
X_ITE X3D Player   Test default type. A NavigationInfo node with a default "type" field exists in this world. As a result, a type of [WALK,ANY] should be used as the navigation mode. The type of navigation should appear at the top of the world as Text, and the navigation through the world should be a "walking" type experience. Collision detection must be supported. To test collision support, the Box geometry collides with the viewer avatar. The Box should turn red upon collision, showing that collision detection between a moving geometry, and a stationary avatar is supported. In addition, the viewer should be able to navigate toward the Box geometry in a "walking" type of motion, and collide with the Box geometry. This should also cause the Box to turn red, indicating that collision detection between a stationary geometry and a moving (navigating) avatar is supported.

Display error: X3D model not shown.

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Original X3D scene: default_type.x3d

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