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<component level='2name='H-Anim'/>
<meta name='titlecontent=' JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalk.x3d '/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='Comprehensive example showing skeleton, skin, sites and interpolator animation together.'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Joe D. Williams'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='9 January 2004'/>
<meta name='translatedcontent='4 December 2022'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='24 September 2023'/>
<meta name=' warning content=' Under development, numerous errors and warnings '/>
<meta name=' TODO content=' This is an HAnimV1 loa model, might need to convert to X3D4 to note loa value '/>
<meta name=' TODO content=' Provide feedback to tovrmlx3d converter '/>
<meta name=' TODO content=' HAnimJoint cannot contain X3DChildNode elements, only HAnimJoint HAnimSegment HAnimSite - improve diagnostics. '/>
<meta name=' TODO content=' ensure name prefix "Joe_"
applied to all contained DEF values (not name field), perhaps correction automatically applied by X3DTidy

<meta name='referencecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalk.original.x3dv'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalk.modified1.x3dv'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalk.modified2.x3dv'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_X3D-Edit.png' />
<meta name='referencecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_composite.vsdx'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_composite.2023JAN2.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_view3dscene.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_X_ITE.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_X3DOM.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_H3DViewer.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_freeWrl.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_Octaga.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='JoeSkeletonSkinSiteSaluteWalk_vivaty.png' />
<meta name='generatorcontent='tovrmlx3d, https://castle-engine.io/convert.php'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' https://castle-engine.io/view3dscene.php#section_converting '/>
<meta name='translatorcontent='Michalis Kamburelis'/>
<meta name='translatorcontent='Don Brutzman'/>
<meta name='translatorcontent='Joe D. Williams'/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 4.0, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Skin/JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalk.x3d '/>
<meta name='licensecontent=' ../license.html'/>

Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model: Human HAnimHumanoid Report
to top <!-- Event Graph ROUTE Table shows event connections -->
<!-- Index for DEF nodes: boxCoords, CoordinateAxes, cordsysfloor, EyeballsRotation, HeadlightOnRevealsSkinTextureAndColors, HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR, HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR, Joe_c1, Joe_c2, Joe_c3, Joe_c4, Joe_c5, Joe_c6, Joe_c7, Joe_cervicale, Joe_crotch, Joe_floormarker, Joe_Human, Joe_HumanoidRoot, Joe_l_acromioclavicular, Joe_l_acromion, Joe_l_ankle, Joe_l_asis, Joe_l_axilla_ant, Joe_l_axilla_post, Joe_l_calcaneous_post, Joe_l_calf, Joe_l_clavicale, Joe_l_clavicle, Joe_l_dactylion, Joe_l_digit2, Joe_l_elbow, Joe_l_eyeball, Joe_l_eyeball_joint, Joe_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, Joe_l_femoral_medial_epicn, Joe_l_forearm, Joe_l_forefoot, Joe_l_gonion, Joe_l_hand, Joe_l_hindfoot, Joe_l_hip, Joe_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, Joe_l_humeral_medial_epicn, Joe_l_iliocristale, Joe_l_index_distal, Joe_l_index_distal_tip, Joe_l_index_metacarpal, Joe_l_index_middle, Joe_l_index_proximal, Joe_l_index0, Joe_l_index1, Joe_l_index2, Joe_l_index3, Joe_l_infraorbitale, Joe_l_knee, Joe_l_knee_crease, Joe_l_lateral_malleolus, Joe_l_medial_malleolus, Joe_l_metacarpal_pha2, Joe_l_metacarpal_pha5, Joe_l_metatarsal, Joe_l_metatarsal_pha1, Joe_l_metatarsal_pha5, Joe_l_middistal, Joe_l_middle_distal, Joe_l_middle_distal_tip, Joe_l_middle_metacarpal, Joe_l_middle_middle, Joe_l_middle_proximal, Joe_l_middle0, Joe_l_middle1, Joe_l_middle2, Joe_l_middle3, Joe_l_midproximal, Joe_l_midtarsal, Joe_l_neck_base, Joe_l_olecranon, Joe_l_pinky_distal, Joe_l_pinky_distal_tip, Joe_l_pinky_metacarpal, Joe_l_pinky_middle, Joe_l_pinky_proximal, Joe_l_pinky0, Joe_l_pinky1, Joe_l_pinky2, Joe_l_pinky3, Joe_l_psis, Joe_l_radial_styloid, Joe_l_radiale, Joe_l_rib10, Joe_l_ring_distal, Joe_l_ring_distal_tip, Joe_l_ring_metacarpal, Joe_l_ring_middle, Joe_l_ring_proximal, Joe_l_ring0, Joe_l_ring1, Joe_l_ring2, Joe_l_ring3, Joe_l_scapula, Joe_l_shoulder, Joe_l_sphyrion, Joe_l_sternoclavicular, Joe_l_subtalar, Joe_l_thelion, Joe_l_thigh, Joe_l_thumb_distal, Joe_l_thumb_distal_tip, Joe_l_thumb_metacarpal, Joe_l_thumb_proximal, Joe_l_thumb1, Joe_l_thumb2, Joe_l_thumb3, Joe_l_tragion, Joe_l_trochanterion, Joe_l_ulnar_styloid, Joe_l_upperarm, Joe_l_wrist, Joe_l1, Joe_l2, Joe_l3, Joe_l4, Joe_l5, Joe_navel, Joe_nuchale, Joe_pelvis, Joe_r_acromioclavicular, Joe_r_acromion, Joe_r_ankle, Joe_r_asis, Joe_r_axilla_ant, Joe_r_axilla_post, Joe_r_calcaneous_post, Joe_r_calf, Joe_r_clavicale, Joe_r_clavicle, Joe_r_dactylion, Joe_r_digit2, Joe_r_elbow, Joe_r_eyeball, Joe_r_eyeball_joint, Joe_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, Joe_r_femoral_medial_epicn, Joe_r_forearm, Joe_r_forefoot, Joe_r_gonion, Joe_r_hand, Joe_r_hindfoot, Joe_r_hip, Joe_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, Joe_r_humeral_medial_epicn, Joe_r_iliocristale, Joe_r_index_distal, Joe_r_index_distal_tip, Joe_r_index_metacarpal, Joe_r_index_middle, Joe_r_index_proximal, Joe_r_index0, Joe_r_index1, Joe_r_index2, Joe_r_index3, Joe_r_infraorbitale, Joe_r_knee, Joe_r_knee_crease, Joe_r_lateral_malleolus, Joe_r_medial_malleolus, Joe_r_metacarpal_pha2, Joe_r_metacarpal_pha5, Joe_r_metatarsal, Joe_r_metatarsal_pha1, Joe_r_metatarsal_pha5, Joe_r_middistal, Joe_r_middle_distal, Joe_r_middle_distal_tip, Joe_r_middle_metacarpal, Joe_r_middle_middle, Joe_r_middle_proximal, Joe_r_middle0, Joe_r_middle1, Joe_r_middle2, Joe_r_middle3, Joe_r_midproximal, Joe_r_midtarsal, Joe_r_neck_base, Joe_r_olecranon, Joe_r_pinky_distal, Joe_r_pinky_distal_tip, Joe_r_pinky_metacarpal, Joe_r_pinky_middle, Joe_r_pinky_proximal, Joe_r_pinky0, Joe_r_pinky1, Joe_r_pinky2, Joe_r_pinky3, Joe_r_psis, Joe_r_radial_styloid, Joe_r_radiale, Joe_r_rib10, Joe_r_ring_distal, Joe_r_ring_distal_tip, Joe_r_ring_metacarpal, Joe_r_ring_middle, Joe_r_ring_proximal, Joe_r_ring0, Joe_r_ring1, Joe_r_ring2, Joe_r_ring3, Joe_r_scapula, Joe_r_shoulder, Joe_r_sphyrion, Joe_r_sternoclavicular, Joe_r_subtalar, Joe_r_thelion, Joe_r_thigh, Joe_r_thumb_distal, Joe_r_thumb_distal_tip, Joe_r_thumb_metacarpal, Joe_r_thumb_proximal, Joe_r_thumb1, Joe_r_thumb2, Joe_r_thumb3, Joe_r_tragion, Joe_r_trochanterion, Joe_r_ulnar_styloid, Joe_r_upperarm, Joe_r_wrist, Joe_rib10_midspine, Joe_sacroiliac, Joe_sacrum, Joe_sellion, Joe_skull, Joe_skull_tip, Joe_skullbase, Joe_substernale, Joe_supramenton, Joe_suprasternale, Joe_t1, Joe_t10, Joe_t11, Joe_t12, Joe_t2, Joe_t3, Joe_t4, Joe_t5, Joe_t6, Joe_t7, Joe_t8, Joe_t9, Joe_toPelvisMarker, Joe_vc1, Joe_vc2, Joe_vc3, Joe_vc4, Joe_vc5, Joe_vc6, Joe_vc7, Joe_vl1, Joe_vl2, Joe_vl3, Joe_vl4, Joe_vl5, Joe_vt1, Joe_vt10, Joe_vt11, Joe_vt12, Joe_vt2, Joe_vt3, Joe_vt4, Joe_vt5, Joe_vt6, Joe_vt7, Joe_vt8, Joe_vt9, Joe_waist_preferred_post, JoeISOHumanoid, jointbox, L_ANKLE_ANIMATOR, L_ELBOW_ANIMATOR, L_HIP_ANIMATOR, L_KNEE_ANIMATOR, L_metatarsal_ANIMATOR, L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR, L_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR, l_shoulderRoll, L_subtalar_ANIMATOR, L_WRIST_ANIMATOR, Pitch, r_acromioclavicularRelax, r_acromioclavicularRoll, R_ANKLE_ANIMATOR, R_ELBOW_ANIMATOR, r_elbowRelax, r_fingers2Relax, r_fingers3Relax, r_ForeArmPitch, r_handPitch, R_HIP_ANIMATOR, r_index0Relax, r_index1Relax, R_KNEE_ANIMATOR, R_metatarsal_ANIMATOR, r_middle0Relax, r_middle1Relax, R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR, r_pinky0Relax, r_pinky1Relax, r_ring0Relax, r_ring1Relax, R_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR, r_shoulderRelax, r_shoulderRoll, r_sternoclavicularRelax, r_sternoclavicularRoll, R_subtalar_ANIMATOR, r_thumb1Pitch, r_thumb1Relax, r_thumb2Pitch, r_thumb2Relax, r_thumb3Relax, R_WRIST_ANIMATOR, r_wristRelax, r_wristRoll, Roll, SegmentLine, sitebox, SkinAppearance, SkinMaterial, SkinShape, skinsphere, SKULLBASE_ANIMATOR, SpecHumanoid, TheSkinCoord, Thumbnail, Time1, Time2, Time3, vc6Yaw, ViewpointGroup, VisualizationShapes, VL5_ANIMATOR, Yaw, zBlueSpiralBkg2

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Viewpoint_1, Viewpoint_2, Viewpoint_3, Viewpoint_4, Viewpoint_5, Viewpoint_6, Viewpoint_7, Viewpoint_8, Viewpoint_9, Viewpoint_10, Viewpoint_11
<WorldInfo info='"By Joe for Joe"title='HAnim V1 LOA3 Skeleton Joint centers and Site translations Adapted for approximatrion of ManGLoss Site Location Example and HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA3'/>
<WorldInfo info='"By Joe for Joe"title='HAnim V1 LOA3 Skeleton Joint centers Adapted for approximatrion of ManGLoss Site Location Example and ANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA3'/>
<NavigationInfo DEF='HeadlightOnRevealsSkinTextureAndColors'/>
<Background groundAngle='1.57groundColor='0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0skyColor='0 0 0.1'/>
<Transform DEF='cordsysfloorscale='0.175 0.175 0.175'> </Transform>
<!-- Authoring hint: these axes are aligned within local coordinate system -->
<Group DEF='ViewpointGroup'>
<Viewpoint description='Front Up Vieworientation='-1 -1 0 0.55position='-1 2 2.5'/>
<Viewpoint description='From Left Vieworientation='0.3 1 0 -1.57position='-2.5 1.5 0'/>
<Viewpoint description='Front Mid Viewposition='0 0.5 1.25'/>
<Viewpoint description='Front Feet Viewposition='0 0 0.75'/>
<Viewpoint description='From Right Vieworientation='0 1 0 1.57position='1 1 0'/>
<Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 1.65 0description='Front Head Viewposition='0 1.65 0.75'/>
<Viewpoint description='Front Mid Viewposition='0 1 1.75'/>
<Viewpoint description='Rear Vieworientation='0 1 0 3.14position='0 1.5 -4'/>
<Viewpoint description='Top Vieworientation='1 0 0 -1.57position='0 4 0'/>
<Viewpoint description='Bottom Vieworientation='1 0 0 1.57position='0 -4 0'/>
<Viewpoint description='Right Vieworientation='0 1 0 1.57position='4 1.5 0'/>
<Group DEF='VisualizationShapes'>
<Transform scale='5 5 5translation='0 2.1 0'>
<Shape DEF='jointbox'>
<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.10000000149011612coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate DEF='boxCoordspoint='0 0.01 0 -0.01 0 0 0 0 0.0157 0.01 0 0 0 0 -0.01 0 -0.01 0'/>
<Color color='1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0'/>
<Material ambientIntensity='0.5diffuseColor='0 0 0shininess='1'/>
<Transform scale='0.1 0.1 0.1translation='-0.2 0.773 -0.016'>
<Shape DEF='sitebox'>
<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.10000000149011612coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate USE=' boxCoords'/>
<Material ambientIntensity='1diffuseColor='1 0 0emissiveColor='1 0 0shininess='0.7specularColor='1 0 0'/>
<Transform scale='0.1 0.1 0.1translation='0 0.2 0'>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0 0 0 0 0.0001 0'/>
<Appearance DEF='SegmentLine'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 1 0emissiveColor='0 1 0specularColor='0 1 0'/>
<Transform scale='0.1 0.1 0.1translation='-0.2 0.773 -0.016'>
<Shape DEF='skinsphere'>
<Sphere radius='0.005'/>
<Material ambientIntensity='0.5diffuseColor='0 1 0emissiveColor='0 1 0shininess='1specularColor='0 1 0'/>
<Group DEF='SpecHumanoid'>
<Group DEF='JoeISOHumanoid'>
<HAnimHumanoid DEF='Joe_Humaninfo='"humanoidVersion=2.0"name='Human'>
<!-- <LOD containerField='skin'> (Switch whichChoice='0' and LOD parents each already work in view3dscene) -->
<Shape DEF='SkinShapecontainerField='skin'>
<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='3.1coordIndex='0 9 5 -1 0 7 9 -1 0 5 1 -1 1 5 2 -1 1 3 7 -1 2 4 3 -1 0 1 7 -1 1 2 3 -1 5 6 2 -1 7 3 8 -1 6 4 2 -1 3 4 8 -1 9 6 5 -1 9 7 8 -1 4 6 10 -1 4 10 12 -1 4 12 8 -1 10 11 12 -1 9 75 24 -1 9 24 74 -1 9 8 75 -1 9 74 6 -1 10 6 74 -1 12 75 8 -1 74 24 29 -1 24 77 29 -1 10 74 29 -1 77 32 29 -1 32 78 29 -1 78 30 29 -1 30 10 29 -1 41 24 75 -1 41 75 12 -1 41 12 42 -1 41 42 80 -1 41 80 44 -1 41 44 79 -1 41 79 24 -1 81 24 79 -1 81 77 24 -1 81 25 77 -1 81 79 25 -1 25 79 44 -1 25 32 77 -1 25 83 32 -1 25 26 83 -1 25 27 26 -1 25 84 27 -1 25 44 84 -1 11 10 30 -1 11 30 13 -1 11 13 15 -1 11 15 14 -1 11 14 42 -1 11 42 12 -1 15 13 16 -1 15 18 14 -1 15 16 76 -1 15 76 18 -1 76 16 17 -1 76 17 82 -1 76 82 19 -1 76 19 18 -1 22 18 19 -1 22 87 18 -1 22 27 84 -1 22 84 87 -1 87 84 85 -1 85 84 44 -1 85 42 14 -1 87 14 18 -1 87 85 14 -1 20 83 26 -1 20 17 16 -1 20 16 88 -1 20 88 83 -1 88 16 13 -1 88 13 86 -1 88 86 83 -1 86 13 30 -1 86 32 83 -1 23 89 22 -1 89 27 22 -1 89 91 27 -1 91 26 27 -1 91 20 26 -1 21 20 91 -1 21 17 20 -1 21 92 17 -1 82 17 92 -1 82 90 19 -1 23 22 19 -1 23 19 90 -1 82 92 101 -1 82 101 99 -1 82 99 93 -1 82 93 95 -1 82 95 97 -1 82 97 90 -1 23 90 97 -1 23 97 94 -1 23 94 89 -1 89 94 96 -1 89 96 95 -1 89 95 93 -1 89 93 91 -1 91 93 99 -1 91 99 100 -1 91 100 98 -1 21 91 98 -1 21 98 101 -1 21 101 92 -1 85 105 42 -1 85 103 105 -1 85 44 103 -1 103 44 104 -1 80 42 105 -1 80 105 102 -1 80 102 104 -1 80 104 44 -1 105 109 102 -1 102 109 47 -1 47 104 102 -1 104 47 45 -1 104 45 103 -1 103 45 46 -1 103 46 109 -1 103 109 105 -1 109 112 110 -1 109 110 47 -1 47 110 111 -1 47 111 45 -1 45 111 113 -1 113 46 45 -1 46 113 112 -1 112 109 46 -1 112 118 110 -1 110 118 115 -1 110 115 111 -1 111 115 117 -1 111 117 113 -1 113 117 116 -1 113 116 112 -1 112 116 118 -1 115 118 119 -1 119 118 122 -1 118 116 122 -1 122 116 120 -1 116 117 120 -1 120 117 121 -1 117 115 121 -1 115 119 121 -1 119 127 123 -1 119 122 127 -1 122 126 127 -1 122 128 126 -1 122 120 128 -1 120 124 128 -1 120 121 124 -1 121 125 124 -1 121 119 125 -1 119 123 125 -1 127 129 123 -1 127 126 129 -1 129 126 141 -1 141 126 143 -1 126 142 143 -1 126 128 142 -1 128 124 130 -1 142 128 130 -1 124 132 130 -1 124 134 132 -1 125 134 124 -1 125 136 134 -1 125 137 136 -1 125 135 137 -1 125 133 135 -1 125 123 133 -1 123 131 133 -1 123 129 131 -1 131 129 138 -1 129 141 138 -1 138 141 144 -1 141 143 144 -1 143 146 144 -1 142 146 143 -1 142 145 146 -1 139 145 142 -1 130 139 142 -1 139 130 132 -1 139 132 154 -1 132 157 154 -1 132 159 157 -1 132 134 159 -1 134 136 159 -1 136 161 159 -1 136 137 161 -1 137 162 161 -1 160 162 137 -1 135 160 137 -1 133 160 135 -1 133 158 160 -1 131 158 133 -1 156 158 131 -1 153 156 131 -1 131 138 153 -1 138 155 153 -1 140 155 138 -1 138 144 140 -1 144 147 140 -1 140 147 145 -1 140 145 139 -1 139 155 140 -1 154 155 139 -1 146 149 144 -1 146 151 149 -1 145 151 146 -1 150 151 145 -1 145 152 150 -1 147 152 145 -1 147 149 152 -1 147 144 149 -1 148 149 151 -1 148 152 149 -1 148 150 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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_hip node:  [from L_HIP_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_l_hipcenter='0.1 0.92 0name='l_hipskinCoordIndex='89 90 94 95 96 97skinCoordWeight='0.65 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='Joe_l_thighname='l_thigh'>
<Transform translation='0.1 0.92 0'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0.1 0.92 0 0.115 0.466 0'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.079 0.92 -0.14'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.171 0.65 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.02 0.65 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.1 0.65 0.07'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_knee_creasename='l_knee_creasetranslation='0.115 0.466 -0.055'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_femoral_lateral_epicnname='l_femoral_lateral_epicntranslation='0.17 0.466 0'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_femoral_medial_epicnname='l_femoral_medial_epicntranslation='0.05 0.466 0'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_knee node:  [from L_KNEE_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_l_kneecenter='0.11500000208616257 0.46599999070167542 0name='l_kneeskinCoordIndex='334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Transform translation='0.11500000208616257 0.46599999070167542 0'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0.115 0.466 0 0.1 0.069 0'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
<Transform translation='0.115 0.466 0.06'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.115 0.466 -0.055'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.17 0.466 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.05 0.466 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.17 0.3 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.06 0.3 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.1 0.3 -0.05'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.1 0.3 0.05'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_lateral_malleolusname='l_lateral_malleolustranslation='0.15 0.07 0'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_medial_malleolusname='l_medial_malleolustranslation='0.085 0.086 0.0125'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_ankle node:  [from L_ANKLE_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_l_anklecenter='0.115 0.069 0name='l_ankleskinCoordIndex='342 343 344 345skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='Joe_l_hindfootname='l_hindfoot'>
<Transform translation='0.115 0.069 0'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0.1 0.069 0 0.115 0.031 0.03'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
<Transform translation='0.15 0.07 0'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.085 0.086 0.0125'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.115 0.069 -0.045'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.117 0.0975 0.0615'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_calcaneous_postname='l_calcaneous_posttranslation='0.115 0.04 -0.055'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_subtalar node:  [from L_subtalar_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_l_subtalarcenter='0.115 0.031 0.03name='l_subtalarskinCoordIndex='346 347 348 71skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Transform translation='0.115 0.031 0.03'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0.115 0.031 0.03 0.115 0.037 0.09'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.095 0.006 -0.03'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.115 0.015 -0.045'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_midtarsal node:  [from L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_l_midtarsalcenter='0.115 0.037 0.09name='l_midtarsalskinCoordIndex='349 350 351 352skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Transform translation='0.115 0.037 0.09'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0.115 0.037 0.09 0.115 0.02 0.122'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_metatarsal node:  [from L_metatarsal_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_l_metatarsalcenter='0.11500000208616257 0.019999999552965164 0.12200000137090683name='l_metatarsalskinCoordIndex='353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='Joe_l_forefootname='l_forefoot'>
<Transform translation='0.11500000208616257 0.019999999552965164 0.12999999523162842'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<IndexedLineSet coordIndex='0 1 -1'>
<Coordinate point='0.11500000208616257 0.019999999552965164 0.12200000137090683 0.13199999928474426 0.013000000268220901 0.18999999761581421'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
<Transform translation='0.11500000208616257 0.039999999105930328 0.12999999523162842'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.16500000655651093 0 0.11999999731779099'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='0.086999997496604919 0 0.12200000137090683'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='Joe_l_digit2name='l_digit2translation='0.10999999940395355 0.010999999940395355 0.18999999761581421'>
<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_hip node:  [from R_HIP_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_r_hipcenter='-0.10000000149011612 0.92000001668930054 0name='r_hipskinCoordIndex='91 92 98 99 100 101skinCoordWeight='0.64999997615814209 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
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<Coordinate point='-0.10000000149011612 0.92000001668930054 0 -0.10000000149011612 0.49129998683929443 0'/>
<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<Transform translation='-0.10000000149011612 0.64999997615814209 0.070000000298023224'>
<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_knee node:  [from R_KNEE_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_r_kneecenter='-0.05000000074505806 0.46599999070167542 0name='r_kneeskinCoordIndex='362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
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<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_ankle node:  [from R_ANKLE_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
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<Appearance USE=' SegmentLine'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_subtalar node:  [from R_subtalar_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_midtarsal node:  [from R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' skinsphere'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_metatarsal node:  [from R_metatarsal_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_vl5 node:  [from VL5_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_vc6 node:  [from vc6Yaw.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_skullbase node:  [from SKULLBASE_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_eyeball_joint node:  [from EyeballsRotation.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_eyeball_joint node:  [from EyeballsRotation.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_shoulder node:  [from l_shoulderRoll.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from L_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_elbow node:  [from L_ELBOW_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_l_wrist node:  [from L_WRIST_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_sternoclavicular node:  [from r_sternoclavicularRelax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_sternoclavicularRoll.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_shoulder node:  [from r_shoulderRelax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_shoulderRoll.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from R_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_elbow node:  [from r_elbowRelax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_ForeArmPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from R_ELBOW_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_wrist node:  [from r_wristRelax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_wristRoll.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from R_WRIST_ANIMATOR.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_thumb1 node:  [from r_thumb1Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_thumb1Pitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_r_thumb1center='-0.20000000298023224 0.85000002384185791 0name='r_thumb1skinCoordIndex='243 244skinCoordWeight='1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_thumb2 node:  [from r_thumb2Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_thumb2Pitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_r_thumb2center='-0.20000000298023224 0.81999999284744263 0.029999999329447746name='r_thumb2skinCoordIndex='254 255 256 257 258 259skinCoordWeight='0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Transform translation='-0.20000000298023224 0.81999999284744263 0.029999999329447746'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_thumb3 node:  [from r_thumb3Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_thumb2Pitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_index0 node:  [from r_index0Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='Joe_r_index0center='-0.20000000298023224 0.8399999737739563 -0.014999999664723873name='r_index0skinCoordIndex='245 246skinCoordWeight='1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_index1 node:  [from r_index1Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_index2 node:  [from r_fingers2Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_index3 node:  [from r_fingers3Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_middle0 node:  [from r_middle0Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_middle1 node:  [from r_middle1Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Transform translation='-0.20000000298023224 0.78799998760223389 -0.039999999105930328'>
<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_middle2 node:  [from r_fingers2Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_middle3 node:  [from r_fingers3Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' sitebox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_ring0 node:  [from r_ring0Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_ring1 node:  [from r_ring1Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_ring2 node:  [from r_fingers2Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<Shape USE=' jointbox'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_ring3 node:  [from r_fingers3Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_pinky0 node:  [from r_pinky0Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_pinky1 node:  [from r_pinky1Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_pinky2 node:  [from r_fingers2Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Joe_r_pinky3 node:  [from r_fingers3Relax.value_changed to set_rotation ] [from r_handPitch.value_changed to set_rotation ] -->
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<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_acromioclavicularcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_thumb1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_thumb2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_thumb3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_HumanoidRootcontainerField='skeleton'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for Time3 node:  [from fraction_changed to EyeballsRotation.set_fraction ] -->
<TimeSensor DEF='Time3cycleInterval='5.7999999999999998loop='true'/>

<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Pitchkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.2560000419616699 1 0 0 2.5120000839233398 1 0 0 3.7679998874664307 1 0 0 5.0240001678466797 1 0 0 6.2800002098083496'/>
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Yawkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1.2560000419616699 0 1 0 2.5120000839233398 0 1 0 3.7679998874664307 0 1 0 5.0240001678466797 0 1 0 6.2800002098083496'/>
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Rollkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1.2560000419616699 0 0 1 2.5120000839233398 0 0 1 3.7679998874664307 0 0 1 5.0240001678466797 0 0 1 6.2800002098083496'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for vc6Yaw node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_vc6.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='vc6Yawkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.69999998807907104 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0.5 -0.40000000596046448 -1 0 0.69999998807907104 -0.40000000596046448 -1 0 0.40000000596046448 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0'/>

< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' vc6Yaw' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' vc6Yaw' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_vc6' toField='set_rotation'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for EyeballsRotation node:  [from Time3.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_eyeball_joint.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_eyeball_joint.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='EyeballsRotationkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.20000000298023224 0.30000001192092896 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 -0.20000000298023224 0.20000000298023224 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time3' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' EyeballsRotation' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' EyeballsRotation' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_eyeball_joint' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' EyeballsRotation' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_eyeball_joint' toField='set_rotation'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for r_sternoclavicularRelax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_sternoclavicular.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_sternoclavicularRelaxkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.20000000298023224 -1 0 0.10999999940395355 0.20000000298023224 -1 0 0.10999999940395355 0.10000000149011612 -1 0 0.10000000149011612 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_acromioclavicularRelax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_acromioclavicular.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_acromioclavicularRelaxkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_shoulderRelax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_shoulder.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_shoulderRelaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.30000001192092896 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.40000000596046448 -0.69999998807907104 -0.55000001192092896 0.34999999403953552 0.40000000596046448 -0.69999998807907104 -0.55000001192092896 0.34999999403953552 0.40000000596046448 -0.69999998807907104 -0.55000001192092896 0.34999999403953552 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_elbowRelax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_elbow.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_elbowRelaxkey='0 0.15000000596046448 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -0.20000000298023224 0 0.0099999997764825821 0.5 -0.20000000298023224 0 0.0099999997764825821 0.5 -0.20000000298023224 0 0.0099999997764825821 0.5 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_wristRelax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_wrist.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_wristRelaxkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.10000000149011612 -0.090000003576278687 0.25 0 0.10000000149011612 -0.090000003576278687 0.25 0 0.10000000149011612 -0.090000003576278687 0.25 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_index0Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_index0.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_index0Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.30000001192092896 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -0.25 0.25 -1 0.125 -0.25 0.25 -1 0.125 -0.25 0.25 -1 0.125 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_index1Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_index1.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_index1Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.20000000298023224 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -0.13500000536441803 -0.13500000536441803 1 0.35699999332427979 -0.15899999439716339 -0.15299999713897705 1 0.35499998927116394 -0.15899999439716339 -0.15299999713897705 1 0.35699999332427979 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_middle0Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_middle0.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_middle0Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.30000001192092896 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0.14000000059604645 0 0 -1 0.14000000059604645 0 0 -1 0.14000000059604645 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_middle1Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_middle1.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_middle1Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.20000000298023224 0.30000001192092896 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.25699999928474426 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.37000000476837158 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.38999998569488525 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.31000000238418579 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.31999999284744263 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.34000000357627869 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0.2800000011920929 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_ring0Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_ring0.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_ring0Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.30000001192092896 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.25 0.25 -1 0.10000000149011612 0.25 0.25 -1 0.10000000149011612 0.25 0.25 -1 0.10000000149011612 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_ring1Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_ring1.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_ring1Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.13500000536441803 0.13500000536441803 1 0.27000001072883606 0.13500000536441803 0.13500000536441803 1 0.27000001072883606 0.13500000536441803 0.15000000596046448 1 0.27000001072883606 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_pinky0Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_pinky0.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_pinky0Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.30000001192092896 0.5 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.34999999403953552 0.34999999403953552 -0.69999998807907104 0.11999999731779099 0.34999999403953552 0.34999999403953552 -0.89999997615814209 0.11999999731779099 0.34999999403953552 0.34999999403953552 -0.69999998807907104 0.11999999731779099 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_pinky1Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_pinky1.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_pinky1Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.20000000298023224 0.25 1 0.27000001072883606 0.20000000298023224 0.2199999988079071 1 0.27000001072883606 0.2199999988079071 0.20000000298023224 1 0.27000001072883606 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_thumb1Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_thumb1.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb1Relaxkey='0 0.029999999329447746 0.079999998211860657 0.20000000298023224 0.30000001192092896 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.80000001192092896 0.94999998807907104 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 1 1 0.5 -0.15999999642372131 0.15999999642372131 0.7850000262260437 0.5 -0.15999999642372131 0.15999999642372131 0.7850000262260437 1 1 1 0.75 1 1 1 0.75 1 1 1 0.75 1 1 1 0.75 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_thumb2Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_thumb2.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb2Relaxkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.44999998807907104 1 0 0 0.44999998807907104 1 0 0 0.44999998807907104 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_thumb3Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_thumb3.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb3Relaxkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.44999998807907104 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_fingers2Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_index2.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_middle2.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_ring2.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_pinky2.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_fingers2Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.20000000298023224 0.30000001192092896 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.43000000715255737 0 0 1 0.43999999761581421 0 0 1 0.46000000834465027 0 0 1 0.43999999761581421 0 0 1 0.24500000476837158 0 0 1 0.23999999463558197 0 0 1 0.20999999344348907 0 0 1 0.23999999463558197 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_fingers3Relax node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_index3.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_middle3.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_ring3.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_pinky3.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_fingers3Relaxkey='0 0.10000000149011612 0.20000000298023224 0.30000001192092896 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.60000002384185791 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.37000000476837158 0 0 1 0.37999999523162842 0 0 1 0.38999998569488525 0 0 1 0.37999999523162842 0 0 1 0.27000001072883606 0 0 1 0.2800000011920929 0 0 1 0.27000001072883606 0 0 1 0.2800000011920929 0 0 1 0'/>

< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_sternoclavicularRelax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_sternoclavicular' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_acromioclavicularRelax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_acromioclavicular' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_shoulderRelax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_elbowRelax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_elbow' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_wristRelax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_wrist' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_thumb1Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_thumb1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_thumb2Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_thumb2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_thumb3Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_thumb3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_index0Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_index1Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers2Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers3Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_middle0Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_middle1Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers2Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers3Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_ring0Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_ring1Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers2Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers3Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_pinky0Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_pinky1Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers2Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_fingers3Relax' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky3' toField='set_rotation'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for r_sternoclavicularRoll node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_sternoclavicular.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_sternoclavicularRollkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.69999998807907104 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0.10000000149011612 0 0 -1 0.2199999988079071 0 0.5 -1 0.27000001072883606 0 0 -1 0.10000000149011612 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_acromioclavicularRoll node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_acromioclavicular.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_acromioclavicularRollkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.05000000074505806 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_shoulderRoll node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_shoulder.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_shoulderRollkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.85000002384185791 1keyValue='1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1.6599999666213989 -0.25 0 -1 1.7599999904632568 0 0 -1 1.2560000419616699 0 0 -1 0.05000000074505806 1 0 0 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_ForeArmPitch node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_elbow.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_ForeArmPitchkey='0 0.15000000596046448 0.30000001192092896 0.5 0.69999998807907104 0.89999997615814209 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0.55000001192092896 -1 -0.25 0 2.5499999523162842 -1 -0.25 0 2.5499999523162842 -1 -0.25 0 2.5499999523162842 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_wristRoll node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_wrist.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_wristRollkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.64999997615814209 0.75 0.85000002384185791 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 -0.55000001192092896 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.5499999523162842 0 0 -1 1.5499999523162842 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_thumb1Pitch node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_thumb1.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb1Pitchkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0.40000000596046448 1 0 0 0.20000000298023224 1 0 0 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for r_thumb2Pitch node:  [from Time2.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_thumb2.set_rotation ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_thumb3.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='r_thumb2Pitchkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.60000002384185791 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0.30000001192092896 1 1 0 0.30000001192092896 1 1 0 0.60000002384185791 1 1 0 0.30000001192092896 0 1 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for l_shoulderRoll node:  [from value_changed to Joe_l_shoulder.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='l_shoulderRollkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.5 0.85000002384185791 1keyValue='0.25 0 1 1.7599999904632568 0 0 1 1.6599999666213989 0.25 0 1 1.7599999904632568 0 0 1 1.2560000419616699 0 0 1 0.05000000074505806 0.25 0 1 1.7599999904632568'/>

< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_sternoclavicularRoll' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_acromioclavicularRoll' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_shoulderRoll' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_ForeArmPitch' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_wristRoll' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_handPitch' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_thumb1Pitch' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time2' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' r_thumb2Pitch' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_sternoclavicularRoll' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_sternoclavicular' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_acromioclavicularRoll' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_acromioclavicular' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_shoulderRoll' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_ForeArmPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_elbow' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_wristRoll' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_wrist' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_index3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_middle3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ring3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky0' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_handPitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_pinky3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_thumb1Pitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_thumb1' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_thumb2Pitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_thumb2' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' r_thumb2Pitch' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_thumb3' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' l_shoulderRoll' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_HumanoidRoot.set_translation ] -->
<PositionInterpolator DEF='HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATORkey='0 0.041669998317956924 0.125 0.16670000553131104 0.20829999446868896 0.25 0.29170000553131104 0.375 0.45829999446868896 0.5 0.54170000553131104 0.58329999446868896 0.625 0.70829999446868896 0.75 0.79170000553131104 0.875 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='0 -0.0092799998819828033 0 0 -0.0038580000400543213 0 0 -0.0088470000773668289 0 0 -0.014860000461339951 0 0 -0.026410000398755074 0 0 -0.039340000599622726 0 0 -0.050200000405311584 0 0 -0.074689999222755432 0 0 -0.027319999411702156 0 0 -0.016079999506473541 0 0 -0.011289999820291996 0 0 -0.0058189998380839825 0 0 -0.0020039998926222324 0 0 -0.0025790000800043344 0 0 -0.014299999922513962 0 0 -0.03799000009894371 0 0 -0.056480001658201218 0 0 -0.045000001788139343 0 0 -0.0092799998819828033 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_HumanoidRoot.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATORkey='0 1keyValue='0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_HIP_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_hip.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_HIP_ANIMATORkey='0 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.66670000553131104 0.79170000553131104 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-0.87300002574920654 0.060940001159906387 0.48399999737739563 0.28650000691413879 0.99629998207092285 -0.010569999925792217 0.084810003638267517 0.24879999458789825 0.99650001525878906 0.01590999960899353 -0.082220003008842468 0.38359999656677246 -0.70179998874664307 -0.03223000094294548 -0.71170002222061157 0.12890000641345978 -1 0 0 0.55180001258850098 -0.99639999866485596 0.022309999912977219 0.081699997186660767 0.53509998321533203 -0.98089998960494995 0.049120001494884491 0.18809999525547028 0.52039998769760132 -0.87300002574920654 0.060940001159906387 0.48399999737739563 0.28650000691413879'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_KNEE_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_knee.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_KNEE_ANIMATORkey='0 0.20829999446868896 0.375 0.5 0.66670000553131104 0.79170000553131104 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='1 0 0 0.32260000705718994 1 0 0 0.15559999644756317 1 0 0 0.086779996752738953 1 0 0 0.87510001659393311 1 0 0 1.1310000419616699 1 0 0 0.099610000848770142 1 0 0 0.39419999718666077 1 0 0 0.32260000705718994'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_ANKLE_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_ankle.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_ANKLE_ANIMATORkey='0 0.125 0.20829999446868896 0.375 0.66670000553131104 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-1 0 0 0.067100003361701965 -1 0 0 0.21520000696182251 -1 0 0 0.31839999556541443 -1 0 0 0.47170001268386841 -1 0 0 0.29120001196861267 1 0 0 0.22220000624656677 -1 0 0 0.067100003361701965'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_ANKLE_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_ankle.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_ANKLE_ANIMATORkey='0 0.125 0.20829999446868896 0.375 0.45829999446868896 0.5 0.66670000553131104 0.75 0.77999997138977051 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0.35330000519752502 -1 0 0 0.10719999670982361 1 0 0 0.40000000596046448 1 0 0 0.12700000405311584 -1 0 0 0.017999999225139618 -1 0 0 0.057999998331069946 -1 0 0 0.23999999463558197 -1 0 0 0.34999999403953552 -1 0 0 0.33000001311302185 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_subtalar_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_subtalar.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_subtalar_ANIMATORkey='0 0.30000001192092896 1keyValue='0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_midtarsal.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATORkey='0 0.5 1keyValue='1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -0.20000000298023224 1 0 0 0'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_metatarsal_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_metatarsal.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_metatarsal_ANIMATORkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='-1 0 0 0.30000001192092896 -1 0 0 0.15000000596046448 1 0 0 0.30000001192092896 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0.30000001192092896'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_HIP_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_hip.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_HIP_ANIMATORkey='0 0.125 0.20829999446868896 0.29170000553131104 0.375 0.5 0.66670000553131104 0.79170000553131104 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-0.58310002088546753 0.035110000520944595 0.81160002946853638 0.14810000360012054 -0.99500000476837158 0.022959999740123749 0.096739999949932098 0.46830001473426819 -1 0.0019000000320374966 0.0079600000753998756 0.4731999933719635 -0.99800002574920654 -0.015799999237060547 -0.061020001769065857 0.50789999961853027 -0.991100013256073 -0.035409998148679733 -0.12860000133514404 0.54189997911453247 -0.91310000419616699 -0.062430001795291901 -0.40299999713897705 0.3361000120639801 -0.43059998750686646 -0.079620003700256348 -0.89899998903274536 0.07038000226020813 1 0 0 0.25709998607635498 0.98909997940063477 -0.028049999848008156 0.14440000057220459 0.38789999485015869 -0.58310002088546753 0.035110000520944595 0.81160002946853638 0.14810000360012054'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_KNEE_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_knee.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_KNEE_ANIMATORkey='0 0.125 0.20829999446868896 0.29170000553131104 0.375 0.5 0.66670000553131104 0.79170000553131104 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='1 0 0 0.85729998350143433 1 0 0 0.89259999990463257 1 0 0 0.53509998321533203 1 0 0 0.17560000717639923 1 0 0 0.11940000206232071 1 0 0 0.31529998779296875 1 0 0 0.093539997935295105 1 0 0 0.085579998791217804 1 0 0 0.24750000238418579 1 0 0 0.85729998350143433'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_subtalar_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_subtalar.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_subtalar_ANIMATORkey='0 0.225 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.85 0.91keyValue='-1 0 0 0.1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.1 1 0 0 0.25'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_midtarsal.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATORkey='0 0.2199999988079071 1keyValue='1 0 0 -0.20000000298023224 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 -0.20000000298023224'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_metatarsal_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_r_metatarsal.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_metatarsal_ANIMATORkey='0 0.20000000298023224 0.40000000596046448 0.80000001192092896 1keyValue='-1 0 0 0.15000000596046448 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.30000001192092896 -1 0 0 0.30000001192092896 -1 0 0 0.15000000596046448'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for VL5_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_vl5.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='VL5_ANIMATORkey='0 0.20829999446868896 0.375 0.75 0.83329999446868896 1keyValue='0 1 0 0.082599997520446777 -0.01971999928355217 -0.5974000096321106 0.80169999599456787 0.082309998571872711 0.0092960000038146973 -0.96480000019073486 0.26269999146461487 0.17339999973773956 -0.012380000203847885 0.95490002632141113 -0.29679998755455017 0.087319999933242798 -0.0081249997019767761 0.96909999847412109 -0.24629999697208405 0.15800000727176666 0 1 0 0.082599997520446777'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for SKULLBASE_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_skullbase.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='SKULLBASE_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.41670000553131104 0.5 0.58329999446868896 0.66670000553131104 0.75 0.83329999446868896 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='0 -1 0 0.086400002241134644 0 1 0 0.18250000476837158 0 1 0 0.15049999952316284 0 1 0 0.10530000180006027 0 1 0 0.04391000047326088 0 -1 0 0.031190000474452972 0 -1 0 0.079360000789165497 0 -1 0 0.16159999370574951 0 -1 0 0.1550000011920929 0 -1 0 0.086419999599456787'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_shoulder.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_SHOULDER_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='1 0 0.40000000596046448 0.11999999731779099 -1 0 0.40000000596046448 0.18600000441074371 1 0 0.10000000149011612 0.335999995470047 1 0 0.40000000596046448 0.11999999731779099'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_ELBOW_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_elbow.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_ELBOW_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-1 0 0 0.065999999642372131 -1 0 0 0.48800000548362732 -1 0 0 0.017699999734759331 -1 0 0 0.065987803041934967'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for L_WRIST_ANIMATOR node:  [from Time1.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to Joe_l_wrist.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='L_WRIST_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='0 -1 0 0.460999995470047 -0.33019998669624329 -0.92750000953674316 0.17550000548362732 0.53880000114440918 0.032777398824691772 -0.99931401014328003 -0.017218500375747681 0.49203300476074219 0 -1 0 0.4611000120639801'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_shoulder.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_SHOULDER_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-1 0 -1 0.092000000178813934 1 0 -0.20000000298023224 0.31970000267028809 -1 0 -0.5 0.15639999508857727 -1 0 -1 0.092000000178813934'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_ELBOW_ANIMATOR node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_elbow.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_ELBOW_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-1 0 0 0.41150000691413879 -1 0 0 0.092500001192092896 -1 0 0 0.57256799936294556 -1 0 0 0.4115079939365387'/>

<!-- ROUTE information for R_WRIST_ANIMATOR node:  [from value_changed to Joe_r_wrist.set_rotation ] -->
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='R_WRIST_ANIMATORkey='0 0.375 0.91670000553131104 1keyValue='-0.81290000677108765 0.47589999437332153 -0.33570000529289246 0.13459999859333038 0.15330000221729279 -0.9878000020980835 0.025820000097155571 0.39019998908042908 -0.57010000944137573 0.76039999723434448 -0.31099998950958252 0.36599999666213989 -0.81290000677108765 0.47589999437332153 -0.33570000529289246 0.13459999859333038'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_HIP_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_KNEE_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_ANKLE_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_subtalar_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_metatarsal_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' R_HIP_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' R_KNEE_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' R_ANKLE_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' R_subtalar_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' R_metatarsal_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' VL5_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' SKULLBASE_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_ELBOW_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' Time1' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode=' L_WRIST_ANIMATOR' toField='set_fraction'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_HumanoidRoot' toField='set_translation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_HumanoidRoot' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_HIP_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_hip' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_KNEE_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_knee' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_ANKLE_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_ankle' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_midtarsal' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_subtalar_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_subtalar' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_metatarsal_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_metatarsal' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_HIP_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_hip' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_KNEE_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_knee' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_ANKLE_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_ankle' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_subtalar_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_subtalar' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_midtarsal' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_metatarsal_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_metatarsal' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' VL5_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_vl5' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' SKULLBASE_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_skullbase' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_ELBOW_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_elbow' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' L_WRIST_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_l_wrist' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_ELBOW_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_elbow' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' R_WRIST_ANIMATOR' fromField='value_changed' toNode=' Joe_r_wrist' toField='set_rotation'/>

Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model: Human HAnimHumanoid Report
to top <!-- Event Graph ROUTE Table shows event connections -->
<!-- Index for DEF nodes: boxCoords, CoordinateAxes, cordsysfloor, EyeballsRotation, HeadlightOnRevealsSkinTextureAndColors, HUMANOIDROOT_ANIMATOR, HUMANOIDROOT_POSITION_ANIMATOR, Joe_c1, Joe_c2, Joe_c3, Joe_c4, Joe_c5, Joe_c6, Joe_c7, Joe_cervicale, Joe_crotch, Joe_floormarker, Joe_Human, Joe_HumanoidRoot, Joe_l_acromioclavicular, Joe_l_acromion, Joe_l_ankle, Joe_l_asis, Joe_l_axilla_ant, Joe_l_axilla_post, Joe_l_calcaneous_post, Joe_l_calf, Joe_l_clavicale, Joe_l_clavicle, Joe_l_dactylion, Joe_l_digit2, Joe_l_elbow, Joe_l_eyeball, Joe_l_eyeball_joint, Joe_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, Joe_l_femoral_medial_epicn, Joe_l_forearm, Joe_l_forefoot, Joe_l_gonion, Joe_l_hand, Joe_l_hindfoot, Joe_l_hip, Joe_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, Joe_l_humeral_medial_epicn, Joe_l_iliocristale, Joe_l_index_distal, Joe_l_index_distal_tip, Joe_l_index_metacarpal, Joe_l_index_middle, Joe_l_index_proximal, Joe_l_index0, Joe_l_index1, Joe_l_index2, Joe_l_index3, Joe_l_infraorbitale, Joe_l_knee, Joe_l_knee_crease, Joe_l_lateral_malleolus, Joe_l_medial_malleolus, Joe_l_metacarpal_pha2, Joe_l_metacarpal_pha5, Joe_l_metatarsal, Joe_l_metatarsal_pha1, Joe_l_metatarsal_pha5, Joe_l_middistal, Joe_l_middle_distal, Joe_l_middle_distal_tip, Joe_l_middle_metacarpal, Joe_l_middle_middle, Joe_l_middle_proximal, Joe_l_middle0, Joe_l_middle1, Joe_l_middle2, Joe_l_middle3, Joe_l_midproximal, Joe_l_midtarsal, Joe_l_neck_base, Joe_l_olecranon, Joe_l_pinky_distal, Joe_l_pinky_distal_tip, Joe_l_pinky_metacarpal, Joe_l_pinky_middle, Joe_l_pinky_proximal, Joe_l_pinky0, Joe_l_pinky1, Joe_l_pinky2, Joe_l_pinky3, Joe_l_psis, Joe_l_radial_styloid, Joe_l_radiale, Joe_l_rib10, Joe_l_ring_distal, Joe_l_ring_distal_tip, Joe_l_ring_metacarpal, Joe_l_ring_middle, Joe_l_ring_proximal, Joe_l_ring0, Joe_l_ring1, Joe_l_ring2, Joe_l_ring3, Joe_l_scapula, Joe_l_shoulder, Joe_l_sphyrion, Joe_l_sternoclavicular, Joe_l_subtalar, Joe_l_thelion, Joe_l_thigh, Joe_l_thumb_distal, Joe_l_thumb_distal_tip, Joe_l_thumb_metacarpal, Joe_l_thumb_proximal, Joe_l_thumb1, Joe_l_thumb2, Joe_l_thumb3, Joe_l_tragion, Joe_l_trochanterion, Joe_l_ulnar_styloid, Joe_l_upperarm, Joe_l_wrist, Joe_l1, Joe_l2, Joe_l3, Joe_l4, Joe_l5, Joe_navel, Joe_nuchale, Joe_pelvis, Joe_r_acromioclavicular, Joe_r_acromion, Joe_r_ankle, Joe_r_asis, Joe_r_axilla_ant, Joe_r_axilla_post, Joe_r_calcaneous_post, Joe_r_calf, Joe_r_clavicale, Joe_r_clavicle, Joe_r_dactylion, Joe_r_digit2, Joe_r_elbow, Joe_r_eyeball, Joe_r_eyeball_joint, Joe_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, Joe_r_femoral_medial_epicn, Joe_r_forearm, Joe_r_forefoot, Joe_r_gonion, Joe_r_hand, Joe_r_hindfoot, Joe_r_hip, Joe_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, Joe_r_humeral_medial_epicn, Joe_r_iliocristale, Joe_r_index_distal, Joe_r_index_distal_tip, Joe_r_index_metacarpal, Joe_r_index_middle, Joe_r_index_proximal, Joe_r_index0, Joe_r_index1, Joe_r_index2, Joe_r_index3, Joe_r_infraorbitale, Joe_r_knee, Joe_r_knee_crease, Joe_r_lateral_malleolus, Joe_r_medial_malleolus, Joe_r_metacarpal_pha2, Joe_r_metacarpal_pha5, Joe_r_metatarsal, Joe_r_metatarsal_pha1, Joe_r_metatarsal_pha5, Joe_r_middistal, Joe_r_middle_distal, Joe_r_middle_distal_tip, Joe_r_middle_metacarpal, Joe_r_middle_middle, Joe_r_middle_proximal, Joe_r_middle0, Joe_r_middle1, Joe_r_middle2, Joe_r_middle3, Joe_r_midproximal, Joe_r_midtarsal, Joe_r_neck_base, Joe_r_olecranon, Joe_r_pinky_distal, Joe_r_pinky_distal_tip, Joe_r_pinky_metacarpal, Joe_r_pinky_middle, Joe_r_pinky_proximal, Joe_r_pinky0, Joe_r_pinky1, Joe_r_pinky2, Joe_r_pinky3, Joe_r_psis, Joe_r_radial_styloid, Joe_r_radiale, Joe_r_rib10, Joe_r_ring_distal, Joe_r_ring_distal_tip, Joe_r_ring_metacarpal, Joe_r_ring_middle, Joe_r_ring_proximal, Joe_r_ring0, Joe_r_ring1, Joe_r_ring2, Joe_r_ring3, Joe_r_scapula, Joe_r_shoulder, Joe_r_sphyrion, Joe_r_sternoclavicular, Joe_r_subtalar, Joe_r_thelion, Joe_r_thigh, Joe_r_thumb_distal, Joe_r_thumb_distal_tip, Joe_r_thumb_metacarpal, Joe_r_thumb_proximal, Joe_r_thumb1, Joe_r_thumb2, Joe_r_thumb3, Joe_r_tragion, Joe_r_trochanterion, Joe_r_ulnar_styloid, Joe_r_upperarm, Joe_r_wrist, Joe_rib10_midspine, Joe_sacroiliac, Joe_sacrum, Joe_sellion, Joe_skull, Joe_skull_tip, Joe_skullbase, Joe_substernale, Joe_supramenton, Joe_suprasternale, Joe_t1, Joe_t10, Joe_t11, Joe_t12, Joe_t2, Joe_t3, Joe_t4, Joe_t5, Joe_t6, Joe_t7, Joe_t8, Joe_t9, Joe_toPelvisMarker, Joe_vc1, Joe_vc2, Joe_vc3, Joe_vc4, Joe_vc5, Joe_vc6, Joe_vc7, Joe_vl1, Joe_vl2, Joe_vl3, Joe_vl4, Joe_vl5, Joe_vt1, Joe_vt10, Joe_vt11, Joe_vt12, Joe_vt2, Joe_vt3, Joe_vt4, Joe_vt5, Joe_vt6, Joe_vt7, Joe_vt8, Joe_vt9, Joe_waist_preferred_post, JoeISOHumanoid, jointbox, L_ANKLE_ANIMATOR, L_ELBOW_ANIMATOR, L_HIP_ANIMATOR, L_KNEE_ANIMATOR, L_metatarsal_ANIMATOR, L_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR, L_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR, l_shoulderRoll, L_subtalar_ANIMATOR, L_WRIST_ANIMATOR, Pitch, r_acromioclavicularRelax, r_acromioclavicularRoll, R_ANKLE_ANIMATOR, R_ELBOW_ANIMATOR, r_elbowRelax, r_fingers2Relax, r_fingers3Relax, r_ForeArmPitch, r_handPitch, R_HIP_ANIMATOR, r_index0Relax, r_index1Relax, R_KNEE_ANIMATOR, R_metatarsal_ANIMATOR, r_middle0Relax, r_middle1Relax, R_MIDTARSAL_ANIMATOR, r_pinky0Relax, r_pinky1Relax, r_ring0Relax, r_ring1Relax, R_SHOULDER_ANIMATOR, r_shoulderRelax, r_shoulderRoll, r_sternoclavicularRelax, r_sternoclavicularRoll, R_subtalar_ANIMATOR, r_thumb1Pitch, r_thumb1Relax, r_thumb2Pitch, r_thumb2Relax, r_thumb3Relax, R_WRIST_ANIMATOR, r_wristRelax, r_wristRoll, Roll, SegmentLine, sitebox, SkinAppearance, SkinMaterial, SkinShape, skinsphere, SKULLBASE_ANIMATOR, SpecHumanoid, TheSkinCoord, Thumbnail, Time1, Time2, Time3, vc6Yaw, ViewpointGroup, VisualizationShapes, VL5_ANIMATOR, Yaw, zBlueSpiralBkg2

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Viewpoint_1, Viewpoint_2, Viewpoint_3, Viewpoint_4, Viewpoint_5, Viewpoint_6, Viewpoint_7, Viewpoint_8, Viewpoint_9, Viewpoint_10, Viewpoint_11

🔖 Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model Joe_Human

HAnimHumanoid Joe_Human skeleton holds X3D4 HAnim2 joints/segments/sites and a skin node.
  [key] jointname : segmentname ^ sitename
[nodes] HAnimJoint (89), : HAnimSegment (90), % HAnimDisplacer (0), $ HAnimMotion (0), ^ HAnimSite (88), @ skin nodes (1)
HAnimHumanoid DEF='Joe_Human name='Human' loa='-1'
skin Shape DEF='SkinShape'
  humanoid_root : sacrum
    sacroiliac : pelvis ^ l_iliocristale, l_trochanterion, r_iliocristale, r_trochanterion, l_asis, r_asis, l_psis, r_psis, floormarker, crotch
    | l_hip : l_thigh ^ l_knee_crease, l_femoral_lateral_epicn, l_femoral_medial_epicn
    | | l_knee : l_calf ^ l_lateral_malleolus, l_medial_malleolus
    | |   l_ankle (HAnim2 name l_talocrural) : l_hindfoot (HAnim2 name l_talocrural) ^ l_sphyrion (HAnim2 name l_talocrural), l_calcaneous_post (HAnim2 name l_talocrural)
    | |     l_subtalar (HAnim2 name l_tarsometatarsal_2) : l_midproximal (HAnim2 name l_tarsometatarsal_2)
    | |       l_midtarsal (HAnim2 name l_metatarsophalangeal_2) : l_middistal (HAnim2 name l_metatarsophalangeal_2) ^ l_metatarsal_pha1 (HAnim2 name l_metatarsophalangeal_2)
    | |         l_metatarsal (HAnim2 name l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2) : l_forefoot (HAnim2 name l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2) ^ l_metatarsal_pha5 (HAnim2 name l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2), l_digit2 (HAnim2 name l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2)
    | r_hip : r_thigh ^ r_knee_crease, r_femoral_lateral_epicn, r_femoral_medial_epicn
    |   r_knee : r_calf ^ r_lateral_malleolus, r_medial_malleolus
    |     r_ankle (HAnim2 name r_talocrural) : r_hindfoot (HAnim2 name r_talocrural) ^ r_sphyrion (HAnim2 name r_talocrural), r_calcaneous_post (HAnim2 name r_talocrural)
    |       r_subtalar (HAnim2 name r_tarsometatarsal_2) : r_midproximal (HAnim2 name r_tarsometatarsal_2)
    |         r_midtarsal (HAnim2 name r_metatarsophalangeal_2) : r_middistal (HAnim2 name r_metatarsophalangeal_2) ^ r_metatarsal_pha1 (HAnim2 name r_metatarsophalangeal_2)
    |           r_metatarsal (HAnim2 name r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2) : r_forefoot (HAnim2 name r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2) ^ r_metatarsal_pha5 (HAnim2 name r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2), r_digit2 (HAnim2 name r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2)
    vl5 : toPelvis l5 ^ waist_preferred_post, navel
      vl4 : l4
        vl3 : l3
          vl2 : l2 ^ r_rib10, l_rib10, rib10_midspine
            vl1 : l1
              vt12 : t12
                vt11 : t11
                  vt10 : t10 ^ substernale
                    vt9 : t9 ^ r_thelion, l_thelion
                      vt8 : t8
                        vt7 : t7
                          vt6 : t6
                            vt5 : t5
                              vt4 : t4
                                vt3 : t3
                                  vt2 : t2
                                    vt1 : t1 ^ suprasternale, cervicale
                                      vc7 : c7 ^ r_neck_base, l_neck_base
                                      | vc6 : c6
                                      |   vc5 : c5
                                      |     vc4 : c4
                                      |       vc3 : c3
                                      |         vc2 : c2
                                      |           vc1 : c1
                                      |             skullbase : skull ^ skull_tip, sellion, r_infraorbitale, l_infraorbitale, supramenton, r_tragion, r_gonion, l_tragion, l_gonion, nuchale
                                      |               l_eyeball_joint : l_eyeball
                                      |               r_eyeball_joint : r_eyeball
                                      l_sternoclavicular : l_clavicle ^ l_clavicale
                                      | l_acromioclavicular : l_scapula ^ l_acromion, l_axilla_ant, l_axilla_post
                                      |   l_shoulder : l_upperarm ^ l_humeral_medial_epicn, l_radiale, l_humeral_lateral_epicn
                                      |     l_elbow : l_forearm ^ l_radial_styloid, l_olecranon
                                      |       l_wrist (HAnim2 name l_radiocarpal) : l_hand (HAnim2 name l_radiocarpal) ^ l_metacarpal_pha2 (HAnim2 name l_radiocarpal), l_ulnar_styloid (HAnim2 name l_radiocarpal), l_metacarpal_pha5 (HAnim2 name l_radiocarpal)
                                      |         l_thumb1 : l_thumb_metacarpal
                                      |         | l_thumb2 : l_thumb_distal
                                      |         |   l_thumb3 : l_thumb_distal ^ l_thumb_distal_tip
                                      |         l_index0 : l_index_metacarpal
                                      |         | l_index1 : l_index_proximal
                                      |         |   l_index2 : l_index_middle
                                      |         |     l_index3 : l_index_distal ^ l_index_distal_tip, l_dactylion
                                      |         l_middle0 : l_middle_metacarpal
                                      |         | l_middle1 : l_middle_proximal
                                      |         |   l_middle2 : l_middle_middle
                                      |         |     l_middle3 : l_middle_distal ^ l_middle_distal_tip
                                      |         l_ring0 : l_ring_metacarpal
                                      |         | l_ring1 : l_ring_proximal
                                      |         |   l_ring2 : l_ring_middle
                                      |         |     l_ring3 : l_ring_distal ^ l_ring_distal_tip
                                      |         l_pinky0 : l_pinky_metacarpal
                                      |           l_pinky1 : l_pinky_proximal
                                      |             l_pinky2 : l_pinky_middle
                                      |               l_pinky3 : l_pinky_distal ^ l_pinky_distal_tip
                                      r_sternoclavicular : r_clavicle ^ r_clavicale
                                        r_acromioclavicular : r_scapula ^ r_acromion, r_axilla_ant, r_axilla_post
                                          r_shoulder : r_upperarm ^ r_humeral_medial_epicn, r_radiale, r_humeral_lateral_epicn
                                            r_elbow : r_forearm ^ r_radial_styloid, r_olecranon
                                              r_wrist (HAnim2 name r_radiocarpal) : r_hand (HAnim2 name r_radiocarpal) ^ r_ulnar_styloid (HAnim2 name r_radiocarpal)
                                                r_thumb1 : r_thumb_metacarpal
                                                | r_thumb2 : r_thumb_proximal
                                                |   r_thumb3 : r_thumb_distal ^ r_thumb_distal_tip
                                                r_index0 : r_index_metacarpal ^ r_metacarpal_pha2
                                                | r_index1 : r_index_proximal
                                                |   r_index2 : r_index_middle
                                                |     r_index3 : r_index_distal ^ r_index_distal_tip
                                                r_middle0 : r_middle_metacarpal
                                                | r_middle1 : r_middle_proximal
                                                |   r_middle2 : r_middle_middle
                                                |     r_middle3 : r_middle_distal ^ r_dactylion, r_middle_distal_tip
                                                r_ring0 : r_ring_metacarpal
                                                | r_ring1 : r_ring_proximal
                                                |   r_ring2 : r_ring_middle
                                                |     r_ring3 : r_ring_distal ^ r_ring_distal_tip
                                                r_pinky0 : r_pinky_metacarpal ^ r_metacarpal_pha5
                                                  r_pinky1 : r_pinky_proximal
                                                    r_pinky2 : r_pinky_middle
                                                      r_pinky3 : r_pinky_distal ^ r_pinky_distal_tip

^ HAnimSegment pelvis holds 10 HAnimSite nodes: l_iliocristale, l_trochanterion, r_iliocristale, r_trochanterion, l_asis, r_asis, l_psis, r_psis, floormarker, crotch
^ HAnimSegment l_thigh holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: l_knee_crease, l_femoral_lateral_epicn, l_femoral_medial_epicn
^ HAnimSegment l_calf holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: l_lateral_malleolus, l_medial_malleolus
^ HAnimSegment l_hindfoot holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: l_sphyrion, l_calcaneous_post
^ HAnimSegment l_middistal holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_metatarsal_pha1
^ HAnimSegment l_forefoot holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: l_metatarsal_pha5, l_digit2
^ HAnimSegment r_thigh holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: r_knee_crease, r_femoral_lateral_epicn, r_femoral_medial_epicn
^ HAnimSegment r_calf holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_lateral_malleolus, r_medial_malleolus
^ HAnimSegment r_hindfoot holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_sphyrion, r_calcaneous_post
^ HAnimSegment r_middistal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_metatarsal_pha1
^ HAnimSegment r_forefoot holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_metatarsal_pha5, r_digit2
^ HAnimSegment l5 holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: waist_preferred_post, navel
^ HAnimSegment l2 holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: r_rib10, l_rib10, rib10_midspine
^ HAnimSegment t10 holds 1 HAnimSite node: substernale
^ HAnimSegment t9 holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_thelion, l_thelion
^ HAnimSegment t1 holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: suprasternale, cervicale
^ HAnimSegment c7 holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_neck_base, l_neck_base
^ HAnimSegment skull holds 10 HAnimSite nodes: skull_tip, sellion, r_infraorbitale, l_infraorbitale, supramenton, r_tragion, r_gonion, l_tragion, l_gonion, nuchale
^ HAnimSegment l_clavicle holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_clavicale
^ HAnimSegment l_scapula holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: l_acromion, l_axilla_ant, l_axilla_post
^ HAnimSegment l_upperarm holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: l_humeral_medial_epicn, l_radiale, l_humeral_lateral_epicn
^ HAnimSegment l_forearm holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: l_radial_styloid, l_olecranon
^ HAnimSegment l_hand holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: l_metacarpal_pha2, l_ulnar_styloid, l_metacarpal_pha5
^ HAnimSegment l_thumb_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_thumb_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment l_index_distal holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: l_index_distal_tip, l_dactylion
^ HAnimSegment l_middle_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_middle_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment l_ring_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_ring_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment l_pinky_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_pinky_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_clavicle holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_clavicale
^ HAnimSegment r_scapula holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: r_acromion, r_axilla_ant, r_axilla_post
^ HAnimSegment r_upperarm holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: r_humeral_medial_epicn, r_radiale, r_humeral_lateral_epicn
^ HAnimSegment r_forearm holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_radial_styloid, r_olecranon
^ HAnimSegment r_hand holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_ulnar_styloid
^ HAnimSegment r_thumb_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_thumb_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_index_metacarpal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_metacarpal_pha2
^ HAnimSegment r_index_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_index_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_middle_distal holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: r_dactylion, r_middle_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_ring_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_ring_distal_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_pinky_metacarpal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_metacarpal_pha5
^ HAnimSegment r_pinky_distal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_pinky_distal_tip

@ HAnimHumanoid Human holds 1 containerField='skin' node: Shape DEF='SkinShape'

The following inset decorates the original HAnimHumanoid skeleton with additional visualization shapes. Authors can copy/paste this version to assist in visually diagnosing skeleton correctness.

Key to author-assist additions inserted in the HAnimHumanoid skeleton:

<HAnimHumanoid DEF='Joe_Human' name='Human' version ='2.0'
info=' "humanoidVersion=2.0"

<!-- </LOD> -->
<Coordinate USE=' TheSkinCoordcontainerField='skinCoord'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_sacroiliaccontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_hipcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_kneecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_anklecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_subtalarcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_midtarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_metatarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_hipcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_kneecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_anklecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_subtalarcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_midtarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_metatarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vl5containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vl4containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vl3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vl2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vl1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt12containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt11containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt10containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt9containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt8containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt7containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt6containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt5containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt4containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vt1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc7containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc6containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc5containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc4containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_vc1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_skullbasecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_eyeball_jointcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_eyeball_jointcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_sternoclavicularcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_acromioclavicularcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_thumb1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_thumb2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_thumb3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_index0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_index1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_index2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_index3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_middle0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_middle1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_middle2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_middle3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_ring0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_ring1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_ring2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_ring3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_pinky0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_pinky1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_pinky2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_l_pinky3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_sternoclavicularcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_acromioclavicularcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_thumb1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_thumb2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_thumb3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_index3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_middle3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_ring3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky0containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky1containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky2containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_r_pinky3containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' Joe_HumanoidRootcontainerField='skeleton'/>


Event Graph ROUTE Table entries with 103 ROUTE connections total, showing X3D event-model relationships for this scene.

Each row shows an event cascade that may occur during a single timestamp interval between frame renderings, as part of the X3D execution model.

This node has 19 outgoing ROUTEs, which is greater than $maxROUTEdepth=8

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

This node has 9 outgoing ROUTEs, which is greater than $maxROUTEdepth=8

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to


event to

event to

event to


event to


event to


event to

event to


<!-- Online at
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Skin/JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalkIndex.html -->
<!-- Version control at
https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Skin/JoeSkeletonSkinSaluteSiteWalk.x3d -->

<!-- Color legend: X3D terminology <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches XML terminology <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement) (Grey background inside box: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

to top <!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->