[x3d-public] HAnim Java code (serializer based) Summary of errors.

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 2 15:30:27 PDT 2021

➢ description="Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimSegment node can be identified at run time for animation purposes.">

this comment applies for Joint. And, the current joints, segments, and sites humanoid fields actually USE the DEF names> Here, in Segment nodes, useful mostly when needing to figure out which segment (bone) in the capture skeleton is child of which Joint in the playback skeleton. 
➢ We're not sure why X3DJSAIL is reporting an error.
4.8.6 Partial HAnim figures


By this example  I think LOA0 must include the sacrum, A Joint without a Segment has nothing to operate on since a Joint is really not supposed to include anything except Segment(s) and Joint(s). So the code for sacrum Segment 
should be  

everywhere. I don’t see why that should make a difference in error. 
Are all DEFs and names correct? 
Does the order of appearance in the ‘joints’ or the ‘segments’ field make any difference? 


: Monday, November 1, 2021 5:25 PM
To: Joseph D Williams; X3D Graphics public mailing list; Don Brutzman
Subject: Re: HAnim Java code (serializer based) Summary of errors.

Error report from Java code:

========================== net.coderextreme.data.JinLOA4 
org.web3d.x3d.sai.InvalidFieldException: ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_sacrum' name='sacrum' illegal parent found: HAnimJoint name='hanim_humanoid_root' name='humanoid_root'
     <SimpleType name="hanimSegmentNameValues" 
                 appinfo="CAESAR segment names for identification of HAnimSegment nodes as defined in the HAnim Architecture specification. This list is unbounded, 
additional enumeration values are allowed." 
        <enumeration value="sacrum" 

<field name="name" 
                  description="Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimSegment node can be identified at run time for animation purposes."> 
              <enumeration value="sacrum" 

***Looks like humanoid_root is parent of sacrum.  We're not sure why X3DJSAIL is reporting an error.

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