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<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.3//EN" "https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.dtd">
<X3D profile='Immersive'  version='3.3 xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation =' https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.xsd ' >
<component level='1name='H-Anim'/>
<meta name='titlecontent=' BoxMan.x3d '/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='A Seamless VRML Human, demonstrating the HAnim 2001 Specification, animation scripting via an external prototype (ExternProtoDeclare).'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='James Smith - james@vapourtech.com'/>
<meta name='translatorcontent='Don Brutzman and Matt Beitler'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='1 March 2001'/>
<meta name='translatedcontent='19 October 2001'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='8 January 2023'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' Original site http://HAnim.org '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' ../Legacy/originals/boxman.wrl'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='BoxMan.js'/>
<meta name=' warning content=' Skin mesh is split across multiple shapes within a Group, should that be allowed? '/>
<meta name=' TODO content=' What does the original animation script accomplish? It is not hooked up, script source contains errors... '/>
<meta name=' TODO content=' InstantReality Forum Issue: InstantReality is ignoring the Viewpoint nodes in the topmost HAnimSite. http://forum.instantreality.org '/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='BoxManViewInclined.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='BoxManViewFront.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='BoxManViewRight.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='BoxManViewLeft.png' />
<meta name='Imagecontent='BoxManViewTop.png' />
<meta name='referencecontent=' BoxManAnimationPanel.x3d '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://HAnim.org/Models/HAnim2001/boxman/boxman.wrl '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://www.vapourtech.com/team/james/boxman.wrl '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://HAnim.org/Specifications/HAnim2001 '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://HAnim.org/Models '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://HAnim.org/Nodes '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dToVrml97.xslt '/>
<meta name='rightscontent='(C) 2000 James Smith - james@vapourtech.com'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://www.vapourtech.com '/>
<meta name='subjectcontent='BoxMan HAnim 2.0'/>
<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Legacy/BoxMan.x3d '/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
<meta name='licensecontent=' ../license.html'/>
<!-- -->
<WorldInfo info=' "(C) 2000 James Smith - james@vapourtech.com"
"http://www.vapourtech.com/team/james/boxman.wrl" "Blaxxun compatibility by Tu Lam - TuL@seamless-solutions.com"
title='BoxMan - A Seamless VRML Human'/>

<Background groundColor='0.6 0.6 0.6skyColor='0.75 0.75 0.75'/>
<!-- When converting to VRML97 (which didn't include HAnim), HAnim node prototypes are provided automatically by the X3dToVrml97.xslt translation stylesheet -->
<HAnimHumanoid DEF='boxman_Humanoidinfo='"authorName=James Smith" "authorEmail=james@vapourtech.com" "copyright=(C) 2000 James Smith - james@vapourtech.com" "humanoidVersion=1.0"name='Humanoid'>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_humanoid_root node:  [from ANIMATOR.HumanoidRoot_translation_changed to set_translation ] [from ANIMATOR.HumanoidRoot_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_humanoid_rootcenter='0 0.9723 -0.0728containerField='skeletonname='humanoid_rootskinCoordIndex='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_sacrumname='sacrum'>
<Transform translation='0 0.9723 -0.0728'>
<Shape DEF='SphereYellow'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 1 0'/>
<Sphere radius='0.02'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_hip node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_hip_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_hipcenter='0.0956 0.9364 0name='l_hipskinCoordIndex='12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_thighname='l_thigh'>
<Transform translation='0.0956 0.9364 0'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_knee node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_knee_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_kneecenter='0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036name='l_kneeskinCoordIndex='36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63skinCoordWeight='0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_calfname='l_calf'>
<Transform translation='0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_ankle node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_ankle_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_anklecenter='0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261name='l_ankleskinCoordIndex='64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_hindfootname='l_hindfoot'>
<Transform translation='0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_midtarsal node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_midtarsal_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_midtarsalcenter='0.1079 0.0317 0.0670name='l_midtarsalskinCoordIndex='72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_middistalname='l_middistal'>
<Transform translation='0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='boxman_l_middistal_tipname='l_middistal_tiptranslation='.095 0.0005 0.1924'>
<Shape DEF='SphereRed'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='0.02'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_hip node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_hip_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_hipcenter='-0.0956 0.9364 0name='r_hipskinCoordIndex='80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_thighname='r_thigh'>
<Transform translation='-0.0956 0.9364 0'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_knee node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_knee_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_kneecenter='-0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036name='r_kneeskinCoordIndex='104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131skinCoordWeight='0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_calfname='r_calf'>
<Transform translation='-0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_ankle node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_ankle_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_anklecenter='-0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261name='r_ankleskinCoordIndex='132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_hindfootname='r_hindfoot'>
<Transform translation='-0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_midtarsal node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_midtarsal_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_midtarsalcenter='-0.1079 0.0317 0.0670name='r_midtarsalskinCoordIndex='140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_middistalname='r_middistal'>
<Transform translation='-0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='boxman_r_middistal_tipname='r_middistal_tiptranslation='-0.095 0.0005 0.1924'>
<Shape USE=' SphereRed'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_vl5 node:  [from ANIMATOR.vl5_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_vl5center='0 1.0817 -0.0728name='vl5skinCoordIndex='148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l5name='l5'>
<Transform translation='0 1.0817 -0.0728'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_skullbase node:  [from ANIMATOR.skullbase_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_skullbasecenter='0 1.6440 0.036name='skullbaseskinCoordIndex='168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_skullname='skull'>
<Transform translation='0 1.6440 0.036'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='boxman_skull_tipname='skull_tiptranslation='-0.0029 1.7771 0.0274'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_shoulder node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_shoulder_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_shouldercenter='0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265name='l_shoulderskinCoordIndex='176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_upperarmname='l_upperarm'>
<Transform translation='0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_elbow node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_elbow_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_elbowcenter='0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557name='l_elbowskinCoordIndex='184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_forearmname='l_forearm'>
<Transform translation='0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_l_wrist node:  [from ANIMATOR.l_wrist_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_wristcenter='0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690name='l_wristskinCoordIndex='192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_handname='l_hand'>
<Transform translation='0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='boxman_l_hand_tipname='l_hand_tiptranslation='0.1912 0.6976 -0.0710'>
<Shape USE=' SphereRed'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_shoulder node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_shoulder_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_shouldercenter='-0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265name='r_shoulderskinCoordIndex='200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_upperarmname='r_upperarm'>
<Transform translation='-0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_elbow node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_elbow_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_elbowcenter='-0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557name='r_elbowskinCoordIndex='208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_forearmname='r_forearm'>
<Transform translation='-0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for boxman_r_wrist node:  [from ANIMATOR.r_wrist_rotation_changed to set_rotation ] -->
<HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_wristcenter='-0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690name='r_wristskinCoordIndex='216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_handname='r_hand'>
<Transform translation='-0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'>
<Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='boxman_r_hand_tipname='r_hand_tiptranslation='-0.1912 0.6976 -0.0710'>
<Shape USE=' SphereRed'/>
<!-- # sacrum (12) # l_thigh (28) # l_calf (24) # l_hindfoot (8) # l_middistal (8) # r_thigh (28) # r_calf (24) # r_hindfoot (8) # r_middistal (8) # l5 (20) # skull (8) # l_upperarm (8) # l_forearm (8) # l_hand (8) # r_upperarm (8) # r_forearm (8) # r_hand (8) -->
<Coordinate DEF='SKINCOORDcontainerField='skinCoordpoint='-0.05 1 0.05 0.05 1 0.05 0.03 0.97 -0.1 -0.03 0.97 -0.1 0.03 0.94 -0.075 -0.03 0.94 -0.075 0 0.92 0 0 0.94 0.03 -0.12 1.06 0.05 0.12 1.06 0.05 0.12 1.06 -0.1 -0.12 1.06 -0.1 0.0456 0.9364 0.05 0.1456 0.9364 0.05 0.1456 0.9364 -0.05 0.0456 0.9364 -0.05 0.0456 0.9 0.05 0.1456 0.9 0.05 0.1456 0.9 -0.05 0.0456 0.9 -0.05 0.0456 0.8 0.05 0.1456 0.8 0.05 0.1456 0.8 -0.05 0.0456 0.8 -0.05 0.0456 0.7 0.05 0.1456 0.7 0.05 0.1456 0.7 -0.05 0.0456 0.7 -0.05 0.0456 0.6 0.05 0.1456 0.6 0.05 0.1456 0.6 -0.05 0.0456 0.6 -0.05 0.0456 0.55 0.05 0.1456 0.55 0.05 0.1456 0.55 -0.05 0.0456 0.55 -0.05 0.0456 0.52 0.05 0.1456 0.52 0.05 0.1456 0.52 -0.05 0.0456 0.52 -0.05 0.0456 0.5 0.05 0.1456 0.5 0.05 0.1456 0.5 -0.05 0.0456 0.5 -0.05 0.0454 0.43 0.045 0.1454 0.43 0.045 0.1454 0.43 -0.055 0.0454 0.43 -0.055 0.0452 0.36 0.04 0.1452 0.36 0.04 0.1452 0.36 -0.06 0.0452 0.36 -0.06 0.045 0.29 0.035 0.145 0.29 0.035 0.145 0.29 -0.065 0.045 0.29 -0.065 0.0448 0.21 0.03 0.1448 0.21 0.03 0.1448 0.21 -0.07 0.0448 0.21 -0.07 0.0446 0.1262 0.025 0.1446 0.1262 0.025 0.1446 0.1262 -0.075 0.0446 0.1262 -0.075 0.0446 0.0762 0.025 0.1446 0.0762 0.025 0.1446 0 -0.075 0.0446 0 -0.075 0.0446 0.0562 0.057 0.1446 0.0562 0.057 0.1446 0 0.057 0.0446 0 0.057 0.0446 0.0562 0.087 0.1446 0.0562 0.087 0.1446 0 0.087 0.0446 0 0.087 0.0446 0.0562 0.1924 0.1446 0.0562 0.1924 0.1446 0 0.1924 0.0446 0 0.1924 -0.0456 0.9364 0.05 -0.1456 0.9364 0.05 -0.1456 0.9364 -0.05 -0.0456 0.9364 -0.05 -0.0456 0.9 0.05 -0.1456 0.9 0.05 -0.1456 0.9 -0.05 -0.0456 0.9 -0.05 -0.0456 0.8 0.05 -0.1456 0.8 0.05 -0.1456 0.8 -0.05 -0.0456 0.8 -0.05 -0.0456 0.7 0.05 -0.1456 0.7 0.05 -0.1456 0.7 -0.05 -0.0456 0.7 -0.05 -0.0456 0.6 0.05 -0.1456 0.6 0.05 -0.1456 0.6 -0.05 -0.0456 0.6 -0.05 -0.0456 0.55 0.05 -0.1456 0.55 0.05 -0.1456 0.55 -0.05 -0.0456 0.55 -0.05 -0.0456 0.52 0.05 -0.1456 0.52 0.05 -0.1456 0.52 -0.05 -0.0456 0.52 -0.05 -0.0456 0.5 0.05 -0.1456 0.5 0.05 -0.1456 0.5 -0.05 -0.0456 0.5 -0.05 -0.0454 0.43 0.045 -0.1454 0.43 0.045 -0.1454 0.43 -0.055 -0.0454 0.43 -0.055 -0.0452 0.36 0.04 -0.1452 0.36 0.04 -0.1452 0.36 -0.06 -0.0452 0.36 -0.06 -0.045 0.29 0.035 -0.145 0.29 0.035 -0.145 0.29 -0.065 -0.045 0.29 -0.065 -0.0448 0.21 0.03 -0.1448 0.21 0.03 -0.1448 0.21 -0.07 -0.0448 0.21 -0.07 -0.0446 0.1262 0.025 -0.1446 0.1262 0.025 -0.1446 0.1262 -0.075 -0.0446 0.1262 -0.075 -0.0446 0.0762 0.025 -0.1446 0.0762 0.025 -0.1446 0 -0.075 -0.0446 0 -0.075 -0.0446 0.0562 0.057 -0.1446 0.0562 0.057 -0.1446 0 0.057 -0.0446 0 0.057 -0.0446 0.0562 0.087 -0.1446 0.0562 0.087 -0.1446 0 0.087 -0.0446 0 0.087 -0.0446 0.0562 0.1924 -0.1446 0.0562 0.1924 -0.1446 0 0.1924 -0.0446 0 0.1924 -0.12 1.10 0.05 0.12 1.10 0.05 0.12 1.10 -0.1 -0.12 1.10 -0.1 -0.14 1.42 0.045 0.14 1.42 0.045 0.14 1.42 -0.09 -0.14 1.42 -0.09 -0.24 1.52 0.035 0.24 1.52 0.035 0.24 1.52 -0.09 -0.24 1.52 -0.09 -0.05 1.56 0.030 0.05 1.56 0.030 0.05 1.56 -0.06 -0.05 1.56 -0.06 -0.05 1.60 0.060 0.05 1.60 0.060 0.05 1.62 -0.03 -0.05 1.62 -0.03 -0.07 1.777 0.13 0.07 1.777 0.13 0.07 1.777 -0.03 -0.07 1.777 -0.03 -0.07 1.60 0.13 0.07 1.60 0.13 0.07 1.66 -0.03 -0.07 1.66 -0.03 0.16 1.42 0.015 0.24 1.5 0.015 0.24 1.5 -0.075 0.16 1.42 -0.075 0.17 1.18 -0.025 0.23 1.18 -0.025 0.23 1.18 -0.085 0.17 1.18 -0.085 0.17 1.14 -0.025 0.23 1.14 -0.025 0.23 1.14 -0.085 0.17 1.14 -0.085 0.18 0.91 -0.05 0.22 0.91 -0.05 0.22 0.91 -0.09 0.18 0.91 -0.09 0.18 0.87 -0.02 0.22 0.87 -0.02 0.22 0.87 -0.1 0.18 0.87 -0.1 0.18 0.6976 -0.02 0.22 0.6976 -0.02 0.22 0.6976 -0.1 0.18 0.6976 -0.1 -0.16 1.42 0.015 -0.24 1.5 0.015 -0.24 1.5 -0.075 -0.16 1.42 -0.075 -0.17 1.18 -0.025 -0.23 1.18 -0.025 -0.23 1.18 -0.085 -0.17 1.18 -0.085 -0.17 1.14 -0.025 -0.23 1.14 -0.025 -0.23 1.14 -0.085 -0.17 1.14 -0.085 -0.18 0.91 -0.05 -0.22 0.91 -0.05 -0.22 0.91 -0.09 -0.18 0.91 -0.09 -0.18 0.87 -0.02 -0.22 0.87 -0.02 -0.22 0.87 -0.1 -0.18 0.87 -0.1 -0.18 0.6976 -0.02 -0.22 0.6976 -0.02 -0.22 0.6976 -0.1 -0.18 0.6976 -0.1'/>
<Group containerField='skin'>
<Shape DEF='TrouserSkin'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 1transparency='0.5'/>
<!-- # 0: sacrum (8) # 1: l_hip joint (8) # 2: r_hip joint (8) # 3: l_thigh (48) # 4: l_knee joint (8) # 5: l_calf (40) # 10: r_thigh (48) # 11: r_knee joint (8) # 12: r_calf (40) -->
<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex='0 7 1 -1 8 0 1 -1 1 9 8 -1 10 2 3 -1 3 11 10 -1 2 4 5 -1 5 3 2 -1 4 6 5 -1 7 12 1 -1 1 12 13 -1 13 9 1 -1 9 13 14 -1 14 10 9 -1 10 14 15 -1 15 2 10 -1 12 7 6 -1 6 15 12 -1 15 6 4 -1 4 2 15 -1 0 80 7 -1 81 80 0 -1 0 8 81 -1 82 81 8 -1 8 11 82 -1 83 82 11 -1 11 3 83 -1 6 7 80 -1 80 83 6 -1 5 6 83 -1 83 3 5 -1 12 16 17 -1 17 13 12 -1 13 17 18 -1 18 14 13 -1 14 18 19 -1 19 15 14 -1 15 19 16 -1 16 12 15 -1 16 20 21 -1 21 17 16 -1 17 21 22 -1 22 18 17 -1 18 22 23 -1 23 19 18 -1 19 23 20 -1 20 16 19 -1 20 24 25 -1 25 21 20 -1 21 25 26 -1 26 22 21 -1 22 26 27 -1 27 23 22 -1 23 27 24 -1 24 20 23 -1 24 28 29 -1 29 25 24 -1 25 29 30 -1 30 26 25 -1 26 30 31 -1 31 27 26 -1 27 31 28 -1 28 24 27 -1 28 32 33 -1 33 29 28 -1 29 33 34 -1 34 30 29 -1 30 34 35 -1 35 31 30 -1 31 35 32 -1 32 28 31 -1 32 36 37 -1 37 33 32 -1 33 37 38 -1 38 34 33 -1 34 38 39 -1 39 35 34 -1 35 39 36 -1 36 32 35 -1 36 40 41 -1 41 37 36 -1 37 41 42 -1 42 38 37 -1 38 42 43 -1 43 39 38 -1 39 43 40 -1 40 36 39 -1 40 44 45 -1 45 41 40 -1 41 45 46 -1 46 42 41 -1 42 46 47 -1 47 43 42 -1 43 47 44 -1 44 40 43 -1 44 48 49 -1 49 45 44 -1 45 49 50 -1 50 46 45 -1 46 50 51 -1 51 47 46 -1 47 51 48 -1 48 44 47 -1 48 52 53 -1 53 49 48 -1 49 53 54 -1 54 50 49 -1 50 54 55 -1 55 51 50 -1 51 55 52 -1 52 48 51 -1 52 56 57 -1 57 53 52 -1 53 57 58 -1 58 54 53 -1 54 58 59 -1 59 55 54 -1 55 59 56 -1 56 52 55 -1 56 60 61 -1 61 57 56 -1 57 61 62 -1 62 58 57 -1 58 62 63 -1 63 59 58 -1 59 63 60 -1 60 56 59 -1 81 85 84 -1 84 80 81 -1 82 86 85 -1 85 81 82 -1 83 87 86 -1 86 82 83 -1 80 84 87 -1 87 83 80 -1 85 89 88 -1 88 84 85 -1 86 90 89 -1 89 85 86 -1 87 91 90 -1 90 86 87 -1 84 88 91 -1 91 87 84 -1 89 93 92 -1 92 88 89 -1 90 94 93 -1 93 89 90 -1 91 95 94 -1 94 90 91 -1 88 92 95 -1 95 91 88 -1 93 97 96 -1 96 92 93 -1 94 98 97 -1 97 93 94 -1 95 99 98 -1 98 94 95 -1 92 96 99 -1 99 95 92 -1 97 101 100 -1 100 96 97 -1 98 102 101 -1 101 97 98 -1 99 103 102 -1 102 98 99 -1 96 100 103 -1 103 99 96 -1 101 105 104 -1 104 100 101 -1 102 106 105 -1 105 101 102 -1 103 107 106 -1 106 102 103 -1 100 104 107 -1 107 103 100 -1 105 109 108 -1 108 104 105 -1 106 110 109 -1 109 105 106 -1 107 111 110 -1 110 106 107 -1 104 108 111 -1 111 107 104 -1 109 113 112 -1 112 108 109 -1 110 114 113 -1 113 109 110 -1 111 115 114 -1 114 110 111 -1 108 112 115 -1 115 111 108 -1 113 117 116 -1 116 112 113 -1 114 118 117 -1 117 113 114 -1 115 119 118 -1 118 114 115 -1 112 116 119 -1 119 115 112 -1 117 121 120 -1 120 116 117 -1 118 122 121 -1 121 117 118 -1 119 123 122 -1 122 118 119 -1 116 120 123 -1 123 119 116 -1 121 125 124 -1 124 120 121 -1 122 126 125 -1 125 121 122 -1 123 127 126 -1 126 122 123 -1 120 124 127 -1 127 123 120 -1 125 129 128 -1 128 124 125 -1 126 130 129 -1 129 125 126 -1 127 131 130 -1 130 126 127 -1 124 128 131 -1 131 127 124 -1'>
<Coordinate USE=' SKINCOORD'/>
<Shape DEF='ShoeSkin'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0transparency='0.5'/>
<!-- # 6: l_ankle joint (8) # 7: l_hindfoot (8) # 8: l_midtarsal joint (8) # 9: l_middistal (10) # 13: r_ankle joint (8) # 14: r_hindfoot (8) # 15: r_midtarsal joint (8) # 16: r_middistal (10) -->
<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex='60 64 65 -1 65 61 60 -1 61 65 66 -1 66 62 61 -1 62 66 67 -1 67 63 62 -1 63 67 64 -1 64 60 63 -1 64 68 69 -1 69 65 64 -1 65 69 70 -1 70 66 65 -1 66 70 71 -1 71 67 66 -1 67 71 68 -1 68 64 67 -1 68 72 73 -1 73 69 68 -1 69 73 74 -1 74 70 69 -1 70 74 75 -1 75 71 70 -1 71 75 72 -1 72 68 71 -1 72 76 77 -1 77 73 72 -1 73 77 78 -1 78 74 73 -1 74 78 79 -1 79 75 74 -1 75 79 76 -1 76 72 75 -1 76 79 78 -1 78 77 76 -1 129 133 132 -1 132 128 129 -1 130 134 133 -1 133 129 130 -1 131 135 134 -1 134 130 131 -1 128 132 135 -1 135 131 128 -1 133 137 136 -1 136 132 133 -1 134 138 137 -1 137 133 134 -1 135 139 138 -1 138 134 135 -1 132 136 139 -1 139 135 132 -1 137 141 140 -1 140 136 137 -1 138 142 141 -1 141 137 138 -1 139 143 142 -1 142 138 139 -1 136 140 143 -1 143 139 136 -1 141 145 144 -1 144 140 141 -1 142 146 145 -1 145 141 142 -1 143 147 146 -1 146 142 143 -1 140 144 147 -1 147 143 140 -1 145 146 147 -1 147 144 145 -1'>
<Coordinate USE=' SKINCOORD'/>
<Shape DEF='ShirtSkin'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 1 0transparency='0.5'/>
<!-- # 17: vl5_joint (8) # 18: l5 (28) # 21: l_shoulder joint (8) # 22: l_upperarm (8) # 23: l_elbow joint (8) # 24: l_forearm (8) # 27: r_shoulder joint (8) # 28: r_upperarm (8) # 29: r_elbow joint (8) # 30: r_forearm (8) -->
<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex='148 8 9 -1 9 149 148 -1 149 9 10 -1 10 150 149 -1 150 10 11 -1 11 151 150 -1 151 11 8 -1 8 148 151 -1 152 148 149 -1 149 153 152 -1 153 149 150 -1 150 154 153 -1 154 150 151 -1 151 155 154 -1 155 151 148 -1 148 152 155 -1 156 152 153 -1 153 157 156 -1 158 154 155 -1 155 159 158 -1 160 156 157 -1 157 161 160 -1 161 157 158 -1 158 162 161 -1 162 158 159 -1 159 163 162 -1 163 159 156 -1 156 160 163 -1 164 160 161 -1 161 165 164 -1 165 161 162 -1 162 166 165 -1 166 162 163 -1 163 167 166 -1 167 163 160 -1 160 164 167 -1 153 176 177 -1 177 157 153 -1 157 177 178 -1 178 158 157 -1 158 178 179 -1 179 154 158 -1 154 179 176 -1 176 153 154 -1 176 180 181 -1 181 177 176 -1 177 181 182 -1 182 178 177 -1 178 182 183 -1 183 179 178 -1 179 183 180 -1 180 176 179 -1 180 184 185 -1 185 181 180 -1 181 185 186 -1 186 182 181 -1 182 186 187 -1 187 183 182 -1 183 187 184 -1 184 180 183 -1 184 188 189 -1 189 185 184 -1 185 189 190 -1 190 186 185 -1 186 190 191 -1 191 187 186 -1 187 191 188 -1 188 184 187 -1 152 156 201 -1 201 200 152 -1 156 159 202 -1 202 201 156 -1 159 155 203 -1 203 202 159 -1 155 152 200 -1 200 203 155 -1 201 205 204 -1 204 200 201 -1 202 206 205 -1 205 201 202 -1 203 207 206 -1 206 202 203 -1 200 204 207 -1 207 203 200 -1 205 209 208 -1 208 204 205 -1 206 210 209 -1 209 205 206 -1 207 211 210 -1 210 206 207 -1 204 208 211 -1 211 207 204 -1 209 213 212 -1 212 208 209 -1 210 214 213 -1 213 209 210 -1 211 215 214 -1 214 210 211 -1 208 212 215 -1 215 211 208 -1'>
<Coordinate USE=' SKINCOORD'/>
<Shape DEF='HeadHandsFleshToneSkin'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.75 0.75transparency='0.5'/>
<!-- # 19: skullbase joint (8) # 20: skull (10) # 25: l_wrist joint (8) # 26: l_hand (10) # 31: r_wrist joint (8) # 32: r_hand (10) -->
<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex='172 164 165 -1 165 173 172 -1 173 165 166 -1 166 174 173 -1 174 166 167 -1 167 175 174 -1 175 167 164 -1 164 172 175 -1 168 172 173 -1 173 169 168 -1 169 173 174 -1 174 170 169 -1 170 174 175 -1 175 171 170 -1 171 175 172 -1 172 168 171 -1 171 168 169 -1 169 170 171 -1 188 192 193 -1 193 189 188 -1 189 193 194 -1 194 190 189 -1 190 194 195 -1 195 191 190 -1 191 195 192 -1 192 188 191 -1 192 196 197 -1 197 193 192 -1 193 197 198 -1 198 194 193 -1 194 198 199 -1 199 195 194 -1 195 199 196 -1 196 192 195 -1 196 199 198 -1 198 197 196 -1 213 217 216 -1 216 212 213 -1 214 218 217 -1 217 213 214 -1 215 219 218 -1 218 214 215 -1 212 216 219 -1 219 215 212 -1 217 221 220 -1 220 216 217 -1 218 222 221 -1 221 217 218 -1 219 223 222 -1 222 218 219 -1 216 220 223 -1 223 219 216 -1 221 222 223 -1 223 220 221 -1'>
<Coordinate USE=' SKINCOORD'/>
<Shape DEF='SkinLines'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<!-- Combined set of prior IFS coordIndex values -->
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36 39 -1 40 44 45 -1 45 41 40 -1 41 45 46 -1 46 42 41 -1 42 46 47 -1 47 43 42 -1 43 47 44 -1 44 40 43 -1 44 48 49 -1 49 45 44 -1 45 49 50 -1 50 46 45 -1 46 50 51 -1 51 47 46 -1 47 51 48 -1 48 44 47 -1 48 52 53 -1 53 49 48 -1 49 53 54 -1 54 50 49 -1 50 54 55 -1 55 51 50 -1 51 55 52 -1 52 48 51 -1 52 56 57 -1 57 53 52 -1 53 57 58 -1 58 54 53 -1 54 58 59 -1 59 55 54 -1 55 59 56 -1 56 52 55 -1 56 60 61 -1 61 57 56 -1 57 61 62 -1 62 58 57 -1 58 62 63 -1 63 59 58 -1 59 63 60 -1 60 56 59 -1 81 85 84 -1 84 80 81 -1 82 86 85 -1 85 81 82 -1 83 87 86 -1 86 82 83 -1 80 84 87 -1 87 83 80 -1 85 89 88 -1 88 84 85 -1 86 90 89 -1 89 85 86 -1 87 91 90 -1 90 86 87 -1 84 88 91 -1 91 87 84 -1 89 93 92 -1 92 88 89 -1 90 94 93 -1 93 89 90 -1 91 95 94 -1 94 90 91 -1 88 92 95 -1 95 91 88 -1 93 97 96 -1 96 92 93 -1 94 98 97 -1 97 93 94 -1 95 99 98 -1 98 94 95 -1 92 96 99 -1 99 95 92 -1 97 101 100 -1 100 96 97 -1 98 102 101 -1 101 97 98 -1 99 103 102 -1 102 98 99 -1 96 100 103 -1 103 99 96 -1 101 105 104 -1 104 100 101 -1 102 106 105 -1 105 101 102 -1 103 107 106 -1 106 102 103 -1 100 104 107 -1 107 103 100 -1 105 109 108 -1 108 104 105 -1 106 110 109 -1 109 105 106 -1 107 111 110 -1 110 106 107 -1 104 108 111 -1 111 107 104 -1 109 113 112 -1 112 108 109 -1 110 114 113 -1 113 109 110 -1 111 115 114 -1 114 110 111 -1 108 112 115 -1 115 111 108 -1 113 117 116 -1 116 112 113 -1 114 118 117 -1 117 113 114 -1 115 119 118 -1 118 114 115 -1 112 116 119 -1 119 115 112 -1 117 121 120 -1 120 116 117 -1 118 122 121 -1 121 117 118 -1 119 123 122 -1 122 118 119 -1 116 120 123 -1 123 119 116 -1 121 125 124 -1 124 120 121 -1 122 126 125 -1 125 121 122 -1 123 127 126 -1 126 122 123 -1 120 124 127 -1 127 123 120 -1 125 129 128 -1 128 124 125 -1 126 130 129 -1 129 125 126 -1 127 131 130 -1 130 126 127 -1 124 128 131 -1 131 127 124 -1 60 64 65 -1 65 61 60 -1 61 65 66 -1 66 62 61 -1 62 66 67 -1 67 63 62 -1 63 67 64 -1 64 60 63 -1 64 68 69 -1 69 65 64 -1 65 69 70 -1 70 66 65 -1 66 70 71 -1 71 67 66 -1 67 71 68 -1 68 64 67 -1 68 72 73 -1 73 69 68 -1 69 73 74 -1 74 70 69 -1 70 74 75 -1 75 71 70 -1 71 75 72 -1 72 68 71 -1 72 76 77 -1 77 73 72 -1 73 77 78 -1 78 74 73 -1 74 78 79 -1 79 75 74 -1 75 79 76 -1 76 72 75 -1 76 79 78 -1 78 77 76 -1 129 133 132 -1 132 128 129 -1 130 134 133 -1 133 129 130 -1 131 135 134 -1 134 130 131 -1 128 132 135 -1 135 131 128 -1 133 137 136 -1 136 132 133 -1 134 138 137 -1 137 133 134 -1 135 139 138 -1 138 134 135 -1 132 136 139 -1 139 135 132 -1 137 141 140 -1 140 136 137 -1 138 142 141 -1 141 137 138 -1 139 143 142 -1 142 138 139 -1 136 140 143 -1 143 139 136 -1 141 145 144 -1 144 140 141 -1 142 146 145 -1 145 141 142 -1 143 147 146 -1 146 142 143 -1 140 144 147 -1 147 143 140 -1 145 146 147 -1 147 144 145 -1 148 8 9 -1 9 149 148 -1 149 9 10 -1 10 150 149 -1 150 10 11 -1 11 151 150 -1 151 11 8 -1 8 148 151 -1 152 148 149 -1 149 153 152 -1 153 149 150 -1 150 154 153 -1 154 150 151 -1 151 155 154 -1 155 151 148 -1 148 152 155 -1 156 152 153 -1 153 157 156 -1 158 154 155 -1 155 159 158 -1 160 156 157 -1 157 161 160 -1 161 157 158 -1 158 162 161 -1 162 158 159 -1 159 163 162 -1 163 159 156 -1 156 160 163 -1 164 160 161 -1 161 165 164 -1 165 161 162 -1 162 166 165 -1 166 162 163 -1 163 167 166 -1 167 163 160 -1 160 164 167 -1 153 176 177 -1 177 157 153 -1 157 177 178 -1 178 158 157 -1 158 178 179 -1 179 154 158 -1 154 179 176 -1 176 153 154 -1 176 180 181 -1 181 177 176 -1 177 181 182 -1 182 178 177 -1 178 182 183 -1 183 179 178 -1 179 183 180 -1 180 176 179 -1 180 184 185 -1 185 181 180 -1 181 185 186 -1 186 182 181 -1 182 186 187 -1 187 183 182 -1 183 187 184 -1 184 180 183 -1 184 188 189 -1 189 185 184 -1 185 189 190 -1 190 186 185 -1 186 190 191 -1 191 187 186 -1 187 191 188 -1 188 184 187 -1 152 156 201 -1 201 200 152 -1 156 159 202 -1 202 201 156 -1 159 155 203 -1 203 202 159 -1 155 152 200 -1 200 203 155 -1 201 205 204 -1 204 200 201 -1 202 206 205 -1 205 201 202 -1 203 207 206 -1 206 202 203 -1 200 204 207 -1 207 203 200 -1 205 209 208 -1 208 204 205 -1 206 210 209 -1 209 205 206 -1 207 211 210 -1 210 206 207 -1 204 208 211 -1 211 207 204 -1 209 213 212 -1 212 208 209 -1 210 214 213 -1 213 209 210 -1 211 215 214 -1 214 210 211 -1 208 212 215 -1 215 211 208 -1 172 164 165 -1 165 173 172 -1 173 165 166 -1 166 174 173 -1 174 166 167 -1 167 175 174 -1 175 167 164 -1 164 172 175 -1 168 172 173 -1 173 169 168 -1 169 173 174 -1 174 170 169 -1 170 174 175 -1 175 171 170 -1 171 175 172 -1 172 168 171 -1 171 168 169 -1 169 170 171 -1 188 192 193 -1 193 189 188 -1 189 193 194 -1 194 190 189 -1 190 194 195 -1 195 191 190 -1 191 195 192 -1 192 188 191 -1 192 196 197 -1 197 193 192 -1 193 197 198 -1 198 194 193 -1 194 198 199 -1 199 195 194 -1 195 199 196 -1 196 192 195 -1 196 199 198 -1 198 197 196 -1 213 217 216 -1 216 212 213 -1 214 218 217 -1 217 213 214 -1 215 219 218 -1 218 214 215 -1 212 216 219 -1 219 215 212 -1 217 221 220 -1 220 216 217 -1 218 222 221 -1 221 217 218 -1 219 223 222 -1 222 218 219 -1 216 220 223 -1 223 219 216 -1 221 222 223 -1 223 220 221 -1'>
<Coordinate USE=' SKINCOORD'/>
<!-- top-level joint references -->
<!-- top-level segment references -->
<!-- top-level site references -->
<HAnimSite DEF='boxman_BoxMan_viewcontainerField='viewpointsname='BoxMan_view'>
<Viewpoint DEF='Inclined_Viewdescription='Inclined Vieworientation='0 1 0 0.78position='2 0.9 2'/>
<Viewpoint DEF='Front_Viewdescription='Front Viewposition='0 1 3'/>
<Viewpoint DEF='Right_Viewdescription='Right-side Vieworientation='0 1 0 -1.57position='-3 1 0'/>
<Viewpoint DEF='Left_Viewdescription='Left-side Vieworientation='0 1 0 1.57position='3 1 0'/>
<Viewpoint DEF='Top_Viewdescription='Top Vieworientation='1 0 0 -1.57position='0 3 0'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_humanoid_rootcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_skullbasecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_vl5containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_anklecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_anklecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_hipcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_hipcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_kneecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_kneecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_midtarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_midtarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l5containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_sacrumcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_skullcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_calfcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_calfcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_forearmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_forearmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_handcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_handcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_hindfootcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_hindfootcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_middistalcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_middistalcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_thighcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_thighcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_upperarmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_upperarmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_skull_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_l_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_r_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_l_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_r_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<!-- original site http://hanim.org -->
<ExternProtoDeclare name='LOA1_WalkAnimation'
  url=' "../Prototypes/LOA1_WalkAnimation.x3d#LOA1_WalkAnimation" "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes/LOA1_WalkAnimation.x3d#LOA1_WalkAnimation" "../Prototypes/LOA1_WalkAnimation.wrl#LOA1_WalkAnimation" "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Prototypes/LOA1_WalkAnimation.wrl#LOA1_WalkAnimation" ' >
<field name='cycleIntervaltype='SFTimeaccessType='inputOutput'/>
<field name='enabledtype='SFBoolaccessType='inputOutput'/>
<field name='looptype='SFBoolaccessType='inputOutput'/>
<field name='startTimetype='SFTimeaccessType='inputOutput'/>
<field name='stopTimetype='SFTimeaccessType='inputOutput'/>
<field name='fraction_changedtype='SFFloataccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='HumanoidRoot_translation_changedtype='SFVec3faccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='HumanoidRoot_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_hip_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_knee_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_ankle_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_midtarsal_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_hip_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_knee_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_ankle_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_midtarsal_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='vl5_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='skullbase_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_shoulder_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_elbow_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='l_wrist_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_shoulder_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_elbow_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='r_wrist_rotation_changedtype='SFRotationaccessType='outputOnly'/>
<field name='isActivetype='SFBoolaccessType='outputOnly'/>

<!-- Animation ROUTEs -->
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='HumanoidRoot_translation_changed' toNode=' boxman_humanoid_root' toField='set_translation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='HumanoidRoot_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_humanoid_root' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_hip_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_hip' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_knee_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_knee' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_ankle_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_ankle' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_midtarsal_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_midtarsal' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_hip_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_hip' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_knee_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_knee' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_ankle_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_ankle' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_midtarsal_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_midtarsal' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='vl5_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_vl5' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='skullbase_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_skullbase' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_shoulder_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_elbow_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_elbow' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='l_wrist_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_l_wrist' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_shoulder_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_shoulder' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_elbow_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_elbow' toField='set_rotation'/>
< ROUTE  fromNode=' ANIMATOR' fromField='r_wrist_rotation_changed' toNode=' boxman_r_wrist' toField='set_rotation'/>
<Script DEF='ENGINEdirectOutput='true'
  url=' "BoxMan.js" "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Legacy/BoxMan.js" ' >
<field name='updatetype='SFRotationaccessType='inputOnly'/>
<field name='humanoidtype='SFNodeaccessType='initializeOnly'>
<HAnimHumanoid USE=' boxman_Humanoid'/>
<field name='coordListtype='MFVec3faccessType='initializeOnly'/>
<field name='jointtype='SFNodeaccessType='initializeOnly'>
<!-- initialization node (if any) goes here -->
<field name='translationtype='SFVec3fvalue='0 0 0accessType='initializeOnly'/>
<field name='rotationtype='SFRotationvalue='1 0 0 0accessType='initializeOnly'/>
<field name='scaletype='SFVec3fvalue='1 1 1accessType='initializeOnly'/>
<!-- Trigger calculation after each animation change -->
<!-- <ROUTE fromField='rotation_changed' fromNode='boxman_r_wrist' toField='update' toNode='ENGINE'/> -->

Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model: Humanoid HAnimHumanoid Report
to top <!-- Event Graph ROUTE Table shows event connections -->
<!-- Index for DEF nodes: ANIMATOR, boxman_BoxMan_view, boxman_Humanoid, boxman_humanoid_root, boxman_l_ankle, boxman_l_calf, boxman_l_elbow, boxman_l_forearm, boxman_l_hand, boxman_l_hand_tip, boxman_l_hindfoot, boxman_l_hip, boxman_l_knee, boxman_l_middistal, boxman_l_middistal_tip, boxman_l_midtarsal, boxman_l_shoulder, boxman_l_thigh, boxman_l_upperarm, boxman_l_wrist, boxman_l5, boxman_r_ankle, boxman_r_calf, boxman_r_elbow, boxman_r_forearm, boxman_r_hand, boxman_r_hand_tip, boxman_r_hindfoot, boxman_r_hip, boxman_r_knee, boxman_r_middistal, boxman_r_middistal_tip, boxman_r_midtarsal, boxman_r_shoulder, boxman_r_thigh, boxman_r_upperarm, boxman_r_wrist, boxman_sacrum, boxman_skull, boxman_skull_tip, boxman_skullbase, boxman_vl5, ENGINE, Front_View, HeadHandsFleshToneSkin, Inclined_View, Left_View, Right_View, ShirtSkin, ShoeSkin, SKINCOORD, SkinLines, SphereRed, SphereYellow, Top_View, TrouserSkin

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Front_View, Inclined_View, Left_View, Right_View, Top_View Index for ExternProtoDeclare definition: LOA1_WalkAnimation

🔖 Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model boxman_Humanoid

HAnimHumanoid boxman_Humanoid skeleton holds X3D3 HAnim1 joints/segments/sites and a skin node.
  [key] jointname : segmentname ^ sitename
[nodes] HAnimJoint (17), : HAnimSegment (17), % HAnimDisplacer (0), $ HAnimMotion (0), ^ HAnimSite (6), @ skin nodes (1)
HAnimHumanoid DEF='boxman_Humanoid name='Humanoid' loa=''
skin Group
  humanoid_root : sacrum
    l_hip : l_thigh
    | l_knee : l_calf
    |   l_ankle : l_hindfoot
    |     l_midtarsal : l_middistal ^ l_middistal_tip
    r_hip : r_thigh
    | r_knee : r_calf
    |   r_ankle : r_hindfoot
    |     r_midtarsal : r_middistal ^ r_middistal_tip
    vl5 : l5
      skullbase : skull ^ skull_tip
      l_shoulder : l_upperarm
      | l_elbow : l_forearm
      |   l_wrist : l_hand ^ l_hand_tip
      r_shoulder : r_upperarm
        r_elbow : r_forearm
          r_wrist : r_hand ^ r_hand_tip

^ HAnimHumanoid Humanoid holds 1 HAnimSite node: BoxMan_view
^ HAnimSegment l_middistal holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_middistal_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_middistal holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_middistal_tip
^ HAnimSegment skull holds 1 HAnimSite node: skull_tip
^ HAnimSegment l_hand holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_hand_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_hand holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_hand_tip

@ HAnimHumanoid Humanoid holds 1 containerField='skin' node: 

The following inset decorates the original HAnimHumanoid skeleton with additional visualization shapes. Authors can copy/paste this version to assist in visually diagnosing skeleton correctness.

Key to author-assist additions inserted in the HAnimHumanoid skeleton:

<HAnimHumanoid DEF='boxman_Humanoid' name='Humanoid' version ='1.0'
info=' "authorName=James Smith"
"copyright=(C) 2000 James Smith - james@vapourtech.com"
  • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_humanoid_root' name='humanoid_root' center ='0 0.9723 -0.0728' containerField ='skeleton'  skinCoordIndex='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
    • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_sacrum' name='sacrum'>
      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> -->
        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 0.9723 -0.0728, 0.0956 0.9364 0'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> -->
        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 0.9723 -0.0728, -0.0956 0.9364 0'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> -->
        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 0.9723 -0.0728, 0 1.0817 -0.0728'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
    • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_hip' name='l_hip' center ='0.0956 0.9364 0'  skinCoordIndex='12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
      • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_thigh' name='l_thigh'>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0956 0.9364 0, 0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
      • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_knee' name='l_knee' center ='0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036'  skinCoordIndex='36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63skinCoordWeight='0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_calf' name='l_calf'>
          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036, 0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_ankle' name='l_ankle' center ='0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261'  skinCoordIndex='64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
          • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_hindfoot' name='l_hindfoot'>
            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_ankle'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_midtarsal'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261, 0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_midtarsal' name='l_midtarsal' center ='0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'  skinCoordIndex='72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
            • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_middistal' name='l_middistal'>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_midtarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_middistal_tip'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1079 0.0317 0.0670, .095 0.0005 0.1924'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <Transform translation='0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'> <Shape USE=''/> </Transform>
              • <HAnimSite DEF='boxman_l_middistal_tip' name='l_middistal_tip_pt' translation='.095 0.0005 0.1924'>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_middistal_tip'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                <Shape DEF='SphereRed'>
                <Material diffuseColor='1 0 0'/>
                <Sphere radius='0.02'/>
                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
    • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_hip' name='r_hip' center ='-0.0956 0.9364 0'  skinCoordIndex='80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
      • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_thigh' name='r_thigh'>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0956 0.9364 0, -0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
      • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_knee' name='r_knee' center ='-0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036'  skinCoordIndex='104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131skinCoordWeight='0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_calf' name='r_calf'>
          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0956 0.5095 -0.0036, -0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_ankle' name='r_ankle' center ='-0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261'  skinCoordIndex='132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
          • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_hindfoot' name='r_hindfoot'>
            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_ankle'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_midtarsal'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0946 0.0762 -0.0261, -0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_midtarsal' name='r_midtarsal' center ='-0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'  skinCoordIndex='140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
            • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_middistal' name='r_middistal'>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_midtarsal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_middistal_tip'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1079 0.0317 0.0670, -0.095 0.0005 0.1924'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <Transform translation='-0.1079 0.0317 0.0670'> <Shape USE=''/> </Transform>
              • <HAnimSite DEF='boxman_r_middistal_tip' name='r_middistal_tip_pt' translation='-0.095 0.0005 0.1924'>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_middistal_tip'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                <Shape USE=' SphereRed'/> </HAnimSite>
    • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_vl5' name='vl5' center ='0 1.0817 -0.0728'  skinCoordIndex='148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
      • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l5' name='l5'>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 1.0817 -0.0728, 0 1.6440 0.036'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_shoulder'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 1.0817 -0.0728, 0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_shoulder'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 1.0817 -0.0728, -0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
      • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_skullbase' name='skullbase' center ='0 1.6440 0.036'  skinCoordIndex='168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_skull' name='skull'>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='skull_tip'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0 1.6440 0.036, -0.0029 1.7771 0.0274'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <Transform translation='0 1.6440 0.036'> <Shape USE=''/> </Transform>
          • <HAnimSite DEF='boxman_skull_tip' name='skull_tip_pt' translation='-0.0029 1.7771 0.0274'>
            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite skull_tip'/>
            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
            <Shape USE=' SphereYellow'/> </HAnimSite>
      • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_shoulder' name='l_shoulder' center ='0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265'  skinCoordIndex='176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_upperarm' name='l_upperarm'>
          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_shoulder'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265, 0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_elbow' name='l_elbow' center ='0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557'  skinCoordIndex='184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
          • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_forearm' name='l_forearm'>
            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_wrist'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557, 0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_l_wrist' name='l_wrist' center ='0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'  skinCoordIndex='192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
            • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_l_hand' name='l_hand'>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_wrist'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_hand_tip'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690, 0.1912 0.6976 -0.0710'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <Transform translation='0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'> <Shape USE=''/> </Transform>
              • <HAnimSite DEF='boxman_l_hand_tip' name='l_hand_tip_pt' translation='0.1912 0.6976 -0.0710'>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_hand_tip'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                <Shape USE=' SphereRed'/> </HAnimSite>
      • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_shoulder' name='r_shoulder' center ='-0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265'  skinCoordIndex='200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_upperarm' name='r_upperarm'>
          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_shoulder'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1968 1.4642 -0.0265, -0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_elbow' name='r_elbow' center ='-0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557'  skinCoordIndex='208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
          • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_forearm' name='r_forearm'>
            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_wrist'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1982 1.1622 -0.0557, -0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <HAnimJoint DEF='boxman_r_wrist' name='r_wrist' center ='-0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'  skinCoordIndex='216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223skinCoordWeight='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
            • <HAnimSegment DEF='boxman_r_hand' name='r_hand'>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_wrist'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_hand_tip'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690, -0.1912 0.6976 -0.0710'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <Transform translation='-0.1972 0.8929 -0.0690'> <Shape USE=''/> </Transform>
              • <HAnimSite DEF='boxman_r_hand_tip' name='r_hand_tip_pt' translation='-0.1912 0.6976 -0.0710'>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_hand_tip'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                <Shape USE=' SphereRed'/> </HAnimSite>
<!-- # sacrum (12) # l_thigh (28) # l_calf (24) # l_hindfoot (8) # l_middistal (8) # r_thigh (28) # r_calf (24) # r_hindfoot (8) # r_middistal (8) # l5 (20) # skull (8) # l_upperarm (8) # l_forearm (8) # l_hand (8) # r_upperarm (8) # r_forearm (8) # r_hand (8) -->
<!-- top-level joint references -->
<!-- top-level segment references -->
<!-- top-level site references -->
  • <HAnimSite DEF='boxman_BoxMan_view' name='BoxMan_view' containerField ='viewpoints' >
    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
    • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite BoxMan_view'/>
    • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
    • <Viewpoint DEF='Inclined_Viewdescription='Inclined Vieworientation='0 1 0 0.78position='2 0.9 2'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='Front_Viewdescription='Front Viewposition='0 1 3'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='Right_Viewdescription='Right-side Vieworientation='0 1 0 -1.57position='-3 1 0'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='Left_Viewdescription='Left-side Vieworientation='0 1 0 1.57position='3 1 0'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='Top_Viewdescription='Top Vieworientation='1 0 0 -1.57position='0 3 0'/>
    • <!-- HAnimSite/Viewpoint visualization shape -->
    • <Anchor description='HAnimSite boxman_BoxMan_view Viewpoint ' url='"#Inclined_View Front_View Right_View Left_View Top_View"'>
        <LOD forceTransitions='true' range='0.04'>
         <WorldInfo info='"hide diamond when close"'/>
         <Shape DEF='HAnimSiteViewpointShape'> <IndexedFaceSet DEF='SiteViewpointDiamondIFS' coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1' creaseAngle='0.5'> <Coordinate point='0 0.010 0 -0.010 0 0 0 0 0.010 0.010 0 0 0 0 -0.010 0 -0.010 0'/> </IndexedFaceSet> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 1 0' transparency='0.3'/> </Appearance> </Shape>

<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_humanoid_rootcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_skullbasecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_vl5containerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_anklecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_anklecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_elbowcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_hipcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_hipcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_kneecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_kneecontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_midtarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_midtarsalcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_shouldercontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_l_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimJoint USE=' boxman_r_wristcontainerField='joints'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l5containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_sacrumcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_skullcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_calfcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_calfcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_forearmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_forearmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_handcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_handcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_hindfootcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_hindfootcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_middistalcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_middistalcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_thighcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_thighcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_l_upperarmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE=' boxman_r_upperarmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_skull_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_l_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_r_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_l_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE=' boxman_r_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>


Event Graph ROUTE Table entries with 18 ROUTE connections total, showing X3D event-model relationships for this scene.

Each row shows an event cascade that may occur during a single timestamp interval between frame renderings, as part of the X3D execution model.

This node has 18 outgoing ROUTEs, which is greater than $maxROUTEdepth=8

event to

event to

event to

event to

event to

event to

event to

event to


<!-- Online at
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Legacy/BoxManIndex.html -->
<!-- Version control at
https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Legacy/BoxMan.x3d -->

<!-- Color legend: X3D terminology <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches XML terminology <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement) (Grey background inside box: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)
    <ProtoInstance name='ProtoName'> <field name='fieldName'/> </ProtoInstance> -->

to top <!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->