29 X3D Models | X3D Model Descriptions | |
Ambient Intensity | This example illustrates the effect of an ambientIntensity field from a Sphere on a Cone. Note that navigation reports of user position and orientation from the WhereAmI prototype appear in the player console. | |
Circle Fish Prototype | This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod. Default fish size: length is 1 m (Y-axis), max Height is 1 m (Z-axis), max Width is 10 cm (X-axis). | |
Circle Fish PTPrototype | This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod. Default fish size: length is 1 m (Y-axis), max Height is 1 m (Z-axis), max Width is 10 cm (X-axis). | |
Diffuse Color | A Sphere colored only with an diffuseColor. | |
Emissive Color | A Sphere colored only with an emissiveColor. | |
Fill Properties Example | Demonstrate various FillProperties values. | |
Garibaldi | Instantiating a Garibaldi fish prototype to match a specific fish. | |
Garibaldi Local Texture | Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a local skin texture file. | |
Garibaldi Remote | Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a separate skin texture image file to match a specific fish. | |
Garibaldi Remote No Texture | Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a remote skin texture file. | |
Geometry Primitive Nodes Image Texture | Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Text, FontStyle, with ImageTexture applied | |
Line Properties Example | Demonstrate each of the various LineProperties enumeration values. | |
Movie Texture Authoring Options | Provide examples of helpful MovieTexture usage | |
Pixel Texture BW | Illustration of a checkerboard pattern using the PixelTexture node. | |
Pixel Texture Component Examples | This example shows the five PixelTexture components, with 0 to 4 components each, shown in Table 5-18. | |
Pixel Texture Example | This example shows a colorful PixelTexture applied to the standard primitive shapes. | |
Pixel Texture Garibaldi | The Garibaldi with a PixelTexture instead of a file texture. | |
Pixel Texture Snowman | This snowman example shows a colorful PixelTexture applied to X3D primitive shapes - happy holidays! | |
Pixel Texture Transform Scale | This example illustrates a PixelTexture with a scaled TextureTransform. | |
Specular Color | A Sphere with specularColor applied over diffuseColor with default shininess. | |
Table 5 18 Pixel Texture | PixelTexture example for Table 5.18 | |
Texture Local Garibaldi | Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a local texture file. | |
Texture Remote Garibaldi | Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype without a skin texture. | |
Texture Transform Example | An illustration of the same PixelTexture applied to a cone with different TextureTransform values | |
Texture Transform Full | Two Boxes with the same PixelTexture showing different TextureTransform field values. | |
Texture Transform Scale | This is an example of 2 Boxes with the same PixelTexture with different rotations, centers, and scaling. | |
Texture Transform Translation | 3 Boxes with the same PixelTexture and different TextureTransform translation values. | |
Transparency | This example shows a partially transparent Sphere in front of an opaque Box and Cylinder. | |
Two Sided Material Example |
A Sphere colored red on outside and orange on inside using TwoSidedMaterial, you can shift viewpoints to see different colors outside/inside the Sphere. Specification reference: X3D 4.0 Architecture, ISO/IEC 19775-1:2023, 12 Shape component, 12.4.9 TwoSidedMaterial (deprecated) |
Online at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures Master source-code model archive is under subversion control at |
The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.