simpleType geoMetadataKeyValues
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration title
A name to succinctly identify the dataset to user. For example, "San Francisco, California".
enumeration description
A brief textual description or summary of the content of the dataset. For example, "LANDSAT 7 satellite imagery taken over northern Scotland".
enumeration coordinateSystem
The spatial reference frame used to represent the data (e.g., GD, UTM, or LCC). The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. In the case of UTM, the zone number should also be specified in the format "UTM Zx", where the zone number is in the range [1,60]. For example, "UTM Z11".
enumeration horizontalDatum
The name of the geodetic datum. The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. For example, "W84".
enumeration verticalDatum
The name of the vertical datum (geoid). The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. For example, "W84".
enumeration ellipsoid
The name of the geodetic ellipsoid. The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. For example, "WE".
enumeration extent
The bounding coordinates for the dataset given in spatial reference frame specified by the coordinateSystem keyword. These are provided in the order eastmost, southmost, westmost, northmost. An example for GD is: "-180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0".
enumeration resolution
SFFloat resolution, or ground sample distance, given in units of length base units. For example, "30".
enumeration originator
A string defining the originator of the data, for example the author, agency, organization, publisher, etc. For example, "John Doe, Any Corporation, Some Town, Some Country"
enumeration copyright
Any appropriate copyright declaration that pertains to the data. For example, "(c) Copyright 2000, Any Corporation. All rights reserved. Freely distributable."
enumeration date
A single date/time, or a date/time range, defining the valid time period to which the data pertains. Dates are specified in the format "YYYY MM DD [HH:MM]". Years in the current time period should be specified using four digits (EXAMPLE  "1999" or "2001"). Years can have other than four digits and can be negative. A date range is specified by supplying two values separated by a "-" (hyphen) character. An optional time can be supplied should this level of accuracy be required. Times are to be specified in 24-hour format with respect to GMT. For example, "1999 01 01 00:00 - 1999 12 31 23:59".
enumeration metadataFormat
A string that specifies the format of the external metadata description specified by the url field of the GeoMetadata node. For example, "FGDC", "ISO TC211", "CEN TC287", or "OGC".
enumeration dataUrl
A hypertext link to the source data used to create the X3D node(s) to which this metadata pertains. Multiple dataUrl keyword/value pairs can be specified in order to provide alternative locations for the same source data. For example, "".
enumeration dataFormat
A free-text string that describes the format of the source data used to create the X3D node(s) to which this metadata pertains. This refers to the source data specified by the dataUrl keyword (if present). For example, "USGS 5.5-min DEM".
The keyword values for the summary field
source <xs:simpleType name="geoMetadataKeyValues">
<xs:appinfo>The keyword values for the summary field</xs:appinfo>
<!-- Note that strict validation does not occur via X3D XML schema since MetadataString/MetadataFloat nodes allow any value, additional quality assurance (QA) performed by X3D Schematron and X3dTidy.xslt. -->
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="title">
<xs:appinfo>A name to succinctly identify the dataset to user. For example, &quot;San Francisco, California&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="description">
<xs:appinfo>A brief textual description or summary of the content of the dataset. For example, &quot;LANDSAT 7 satellite imagery taken over northern Scotland&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="coordinateSystem">
<xs:appinfo>The spatial reference frame used to represent the data (e.g., GD, UTM, or LCC). The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. In the case of UTM, the zone number should also be specified in the format &quot;UTM Zx&quot;, where the zone number is in the range [1,60]. For example, &quot;UTM Z11&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="horizontalDatum">
<xs:appinfo>The name of the geodetic datum. The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. For example, &quot;W84&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="verticalDatum">
<xs:appinfo>The name of the vertical datum (geoid). The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. For example, &quot;W84&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="ellipsoid">
<xs:appinfo>The name of the geodetic ellipsoid. The list of valid codes that can be used in this field are defined in ISO/IEC 18026. For example, &quot;WE&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="extent">
<xs:appinfo>The bounding coordinates for the dataset given in spatial reference frame specified by the coordinateSystem keyword. These are provided in the order eastmost, southmost, westmost, northmost. An example for GD is: &quot;-180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="resolution">
<xs:appinfo>SFFloat resolution, or ground sample distance, given in units of length base units. For example, &quot;30&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="originator">
<xs:appinfo>A string defining the originator of the data, for example the author, agency, organization, publisher, etc. For example, &quot;John Doe, Any Corporation, Some Town, Some Country&quot;</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="copyright">
<xs:appinfo>Any appropriate copyright declaration that pertains to the data. For example, &quot;(c) Copyright 2000, Any Corporation. All rights reserved. Freely distributable.&quot;</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="date">
<xs:appinfo>A single date/time, or a date/time range, defining the valid time period to which the data pertains. Dates are specified in the format &quot;YYYY MM DD [HH:MM]&quot;. Years in the current time period should be specified using four digits (EXAMPLE  &quot;1999&quot; or &quot;2001&quot;). Years can have other than four digits and can be negative. A date range is specified by supplying two values separated by a &quot;-&quot; (hyphen) character. An optional time can be supplied should this level of accuracy be required. Times are to be specified in 24-hour format with respect to GMT. For example, &quot;1999 01 01 00:00 - 1999 12 31 23:59&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="metadataFormat">
<xs:appinfo>A string that specifies the format of the external metadata description specified by the url field of the GeoMetadata node. For example, &quot;FGDC&quot;, &quot;ISO TC211&quot;, &quot;CEN TC287&quot;, or &quot;OGC&quot;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="dataUrl">
<xs:appinfo>A hypertext link to the source data used to create the X3D node(s) to which this metadata pertains. Multiple dataUrl keyword/value pairs can be specified in order to provide alternative locations for the same source data. For example, &quot;;.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:enumeration value="dataFormat">
<xs:appinfo>A free-text string that describes the format of the source data used to create the X3D node(s) to which this metadata pertains. This refers to the source data specified by the dataUrl keyword (if present). For example, &quot;USGS 5.5-min DEM&quot;.</xs:appinfo>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor