Information technology — Computer graphics, image processing and environmental representation —
Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings —
Part 1:  ECMAScript

5 Tables

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cube 5.1 Introduction and table of contents

5.1.1 Introduction

This clause contains tables defining abbreviations used and mapping abstract names from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 to those of this binding.

5.1.2 Table of contents

See Table 5.1 for the table of contents for this clause.

Table 5.1 — Topics in this clause

5.2 Mappings of abstract names to ECMAScript binding names

5.2.1 Data types

In Table 5.2, each row lists an abstract name of a data type from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name. The names of data types used to reference data items are not included but may be found in Table 5.3.

Table 5.2 — Data type names listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
SAIAction N/A
SAIBrowserApp N/A
SAIBrowserName String
SAIBrowserRef Browser
SAIBrowserVersion String
SAIComponentID String
SAIFieldAccess X3DConstants
SAIFieldName String
SAIFieldType X3DConstants
SAIFieldValue various. Defined by field type (see 7.6)
SAIFrameRate Numeric
SAILoadState X3DConstants
SAINavSpeed Numeric
SAINodeType X3DConstants
SAIParameterList N/A
SAIPropertyList String
SAIRequesterID Object
SAIString String
null null

Table 5.3 — Data class names listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
SAIBrowserRef Browser
SAIComponentDeclaration ComponentInfo
SAIExecutionContextID X3DExecutionContext
SAIFieldDefinition X3DFieldDefinition
SAIFieldID an instance of the ECMAScript object appropriate to the field type. Defined by field type (see 7.6)
SAIFieldValue various. Defined by field type (see 7.6)
SAILoadState X3DConstants
SAIProfileDeclaration ProfileInfo
SAIProtoDeclaration X3DProtoDeclaration or
SAIRoute X3DRoute
SAIScene X3DScene
SAIScript SFNode
SAIScriptImplementation N/A
SAIScene X3DScene
SAIStream X3DStream
SAIUnitDeclaration UnitInfo

5.2.2 Error types

In Table 5.4, each row lists an abstract name of an error type from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.4 — Error class names listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name

5.2.3 Event types

In Table 5.5, each row lists an abstract name of an event type from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.5 — Event type names listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
SAIBrowserEvent BrowserEvent
SAIFieldEvent user-defined callback

5.2.4 Browser services

In Table 5.6, each row lists an abstract name of a browser service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.6 — Browser services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
getBrowser Application-specific
createBrowser N/A
getName Browser property String name
getVersion Browser property String version
getCurrentSpeed Browser property Numeric currentSpeed
getCurrentFrameRate Browser property Numeric currentFrameRate
getSupportedProfiles Browser property ProfileInfo supportedProfiles
getProfile array access of ProfileInfo element
getSupportedComponents Browser property ComponentInfo supportedComponents
getComponent array access of ComponentInfo element
getExecutionContext Browser property X3DExecutionContext currentScene
createScene N/A
replaceWorld Browser function void replaceWorld(X3DScene)
importDocument Browser function X3DScene importDocument(org.w3c.dom.Node)
loadURL Browser function void loadURL(MFString, String)
setDescription Browser property String description
createX3DFromString Browser function X3DScene createX3DFromString(String)
createX3DFromStream N/A
createX3DFromURL Browser function X3DScene createX3DFromURL(MFString, String, object)
Update Control Browser function void beginUpdate()
Browser function void endUpdate()
Register Browser Interest Browser function void addBrowserCallback(String, object)
Browser function void removeBrowserCallback(String)
Share World Browser function void shareWorld(ExternalBrowser, SFNode, SFNode)
setSharedViewpoint Browser function void setSharedViewpoint(SFNode)
setSharedNavigation Browser function void setSharedNavigation(X3DNode)
getRenderingProperties Browser function String getRenderingProperty(String)
getBrowserProperties Browser function String getBrowserProperty(String)
changeViewpoint Browser function void nextViewpoint()
Browser function void previousViewpoint()
Browser function void firstViewpoint()
Browser function void lastViewpoint()
Print Browser function void println(Object)
Dispose Browser function void dispose()

In Table 5.7, each row lists an abstract name of an additional browser service only available in this language binding followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.7 — ECMAScript-specific browser services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
Share World Browser function void shareWorld(ExternalBrowser, SFNode, SFNode)
setSharedViewpoint Browser function void setSharedViewpoint(SFNode)
setSharedNavigation Browser function void setSharedNavigation(X3DNode)

5.2.5 Execution context services

In Table 5.8, each row lists an abstract name of an execution context service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding

Table 5.8 — Execution context services listed alphabetically by abstract name

bound name.

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
getSpecificationVersion X3DExecutionContext property String specificationVersion
getEncoding X3DExecutionContext property Numeric encoding
getProfile X3DExecutionContext property ProfileInfo profile
getComponents X3DExecutionContext property ComponentInfo components
getWorldURL X3DExecutionContext property String worldURL
getNode X3DExecutionContext property MFNode rootNodes
createNode X3DExecutionContext function SFNode createNode(String)
createProto X3DExecutionContext function SFNode createProto(String)
Named node handling N/A
getProtoDeclaration X3DExecutionContext property X3DProtoDeclarations protoDeclarations
PROTO Declaration Handling N/A
getExternProtoDeclaration X3DExecutionContext property X3DExternProtoDeclarations externProtoDeclarations
EXTERNPROTO Declaration Handling N/A
getRootNodes X3DExecutionContext property MFNode rootNodes
getRoutes X3DExecutionContext property RouteArray routes
Dynamic Route Handling X3DExecutionContext function X3DRoute addRoute(SFNode, String, SFNode, String)
X3DExecutionContext function void deleteRoute(X3DRoute)
Dispose X3DExecutionContext function void dispose()

5.2.6 Scene services

In Table 5.9, each row lists an abstract name of an scene service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.9 — Scene services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
getMetaData X3DScene function String getMetaData(String)
setMetaData X3DScene function void setMetaData(String, String)
getNode X3DScene function SFNode getExportedNode(String)
Named Node Handling X3DScene function void updateExportedNode(String)
X3DScene function void removeExportedNode(String)
Root Node Handling X3DScene function void addRootNode(SFNode)
X3DScene function void removeRootNode(SFNode)

5.2.7 Node services

In Table 5.10, each row lists an abstract name of an node service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.10 — Node services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
getName SFNode function String getName()
getType SFNode function Numeric getType()
getField SFNode function X3DField getField(String)
getFieldDefinitions SFNode function X3DFieldDefinitions getFieldDefinitions()
Dispose SFNode function void dispose()

5.2.8 Field services

In Table 5.11, each row lists an abstract name of a field service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.11 — Field services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
getName X3DField function String getName()
getType X3DField function int getType()
getAccessType X3DField function boolean isWritable()
X3DField function boolean isReadable()
getValue type getValue()
type get1Value(int)
setValue void setValue(type)
void set1Value(int, type)
Register Field Interest X3DField function void addFieldCallback(String, Object)
X3DField function void removeFieldCallback(String)
Dispose X3DField function void dispose()

5.2.9 Route services

In Table 5.12, each row lists an abstract name of a route service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.12 — Route services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
getSourceNode X3DRoute property SFNode sourceNode
getSourceField X3DRoute property String sourceField
getDestinationNode X3DRoute property SFNode destinationNode
getDestinationField X3DRoute property String destinationField
Dispose X3DRoute function void dispose()

5.2.10 Prototype services

In Table 5.13, each row lists an abstract name of a prototype service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.13 — Prototye services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
isExternProto X3DProtoDeclaration property boolean isExternProto
createInstance X3DProtoDeclaration function newInstance()
getFieldDefinitions X3DProtoDeclaration property FieldDefinitionArray fields
Check Load State X3DExternProtoDeclaration property boolean loadState
Request Immediate Load X3DExternProtoDeclaration function void loadNow()
Dispose X3DExternProtoDeclaration function void dispose()

5.2.11 Script content services

In Table 5.14, each row lists an abstract name of a script content service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.14 — Script content services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
setBrowser N/A
setFields N/A
initialize void initialize()
prepareEvents void prepareEvents()
eventsProcessed void eventsProcessed()
shutdown void shutdown()

5.2.12 Matrix services

In Table 5.15, each row lists an abstract name of a matrix service from part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775 followed by the corresponding bound name.

Table 5.15 — Matrix services listed alphabetically by abstract name

Abstract name ECMAScript bound name
set Matrix4 function void set(SFVec3f, SFRotation, SFVec3f, SFRotation, SFVec3f)
get Matrix4 function void get(SFVec3f, SFRotation, SFVec3f)
inverse Matrix4 function Matrix4 inverse()
transpose Matrix4 function Matrix4 transpose()
multiply Matrix4 function Matrix4 multLeft(Matrix4)
Matrix4 function Matrix4 multRight(Matrix4)
Matrix multiply with vector Matrix4 function SFVec3f multVecMatrix(SFVec3f)
Matrix4 function SFVec3d multVecMatrix(SFVec3d)
Matrix4 function SFVec3f multMatrixVec(SFVec3f)
Matrix4 function SFVec3d multMatrixVec(SFVec3d)

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