60m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetILong80m.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetL.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetLamp.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/StreetT.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/ThaiHut.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/ThaiHutParasol.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Tree.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Tree1.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/Tree2.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/WindowAppearancePrototypes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='under development'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/WirelessCoverage.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/WirelessCoverageAutoColor.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/WoodenBench.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/NavalPostgraduateSchool/logo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PanamaCityFlorida/TyndallDroneRunway.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Missing X3D version number, assuming 4.0 castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildingsNonGeoRef/ExtraBuildingsLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildingsNonGeoRef/FordIslandBridgeLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildingsNonGeoRef/FordIslandLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildingsNonGeoRef/IndexLowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoReferenced\TerrainLowPiers.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildingsNonGeoRef/NavalShipyardLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildingsNonGeoRef/NavalStationLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/Buildings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 73 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/BuildingsHigh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 73 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/BuildingsLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 73 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/BuildingsLowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 73 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/BuildingsMedium.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 73 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/ExtraBuildings.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 57 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/ExtraBuildingsLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 57 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/FordIsland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 61 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/FordIslandBridge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 86 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/FordIslandBridgeLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 86 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/FordIslandLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 61 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/NavalShipyard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 60 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/NavalShipyardLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 60 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/NavalStation.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 60 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborBuildings/NavalStationLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 60 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainA1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainA2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainA3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainA4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainB1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainB2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainB3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainB4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainC1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainC2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainC3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainC4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainD1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainD2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainD3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/PearlHarborTerrainD4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrainNonGeoRef/TerrainLowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA1High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA1Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA1Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA2High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA2Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA2Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA3High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA3Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA3Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA4High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA4Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainA4Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB1High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB1Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB1Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB2High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB2Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB2Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB3High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB3Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB3Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB4High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB4Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainB4Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC1High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC1Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC1Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC2High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC2Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC2Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC3High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC3Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC3Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC4High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC4Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainC4Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD1High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD1Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD1LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD1Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD2High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD2Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD2LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD2Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD3High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD3Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD3LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD3Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD4High.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD4Low.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD4LowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/PearlHarborTerrainD4Med.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 58 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/Terrain.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/TerrainHigh.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/TerrainLow.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/TerrainLowPiers.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PearlHarborTerrain/TerrainMed.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='This model is not open source; ownership is maintained by Planet 9 Studios, Inc.'/> castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 96 column 22: Expected string, got integer 2362714 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/PortOfBaltimore/PortOfBaltimore.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\HarborEquipment\Crane\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/SanClementeIslandCalifornia/SCIHydrophoneExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/SanClementeIslandCalifornia/SCIHydrophoneRange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/SanClementeIslandCalifornia/SCISCOREBoundaries.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/SanClementeIslandCalifornia/SanClemente0_0.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] <X3D profile='Interchange'> is not sufficient, since computed profile='Interactive' for this scene. Raise profile, or consider adding component tags. [root X3D DEF=''] [error] ElevationGrid node requires support by <X3D profile='Interactive'> or else <component name='Geometry3D' level='4'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous ElevationGrid node] C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/SanClementeIslandCalifornia/SanClementeIsland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="SanClementeIsland"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.1' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 3332 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/SanClementeIslandCalifornia/SanClementeIslandBathymetry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Locations/TwentyninePalmsMCASCalifornia/ResearchSummitScene.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "EHTTPClient": Unexpected response status code: 403 castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child1Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child2Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child3Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "child4Url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 2: Expected string, got "." castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 186 column 32: Expected string, got float 34.258472228481 Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/EMATT.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/EmattPingSequenceExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "EmattPingSequence" referenced by external prototype "EmattPingSequence" doesn't have field "stopTime" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "EmattPingSequence" referenced by external prototype "EmattPingSequence" doesn't have field "pauseTime" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Prototype "EmattPingSequence" referenced by external prototype "EmattPingSequence" doesn't have field "resumeTime" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/EmattPingSequencePrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (set_keyValue, type MFBool) and destination (set_keyValue, type MFInt32) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (keyValue_changed, type MFInt32) and destination (keyValue_changed, type MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (set_keyValue, type MFBool) and destination (set_keyValue, type MFInt32) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (keyValue_changed, type MFInt32) and destination (keyValue_changed, type MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (set_keyValue, type MFBool) and destination (set_keyValue, type MFInt32) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route has different event types for source (keyValue_changed, type MFInt32) and destination (keyValue_changed, type MFBool) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/EmattPingSequenceTest.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "BooleanSequencer" with prototype "BooleanSequencer": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field keyValue (SFString) from keyValue (MFBool) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "AcousticTransmissionCylinder" with prototype "AcousticTransmissionCylinder": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field transmissionDuration (SFTime) from transmissionDuration (SFFloat) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Within prototype "BooleanSequencer", field of type SFString (named "description") references (by "IS" clause) field of different type MFBool (named "keyValue") castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: When expanding prototype "BooleanSequencer": "SFString" event references (by "IS" clause) "MFBool" event Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaHorse.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaHorseSmall.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaHorseSmall.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeaHorseSmall.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/SeahorseEspduPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/XluuvCarrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313333363536'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233731393434'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233732383733'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313336383039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2334303938'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233134393638'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233739353632'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313139333634'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233539313237'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337323333'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313335343138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233639373431'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233432383131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313030353336'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233836313438'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313530323036'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233231353039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233633393235'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313039343039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233436343736'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838333339'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233430363034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233333313331'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313037373736'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233330363338'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233739363839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313536303636'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233531373735'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233537383532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233533373337'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233137363138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233335373435'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313030323031'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313530313534'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313437393438'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233736393831'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838383034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233434323532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233431303638'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313230343935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233430313036'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313336303538'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233632323030'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313231373034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233532393934'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330343531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313038313830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313239323539'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233832373633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313332343133'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313333363035'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233835383839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313532383137'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233930303033'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313033393033'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233538303539'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313031343039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233932323832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313537373033'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313537393932'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233734303938'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313531363631'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330353034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233532373332'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233132343832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2332343031'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233238333830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233934303435'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313037303839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233837393238'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233733313634'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838393037'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233132363137'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313132313439'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233432313634'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233735313131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233633323838'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233732363838'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233234303233'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233435303630'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233538363537'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233331353336'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233332393633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313039343931'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233934353136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233534333332'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233935343738'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233234373039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313630323032'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233639303739'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313137383531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233936333630'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233631373232'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330373138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313338393633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233338333935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233733353437'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313631313138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313530383832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313239303539'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233835343532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313036323736'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233935363139'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313034363136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233530333031'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233536313934'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313532333639'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233630353139'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337343037'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313437323230'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337383536'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233637353531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233531323738'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233336323237'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2332303935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313535383036'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233134373332'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313032373131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233731313239'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233231343839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233738323136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313134393430'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337313035'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233234313235'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233337383830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233638343939'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313533353531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313137333633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233934393136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313630383336'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2338353639'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313134363636'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313030303439'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233137343936'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233432393136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313234323931'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313133363239'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233735363337'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233633383030'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2339373232'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313039353235'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313434343136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313034303037'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233635393838'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233231333935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313138323338'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233736383635'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313334393632'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313533353335'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233237303530'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233139393832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233837373830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233439333231'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313332393839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233535363431'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233330313434'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233534343432'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313038343131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233331313335'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313538333837'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337383735'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337393434'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233531323931'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313632333431'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313130363831'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313339343735'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838343137'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233730313939'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330383039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313231303030'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233735383335'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313537323135'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of CADAssembly node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent CADAssembly. [<CADAssembly DEF="assy_23313437323532" name="STRADLE CARRIER FULL ASSM"/> with parent Transform DEF='assy_23313437323532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313333363536'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233731393434'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233732383733'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313336383039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2334303938'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233134393638'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233739353632'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313139333634'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233539313237'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337323333'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313335343138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233639373431'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233432383131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313030353336'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233836313438'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313530323036'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233231353039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233633393235'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313039343039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233436343736'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838333339'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233430363034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233333313331'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313037373736'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233330363338'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233739363839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313536303636'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233531373735'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233537383532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233533373337'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233137363138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233335373435'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313030323031'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313530313534'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313437393438'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233736393831'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838383034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233434323532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233431303638'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313230343935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233430313036'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313336303538'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233632323030'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313231373034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233532393934'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330343531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313038313830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313239323539'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233832373633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313332343133'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313333363035'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233835383839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313532383137'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233930303033'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313033393033'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233538303539'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313031343039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233932323832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313537373033'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313537393932'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233734303938'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313531363631'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330353034'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233532373332'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233132343832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2332343031'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233238333830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233934303435'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313037303839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233837393238'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233733313634'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838393037'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233132363137'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313132313439'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233432313634'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233735313131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233633323838'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233732363838'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233234303233'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233435303630'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233538363537'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233331353336'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233332393633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313039343931'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233934353136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233534333332'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233935343738'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233234373039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313630323032'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233639303739'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313137383531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233936333630'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233631373232'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330373138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313338393633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233338333935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233733353437'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313631313138'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313530383832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313239303539'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233835343532'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313036323736'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233935363139'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313034363136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233530333031'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233536313934'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313532333639'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233630353139'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337343037'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313437323230'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337383536'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233637353531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233531323738'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233336323237'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2332303935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313535383036'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233134373332'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313032373131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233731313239'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233231343839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233738323136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313134393430'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337313035'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233234313235'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233337383830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233638343939'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313533353531'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313137333633'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233934393136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313630383336'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2338353639'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313134363636'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313030303439'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233137343936'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233432393136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313234323931'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313133363239'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233735363337'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233633383030'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2339373232'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313039353235'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313434343136'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313034303037'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233635393838'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233231333935'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313138323338'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233736383635'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313334393632'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313533353335'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233237303530'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233139393832'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233837373830'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233439333231'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313332393839'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233535363431'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233330313434'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233534343432'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313038343131'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233331313335'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313538333837'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337383735'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_2337393434'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233531323931'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313632333431'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313130363831'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313339343735'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233838343137'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233730313939'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313330383039'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313231303030'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_233735383335'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [CADPart DEF='part_23313537323135'] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] [error] CADPart has improper parent Transform, note that normal CAD hierarchy is CADAssembly/CADPart/CADFace [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous CADPart] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 632 column 19: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Transform" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "Shape" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 280 column 62: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "CADFace": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "CADFace" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/XluuvHull.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Robots/UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles/XluuvHullAboardCarrier.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/AlBasraOilTerminalABOT/ABOTDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [error] mismatched node type for <Inline DEF='SpeedBoat'/> and <Transform USE='SpeedBoat'/> [node DEF=''] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (scale='2 2 2') allowed with USE node <Transform USE='SpeedBoat'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Transform attribute scale] [error] mismatched node type for <Inline DEF='SpeedBoat'/> and <Transform USE='SpeedBoat'/> [node DEF=''] [error] No additional/overriding attribute values (scale='2 2 2') allowed with USE node <Transform USE='SpeedBoat'/> [check X3D source or VRML output to find erroneous Transform attribute scale] [error] mismatched node type for <Inline DEF='RHIB'/> and <Transform USE='RHIB'/> [node DEF=''] castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Incorrect USE clause: node name "box1" undefined (possibly the USE clause appears before the DEF for this node name) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\ShipsCivilian\SpeedBoat\SpeedBoatWithDriver-LowLOD.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\AircraftHelicopters\AH1W-UnitedStates\SuperCobra.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG-ArleighBurke-UnitedStates\ArleighBurkeHighDetail.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Cruiser-UnitedStates\CG47.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/BremertonWashington/BremertonDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\ShipsCivilian\SpeedBoat\SpeedBoatWithDriver-LowLOD.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FFG-7OliverHazardPerry-UnitedStates\OliverHazardPerryFFGPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Cruiser-UnitedStates\CG47Prototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG-ArleighBurke-UnitedStates\ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Carrier-Nimitz-UnitedStates\Carrier.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/BremertonWashington/BremertonStillModels.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\FFG-7OliverHazardPerry-UnitedStates\OliverHazardPerryFFGPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Cruiser-UnitedStates\CG47Prototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG-ArleighBurke-UnitedStates\ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\Carrier-Nimitz-UnitedStates\Carrier.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/IndianIsland/IndianIslandDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\ShipsCivilian\SpeedBoat\SpeedBoatWithDriver-LowLOD.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG-ArleighBurke-UnitedStates\ArleighBurkeHighDetail.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/IndianIsland/IndianIslandSwarmDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "SurfaceUnknown" with prototype "SurfaceUnknown": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field color (MFColor) from color (SFColor) castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\DDG-ArleighBurke-UnitedStates\ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\ShipsCivilian\SpeedBoat\SpeedBoatWithDriver-LowLOD.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 982 column 29: Expected float number, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/PearlHarbor/DemoLoadingLogo.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/PearlHarbor/PearlHarborBrowWatches.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/PearlHarbor/PearlHarborDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet Exception "EDownloadError": Error when downloading "Scenarios/PearlHarbor/PearlHarborDIS.wrl": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "Scenarios/PearlHarbor/PearlHarborDIS.wrl": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/PearlHarbor/PearlHarborNonGeoReferenced.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 232 column 38: Invalid X3D node content (probably unknown or not allowed field, prototype or VRML 1.0-style children) inside "Viewpoint": got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "PenaltyBox" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/PortOfBaltimore/PortOfBaltimoreDIS.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1044 column 30: Expected node type or DEF or USE, got "[" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when linking external prototype "SurfaceUnknown" with prototype "SurfaceUnknown": Cannot assign VRML/X3D field color (MFColor) from color (SFColor) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\X3dForWebAuthors\Chapter03Grouping\CoordinateAxes.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\HarborEquipment\Crane\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\ShipsCivilian\SpeedBoat\SpeedBoatWithDriver-LowLOD.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 482 column 29: Expected float number, got "[" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/EMATT.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SCIHydrophoneExample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SCIHydrophoneRange.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SCISCOREBoundaries.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060814T1600.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060814T1700.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060814T1800.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060814T1900.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060816T1600.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060816T1700.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060816T1800.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SHR20060816T1900.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Locations\SanClementeIslandCalifornia\SanClemente0-0.wrl": The system cannot find the file specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "": Error when downloading "": Exception "ESocketError": Connect to failed. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/SanClementeIslandBathymetry.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/ScoreRHIB.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/TID123EMATTTrack13AUG2004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/TID1EMATTTrack13AUG2004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/TID2EMATTTrack13AUG2004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/TID3EMATTTrack13AUG2004.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060814T1600.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060814T1700.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060814T1800.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060814T1900.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060816T1600.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060816T1700.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060816T1800.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Cannot load external prototype from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\Scenarios\SCORE\DvdControllerPrototype.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleAndRhibs20060816T1900.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\Savage\ShipsMilitary\RHIB-UnitedStates\RHIB.x3d": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Scenarios/SCORE/WhaleLocalizationPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/ArizonaFerry/ArizonaFerryPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/ArizonaFerry/BoatFerryArizona.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/JetSki/JetSki.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="JetSki"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1394 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/JetSki/JetskiWithRider.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="JetSki"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1395 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/SpeedBoat/SpeedBoat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interactive' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Speed Boat"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1284 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/SpeedBoat/SpeedBoatWithDriverHighLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Speed Boat with High LOD Driver"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1282 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsCivilian/SpeedBoat/SpeedBoatWithDriverLowLOD.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [info] <X3D profile='Immersive'> differs from profile='Interchange' computed for this model [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Speed Boat with Low LOD Driver"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1284 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/AAV/AAV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error EDownloadError when loading inline file from URL "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Error when downloading "file:///C:/x3d-code/": Exception "EFOpenError": Unable to open file "C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense\ShipsMilitary\AAV\GridXZ_20x20Fixed.x3d": The system cannot find the file specified. Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/AOE1Sacramento/AOE1Sacramento.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/CG52BunkerHill/CG52BunkerHill.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/CVN68Nimitz/CVN68Nimitz.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/CVN76RonaldReagan/CVN76RonaldReagan.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/DD963Spruance/DD963Spruance.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/DDG51ArleighBurke/DDG51ArleighBurke.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/EFV/EFV.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/FF1094Pharris/FF1094Pharris.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LCAC/LCAC.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LCC19BlueRidge/LCC19BlueRidge.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LCU/LCU.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LHA1Tarawa/LHA1Tarawa.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LPD4Austin/LPD4Austin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LSD41WhidbeyIsland/LSD41WhidbeyIsland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/LSD48Ashland/LSD48Ashland.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/PTBoat/PTBoat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/PearlHarborSecurityBoat/PHSecurityBoatPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Pearl Harbor Security Boat"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1219 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/PearlHarborSecurityBoat/PearlHarborSecurityBoat.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='check size, looks big'/> [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="Pearl Harbor Security Boat"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1220 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/ShipsMilitary/SSN688LosAngeles/SSN688LosAngeles.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Submarines/SsbnType094JinChina/SsbnType094JinChina.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] Metadata nodes are not supported as a child of WorldInfo node in VRML97 encoding. The child MetadataSet node has been moved to immediately follow the parent WorldInfo. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable <WorldInfo title="TYPE094"/> with parent Scene] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='name' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] [warning] X3D version='3.2' MetadataSet has contained-child Metadata node with @containerField='metadata' but no child nodes with @containerField='value'. <MetadataString containerField='metadata' name='appinfo' />. Reset appropriate top-level child node(s) that are part of the set to have @containerField='value'. [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable MetadataSet] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Node "WorldInfo" is not allowed in the field "metadata" of the node "WorldInfo" castle-model-converter: Warning: VRML/X3D: Error when reading, will skip the rest of X3D file: Error at line 1327 column 21: Expected "{", got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "MetadataSet" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/AN_UYKQ_70_ADVANCED_DISPLAY_SYSTEM.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/ControlPanelAssembly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/CoordinateAxes.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/DisplaySystemBackPlate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/DisplaySystemBottomPlate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/DisplaySystemFrontPlate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/DisplaySystemPortSidePlate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "PanelDoorToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/DisplaySystemStarboardSidePlate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "PanelDoorToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "EquipmentDrawerToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/DisplaySystemTopPlate.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/ExtrusionSample.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/Keyboard.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet [warning] <meta name='warning' content='problem with JSON encoding line 1581, MFString fieldValue'/> [warning] Improper initialization, no value provided for fieldValue 'string' [check X3D source or VRML output to find questionable parent ProtoInstance LabeledIndexedFaceSet] [error] Attribute string has unmatched quote (") character: string='" ' " " \" "' [Text node DEF='ApostropheAndQuoteCharacters'] castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/Keypad.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Error when reading MFString field "url" value. Possibly missing double quotes (treating as a single string): Error at line 1 column 11: Expected string, got identifier (unquoted in X3D file) "BlackArrow" Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/LSDM.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/PortSideLowerInternalEquipment.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "EquipmentDrawerToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/PortSideUpperInternalEquipment.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet castle-model-converter: Warning: X3D: Route source specifies field "toggle" (for node "EquipmentDrawerToggler"), but this is not an exposed field (cannot generate/receive events) Exception "Exception": Validation failed (consult the warnings above), exiting with non-zero status Result: 1 C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/StarboardSideInternalEquipment.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/TextStringPrototype.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Tools/IETM/TrackBallAssembly.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/AK47AssaultRifle/AK47GrayAssaultRifle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/AK47AssaultRifle/AK47StandardAssaultRifle.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/M9Barreta/M9Barreta.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/Missiles/AIM9M.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/Missiles/AIM9X.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/RPG/RPG.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/SA14Gremlin/SA14Gremlin.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/SA16Gimlet/SA16Gimlet.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet C:\x3d-code\\x3d\content\examples\SavageDefense/Weapons/SA7Grail/SA7Grail.x3d processing with X3dToVrml97 stylesheet X3D examples: SavageDefense.echo.timestamp: timestamp 01:57:47 on 17 May 2024 processScenes.X3DtoVRML97 complete. ======================================================================================== processScenes.X3DtoVRML97.all complete. BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 338 minutes 58 seconds)