[x3d-public] XSTL for Junicon.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 15:48:47 PDT 2022

I'm sitting here considering using the Junicon programming language (based
on Groovy and Java) for string, text and document processing and 3D,
including Java jars for Saxon and *OpenJFX*  (JavaFX).  Junicon has a long
inheritance from SNOBOL, Icon, and Unicon.  I'm hoping to integrate
"OpenJFX",  "Icon" and "XML" if that's possible or unimplemented. It
appears like Junicon provides XSLT (but I'm uncertain which version).  I
think the first thing I will add is an IFS to Junicon. (Unicon offers a few
OpenGL functions already, but we're not focused on Unicon).

Note that  *OpenJFX* includes HTML5, which I'm not aware of any
source elsewhere (Lobo?).  This will put my code in position to use a X3D4
implementation with the web (if I also include GraalVM's nashorn).

This combination seems to bring all the goodness to Java together in one
package.  It probably won't run GTA at 60 FPS, but we may get some good
static visualizations out of it.

I will probably update my Lircom Chat client, which uses the old HTML 3? 4?
versions, as well as my multiuser JOGAMP mesh editor. (JOGAMP seems kind of
dead, long live LWJGL!).

I'm not aware that my multi-user solitaire game needs updating, but it's
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