simpleType offsetUnitsValues
type restriction of MFString
base MFString
used by
attribute Layout/@offsetUnits
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration "WORLD"
enumeration "WORLD" "WORLD"
enumeration "WORLD" "PIXEL"
enumeration "FRACTION"
enumeration "FRACTION" "WORLD"
enumeration "FRACTION" "FRACTION"
enumeration "FRACTION" "PIXEL"
enumeration "PIXEL"
enumeration "PIXEL" "WORLD"
enumeration "PIXEL" "FRACTION"
enumeration "PIXEL" "PIXEL"

Permitted combinations of horizontal and vertical values for the offsetUnits field in the Layout node.
Note that intermediate commas and extraneous whitespace are disallowed by these strictly defined enumeration values.
source <xs:simpleType name="offsetUnitsValues">
Permitted combinations of horizontal and vertical values for the offsetUnits field in the Layout node.
Note that intermediate commas and extraneous whitespace are disallowed by these strictly defined enumeration values.
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:restriction base="MFString">
<xs:enumeration value='"WORLD"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"WORLD" "WORLD"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"WORLD" "PIXEL"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"FRACTION"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"FRACTION" "WORLD"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"FRACTION" "FRACTION"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"FRACTION" "PIXEL"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"PIXEL"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"PIXEL" "WORLD"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"PIXEL" "FRACTION"'/>
<xs:enumeration value='"PIXEL" "PIXEL"'/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor