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Humanoid animation (H-Anim)

7 Conformance

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cube 7.1 General

7.1.1 Introduction

This clause addresses conformance of H-Anim figures.

7.1.2 Topics

Table 7.1 lists the topics of this clause.

Table 7.1 — Topics

7.1.3 Objectives

The primary objectives of the specifications in this clause are:

  1. to promote interoperability by eliminating arbitrary subsets of, or extensions to, this International Standard;
  2. to promote uniformity in the development of conformance tests;
  3. to promote consistent results across representation systems;

7.1.4 Applicability

Conformance is defined for H-Anim figures embedded in representation systems.

This clause addresses the implementation requirements. Implementation requirements include the latitude allowed for representation systems. This clause does not directly address the environmental, performance, or resource requirements of the representation system.

This clause does not define the application requirements or dictate application usage of H-Anim figures.

cube 7.2 Conformance of representation systems

A representation system is conforming according to this International Standard if the following conditions are met:

  1. All H-Anim objects in the representation system match the functional specification of the corresponding H-Anim objects of this International Standard. The H-Anim figures shall obey the relationships and all other syntactic requirements specified in this International Standard.
  2. The sequence of H-Anim entities in the representation system obeys the relationships specified in this International Standard producing the structure specified in this International Standard.
  3. All field values in the H-Anim entities obey the relationships specified in this International Standard producing the structure specified in this International Standard.
  4. No H-Anim objects appear in the representation system other than those specified in this International Standard unless required for the encoding technique.

cube 7.3 Minimum support requirements for VRML and X3D

Any VRML and/or X3D application that supports this International Standard shall support at least the following nodes:

Table 7.2 — Minimum node support for VRML and X3D

Transform Group Viewpoint
Shape Appearance Material
ImageTexture TextureTransform TextureCoordinate
Coordinate Color Normal
IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet Box
Cone Cylinder Sphere
NavigationInfo WorldInfo

All H-Anim applications shall correctly parse the complete VRML or X3D  syntax for these nodes even if not all the functionality can be implemented. VRML and X3D H-Anim applications may support H-Anim objects either natively as built-in nodes or as PROTOs.

cube 7.4 Minimum support requirements for other representation systems

Any representation system that supports this International Standard shall support at least the following capabilities:

  1. apply transformations to joints,
  2. position H-Anim figures within a greater environment and view them,
  3. specify geometry for H-Anim figures, and
  4. apply colours and/or textures to H-Anim figures.

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