simpleType MFBool
type restriction of xs:string
base xs:string
used by
attributes XvlShell/@faceEmpty XvlShell/@faceHidden BooleanSequencer/@keyValue SegmentedVolumeData/@segmentEnabled MetadataBoolean/@value CADLayer/@visible
Kind Value Annotation
whiteSpace collapse
pattern \s*((true|false)\s*,?\s*)*
<xs:attribute name="defaultValue" type="MFBool" default=""/>
<xs:simpleType name="xsdType">
<xs:list itemType="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:pattern value="\s*((true|false)\s*,?\s*)*"/>
MFBool is an array of boolean values.
Type MFBool was previously undefined in the VRML97 Specification, but nevertheless needed for event utilities and scripting.
Example use: MFBool is useful for defining a series of behavior states using a BooleanSequencer prototype.
Hint: XML boolean values are lower case (true|false) in order to maintain compatibility with HTML and other XML documents.
source <xs:simpleType name="MFBool">
<xs:attribute name="defaultValue" type="MFBool" default=""/>
<xs:simpleType name="xsdType">
<xs:list itemType="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:pattern value="\s*((true|false)\s*,?\s*)*"/>
MFBool is an array of boolean values.
Type MFBool was previously undefined in the VRML97 Specification, but nevertheless needed for event utilities and scripting.
Example use: MFBool is useful for defining a series of behavior states using a BooleanSequencer prototype.
Hint: XML boolean values are lower case (true|false) in order to maintain compatibility with HTML and other XML documents.
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
<xs:pattern value="\s*((true|false)\s*,?\s*)*"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor