Uses of Package

The CADGeometry component is provided for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) nodes.
The CADGeometry component is provided for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) nodes.
  • Class
    CADAssembly holds a set of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) assemblies or parts grouped together.
    CADFace holds geometry representing one face in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) CADPart.
    CADLayer nodes define a hierarchy that shows layer structure for a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model.
    CADPart is an atomic part that defines both coordinate-system location and the faces that constitute a part in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model.
    IndexedQuadSet is a geometry node that defines quadrilaterals.
    QuadSet is a geometry node that defines quadrilaterals.
    Base type marking nodes that are valid product structure children for the CADGeometry component.
  • Class
    CADAssembly holds a set of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) assemblies or parts grouped together.
    CADFace holds geometry representing one face in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) CADPart.
    CADLayer nodes define a hierarchy that shows layer structure for a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model.
    CADPart is an atomic part that defines both coordinate-system location and the faces that constitute a part in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model.
    IndexedQuadSet is a geometry node that defines quadrilaterals.
    QuadSet is a geometry node that defines quadrilaterals.
    Base type marking nodes that are valid product structure children for the CADGeometry component.