Package ConformanceNist.Appearance.MovieTexture
package ConformanceNist.Appearance.MovieTexture
ClassesClassDescriptionTest setting MovieTexture loop to true.Test mapping a MovieTexture to an ElevationGrid geometry.Test default mapping of an mpeg movie to an Extrusion.Test loading first frame of a MovieTexture.Test of browser ability to default map a MovieTexture onto an entire IndexedFaceSet geometry.Test if the last frame loaded when the movie becomes inactive remains as the texture.Test showing last MovieTexture frame at load time.Test a loop value of false for MovieTexture.Test MovieTexture looping forever.Test looping until stopTime.Test mpeg1 movie used as a sound source.Test mpeg1 systems file playback.Test mpeg1 video playback.Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale mpeg MovieTexture horizontally only to fill primitive geometry.Test browser default ability to repeat an mpeg MovieTexture both horitontally and vertically to fill a primitive geometry.Test browser default ability to repeat an mpeg MovieTexture vertically only to fill a primitive geometry.Test fractional speed.Test reverse fractional speed.Test default speed for a MovieTexture.Test speed equal to 0.Test speed greater than zero.Test speed less than zero.Test reverse speed.Test startTime greater than stopTime.Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to false.Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to true.Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to false.Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to true.Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to true.Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to true.Default map an mpeg MovieTexture to a Text geometry.Test texture mapping for equal side bounding boxes along X Y and Z axes.Test texture mapping for equal long side bounding boxes along Y and Z axes.Test texture mapping for equal small side bounding boxes along X and Y axes.