X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Kelp Forest Exhibit

Kelp Forest Exhibit

The Kelp Forest Exhibit from the Monterey Bay Aquarium demonstrates what students can accomplish together using VRML and X3D.

The Kelp Forest Exhibit is a large student-produced project that illustrates how X3D can build and integrate a large collection of individual Web-based models. The overall scene that integrates all these individual X3D models is Kelp Forest Main.

The paper Teaching 3D Modeling and Simulation: Virtual Kelp Forest Case Study describes how this group effort was accomplished. Comprehensive modeling efforts such as the Kelp Forest Exhibit provide an excellent way to organize course work and student projects.

  54 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
BlackSurfPerch Black Surf Perch Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
BlueRockFish Blue Rock Fish Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
ChangingFog Changing Fog A Fog node that adjusts as the viewer's orientation and position changes. This is a good candidate to become a Prototype since Fog does not automatically bind when inlined.
CircleFishExample Circle Fish Example This is a circle fish using the CircleFish prototype. Fish size max width is 10 cm (X-axis) length is 1 m (Y-axis) max height is 1 m (Z-axis)
CircleFishLodExample Circle Fish Lod Example This is a circle fish using the CircleFishLod prototype.
CircleFishLodPrototype Circle Fish Lod Prototype Modifies an externally defined CircleFish prototype by adding Level of Detail (LOD)
CircleFishPrototype Circle Fish Prototype This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod. Default fish size: length is 1 m (Y-axis), max Height is 1 m (Z-axis), max Width is 10 cm (X-axis).
CopperRockFishPlacardViewer Copper Rock Fish Placard Viewer Viewer for tank placards - needs photo on one side, placard on other, and conversion into prototype once ready.
Fish Fish One simple Fish with three levels of detail.
FishExamples Fish Examples Example instances of the Fish prototype.
FishModelComparison Fish Model Comparison This file compares all of the fish prototypes.
FishPrototype Fish Prototype This is a reusable prototype of a generic fish, which can be configured upon instancing to create customized fish.
FishSchool Fish School Fish Schooling Demo
Garibaldi Garibaldi Instancing a prototype to match a specific fish.
HalfMoonGroup Half Moon Group This is a group of HalfMoon fish implemented as ProtoInstances.
HalfMoonPrototype Half Moon Prototype Prototype for a group of HalfMoon fish in the Kelp forest.
IntroductionMessage Introduction Message Welcome text message (positioned high and low) that introduces visitor to Kelp Forest Exhibit upon initial entry - zoom camera back beyond 40m range to make this text visible.
KelpBass Kelp Bass Kelp bass is a type of fish.
KelpBulb Kelp Bulb One leaf of Kelp moving around a Bulb. Cycle time is 11 seconds, which is twice the cycle time of tank surface motion.
KelpExamplesNoBase Kelp Examples No Base Creates 3 instances of Kelp that sway.
KelpFlexibleStipe Kelp Flexible Stipe An extruded piece of kelp for the Kelp Forest project. Bulb is separate.
KelpForestMain Kelp Forest Main This is the main entry to the Kelp Forest that loads all of the other components as Inline scenes.
KelpForestNoNancy Kelp Forest No Nancy This is the main entry to the Kelp Forest that loads all of the other components as Inline scenes.
KelpPrototype Kelp Prototype Creates Kelp Prototype - this file uses Bulb and is used by KelpExamplesNoBase.
KelpSurfPerch Kelp Surf Perch Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
KelpTank Kelp Tank Kelp Forest Tank at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
KelpTankExternalLight Kelp Tank External Light Topside light for Kelp Forest Exhibit.
KelpTankExternalLights Kelp Tank External Lights Topside lights which illuminate the Kelp Forest Exhibit at night.
KelpTankWaterSurface Kelp Tank Water Surface Moving water surface for KelpTank - initial view is perpendicular, rotate viewpoint up to see motion. Cycle time is 5.5 seconds to match pump, with slight time lag to indicate inertia of quasi-steady-state equilibrium..
PumpHouse Pump House Positive-displacement cylinder pump to emulate breakers surge, designed and built by David Packard.
RockFloor Rock Floor Rock-like floor and walls of kelp forest exhibit, modeled to scale.
RubberLipGroup Rubber Lip Group A group of RubberLip fish, instanced using the CircleFish prototype.
Sardine Sardine One Sardine, three levels of detail.
SardineSchool Sardine School School of sardines
SardineSchoolDouble Sardine School Double sardine school - 20 fish
SardineSchoolFinal Sardine School Final Sardine school with 30 fish
SardineSchoolMidterm Sardine School Midterm sardine school - 30 fish
SardineSchoolOriginal Sardine School Original sardine school - 10 fish
SardineSchoolTriple Sardine School Triple sardine school - 30 fish
SardineShape Sardine Shape Picture of a sardine for high detail
SardineWagging Sardine Wagging Picture of a sardine for high detail
SardineX Sardine X Individual Sardine for use in the Sardine School.
SeaStarGroup Sea Star Group SeaStar used in the kelp forest project
SeaStarHighResolutionExample Sea Star High Resolution Example Example instance of a SeaStar high-resolution prototype using default settings.
SeaStarHighResolutionPrototype Sea Star High Resolution Prototype High-resolution model of a seastar, created in Maya 4 and exposed as a prototype for further reuse.
SeaStarPrototype Sea Star Prototype Prototype of a simple SeaStar. Zoom in to inspect.
SeaStarSimple Sea Star Simple A simple sea star constructed out of scaled Sphere primitives.
SharkLefty Shark Lefty Lefty Shark, who has the red/gold NPS logo because he is proud of being a Marine animal.
SharkLeftyLocale Shark Lefty Locale Lefty Shark with animation to traverse the tank
SharkLucy Shark Lucy Lucy Shark is a tour guide for the Kelp Forest exhibit.
SharkLucyLocale Shark Lucy Locale Lucy Shark with animation to traverse the tank
StripedSurfPerch Striped Surf Perch Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
StripedSurfPerchPlaque Striped Surf Perch Plaque One fish plaque with lithograph on one side and actual picture on the back. Click on plaque to go to picture or click on buttons to change picture.
TreeFishPlaque Tree Fish Plaque One fish plaque with lithograph on one side and actual picture on the back. Click on plaque to go to picture or click on buttons to change picture.

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.