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<meta name='titlecontent=' XvlShellModelOctopus.x3d '/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='Example XvlShell model.'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Marc Jablonski'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='24 January 2002'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='20 October 2019'/>
<meta name=' error content=' Test X3D DTD experimental extensions mechanisms, the XVL nodes are not legal X3D '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' readme.txt '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' docs/LatticeXvl/LatticeXvlOverview.html '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/LatticeXvl/docs/LatticeXvl/LatticeXvlOverview.html '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://www.xvl3d.com '/>
<meta name='subjectcontent='Lattice XVL parametric geometry X3D VRML'/>
<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/LatticeXvl/XvlShellModelOctopus.x3d '/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='Xvl3ToX3d, http://www.lattice3d.com'/>
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<WorldInfo title='XvlShellModelOctopus.x3d'/>
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<Group DEF='_S3'>
<Material DEF='SGE_DEF_MATERIAL1diffuseColor='0.7829 0.8211 0.8211emissiveColor='0.3953 0.4146 0.4146specularColor='0.6822 0.7154 0.7154'/>
<XvlShell faceCoordIndex='3 1 0 2 -1 6 2 0 4 -1 5 1 3 7 -1 5 7 6 4 -1 7 3 2 6 -1 1 5 4 0 -1shellType='LATTICE_MESH'>
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<Group DEF='_S4'>
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<XvlShell faceCoordIndex='3 1 0 2 -1 6 2 0 4 -1 3 7 5 1 -1 5 7 6 4 -1 7 3 2 6 -1 1 5 4 0 -1shellType='LATTICE_MESH'>
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<!-- Online at
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/LatticeXvl/XvlShellModelOctopusIndex.html -->
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