[x3d-public] X3D minutes 7 OCT 2022: Web3D Consortium ballot comments on X3D4 Draft International Standard

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Mon Oct 10 16:51:36 PDT 2022

Dick Puk and I met last Friday to review Web3D Consortium comments for ISO
ballot on X3D4 Draft International Standard.


Here are our comments and summaries.  Mantis issue-tracker links are
available to Web3D Consortium members and ISO editors on request.


*	https://www.web3d.org/member-only/mantis/view_all_bug_page.php



a. Mantis 1398, OrthoViewpoint fieldOfView type needs to be SFVec4f, not

OrthoViewpoint fieldOfView is a 4-tuple for min/max x/y extents. Since this
field can only have four values (no more no less), the field type needs to
be SFVec4f, not MFFloat.

* 23.4.5 OrthoViewpoint

This change will be identical to TextureProjectorParallel fieldOfView.

* 42.4.2 TextureProjectorParallel


"The types for the fieldOfView field are not consistent among the various
nodes implementing this field. The differences need to be reconciled and
typing needs to be consistent, whenever functionality is the same."



b. Mantis 1192, 07.2.2 Bindable children nodes - Undefined results if
bindable node is under Switch or LOD is problematic


We are not proposing to apply this change in X3D4.0 since it has functional


X3D4.1 issue, can implement/evaluate, and possible X3D4.0 best practices.



c. Mantis 1400, add Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to recommended image
formats for ImageTexture


We are not proposing to apply this change in X3D4.0 since it has functional
considerations.  Partial support for SVG possible in ImageTexture but more
dynamic support for computational images (SVG, CGM, possibly others) likely
in X3D4.1.



d. Mantis 1401, formally adding values to align X3D4 LineProperties with
Quality Information Framework (QIF) specification


We are not proposing to apply this change in X3D4.0 specification.


X3D4.1 issue, implement/evaluate, registry update, and possible X3D4.0 best



e. Mantis 1402, Insufficient description for HAnimSegment


Suggested prose: "Each body segment is stored in an HAnimSegment node,
providing a visual representation of the skeleton segment. Parent/child
translation and rotation relationships are defined in parent/child
HAnimSegment nodes."



f. Mantis 1403, Insufficient description for HAnimJoint


Suggested prose addition: "The child HAnimSegment node provides a visual
representation of the skeleton segment."



g. Mantis 1404, 39.4.6 OrientationDamper, incorrect word 'orientation' vice


Multiple occurrences of 'orientation' need to be changed to 'rotation' in
the prose for this section.



h. Mantis 1405, 39.3.2 X3DDamperNode has erroneous extra characters


Prose for 39.3.2 X3DDamperNode has erroneous extra characters, likely due to
incorrect application of a CSS style in HTML source.


*	title='editorial, special character?'



i.                     Mantis 1406, 25.3.6 GeoOrigin description is
awkwardly phrased


25.3.6 GeoOrigin description is awkwardly phrased, should describe
functionality prior to describing circumstances when not to use.


Deserves editorial review. Switching order of first two paragraphs is likely
sufficient for proper clarification.



And. that is it.  Next will send these to U.S. National Standards Body
INCITS and ISO SC24 committee.


Have fun with X3D4!  8)


all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, Navy robotics https://


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